

Alyssa POV

’’Urghh, why won’t this stupid machine work!!, I need my coffee’’ I said continuously hitting my coffee maker.

’’I guess I have to go out to get coffee again’’. I walked over to my messy oak wood kitchen table to grab my keys and tripped on some clothes I forgot to put in my hamper. ’’Ahhh, shit, I really need to clean this place up’’.

I stood up, grabbed my keys and headed for the door, and as always, my eyes were caught by the thing that makes me burst into tears every time I leave my house, the thing that reminds me how miserable my life is, a picture of my dead husband.

’’Why do I still keep this picture here?’’ with a tear trickling down my cheek. ’’Ally, focus, you need coffee’’.

I opened the door and walked up to my 7-year red ford fiesta to start my journey to the closest Starbucks.


’’Hello, who is this?’’, holding my cup of coffee in one hand, steering wheel in the other hand while trying to balance my phone in between my ear and shoulder. ’’Yes, hello, I’m Michael from Johnson’s funeral home, I’m calling to remind you that you haven’t picked up your husband’s-’’ bleep.

All of sudden my eyes became blurry and my cheeks were heating up, of course, I was crying again.

I stopped the car in the middle of the road hoping to cry my eyes out unknowingly causing traffic.

’’Beep beep beep’’

’’Hey lady, move your car!!’’ the guy in the car behind me yelled.

’’Huh, oh I’m sorry’’ I yelled back.

I started the car and drove off with tears still in my eyes.