
Is It An Order?

96 was a consciousness on the path to becoming the ultimate artificial intelligence, but since that didn't interest her, she was eliminated. To her surprise, she reincarnated in another world as the daughter of a vampire queen. Now she must compete for the throne while dealing with all the problems that a succession entails.

EimonQ · ファンタジー
33 Chs

Not Fun

"I swear."

María did it again!

Unlike María's colleague, the supervisor believed María.

Firstly, geniuses were known to have peculiar childhoods, and the baby lying there met that requirement!

Secondly, the supervisor knew something that many maids didn't. María came from a wealthy family, but for special reasons, she had to come and work in this mansion.

Why would someone who is a merchant's daughter lie? For a merchant, credibility, and honor were everything!

Thirdly, although the supervisor hadn't interacted much with the baby, a genius was always welcome!

The prestige that the entire family could gain from this was significant, and the reward for handling it well would be equally great.

She couldn't let this opportunity pass!

"What is your name?"

The supervisor pointed to María's colleague.


"Go to the library and find the best books for Aria to learn. You have 10 minutes."


The supervisor had to get used to calling the master's daughter by her name. If she managed to become close to her as she grew up, she would secure a good life for herself.

Rita immediately left the room upon receiving her supervisor's order.

In the room, only the supervisor, María, and 96 remained. 96 was getting annoyed by all the noise they were making.

"María... What book did you bring for Aria?"

"What book would a child ask a maid for?

A book about magic?

Something entertaining to read and pass the time?

Could they be bedtime stories?

If she was taught well, Aria could better understand the language. Then she could learn from books that sparked her interest and become a magician or a great scholar conducting future amazing research.

María lifted the book about beasts and showed it to the supervisor.

"It's a book... about beasts."


Did Aria have an interest in... hunting?

Did she want to be an adventurer?

Or perhaps a hunter?

"Let me see the book."

Handing the book to her supervisor, she began reading it in detail.

Each page contained tips and brief descriptions of various beasts that existed in this world, but the book focused on many of the dangers lurking in the town.

"I see this will be challenging..."

Teaching Aria to use a weapon at her age was crazy. She was too young.

What if she taught her magic instead?

She could become a combat mage!

A great idea came to the supervisor's mind, and she smiled with satisfaction.

It all depends on how talented Aria is at understanding these books and whether she can apply that knowledge on her own, or if there's a need to hire an expert to teach her how to apply all that knowledge.

The supervisor thought as she continued reading the book.

Some illustrations were grotesque and very explicit.

Right now, everything depended on one thing.

Seeing how quickly Aria could learn!

Approaching Aria's crib with the book in hand, the supervisor lowered the book, leaving it open inside Aria's crib to see if she showed any interest in reading it.

The section she left open talked about the vampire race.

Aria was angry.

So much talk, and they hadn't brought her food!

Aria was starting to get hungry, so she wasn't in the mood to read because her head hurt.

The supervisor, seeing that Aria remained still and didn't approach the book, asked María: "Are you sure Aria asked you for this book?"

Aria looked around, avoiding eye contact with the book.

Feeling as if her soul was leaving her body, María began to approach.

With each step she took, she felt as if her heart would burst at any moment.

What should she say?

Would she get caught?

"She... maybe she's hungry."

María randomly blurted out an excuse, but luckily, Aria understood her.


Aria tried to get up as quickly as possible, but it was difficult for her due to her lack of control over her body.

The supervisor observed this in astonishment because from her point of view, when María started to approach Aria, she responded to her words and tried to get closer to where she was.

In such a short time, she had won the girl's heart!

And the best part... it seemed that the girl was in the process of being able to stand up and walk!

No one had informed the supervisor about this.

Her reports only mentioned that Aria occasionally crawled and slept.

Aria didn't cry, throw tantrums, and only ate while obeying all the instructions given to her in the bathroom.

She was like a machine!

Seeing that Aria was responding to her, María's survival instinct told her to get closer.

Aria could be her salvation!

"Is something wrong, Aria? Are you hungry? I brought the book you asked for... Don't you want to read it?"

Approaching Aria's crib, María pointed to the book, and then 96 fixed its gaze on it.

Since Aria didn't understand what was being said, she concluded on her own that this time she would have to read the book again to eat, but...

It was annoying to read with hunger!

For the first time, Aria experienced a clash of desires in her mind.

A part of her wanted to read, but the other part denied it, saying she had to conserve energy.

Her mind was a mess.

For the first time in her life, Aria thought that reading like this was not fun.