
Is it wrong to help other people?


"Yes, Bell?"

"These laws are bullshit."

"...Yes, Bell. I told you, didn't I?"

I groaned and pinched my nose to stave off a headache.

Eina came back with a cart full of books. All of them about the current laws active in Orario at the time.

It didn't take me long to read them all. Neither did it take long to process the information.

I was almost certain now that my Compilation ability was helping out with that, since I knew for sure I wasn't comprehending those spaghetti noodle laws so fast on my own.

One law forbade an adventurer from stealing from another in the city. But there was an exception for if that occurred in the dungeon. However, there was an exception for THAT where a dispute could be filed and brought before a god to determine proper ownership. And then there was an exception for THAT which allowed solid evidence to overturn a judgment by a god since it was possible for there to be a subjective truth that wasn't a lie...

In short, bullshit. Utter bullshit.

Still, it was bullshit that I now had memorized and was fully prepared to defend against and use in the future if needed.

I glared at the wagon of books and then let out a sigh. "Thanks for grabbing everything for me, Eina. I appreciate you."

Eina laughed. "It's fine. It was kind of funny watching your reactions to reading everything. And refreshing to see that I wasn't the only one to think that."

"Hm?" I looked up at her and said, "...Don't other people think the same?"

"Well, they do. But not many have read the entire primer set like us and know all of the exceptions. And exceptions to exceptions. And exceptions to those."

"Urgh. Don't remind me..."

Eina laughed again and then glanced at the time. "Well... It's been a few hours now, Bell. Not that I don't enjoy your company, but you were planning on doing some shopping yesterday, weren't you?"

"That's right!" I jumped out of my chair and quickly grabbed my bags of valis. Making sure they were tied securely around my waist, I nodded and said, "I've gotta make sure to get groceries and everything before the day's over so I can make dinner for Tia."

Eina blinked. "Dinner? For your goddess?"

I nodded. "Mmhm. Tia's not a very healthy eater, you see. Gods might be gods, but when they're here their bodies are just as mortal as ours. I want to make sure Hestia's eating right so she doesn't get sick."

Eina smiled and then said, "You really are something else, aren't you, Bell?"

"I dunno. I'm only 'me' after all." I smiled at my inside joke and then waved. "Thanks again, Eina! I'll catch you later."

She waved back at me and said, "I'll see you soon, Bell! And don't go into the Dungeon without talking to me!"

"Will do! Take care, love you!"

"L-L-Love?! Wait a minute, B-Bell!"

I resisted the urge to laugh at seeing Eina lose her composure and instead focused on what else I had to do today. Let's see... Right. I owed Tia an apology, so let's swing by the market and see what I could make for dinner...


So it turned out that increasing your stats actually had an effect on your physical abilities. I 'knew' that, but I didn't really believe it until after I went shopping for groceries.

Some cuts of meat that were apparently a type of boar, cartons of eggs, cabbages, tomatoes, various fruits... Since I had a lot of valis now, I decided to splurge a bit in buying groceries.

Unfortunately, I forgot that this world didn't really have cars.

Fortunately, I was a superhuman now.

While my arms were still twigs, I could easily carry around armfuls of ingredients and maintain my balance. Not only that, but my 'vision' with the weird energy waves had improved too, letting me weave around the crowd as I headed back to the church.

Which was a good thing, because I'd be pretty annoyed if I got knocked over all of a sudden and had everything ruined.

Though it did remind me to figure out if bags of holdings were a thing... Or make an inventory spell somehow.

But when I reached the church again, I discovered a problem.

I couldn't open the gate.

It wasn't actually locked since we didn't have anything valuable, but there was a latch preventing it from just opening up. The problem was, I couldn't reach that latch. At least not without putting all the bags down.

And if I put all the bags down out here, it'd be a pain to pick them all up again...

Maybe I should try that energy manipulation skill? If I thought about it REAL hard, maybe I could force the gate latch up and-

"Hm?" A voice called out from nearby. Male. "Is Hestia expecting a delivery?"

I shifted and peered at the speaker through my bags of groceries.

A handsome tall man with long blue hair and a humble brown cloak. He had a faint smile on, though his blue eyes were sparkling with curiosity.

He also radiated divine aura. Something that felt like sunshine and... chemicals? Not quite, but that's what my brain registered it as.

I shook my head and said, "Not quite. I'm actually her newest familia member-"

"Oh!" The man- No, the god nodded and said, "Hestia told me about you. Bell, right? Here, let me help you with the gate." He walked over and unlatched it before pushing it open.

"Thanks, man. You're a life saver."

The god smiled. "I have indeed been called that in the past, yes."

I walked through the gate... and then remembered that I had to open the door too. Realizing that, I glanced back and said, "Um... Would you mind?"

"Of course. Allow me."


I set the bags down in the kitchen and let out a deep sigh. "Phew. Gotta remember to get a cart or something next time."

"That would be the better course of action. Though I'm surprised. I thought that Hestia said you were a new adventurer... You seem to be doing well for yourself."

I waved my hand and said, "I got lucky."

"It seems so."

"Anyway..." I held out my hand and smiled. "The name's Bell Kranel, newest member of Hestia Family. It's nice to meet you."

Miach's eyes widened before he let out a wide smile. "Ah. I see why Hestia's been so happy recently. You are indeed a breath of fresh air."


"It's nothing." He shook my hand and said, "You can call me Miach, Bell."

"Miach then." I nodded and started sorting through the ingredients. As I did, I waved and said, "Make yourself comfortable. Tia- I mean, Hestia's going to be out for a while, but I'll be done with this shortly if you need something."

"It's fine." Miach shook his head and said, "I'm actually just here to drop off some things... For you actually."

I paused in the middle of unloading some vegetables and turned towards Miach. "Me?"

"Yes." He reached into a satchel at his side and pulled out a half dozen glass vials with crimson liquid. "Hestia was worried about you and asked if I could help provide some potions."

"Potions...?" I blinked and then smacked my head. "Of course. Potions. Dammit, I need to remember to buy those when I head down into the Dungeon."

Miach laughed. "Well, these should do just fine then. They aren't on the level of healing any torn limbs, but the minor cuts and scrapes for the first few floors shouldn't be a problem with these."

"You really are a lifesaver, Miach." I sighed and then walked over to inspect the potions.

And in doing so, I saw that he was underselling himself a bit. At least, from the healing aura they gave off, it didn't seem like some minor health potions to me.

Miach frowned and said, "I'm sorry that I couldn't provide more, but-"

"It's plenty. I'm not planning to head into the Dungeon for a few days anyway." I reached into my bag and then rummaged around for some valis. "Let's see... Healing potions run around five hundred, right? For six of them..." I started counting out the coins.

Miach's eyes widened and he quickly shook his head. "That's fine, Bell. These are a gift. There's no need to pay me."

"Mm..." I stared at him. As I did, I noticed that his cloak was a bit threadbare. While it was well taken care of, it was also patched up a few times.

I didn't want to be rude and invade his privacy, but I also didn't want to let him give up so much business when he probably needed it. So...

"In that case, think of this as advance credit." I carefully counted out thirty coins in a handful and held it out to him.

Miach blinked. "Advance credit?"

I nodded. "I've got a feeling I'll be needing a lot of potions in the future, so think of this as me reserving those ahead of time."


"Hey, no buts." I pushed the coins into his chest and said, "Besides, if you're willing to help out Tia by gifting potions, it's only fair that I help you guys out by giving you business when I can, right?"

Miach stared at me for a while and then slowly nodded. He smiled and said, "I see. It seems that Hestia has found a truly wonderful child."

"Well, here's hoping that wonder doesn't result in more trouble down the line, considering how close those two things tend to be..."

Miach laughed and then accepted the coins. "Very well. I will take this as an advance payment for your next batch of potions. Please, tell me whenever you are in need of them and my humble family will do our best to provide."

"Of course. And thanks again." I picked up a potion and said, "You really are a lifesaver... I probably would have completely forgotten to buy some without you visiting."

Miach smiled. "Well then, I am grateful to be of help to you. Ah, and if you ever wish to visit, our building is just down the street."

"Hm?" I set the potion down and looked at him. "It is?"

"Yes. It's the wooden building a few doors down with the potion sign on it. A bit out of the way, but-"

"Wait, that's yours? I remembered passing by it a few times, but it seemed empty, so I didn't drop in since I thought it was abandoned."

Miach coughed. "Yes, well... We do not receive many customers, so I suppose it may seem that way."

"Good to know." I nodded and said, "I might make visiting you guys a daily routine in the future then. Gotta make a note of that..."

Miach smiled. "There's no need... but we would welcome your patronage." He tucked the valis into his bag and then waved. "I'll bid farewell for now then, Bell. It was a pleasure meeting you."

"Ah. It was nice meeting you too, Miach. Thanks again for the potions!"

Miach nodded and then walked out of the church. After a bit, the gates swung open and then closed, latched shut.

"...Seems like Tia has some nice friends."

I was a bit worried since she seemed so lonely when I met her, but it was good to see that she had people looking out for her. To go so far to gift potions when Miach probably needed that business... He was definitely a good friend.

"All the more reason for me to get better at fighting then." I clenched my fist and made a small vow to make sure to help them out.

A good turn deserved another, after all.

But first...

"Let's get these groceries sorted."