
Invisible Wall /crossover fanfic/

She is a daughter of evil. Everybody afraid her last name but she grow up in the orphanage and when she turned 11 years old magical letter come to her she was a witch and very powerful one. Sorting hat put her in Gryffindor and she befriended with Weaslay twins one year later famous Harry Potter started his first year she was kind and brave one she protected Harry every year when Voldemort trying to kill him. Now it’s her 7th year but her father tried to catch her, he needed her power and she didn’t want to be his deatheater and kill her friends. She can’t help but run away from Hogwarts and magical world. It was August 5th her birthday from now on she become an adult and can do magic without trace so she went to Forks her uncle Charlie her mother’s friend. She only wanted to hide away from his father ps: it's just a fanfic so this amazing characters don't belong to me ps2: also who knows what i was thinking when i'm writing these.

norika528 · 書籍·文学
10 Chs

chapter 6

Victoria is showing here and there, pack is trying to find her. I was sitting in the beach with Paul, reading some science book then I heard some splash in the water. I don't know what was that, then second splash. Soon I saw Jacob is carrying Bella's unconscious body I run to them he gave her CRP. This stupid girl what did she done. She started coughing I hugged her tightly

"Don't you ever do that again Bella, I felt so helpless" she hugged me back

"Sorry Lisa, I thought I saw Edward" I wanted to slap her but hold back

"Let's go home" Jake take her to her trunk, I sit with Paul in the back seat. She is trying to start conversation but I was too angry to respond. When we come home I saw black car.

"It's Carlisle's car, they are back" Bella said

"No it might be trap" Jake said. He wanted to explain he can't protect her inside of the house but she ignored him and went inside. I started to walk but Paul grabbed my hand

"Where do you think you are going?"

"To my house I can take care of myself" I yanked my arm and rushed inside. I saw Bella is hugging vampire. She looks beautiful pixie like girl, she turned to me

"Who are you?" her voice sounds like bell.

"HI I'm Lisa, Charlie's non blood related niece"

"I'm Alice Cullen, I just wanted to check Bella, I thought she was dead"

"Why?" I asked her smile dropped like she made mistake

I laughed

"Alice Cullen I know you can see future, don't worry I know what are you" she looks shocked she wanted to tell something but door opened 2 muscular figure entered. Paul held me protectively

They were insulting each other while I'm hiding my amusement.

They calmed down I sat with Paul and Alice in the couch while Bella is changing her clothes.

I talked with Alice and I liked her instantly but Paul seems really don't like her. Phone ringed and Jake answered it Alice seems stunned

"No no no Edward thought you died Bella he is going to Italy"

"Volturi" she muttered "He will kill himself"

"We need to stop him"

She is too stubborn

"Paul I can't let her go alone, I need to protect her" Paul is trying to stop me.

"No you can't go it's too dangerous are you crazy?"

"No I'm bloody Gryffindor now move Paul" I pushed him and sit Alice's car

Wow this plane is really interesting but apparition is easier.

"Lisa can I ask you something" Alice asked

"Sure" I smiled to her

"you feels different, your blood is not appealing to me, it feels soothing I don't feel hunger around you" ah my magical blood I made some research about it

"then that's good"

"But I can't see your future" she looks disappointed

"that wasn't question Alice" I chuckled "you just wanted to talk with me" she smiled then we talked about random things until we landed

She steal car and went to Volterra. It turns out today is Saint Marcus day everyone wearing red robes and it was really crowded

"you need to go clock tower now" Alice said. Bella started running I run behind her, when we reached clock tower I saw half naked men trying to go outside

Bella tackled him down

"Heaven?" he asked

"no Edward it's me Bella" he didn't believe her actually it was so funny until I sense 2 more vampire. I put some unnoticing charm on me. Alice come to us but girl with blonde hair refused to let them go

I followed them inside to the castle in the room I saw 3 throne. And 3 creature. I stayed in the shadow.

Aro was the leader he impressed that Bella is immune to his gift he turned to blonde girl and said her name

Edward shouted no end fell to the floor it looks like crucatius curse

"STOP" I shouted they all turned to me with wide eyes

"Who are you?" Aro asked

"Elizabeth Riddle" I said

"How did you entered?" he asked again

"With them" I pointed Edward

"Why didn't we noticed you" Marcus asked first time since we entered

"Am I that unnoticeable" I put fake pouted face

"of course not my lady I would notice this kind of beauty" Blonde haired man said from his throne I smiled sweetly, everyone looks shocked

"I'm Bella's friend"

Aro held out his hand to me "may i?" he asked cautiously, I take a step forward and touched his cold hard hand, when I connected my hand I saw all his life it absorbed in my mind, he looks shocked I blinked few times then smirked to him

"What a nice autobiography" I said

"What was that?" now he is glaring me

"Don't talk to me with that tone" I said calmly "as long as you won't touch us, I won't touch you"

"How dare you threaten me, you are the one who is in danger" I laughed at that

"Do you think so? So many years so many secrets right?" I raised my eyebrows in a challenging way "Eye for eye" I grabbed his hand and show him my worst memories like using killing curse and cruciatus curse

His eyes become bigger

"WHh-who are you?" he stuttered, I laughed again

"I told you, Elizabeth Riddle" 'if you don't tell my secret I won't tell your secret, Dydeme' I said in his mind

He nodded his head 'good now let us go Aro now smile like nothing happened, say them I have some special gift' he again nodded his head

"What a great gift" he sighed with relief when I giving him approving glance

"Now I believe we can go, right Aro?" I asked sweetly

"Yes my lady you can" I turned to blonde men

"And what was your name, handsome?" I asked

"Caius, my lady" he looked taken a back with my sudden question

"Sounds cool, it was pleasure to meet you Caius" I winked to him and take Alice's hand.

When we come outside, I punched Edward's face hard. I used some protecting charm in my hand and I heard cracking voice Bella gasped