
Iris Wit

Iris Wit, a young soldier on a journey to stop the darkness brought on the seven kingdoms by his father The tyrant of kingsland. Blessed by the elemental god of water, he has taken upon himself the responsibility to restore peace to the seven kingdoms.

athosanimewrites · ファンタジー
50 Chs

Chapter 22 Unveiling Authority

Iris paused and stared at Ajax. Silence enveloped the room. Lucas put his spoon down and crossed his forearms, with a frown etched on his face he looked to Iris and asked, "Who are you, where did you come from?"

Iris sighed and responded, " like we said previously, we are from Dawnville, we were attacked by the army of Kingsland. We are some of a few hundred survivors. The others are at Curtis probably dead or kept as prisoners."

Lucas kept staring at Iris. "Let me tell you about my family, I'll tell a little about mine, you'll tell me a little about yours." Lucas said,

"Fair enough" Iris replied.

"I was originally from Kingsland." Lucas said and looked up to see their expressions. Then he looked at Iris "your turn"

"My mother was from Kingsland" Iris replied, "Where is she?" Lucas asked,

"Dead. Your turn.."

"I was a nobleman, I belonged to a Noble household in Kingsland, I left with my uncle to..... find new ground. Let's just say Kingsland wasn't for us. We left my parents and my sister behind." Lucas did not look at their eyes as he said that last line, he said it in a solemn tone. He looked to Iris and sighed. "Her name was Martha.. Martha Wit."

Iris' eyes widened in shock. He froze as he was about to put a spoon of soup in his mouth. Lucas raised an eyebrow noticing Iris' reaction, he continued speaking.

"I do not regret leaving Kingsland, but not a day goes by that I don't regret leaving my family behind. I wish I had taken Martha with me, but our parents had plans for her... Kingsland had become worse. I want open to start something new... something new away from Kingsland. That was how I found Calydon."

There was a frown on Iris' face but it wasn't one of anger, it was one of pure sadness. He balled his fists as he fought back tears. Both Levi and Kara observed Iris' actions but didn't know what to do, Lucas and his wife Lana had a look of tenderness on their face.

Iris sniffed and rubbed his eyes on his sleeve, "for all we know they could be two totally different Marthas" Iris said in a shaky voice.

Lucas said, "Look at me Iris" but Iris kept his head down.

"Iris, " Lucas called again in a more firm but tender voice, "Iris look at me." Iris raised his head and looked directly at Lucas,

Lucas pointed to Iris' eyes, "You're eyes. The golden brown color of your eyes it's a trait that every member of the Wit family has."

Iris rubbed his eyes, wiping off the tears that had formed and frowned, "What do you mean?" He asked

"Maybe beyond the seven kingdoms there are those that also have that trait. But no one else within the seven kingdoms has these golden eyes that we have. It doesn't matter where it comes from it is always dominant, wether it comes from a female or male from the Wit family."

"So you're saying that.."

"Yes Iris. You are my nephew." Lucas responded.


The day after the arrival of Adira and Chris Blade, king Festus told he guards to send word to the people of Kingsland to meet at the center of the city. Every bodygathered round a circular platform where the king stood. King Festus stood and by his side was his wife and daughter no longer looking disheveled, he also had two guards behind him ready to obey his command. To his left were Adira Blade, Chris Blade and two other guards, behind Adira and Chris.

King Festus turned to the crowd. He stepped forward.

"People of Curtis, I am here to denounce my claim to the throne. I will no longer be your king."

The crowd was shocked to here this, they were dumbfounded, they started to speak an murmur amongst themselves.

"Listen," King Festus said in a louder tone trying to get back their attention, "as you all know we have been trying to protect ourselves from outside forces, but we have come up with a solution to that problem. King Steven of Kingsland has offered us protection in exchange for the throne of Curtis. I will Surrender the throne to the ambassador that has been provided."

The people of Curtis became silent when they saw a young girl, not even up to twenty years, walk up with a man behind her and stood in front of their king.

"I will be handing over the throne to Adira Blade third daughter of King Steven Blade. She will be your new Queen."

There was an uproar and people started complaining and shouting. "How can she be our queen"

"Yes we don't even know her"

"This must be a plot of Kingsland to take over our city"

"We won't let you. Leave you don't belong here."

The people shouted and complained, and with every sentence they uttered, the more angry she felt and the more the frown on their face deepened. She clenched her fist. After a few seconds, she sighed.

She turned to Chris "Uncle silence them for me" she said with a smile. Chris stepped forward, he stood at the very front of the platform. He raised his spear up and it glowed, a purple hue surrounded it. He stomped it on the ground and the glow went down to the bottom and sent a massive wave of purple energy to the crowd causing some to fall down but did not great damage. "SILENCE" He shouted "YOUR QUEEN WISHES TO A DRESS YOU."

Adira walked forward with her hands behind her back and a smile on her face. She cleared her throat, and spoke in a calm tone but was loud enough for everyone to hear. "If there is anyone of you that believes that I shouldn't be queen, please step up." The people were silent the were a bit skeptical.

"I am giving you a chance to speak to show how.... what's the word... benevolent I am" she said still smiling. A man stepped forward.

"Aaah come up don't worry speak your mind." Adira said to the man. He stepped on the platform and spoke with his head slightly bowed, "M-my lady the thing is... w-we don't know you a-and.... King Festus has served us for a long time a-and..."

Adira walked up to him slowly lookingremorseful, "So you find it difficult to accept me because you don't know me, am I correct?"

"Y-yes my lady" the man stuttered. Adira smiled and took a step closer to the man, but the man stepped back.

"Don't be afraid, let me show you who I am so you can know me." She grabbed the man by his shirt pulling him closer with ease, she kicked him in the back of the knee causing him to go on his knees. She raised her hand and sparks seem to fly off her gauntlets she put her hand on the man's head causing him to try to run but she pulled him back and placed her hand on his head. The lightning flowed down her gauntlet onto the man's head and spread all over his body. He couldn't scream, there was pain in his eyes his body shook relentlessly but he could do nothing. He fainted and fell to the ground. Adira walked round him and kicked him causing his body to fly down the platform onto the ground.

"Don't worry he's probably not dead." She said with a smile.

this took a lot but yeah, tell me what you think in the comment section, follow me on I'm on Instagram as @athosanimewrites. Install the app to follow my photos and videos. https://www.instagram.com/athosanimewrites?igsh=OGY3MTU3OGY1Mw==

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