
Invited To Across

Victor Varion is an outstanding candidate in a private institute that has the finest youth to ever walk the planet. Their main goal was to find a genius, an incomprehensible being able to distinguish anything for their own frivolous studies. Until Victor ran away from that said institute and found someone who invited him to a world renowned college called ACROSS. Follow Victor as he learns who he really is, and hopefully has fun doing so

ShakeTheGreat · アクション
3 Chs


Victor reached the entrance to the academy he's going to spend the next 3 years at.

After taking it in, he couldn't believe how massive it was, sprawled out it had a huge center plaza filled to the brim with students and buildings. located in the center was the main attendance building.

After talking it out with Alessandra the night prior, she got him a room booked and boarded. After he dropped off his backpack, he noticed there was an academy uniform displayed on the bed. After putting it on, he headed out.

'Man this is going to be something.' He thinks to himself while contemplating whether or not he should take the first step.

After folding he decided to start moving.

"Hey first year, move out of the way!" Someone the same size as Victor surprisingly, bumped into him yelling while running up the stairs,

"we're going to be late!" Says a tall young man, wearing a second year uniform, gracefully skipping 2-3 steps at a time while running. Victor, frozen stopped and watched the young man run up the stairs, not once in his life did someone touch him that way. He had an inkling that if the guy was hostile, it could've gone bad for him. But Victor wasn't someone who couldn't blend in to his surroundings, while generously lifting up his own bag, he started to run up the stairs as well.

While running up beside the boy, Victor asks,

"Wait up 2nd year I have a question." He continued, "what exactly are you studying here, also what's your name?" Without pause the young man started, "I study field training and weapons training, also my name is Alex Warren, how about you?" Also without pause Victor started,

"I have yet to get a selection, I was recently recommended by someone to attend, oh and also the name is Victor Varion nice to meet you." With that the boys briefly shake hands, without stopping the trek up the stairs.

'Hm room C-1 should be up here on the right.' Victor thinks to himself. After reaching the entrance he was greeted by an attendant giving out key cards and passes to students, once he received his, after giving his name he was told to go to this room and get evaluated.

After he opened the door he met face to face with an instructor,

"Come over here boy!" Says the instructor, a gruff looking man with a scarred forehead, no bigger than 6'.

"Today we will be doing your evaluation, also call me instructor Daniel's." While looking down on his electronic notepad he says,

"Here it says your name is Victor Varion, is that right?" Without pause Victor says,

"Yessir, that is me." "Okay I see, it shows me here that you were recommended to join by an Alessandra, weird I never heard of that name before, do you know her?"

"No sir, I only met her yesterday before she told me I should attend this academy." Victor says without pause,

"Okay, well let's get started, for starters take these athletics and put them on, we need you to demonstrate your stamina on the aptitude test for endurance, following that we will hit the books and test your knowledge, got it." Victor replies with a "Yessir."

After receiving the athletic clothes, Victor went into the locker room next door to put them on, walking in he only seen a few other guys. After he put on his athletics he walked back into the room with the instructor.

"Okay good, now let's make our way down to the automatic gym." instructor Daniel's says.

With that both men started walking down the hallway, after reaching the end, Victor and the instructor stop in front of an automatic metal door. The instructor begins to type something on the light up mechanism beside it, after which you could hear whirring sounds and clinking noises, after they stopped the door opened and they both started to walk in.

'Wow this is pretty spacious.' Victor thinks to himself while looking around.

"Come on over here." Says the instructor, continuing,

"There is weapons laid out here on this rack, grab one and show us what you got."

Victor walked up to the rack and he could see, spears, swords, and all kinds of blunt force weapons. While looking through them he picked up the Scimitar shaped blade and started to swirl it around with eagerness.

'It's been a few years since I last picked up one of these' Victor thinks to himself.

"Good, now I will summon dummy projections, walk into the center of the field and demonstrate to me what you got." Say's the instructor with a grim face. 'The last time I seen someone use one of those they couldn't even cut through a dummy let alone leave a scratch.' The instructor whispers to himself.

Victor walked out into the field and 3 white artificial dummies came into being. Each holding a different weapon, one with a spear, another with a shield, and the last with a long sword.

"Begin!" Yells the instructor, after which the dummies started running toward Victor, the first being the dummy with the long sword. Victor ducked the slanted thrust of the sword and slid straight into the dummy with the shield going in for a fake and slashing downward cutting off its legs. After which he jumped up smacking away the spear head, heading straight for his face. With a follow up he lunged forward decapitating the dummy instantly, he whirled around and stood face to face with the last dummy. Running toward him the dummy stopped half way after falling straight on its face and disappearing. Victor threw his sword as soon as he started running and it landed perfectly between its eyes.

Walking toward the instructor, he couldn't help but see his face, was that shocked bewilderment? Walking up Victor says

"what's next instructor." Stammering, the instructor says,

"U-uhm let's go over to the written portion, I believe we're done here." With shocked enthusiasm the instructor thinks to himself,

'Oh my god that was unbelievable, not only did he do it in less than 2.4 seconds but he did it with a scimitar of all blades!'

Following up Victor filled out a test on an electronic pad and handed it to the professor in less than 5 minutes of sitting down.

"Are you sure you're done, I said you had an hour to complete this?" Says the instructor with a stunned expression.

"Yes I'm done, thank you instructor." Victor replies while handing the pad to him.

"Okay that'll be all today, head back to the dorms and we'll call you back later this evening for the opening ceremony."

With that Victor walked out of the room and started heading towards the dorms.