

Losing his nineteen-year-old son from a car accident. Umino Ikkaku begged his friend, Hatake Sakumo, a maker, to create a replica of his son. Reluctantly, Sakumo agreed. Years passed, his work went to vain when Ikkaku and his wife died from the same fate. Months later, Kakashi met the replica of Iruka, and he fell in love at first sight. After his father's death two years later, he woke up the sleeping replica from his coffin.

Ban_shee_27 · アニメ·コミックス
3 Chs


It was a Sunday night when they heard the news. Tears pool in their eyes, legs frozen on the ground. News scattered all over the town, as another car incident surprised them that night. Their mouths agape, eyes wide as they noticed the familiar car. The disfigured car. The car that belongs to their son.

It was the car that they bought for their son who finally graduated high school and was on his way to college. Knowing that their son wanted to be a teacher, they provided any means they could as long as it would accomplish his dreams. He was their everything, their world. But their world was now on life support. Grievously.

The next day Kohari stared at her son's corpse, laying on a Mortuary table to prepare him for his final days. They hoped and prayed he would survive the accident, but fate stole him from them. Tears still streamed down to her cheeks as she mourned for losing her only child. Hugging him one last time before the undertaker starts his work. The tight grip from her husband didn't stop her from her despair, slowly falling to the ground when it was time for them to start. Ikkaku could only squat down beside her, hugging her so tight, as he too was mourning for his loss. Their loss.

Three days have passed since their son's burial. They still felt empty inside, his room was still there, kept cleaned and opened for them, hoping that one day their son would suddenly come back. Sadly it was impossible, as he no longer exists. They know that they should move on, and live their life as normal. But it just wasn't the same after Iruka's death. 

Ikkaku decided to go to work that day, pressing a kiss on her cheek to try and comfort his wife, as he bade her well. Kohari nodded, accepting the affection and a sad smile was on her lips when she waved him off to work.

Driving through a busy road, passing by people who were also on their way to work. Their town was filled with murmurs, walking, and some were in haste. Some people aren't really people though, as some of them were made of metal and aluminum, covered in realistic human skin, memory storage as a brain, and a microprocessor chip that they consider as their heart. Real-life robots or known as 'replicas' are common in their town, with one of his old friends being a well-known maker. Parking his car in the parking lot, he exited the vehicle and briskly walked his way to his office.

Greeted by his co-workers and some are still sad about his loss. With a forced smile, he thanked them for their sentiments as he carried on with his work. It has only been three days since his son was buried and a week since they lost him from the accident. His company had offered him weeks off to grieve properly and mourn, but Ikkaku thought that work would make him forget the pain. He felt bad for his wife, for leaving her to grieve on her own, and added to that she has had ill health since she was young. But he was scared. Scared to face the pain, thinking it might make him go insane. Afraid that he might make things worse if he mourned even more.

Two days later, after work, he saw his dear old friend that he hadn't seen in years. There was a look of surprise on their faces, as they met in the lobby of Ikkaku's workplace. They exchange pleasantries that day, with a decision to grab a beer that night. Phoning for his wife, hoping he'll be allowed to return late. Smiling back after hearing the caretaker was still there.

"Okay, I'll tell Sakumo. Don't forget your medicine, love, and call me if you need something, okay? Thank you and I love you." He pocketed his phone, his eyes strayed back to his friend, smoking a cigar. He raised a brow in confusion. "I thought you stopped smoking?" he chuckled lightly.

The silver-haired man grinned, admitting his defeat with Nicotine. "Well, ever since Kakashi started living in a dorm and work piling up. This addictive stick is the only thing that helps me." Ikkaku frowned from his response, reminiscing about his past and his late wife. Sakumo chuckled after seeing the worried look on his face, "Anyway enough about me. How's Kohari and Iruka doing?" he was confused when his very stern friend's brows started to frown, and his lips quivered for a bit. He was silent as he observed him exhale and calm down. Forcing himself to smile, as he informed him about Iruka's passing.

"Oh." Sakumo was appalled by the news. Apologizing and offering his condolences. "I didn't know," he shamefully admitted. Feeling bad for his friend. "How's Kohari? Is she coping well?" he asked worriedly.

"Yeah, she's doing fine, I hope." There was sadness in his tone when he said this. "Went to a check-up before the accident happened, and unfortunately it was not good news" there was silence between them, still standing by the entrance. "Anyway, did you bring your car? Or we can use mine if you don't mind."

Sakumo smiled sadly at his friend, determined to offer a shoulder if he needed to let loose what's inside his mind. "Well, I don't have a car yet. So yours would be great." 

Minutes after driving, they found themselves inside a bar, ordering drinks as they caught up with their times. Exchanging stories and events that recently happened. Ikkaku can't help but divulge his sorrow with his friend. Sakumo has been his childhood friend since they were young. Living in the same town until he started college and met the woman he fell in love with.

It was a coincidence when he met Sakumo at the hospital, during his fiancee's visit to her doctor. It was on that day that he learned Sakumo's profession as a maker. Most of the general staff at the hospital were made from machines, and they used his service to create and do maintenance for them.

That was also the day he introduced Kohari to his best friend. Since then, they often met up for drinks and dinner, but a month later, Sakumo needed to travel again for his work. They exchanged emails and chats from time to time, which is why they both generally knew what the other was doing. Sometimes, they scheduled a meet-up, and months later Ikkaku and Kohari were introduced to Sakumo's lover.

A year after their marriage, they were presented with great news of Kohari's miraculous pregnancy. He was ecstatic by the news but worried for her health. However, they made a promise that day. A promise to have someone carry their lineage, and someone they can call theirs till their death. However, after nineteen years, that promise died before them.

"You know, I've been regretting buying him a car. If only I listened to Kohari. Iruka would still be alive," he muttered with grief. Accepting Sakumo's tight grip on his shoulder, as if comforting him that it wasn't anyone's fault. "They say it was fate, but I think it's not fair," he smiled bitterly on his glass. "My son was nineteen years old. He was too young. Too young and it's too unfair," he muttered sadly, allowing a tear to drop from his eyes.

Sakumo was silent, retrieving his hand to drink from his glass. "Life is never fair Ikkaku, and we both know that." Slumping on the table with his elbows as support, he bitterly smiled at their pasts. "Not that I want to bring up the past, but our parents died when we were young, leaving us to fend for ourselves." his friend was silent, after mentioning their parents' untimely death. "What happened can't be helped. It might have been fate and unfair, but that's just how life is."

Silence engulfed them, drinking from their beers. "But you still have Kohari and I still have Kakashi. We can still breathe and live our lives. It might be unfair, but we just have to get used to it"

Ikkaku agreed, remembering his lovely wife. "I guess I really should apologize to Kohari." he chuckled lightly. "After Iruka's burial. I've been leaving her alone to grieve, while I swallowed myself to work and pretending everything will be fine. But I guess, I'm not fine"

"Indeed you are not. Why don't you spend more time with your wife tonight? I am just your friend, I can only do this much. But your wife, I bet Kohari understands you more than me"

Ikkaku smiled, "I guess, I should".

It was already past eight in the evening when Ikkaku went back home. After the drinking session he had with an old friend, he felt that something was taken off his shoulders. Being able to take out his thoughts and show the depression that was looming inside his mind, felt like therapy for his wounded heart.

He wasn't exactly drunk when he got home. Greeting his wife with a smile, he pressed his cheeks to her and hugged her tight. Pressing his face to the crook of her shoulder, he allowed himself to weep as his friend suggested. He cried that day, letting out his emotions as his wife comforted him with cuddles and kisses. The next day, he felt refreshed after waking up beside his wife.

However, Ikkaku's cavalry didn't end there. A week passed after his meet-up with Sakumo, he received a call from their caretaker. Kohari suddenly collapsed while he was at work. Sprinting his way to his car, he didn't take his time driving towards the hospital.

His world began to crack again after hearing the news about Kohari's illness getting worse. The doctor's words kept playing on repeat in his head, tears started to gather in his eyes. "Unfortunately, I am not sure how long your wife will live. With the tumor getting bigger…" his mind was muddled, he wasn't sure if he was listening, wallowing in his depression and stress, he could only hope that she could at least see her son once more. 

He felt grim when he came back to see his sleeping wife on a hospital bed, giving him bitter memories. He grabbed a stool and sat beside her bed, clasping her hand as he prayed for her to get better. 

Two weeks passed since Kohari was admitted, and spending his time in between work and visiting the hospital to care for his sick wife, adding to the worry that was prolonging in his mind, things were wearing Ikkaku down a lot. It took him a long time for everything to settle. After finding someone who could care for his wife while he's at work. He was able to take a little breather, he felt guilty towards his wife but she insisted for him to take a rest and ignore his worries. 

Here he is, sitting inside Sakumo's living room with a can of beer in his hands. It has already been an hour since he arrived, and he was starting to get drunk. Empty beer bottles and cans left unattended, drinking all alcohol in sight hoping to relieve some of his pain. The room was now smelling of cigars and a strong alcohol smell lingering. Talking random things from fun times to depressing events that had remained as a scar.

Now in tears and crying after revealing news about his wife's health. Sakumo felt disheartened and worried for his friend. With tear tracks from his cheeks and snorting his runny nose. In his drunken stupor. Ikkaku didn't know what came to his mind, but he started asking Sakumo about his profession. 

Sakumo was ignorant of his sudden interest and responded to each of his questions. It was only after he discussed a few things that he caught on to what was in Ikkaku's mind. "I don't think what you're thinking right now is a good idea." His friend frowned. Clasping the beer of can tightly,

"I haven't said anything yet" he cleared. Opening another can and sipping the alcohol.

"We've been friends for so long, Ikkaku, and I can tell what you're thinking. Doing that will only cause you two more grief."

It was quiet between them, Sakumo intent on not allowing his friend more grief. Observing his drunk friend, he felt a pang in his heart when the man started to cry again. Meeting his gaze, he was puzzled when he started to laugh. "You know what. Only Kohari and you have ever seen me cry" He didn't respond. "After Iruka died that day, I thought I can continue to be strong for my wife. But then I wasn't aware that I was only hurting myself, and now my wife has a year or even a few months to live." His tears started falling again. "I wish it was me. I should have died. I would rather die than see them die before me"

"But Kohari is still alive"

"I know. But sometimes, I just want to end everything. Losing Iruka broke me, but now the pending event of my wife passing away in the near future might drive me insane. I can't do this anymore, Sakumo." he broke down, using his shirt to wipe the tears falling from his chin, accepting a face towel that was handed to him. "Sometimes I really want to die. I have had enough of this life but at the same time. I need to be strong for Kohari. Kohari is the only one I have now. Not that I am ungrateful towards you. But you're my best friend so you have the gist of what I'm trying to say."

The silver-haired man chuckled, smiling bitterly at his friend. "I know. I'm your best friend, so please listen to me." He grinned when the man obediently nodded his head. "You're in great pain right now, much like I was when my wife died. But Kakashi was there for me, he needed me and he loves me the most, and I think you know that your wife is feeling the same as what my son felt when his mother died. You'll be fine, Kohari is still alive, you need to make the best out of it"

There was a pensive look from Ikkaku's eyes. His mind was filled with memories about his wife and son. He felt bitter knowing he'll be left alone again. "But I don't know how long that will last." He then turned to his friend, begging in his voice. "Please Sakumo, just this once. I can pay you anything, any amount. Please create a replica of my son"

Sakumo frowned, seeing the agony and depression from his friend's eyes. He shook his head, "You can't do this to me, Ikkaku," he begged. Biting his lips, trying to avoid his pleading eyes.

"Please Sakumo, I beg you!" The man bowed, kneeling in front of his friend, tears streaming down his face. "Just at least until Kohari's time. I want us to be complete even if it's not real, even if it's just on borrowed time, I want us to be happy" he sniffled, still on the ground with desperation, begging repeatedly for his request to be heard. "I know that Kohari might get mad at me for this, but this is my only wish and I promise you. I won't talk about suicidal thoughts anymore. Just this once, please create a replica of my son"

Sakumo was silent, his thoughts muddled with possibilities that are covered with worry. His eyes gazed at his friend, still bowing in front of him, begging him. He closed his eyes and took deep breaths. Standing from his chair he approached his dejected friend. Placing a hand on his shoulder, he bitterly smiled at him when he met his teary-eyed gaze. "I understand," he grimly said. "However, he won't be the same Iruka you used to know," he warned, sighing, admitting defeat. "Also, I can't promise when I will be done. Creating a humanoid robot takes time."

With a smile now on Ikkaku's face, he surprised his friend with a hug. He embraced him tightly, thanking him repeatedly with happy tears. Sakumo could only smile sadly, hoping that his decisions were right and just.