
Is It Wrong To Be A Gojo in The Dungeon?

Loki had not expected a cute teen to actively join her Familia, she also hadn’t expected him to not be blind and that he was super strong. ‘The first statement is half true, but the second statement’s a Lie.’ Heh, but life’s full of surprises ya know? Kazuo Gojo just happened to be her favorite of them. ‘This is completely true.’

Operation · アニメ·コミックス
2 Chs

15 Years Can Change Even History, Let Alone A Man.

Kazuo Gojo



Level: 6






Swordsmanship: SSS

Teacher: SSS

Abnormal Resistance: SSS

Mage: SSS

Crushing: SSS

Magic Resistance: SS

Chain Attack: S

Luck: B


Cursed Energy Manipulation: You're desire to be a hero led you to awakening Cursed Energy, by utilizing the negative emotions of others you can find ways to make life much more relaxing for them, you also get combat techniques if you really want them.

Commandment Of God: No chant magic, but if you supply your Cursed Energy/Mind to your words anyone/anything can be controlled as long as you have enough Cursed Energy/Mind


Six Eyes: Cursed Energy/Mind is not wasted, in fact you control it so well that your eyes now need a blindfold cause your natural control was so insane that you evolved your eyes utilizing that Cursed Energy/Mind to make it easier to control…. What is wrong with you?!

The Honored: All Falna Restrictions are Lifted to a Major Extent. Your Execelia Gain is Massively Increased. Grants Luck Development Ability. Your Luck Development Ability Tier depicts the extent of your Excelia increase.

Tolerate No Weakness: Your Lessons To Your Student Were So Memorable, that she disdains learning from others, and only goes to you for assistance, guidance, and advice. Grants Teacher Development Ability. Excelia Gain For Your Student(s) Increased. Teacher Development Ability depicts the amount of Excelia Gain for your student(s).

"Kazuo-kun you've got your level-up! So what's the plan now?" Loki clapped with praise and asked.

"Well, seeing as Bete was speaking about Tomato Boy being saved by My Darling Student, I'm going to go to Hestia Famila and give him mental damage reperations, and after give Ais her most important lesson to date. Afterwards we celebrate at Syr's Pub!"

"So quick business then party? Count me in!" Loki cheered with a fist pump to the air. Jumping off his back she watched her favorite child put on his clothes, fixing his silver hair slightly to make sure it wasn't too out of control like Satoru from Jjk had his.

"Yuppers, thanks for the Update Loki! Let's hope I'm Level 7 by next year!" Kazuo laughed with her, and when he left the Room, Loki only had a soft smile on her face, one she's only had for her Fourth Child.

Why did Loki Favor him so much? Because not only was Kazuo one of the only ones who treated her as a real mother, but also his attitude in general, she remembered stumbling on one of the best lessons one can give, Ais had just joined her Familia for 9 months and wanted to ask for a Level-Up, her stats having reached the bare minimum for Leveling.

Bonk! Kazuo had dropped his fist on her head with a disapproving frown. "What do you think the Falna is brat? Some way to make you strong quickly? Just because your bodies stronger than before doesn't mean you can beat anyone at the same level as you! Do you ever think of those points at the end of Level 1? Don't you dare ask for. Level-Up until all your Stats hit 999 in each Category, Got it?!"

Riveria had walked up to Kazuo and tried pacifying the situation. "Kazuo, isn't that a little to exces-"

Kazuo had interrupted her at the time without a care "I don't care who you are Princess, but remember this, My Students are not allowed to be failures in whatever they do, If she wants to be a swordsman, she can be a swordsman, but you better be sure you aren't letting your growth go to waste! The Falna isn't about what you get, it's about what you Gained!"

That lesson had indeed carved itself in Ais' heart, and while she took 6 months longer than she should've, she did indeed Leveled-Up with Maximum stats, and had Done so Every Time from then on. And the Sword Princess, as her title depicts has shown to be capable of defeating those above her level just because of the stats she didn't waste.

She was still Level 4, but with almost 800 points in each stat she's as fast as Bete, who's not only Level 5, but also a Werewolf that has a specialization in speed, almost as strong and durable as Gareth, who's level 6 and a dwarf, a race that hyper focuses on those two stats, and as flexible and well balanced as Finn, who's also level 6, and happens to be their Familia Captain, has just as much Mind as Riveria, who again, is a Level 6 and an Elf, a race that specializes in magic.

Kazuo's attitude towards his students is one of high demands and strictness but just as much reward and care, and underneath his mean face, he praises her just as much when she accomplishes something.

"Hahahahahaha! My student got her first level did she? I gotta get you a present now! But first…" Kazuo had gotten on his knees, bringing him to her height, at the time he was Level 4, and he had a great amount of pride, something that still carries to this day, making it extremely shocking. He pulled her into a hug as he kissed her forehead.

"Good job, my princess." He had a smile even brighter than her own as he praised her, and that day, Ais had started looking up to him, a bashful smile not characteristic for the girl had appeared on her face.

The next day, she had a sword forged by Tsubaki with the Durandal Attribute and a high conductivity to magic, it would be sufficient until she hit Level 6 herself.

"It's not about what you get, but what you gained." Loki repeated with the same proud smile still on her face. Even after giving her such a valuable sword, he believed it was something she gained, after all it's not the merit that truly matters, but the effort put to get that merit, and he's shown his belief in that with his actions.

She remembered the time when he came back from the dungeon to face floor 98's Monster Rex without his Infinity ability made by his Cursed Energy Magic.

"He was like he was doing drugs for hours." She whispered amusement and shock still dripping in her tone about that day, it's the first time a skill evolved after all.

"Loki! I did it, Hahahahahaha!!"She heard his thoughts directed towards her while he was in the dungeon, courtesy of her Falna.

"Negative Energy multiplied by Negative Energy is Positive Energy! Instead of using my techniques so shallowly with extreme precision, I wanted to up the Quality by using the Reversed Cursed Technique. It sounds so simple doesn't it? But I couldn't even do that for 10 years until now! The Octoclops thought it killed me! But by using Positive Energy all my wounds were healed instantly!" At that time, she had been panicking at his distraction right after he mentioned his close call with death, telling him that the fight hadn't finished.

"Your right Loki. You're so right! I don't even need to use my techniques anymore! I just use positive energy, and instead of combining my new techniques, I'll create a new and better one! Instead of dividing the distance between US, I'll Multiply the distance between You and The Dungeon! I'll make you fall to the lowest Floor! A place even you can't Survive! I seem to of realized it now. Throughout Heaven and Earth, I Alone am Honored! Now Die, Death Seeker."

He had come back three days later, a lot more calm then before an embarassed flush on his face as he looked at Loki. "Sorry, I lost control of myself. I let my chunnibyo syndrome get the best of me. Well, at least I know why Satoru had the same experience."

She had just laughed and patted her lap, and he rested his head there as he explained why his insanity happened. "My Six Eyes takes so much nutrients from my body and mind, that my brain is almost always in an exhausted state, even sugar can only help so much. But using the Reversed Cursed Technique brought it from always tired, to Awake for the first time in centuries, and my eyes had never felt so relaxed, so everything seemed slower and weaker as a result. I'm back to prideful and arrogant Kazuo, not Young Master Kazuo, for now."

"Ah don't worry about it. I was just concerned on if you'd gone more crazy from almost dying.'" Loki laughed at his face flushing in embarrassment.

"Tch, rude. Sometimes I wonder why Hestia didn't descend first so I could join her over you." He lied, as if he could get away with it, lying to other gods might be plausible, if he had a skill, but not Loki. The goddess of deceit and mischeif is impossible to lie to even if other gods don't know, she knows when anyone lies to her, and what they are lying about.

"Hahahaha! We got to update your Status, you should've reached 1200 in all stats after what just happened."

He flopped his head from resting on her legs, to now being burrowed into her legs, showing his back to her, she never understood why he had his shirt off at all times when he was at their familia house, but she didn't really care enough to ask. Blood dripped on his back, and she gasped when she saw the changes.

Kazuo Gojo



Level: 5

Strength: 1700

Endurance: 1679

Agility: 2172

Dexterity: 3210

Magic: 4999

Swordsmanship: SS

Abnormal Resistance: SS

Mage: S

Teacher: A

Crushing: B

Magic Resistance: B

Chain Attack: B

Luck: I


Cursed Energy Manipulation: You're desire to be a hero led you to awakening Cursed Energy, by utilizing the negative emotions of others you can find ways to make life much more relaxing for them, you also get combat techniques if you really want them.

Commandment Of God: No chant magic, but if you supply your Cursed Energy/Mind to your words anyone/anything can be controlled as long as you have enough Cursed Energy/Mind


Six Eyes: Cursed Energy/Mind is not wasted, in fact you control it so well that your eyes now need a blindfold cause your natural control was so insane that you evolved your eyes utilizing that Cursed Energy/Mind to make it easier to control…. What is wrong with you?!

The Honored: All Falna Restrictions are Lifted to a Major Extent. Your Execelia Gain is Massively Increased. Grants Luck Development Ability. Your Luck Development Ability Tier depicts the extent of your Excelia increase.

Tolerate No Weakness: Your Lessons To Your Student Were So Memorable, that she disdains learning from others, and only goes to you for assistance, guidance, and advice. Grants Teacher Development Ability. Falna Limitations Lifted to a slight extent. Excelia Gain For Your Student(s) Increased. Teacher Development Ability depicts the amount of Excelia Gain for your student(s).

'You got a new Magic, reasonable enough, but it's way too broken for one, and How in Valhalla did Your Skill Evolve?! You went from Honorable, where falna limitations could get your DA's to SS and Stats to 1200, to The Honored, where your highest stat is at 4999?! I really don't want to know about your DA's They Might get Stars for all I know?! Not to mention this Luck DA?! And now your Excelia Gain Improvement is tied to it?! Luck's gotta be some form of Divine Protection right?!"

Kazuo looked at his sheet with an ecstatic smile. "Luck isn't as simple as being protected by the divine, more like the deities who's domains in fate are actively doing everything to give you trouble that you are guaranteed to come out from, along with giving you extremely fortunate encounters, that will make you stand out from the rest. It even affects basic things like making a bet, if I were to bet a grimoire that once I hit Level 6 even the Heroic Zeus and Hera Familia members would be weaker than me and you were to accept betting that you'd give both me and Ais a grimoire should you lose, the odds will almost always be on my side, the worst scenario being 51% in my favor and 49% in yours, you might be the only god with the ability to nullify it, with your domains and all."

Loki agreed with the sentiment, it wasn't so much as divine protection as Fates Favortism, but that in itself was a whole different can of worms.

Shaking her head away from her thoughts, she left her office with a skip in her step, who would've thought her favorite child would become the best in Orario? Not her, thats for sure.

'Oh, and that's a lie. Fate guided him to me because I was his favorite, and he would be mine. That's just how it is, neh?'

-Orario: Jagamarukun Stall-

Ais was ordering her daily snack of 25 Divine offerings that were both her and her Teachers favorite snack, as she usually did. Her teacher had educated her on the importance of patience, but he had also told her that patience could be stupid when you're going the wrong path, and that would just slow down progress.

So she applied the second lesson and went to Goddess Hestia's stall, which was practically empty.

It was the best choice she made, as when she bit through the first mouthful, she could almost taste the emotion put into her craft, cooked perfectly, just like every other stall, but the way she communicated with her kindly made her comfortable eating it rather than eating it to enjoy the taste.

"My Precious Student, may I please interrupt your guys' lovely conversation." He tapped her shoulder, as he stepped foward a bag of Vali's in his hand, as he bowed to Hestia, and handed it to her, confusing both of them.

"I'm sorry for yesterday night, one of my Familia Members, Bete Loga, had rudely commented about your child, while he is blunt, he doesn't mean the words he says negatively but it still comes off as very rude. He had said your child was weak, and while he wasn't exactly wrong, but it wasnt him trying to be a dickhead like most misunderstand, he meant it as a form of encouragement, and between you and me I think he has a fetish for being proven wrong. So please take these Vali's as our Loki Familia's apology for his lack of tact and buy your child some nice equipment, he deserves it for facing what he did on the fifth floor because of my own familia members carelessness either way."

"Ehhh?! You're apart of no-bo- Loki's Familia?!" Hestia was baffled at such polite children being from Loki's Familia.

"Eh? Everyone knows me, why are you surprised?" Kazuo was more shocked that she didn't know him than anything.

"Sensei, it's okay for someone not to know you." Ais tried comforting him, only for Kazuo to deny it.

"No, nope, I'm most definitely sure everyone knows me. I did the Impossible! Well it's possible now because I did it, but still! My declaration had resounded throughout the Dungeon, Lower World and Tenkai! I didn't even mean to do it, I was mainly adressing Loki at the time, and now you're telling me someone doesn't know me?! This is the best day I've ever had!" He was very dramatic, when he said that, and Hestia couldn't help but feel bad for whatever he had gone through.

'Wait, a declaration that resounded throughout Tenkai? Was it that weirdo who went insane over getting some power?'

"Are you that Throughout Heaven and Earth Maniac?" She stated in slight surprise, before amusement filled her eyes as he wailed.

"Nooo! Why can't you guys forget that?!" He grabbed Hestia's shoulders seriously, as he pleaded for her to excuse his actions.

"Listen. My brain had just woken up from a century long nap at that moment, everything was slower, felt weaker, and that was just when I got past death, so I was a little energetic and went on a rant. Please forget anything from that day, whenever those from other races look at me with worship because of my delirious moment I shudder. I'd rather be laughed at by the gods, but no! Even they treat me with admiration for being so bold, that or merciless humor! Can't there be one who treats me like a human?" She could feel his desperate stare through his blindfold and she almost felt bad.

Not enough to hold back her laugh at it though. "Hahahahahaha! Ah, sorry, sorry, it's just you really are a naturally dramatic person, and you don't even hesitate to speak your thoughts, that's probably why everyone looks at you like that." She tried comforting, only for him to stand upright immediately as he remembered something.

"Oh right! Ais, it's time for you to get your final lesson from me. Your very first lesson from me was that it's not what you get by the Falna, but what you gained. Now that you've reached Level 5 Today, it's time."

Ais snapped her head to him, it's been around 2 years since he stopped lecturing her constantly, and she thought he had told her his last lesson, she blinked in confusion as she realized her surroundings changed to their secret training ground.

"This Lesson is about The One Eyed Black Dragon. Do you know what he was called before then?" His eyes showed a depthness that was deeper than the abyss as Ais shook her head.

"They called him the Apocalyptic Dragon of The Final Story. But before even that, he was called nothing. He was just a little dragon in a clan of those that threatened the balance of the world. What title were you called before Sword Princess? You were Doll Princess, and before that? Nothing, just a young girl who lost everything. My last lesson for you ties up to my first lesson. Merit is something you earn, but how much you worked compared to others with the same merit will be the deciding factor on your growth. The Falna is something that everyone believes raises your potential, but that's not true, it only showcases your growth, but eventually the Falna will stop you from growing, do you know why it stops at level 9?"

Ais shook her head, but instead of a frown, this is the first lesson he smiled patiently at her.

"Because we skipped. It's why I tell you to get at least 999 in every stat, and preferably to max out all your stats if you have a limit restriction skill. Because Level 9 isn't the end destined for us, but the end we made for us. Levels 1-9 are what I believe to be Foundation Stages, and skipping out on so many stat points because they aren't your focus is the epitome of reckless. Because After Level 9, I'm 90% sure there's going to be an option after you max out all your stats, and it's going to say Evolve, instead of Level Up. After Evolve, you will either go back to Level 1, with all the progress you made in the past, and you'll have to earn all the points you lost to get back to Level 9. Or you will become Level 10, where your Developmental Abilities mixed with your Magic and Skills will choose your specialization, If you have the Swordsmanship Developmental Ability at S along with Abnormal Resistance, Hunter, Spirit Mind and Mage all being the same you'll have a few Specializations, something like Magic Swordsman, Wind Elementalist or Executioner."

Ais tilted her head "What would the Difference between those and Development Abilities?" She asked in confusion.

"The difference is that Development Abilities don't have literal guidlines on how to increase their level. Specializations would have active skills we create, yes we and not the Falna, to improve our strength added on to the normal route of Leveling, essentially we have another stage to grow that isn't Development Abilities and Statistics, but we need all our stats to reach the limit to do that as our soul would be damaged otherwise, the Falna automatically filters out our previous stats and if none of them reach a certain standard we'd go back to Level 1."

Ais nodded, understanding that much.

"Thus my last lesson to you is: The Clouds in the sky can be touched, but the sun in outer space will turn you to nothing, decide on whether you want to be a Star or a Cloud."

Ais didn't hesitate on what she chose, it was how her teacher raised her, she could only choose to be a "star".

"Good, now are you willing to go down the deepest floors in the dungeon with me to level to 9 in 2 years?" He invited her to come with him on his journey, something he had never done before for anyone, usually going alone, ignoring all advice against otherwise.

Ais' eyes widened, and she remembered a statement he said 9 yeaes ago, when they first met, she had asked to join him so she could learn from him more efficiently only to be turned down.

"Listen girl, the moment I invite or join someone into the dungeon is the moment they get my acknowledgment. I don't take people who will have to be protected by me the whole time as you won't truly learn anything. If you want to go into the dungeon with me, get strong enough so I don't need to worry about you getting hurt wherever I go."

With that memory, there was only one answer she could truly give wasn't there?

"Yes! I'll go down the dungeon with you!"

And so the story of Danmachi changed. Instead of Bell Chasing Ais Wallenstein, and Ais Wallenstein trying to avenge the Black Dragon, it became Bell Cranel rejecting his weakness, constantly striving for strength so he could become a hero, and Ais Wallenstein pursing forbidden love with her teacher.

Oh, and avenging her parents by killing the Black Dragon I guess, but the dungeon is meant for picking up girls, not killing dragons, so the true question is:

Is it Wrong To Be A Gojo In The Dungeon?


Hi Everyone! Good Ol Author-chan here!

Honestly, I don’t really think my Idea is anything special, but my thought of writing this spurred from the Idea of Satoru being an arrogant, badass, and sexy sonovabish, who all Girls are attracted to, and the fact that Bell Cranel from the Danmachi Series goal for going to Orario was being heroic while getting a harem.

So I thought, Ais is basically the damsel, who saved the damsel, who wants to be a hero, and got the aspiring heroes pursuit as a result of that, completely forgetting his original intention, So how could an SI save Ais as a hero, get her pursuit and make it so Bell isn’t someone who’s lonely and without female attention?

Gojo Satoru was my biggest inspiration as he had all the qualities, including the fact he could teach her to get better, both with strength and emotional intelligence, changing Bells Pursuit of Ais was easy, just make it Bete saving him from the Minatour Instead, and change Bells pursuit to proving Bete wrong and make him acknowledge he’s strong, all while getting a harem in the process.

Thus instead of Liaris Freese, he’s got Jokes On You, a skill with the same effect as Liaris Freese, but instead of Love being the scale it’s based off the Desire to Prove people wrong.

Loki would’ve loved to have Bell if she knew the name of his skill wouldn’t she?

Anyway, tell me your thoughts. Correct some mistakes you find if you want, be a complete Dickhead. I don’t really care all that much. You do you, and I do me, if ya don’t like it, I didn’t write it, and If ya do like it, Haha! I knew it would be interesting!

All jokes aside, I hope you enjoy my story. Nothing makes me happier than making other people happy, because this world truly has enough hate, and love is easy to give.

Now, on to write chapter 2.

Operationcreators' thoughts