
Chapter 39 The Council

In Silent Hill, the most unique landmark is in the center of the town. It's a building with a huge clock on its face and back. It's the Astral Clocktower—an engineering marvel of its time. Judas was inside the tower, looking down at the misty town. The Astral Clocktower works as the sealing location of all high-level and dangerous beyonder-related items, it is also the prison of beyonders.

"The gods are coming soon. Are you guys ready?"

"Always, our dear lord."

Judas didn't look back, but he knew they were ready. They are demigods after all. They are always ready.

Judas created this town with the help of the system. Judas created its history while the system simulated it. In the end, the town became what it was with slight tweaking by him, anyone below sequence 4 wouldn't notice the fake history and memories created and simulated by the system. It's hard to fool a demigod after all, let alone a saint. 

The demigods behind him easily noticed the discrepancy in their memories. Oh yes, it seems demigods remember their past well. Luckily they are very loyal to him and readily aboard his ship. But it seems that the demigods also felt the simulated memories to be somewhat real. A paradox created by the system.

He invited the gods of Orario for one purpose. It was to test the waters of how far can a lie go. If he lied alone, a god might notice it. But if thousands of people believe his lies, would they be oblivious to it? Will the fake history become real history? If his lie works, then he can consider investing more in this new faction he created, he might grind to buy a city next and a couple of more towns. 

He made the people here feel a sense of crisis towards the wider world, so he could control it from behind the scenes. He made them fearful of gods so they will only follow his words. He made them militaristic so they could fight for him. He made them superstitious so they became paranoid.

"There was a saying back home, A lie often told enough, becomes the truth. So I wonder if thousands of people repeat the lie, will it become a reality?"

If it works, this could be a great loophole to be exploited, it's the most practical way of infiltrating the wider world, with him as the center. Wouldn't that mean the trend of times is on his side?

Of course, the infiltration started the moment the town was created. He created a secret organization that he controlled and that was loyal to him. He called it the Broken Masquerade and filled it with beyonders of the cowardly trio pathway. It wasn't long before the Iscariot Order had infiltrated Orario. The faceless beyonders did most of the work, with some marionettes secretly testing the familia.

Judas finally looked back, revealing the shadowy figures behind him, they were obscured by darkness but their silhouette revealed a few details.

On the left side, representing order and law. Three imposing male figures stood in the darkness.

On the furthest side, a giant man with white gloves and a glowing golden cross while wearing round glasses stood imposingly. He's using his two swords to make a cross.

Next to him, was a muscular man with his right eyes glowing red in the darkness.

Finally, a fully armored man radiated a golden glow with his sword's pummel glistening from a sapphire-like gem.

On the right side, representing chaos, another three figures can be seen.

The nearest to the center was a woman with long white hair. Wearing a delicate white robe, her white hair flows to reach the floor. She was holding a staff with a pair of horns.

Next to her, seemed to be a noble young man with flowy medium hair, his right hand was a mechanical prosthetic. Holding a saber on his left hand.

 On the furthest right, was a fat man with a top hat. His distinct long goblin-like ears and toothy devilish fanged grins mockingly.

Finally, in the center of them all, a woman sat on a throne, seemingly asleep. Surrounded by the demigods, was the saint, and master of the Astral Clocktower. Her bloody neckcloth shimmering from the moonlight.

Judas at the ragtag group of people, smiled and declared.

"The Council will decide our fate. Whether we survive the gods and have a place in this new world or they shall bury us will be decided by their hands. We shall bring the trend of times in this world! The boots of our feet will crush the monolithic ways of gods. We will bring change into this unchanging world through fire or diplomacy. To our new world!"

"""To our new world!"""

---Line Break---

Asfi is mortified as the council continues, this is the third round of the meeting. The people here are making a grave mistake!

"They're preparing to go to war!" Asfi said in horror under her breath.

The council is divided by interest, three parties were vying for their interest. Starting with the radicals, who want to unleash a preemptive attack on the outside world while Orario is in a state of confusion, they are composed of nobles and the military. The Pacifists wanted to restore the barrier at all costs despite not having any means, composed of priests and statesmen, merchants, and factory owners. Then there's the neutrals, composed of various guild leaders. Asfi expected the council to be a small gathering where she meant to attend and explain her experience, not this gathering of the powerful people of the town who number in the hundreds.

"Do you not see the inevitable danger that is to come from the outside world! Once the outsiders start mobilizing our town will be crushed under their feet!" A radical nobleman siad

"You're an alarmist, according to the information we gathered, the outside world has been in peace for hundreds of years! We simply can't go to war against a city of millions and gods!" A pacifist stateman explained.

"That's why we must strike first! The military already has proposed a wonderful plan! We can implement the blitzkrieg!"

""War it must!"" followed by cheering of the radicals

"The chance of winning the war according to the data you presented is 75%, such a high-risk plan, even if we win, it doesn't consider the inevitable outcomes of fighting the "capital of the world. " Guild leader of the Mechanicus, Commander Rimanah states a matter infactly.

"Do you not fear the gods!? Do you not understand what you're doing, we are just but ants in their vision. We simply cannot contend against them! Not when we're lost in the capital and other cities and towns! Our food reserves could only last three months! At most! A war right not will make us starving men!" A priest said

"Fool, what is there to fear when we are the chosen people of the Laughing God, Lord Joker is the only true god! Look how they guided and enslaved humanity! Their technology hasn't advanced since the old era! A foolish path made by false gods!"

"You have gone mad to utter such blasphemy, what will you do if they hear you!"

"Then so be it! Let them know our proud heritage! They will soon find our way of life blasphemous anyway!"

"Enough! I will not have my leaders quarrel like children." 

As the three parties quarrel intensely a wooden hammer striking can be heard. It was the lord of the town, Viscount Gawain. He had arrived in full knight's plate armor, not revealing anything, his greenish-blue cloak swaying regally.

"Lord Of Silent Hill Town, Viscount Gawain, Master of Warriors Of Sunlight. Has arrived."

The Announcer said as Gawain swaggered into the council court, Asfi felt a warm heavy pressure coming from the armored man, 'So strong!" Asfi though. Gawain then sat on the center throne and began ordering.

"For now, let's put aside the discussion of war and talk about the smaller issues."

"The matter of the town's isolation will be decided, I suggest the town will undergo martial law and enter a state of emergency! Food will be rationed until we find a better source. Cast your vote."

The council began casting their vote. 

"The vote has been decided, 120 agree, 40 disagree, and 30 abstained."

"A vote of confidence, Martial Law, and State Of Emergency will be put in full effect."

The messy council then begins organizing. Under Gawain's thumb.

"The matter of various mining guilds wanting exclusive rights on mines in Alv Mountain will be decided, I suggest it be handled exclusively by the Merchants Guild, the Merchants Guild will receive 10% commission for each sale right. Cast your vote."

"Another vote of confidence. The matter of mining rights has been decided."

Gawain then introduced the most pressing issue.

"The worker strike has been going on for a week, this matter must be resolved as soon as possible, a day without resources being produced, is another step to our doom. I suggest agreeing to their terms of 9-5 work hours and increasing pay. And better working conditions In exchange, I will allow tax cuts to the factory owners, as long as the goods produced don't fall to 10% of decrease of production."

"My lord, please! This will affect the efficiency of the factories, such a decision is unprecedented! Bending the knee to those greedy and lazy workers, soon they will ask for higher pay, my pocket can't handle such terms! We are doing business here, not charity!" A factory owner said in plight.

"I have already made my point, this will be decided now. Begin the voting now."

"90 agreed 80 disagreed, and 30 abstained. A vote of non-confidence. The matter of the worker's issue has been decided."

"Now then... We have invited the gods of orario to participate in the council. To answer our pressing concerns. Please introduce our Lords and Ladies."

"My lord what!?"

"Oh god save our poor souls!"

"My god, close your eyes! Close your eyes!"

"The Lord has doomed us!"

Suddenly the council became messy again, Asfi was just confused, why were they so fearful of the gods? Is there something wrong with their worldview? The people here are really weird! Usually, meeting gods is a sign of luck and good fortune!




Chapter End

Thanks For Reading.