
Invincible World

Traveling to become Zhu Houzhao in the world of comprehensive martial arts, awakening the system. In the first year, Li Chungang signed the Spring and Autumn Sword Armor, one person with one sword is enough to conquer a country. In the second year, sign in to the big gift package of the network forces, and the hidden stakes are all over the world. In the third year, sign in to Spring and Autumn, the big devil Renmao. In the fourth year, Chen Zhibao, the white-clothed soldier fairy, and five thousand snow dragon riders were signed, and they joined the party. fifth year...  … Although it has powerful forces. But the system told Zhu Houzhao that he could not expose his strength within five years. Therefore, in five years, Zhu Houzhao just laid out the world step by step. And five years later, he ascended the throne as king! Zhu Houzhao said: You are all idiots, I will stop pretending! I have a showdown, I am invincible!

Shioki · ファンタジー
26 Chs

Chapter 6:Hulong Villa is no longer necessary

The imperial palace, in the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Zhu Houzhao was wearing a nine-clawed dragon robe, holding a handful of crystal-clear and moist jade Ruyi in his hand, slowly rubbing it.

At this time, a trusted eunuch came in, bowed down and said: "Your Majesty, Tie Tiedan God Hou Zhu ignores and begs to see you!"

"Let him in!"

Zhu Houzhao said in a calm tone.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

The eunuch went out.

In the outside world, Zhu Wushi, who had been passed on, didn't know why.

Stepping into the front of the palace gate, my mood suddenly became a little uneasy.

"Hmph, how many years have I been in the rivers and lakes, I haven't seen any storms, such a young boy, why should I be afraid?"

Zhu ignored his thoughts and changed his courage, but became more courageous.

Immediately, he lowered his head and slowly stepped into the hall.

As a courtier, don't look directly at the emperor!

This is the rule!

Unless the emperor asks you to look up, it means assassination.

At this time, even if the big insiders swarmed up, killing you would be in vain.

As the emperor's uncle, he abides by the rules as always!

It is also such a low-key and deep personality, which allows him to live in the court until now.

Entering the hall step by step, Zhu Wushi bowed down to Zhu Houzhao and said, "Minister, Zhu Wushi, I pay my respects to Your Majesty!"

As a result, it took a long time.

But no response!

Zhu Wushi was a little confused for a moment.

He was already very impatient, but because of the rules, he could only continue to say: "Zhu Wushi, see Your Majesty!"

"Get up!"

An indifferent voice sounded.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Zhu Wushi thumped in his heart, and his mind began to become extra vigilant.

what's the situation?

Could it be that this nephew wanted to kill him?

"Head up!"

Zhu Houzhao's tone remained indifferent.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Zhu Wushi frowned, and slowly raised his head. When he saw Zhu Houzhao for the first time, his eyes narrowed by three points.

Suddenly, he discovered that the playboy nephew in his impression had completely changed.

I don't even know myself anymore.

He felt that this was no longer the former prince Zhu Houzhao, but a real emperor.

Although there is still a trace of childishness between the brows, but those eyes are extremely sharp, and the faint domineering cast is even more penetrating.

The invisible pressure came one after another, making Zhu Wushi feel anxious.

Before he could say anything.

Zhu Houzhao sneered and asked, "Zhu Wushi, what exactly is Hulong Villa doing?"


Hearing this, Zhu Wushi was astonished.

This stopped him from asking.

He didn't understand, what did Zhu Houzhao mean by this?

Suddenly, he realized that he couldn't see through this nephew.

My heart is full of horror.

When did this happen?

Zhu Houzhao's city has become so deep?

"look by youself!"

Zhu Houzhao responded coldly, directly picked up the information on the imperial table, and slammed it in front of Zhu Wushi.

This is Luo Wang's information, and he erased the encrypted part.


Zhu Wushi took a deep breath, picked up the information and read it.

As a result, the more you look at it, the uglier your face becomes, and the more you look at it, the more horrified you become.

Events one by one!

One after another!

time! Place! Participants!

Written clearly and thoroughly.

Zhu Wushi was extremely shocked.

Where did the emperor get these contents?

As the owner of Hulong Mountain Villa, Zhu ignored himself and knew everything about the world, and even the intelligence collection of various countries.

Ask yourself, he said first, no one dares to say second!

But looking at this detailed information, he had some doubts that he had died.

These contents, even Hulong Villa, are only vaguely aware of them.

It is still under investigation and the progress is very slow.

The level of detail cannot be compared with the one in front of Zhu Houzhao.

This subverted his impression of Zhu Houzhao.

What followed was full of fear.


To be so clear about the context of the world, it is so clear that it makes people feel terrible!

Is it difficult!

Is it possible that those things about me have already been discovered?

Once discovered, can he go out alive today?

After reading this, Zhu ignored the cold sweat on his forehead.

Even though Zhu Wushi is a tyrannical hero and has rebellious intentions, but he is Daming's Dinghaishenzhen on the bright side, and he is a loyal iron and courageous monkey.

This is his personality and the foundation for his future usurpation of the throne.

Rather than like now, everything may have been seen.

"Your Majesty, I should die! I am incompetent!"

Zhu ignored the panic on his face and kept pleading guilty.

"Dead? In my opinion, it should not be the emperor's uncle who died, but those people from the Hulong Villa."

Zhu Houzhao sneered, and continued: "The Hulong Villa spends so much money every year, and the emperor has raised countless capable people and strangers, but he didn't even find out the information. Could it be that the Hulong Villa didn't know until I died? ?"

This is a bit embarrassing.

Although he didn't blame Zhu Shishi, it made Zhu Shishi sweat coldly, because it was more terrifying than asking him to blame.

Although Zhu Houzhao couldn't execute Zhu Wushi at will anyway, but he could deal with Hulong Villa because of this matter.

Moreover, everyone knows the strength of Hulong Villa, but now even this bit of information cannot be found.

Is that Hulong Villa's incompetence?

Or is Zhu ignoring and hiding?

Get out if you don't have the ability!

The only result is dissolution.

If it is hidden, then there is something to say!

What are your intentions?

This is the great crime of cutting in half!

This is the subtext in Zhu Houzhao's tone.

It was also the reason why Zhu ignored the cold sweat.

Although he is the uncle of the emperor and the pinnacle of the great master, Zhu Houzhao is the emperor, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, and he holds the righteousness of the world in his hands.

Even Zhu Wushi didn't dare to do anything to Zhu Houzhao.

Unless he wants to rebel!

But even if you rebel, you can't do this, otherwise Zhu Wushi will kill himself.

None of the court ministers like Zhuge Zhengwo would let go of this opportunity.

Once a shot is made, it will be suppressed to death.

At that time, I am afraid that all kinds of hats will be put on their heads!

At that time, Zhu Wushi completely became the person who was shouted and beaten by everyone.

This is the importance of the emperor's orthodoxy!

It is also the reason why Zhu Houzhao does not need to be in power, power has always been in his hands.

He just needs to tell the world that I am qualified to take these powers, and I have the strength to take back any powers.

that's enough.

At the same time, there was another thing that made Zhu Wushi extremely uneasy.

That is, does Zhu Houzhao already know everything? !

in the case of!

He's already thinking about it.

That means that Zhu Houzhao has grasped his own lifeline!

Once crushed!

He must die without a place to bury him!

Not only is he going to die, but he will even be infamous through the ages!

The consequences are too heavy.

He simply can't afford it.

"Within two days, find out everything! If it can't be done, there is no need for Hulong Villa to exist!" Zhu Houzhao said coldly.

"and also."

Zhu Houzhao narrowed his eyes: "I still want King Pingnan's head, the emperor will go and get it back for me personally!"

Face the words.

"Yes, I would like to obey His Majesty's decree!"

Hearing this, Zhu Wu breathed a long sigh of relief in his heart.

Immediately, get up and say goodbye.

Wait until Zhu ignores and leaves.

A faint smile appeared on the corner of Zhu Houzhao's mouth.

This is what Zhu ignores!

This is the iron gall monkey!

Even if he is secretly a hero and wants to seize the throne.

But as long as Zhu Houzhao is strong enough, then Zhu Wushi can only be a loyal iron gall monkey.