
Invincible World

Traveling to become Zhu Houzhao in the world of comprehensive martial arts, awakening the system. In the first year, Li Chungang signed the Spring and Autumn Sword Armor, one person with one sword is enough to conquer a country. In the second year, sign in to the big gift package of the network forces, and the hidden stakes are all over the world. In the third year, sign in to Spring and Autumn, the big devil Renmao. In the fourth year, Chen Zhibao, the white-clothed soldier fairy, and five thousand snow dragon riders were signed, and they joined the party. fifth year...  … Although it has powerful forces. But the system told Zhu Houzhao that he could not expose his strength within five years. Therefore, in five years, Zhu Houzhao just laid out the world step by step. And five years later, he ascended the throne as king! Zhu Houzhao said: You are all idiots, I will stop pretending! I have a showdown, I am invincible!

Shioki · ファンタジー
26 Chs

Chapter 5:Human Cat: His Majesty's strength is unfathomable!

Human cat!

It's him!

It turned out to be him...

Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here!

As soon as he made a move, he killed dozens of eunuchs at the master level!

While shocking everyone present, they were also terrified.

Grandmaster's high mathematics is not Chinese cabbage!

Put it on the rivers and lakes, everyone is an existence that calls for wind and rain!

He was instantly killed by a human cat~!


Seeing this scene, everyone gasped in their hearts.

What kind of strength is this person?

Great Master?


"You, you! It's you! Human cat... you actually killed Cao Zhengchun!"

Zhao Gao sat on the golden nanmu throne, his face was extremely stiff, but he couldn't laugh anymore.

He was still imagining the wonderful life in the future!

But he didn't expect that he would be severely slapped in the face by the cat in the next second!

What he didn't expect was that the strength of this man and cat was simply unfathomable!

He casually killed more than a dozen master eunuchs he brought from Qin, not to mention!

The opponent Cao Zhengchun, whom he regarded as his archenemy, had his head chopped off and was held in his hand.

Could this be an illusion?


The bloody smell coming from the nostrils is so clear and real!


Not hallucinations!

Especially the terrifying aura released by the other party made him tremble slightly as if he saw a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

"Human cat!"

Wei Zhuang's eyes were deep, and he was in doubt.

This person is a formidable enemy!

The water in the inner court is really unfathomable!

Subconsciously, he wanted to avoid the edge!

Almost everyone in the quicksand organization looked at each other, their eyes full of vigilance and anxiety.

They love money that's right!

However, it doesn't mean that life is lost.

This man in front of him is too fierce!



At this time, Renmao was holding Cao Zhengchun's head in his hand.

Approaching Zhao Gao step by step.

The murderous intent on his body was not concealed at all, and the three thousand red silk with a terrifying aura floated behind his back.

Every step forward, his aura increased by one point!

Every step forward, the evil spirit on his body becomes stronger!

This scene made Zhao Gao's face extremely ugly, and he was already a little panicked.

The seemingly calm face on that face could not conceal the fear in his heart after all.

Human cat, so unscrupulous, dare to commit murder in the palace!

Who is he?

Where is his confidence?

Which faction does he belong to?

Datang? Great Sui? Dayuan? Or other dynasties?

Zhao Gao's thoughts began to flow rapidly.

No matter what he thought, he couldn't think of a reason at all.

The background of the human cat is too clean.

It's so clean it's outrageous!

So clean that there is no problem at all.

He thought he was an insignificant nobody!

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be an iron plate!

fear! disturbed!

All kinds of emotions linger in my heart!

Is it possible?

Suddenly, Zhao Gao's eyes narrowed suddenly.


Could it be that Renmao belonged to the little emperor?

He suddenly remembered the back of a handsome man in a dragon robe.

Zhu Houzhao!

Is it his?

How is that possible?


It is absolutely impossible for him to investigate this new emperor more clearly!

Zhu Houzhao didn't have any power and influence at all. He was nothing but the emperor's status, and it was impossible for a human cat to be.

While his thoughts were turning, Zhao Gao took a deep breath, his eyes were very serious, he forced himself to calm down, and said: "You, what do you want? Renmao, I am not afraid to tell you, I am from Daqin, my Behind it is Qin Wang Yingzheng, your strength is good, as long as you are willing to help me win the inner court, not only will there be no shortage of money, but also power will never be short of you, and in the future, Da Ming will have the final say!"

As a veteran in the court, Zhao Gao is very good at observing words and expressions.

After discovering that the human cat didn't directly attack him, this also gave him hope.

No action, it means that you can try to win over!

As a eunuch!

He knows better what eunuchs need!

money! power!

No eunuch can refuse these two points!


Zhao Gao still thought too simply.

If a human cat can be so easily won over by humans, then it would be called a human cat.

What's more, Renmao is still a character obtained by Zhu Houzhao through the system.

Loyalty is 100% and it never fades.

Zhu Houzhao only needs one sentence, even if it makes people die, he will execute it without hesitation.


It's tantamount to a fool's dream!

At this time, the human cat did not speak.

Instead, he casually threw Cao Zhengchun's head at Zhao Gao's feet.


Zhao Gao's eyes widened, startled by the movement of the cat,

What is this guy going to do?

He thought that the cat was going to do something to him, so he couldn't help but back away.

"Stupid! Ignorant! Do you really think that you can dominate everything? Zhao Gao, do you really think that His Majesty is that simple?"

Ren Mao couldn't help but sneered, his tone was full of sarcasm, and said lightly: "Don't say it's you, it's my strength, what is it in the emperor?"

As he said that, he looked at everyone with contempt, and said, "Your majesty's strength is beyond your imagination? If your majesty thinks, even if it's me in the next second, I will be decapitated!"

As soon as this remark came out, not only Zhao Gao was stunned, but all the people in the Quicksand organization were a little surprised.


Does that new emperor have such strength?

Together with humans and cats, such a terrifying strength can be easily destroyed?

These words actually came from this person himself!


Everyone was a little confused, and everyone was full of disbelief!

Your Majesty, is it really so terrifying?

If that's the case, wouldn't this person see all their actions?

So why did you not choose to do it?

Could it be?

Could it be that you are watching a group of jumping clowns?

Zhao Gao already had some doubts about life.

He glanced at Renmao, trying to find evidence that the other party was lying.

But he found that Renmao was full of disdain, and his doubtful thoughts were immediately swept away.


The strength of the human cat is already so terrifying!

Can be called the first person under the land gods!

Is it necessary for such a person to lie?

Maybe will!

But to make such a person lie, the terrifying land gods are not qualified!

Is it necessary to lie to yourself these people?

no need!

Zhao Gao was extremely certain in his heart, it must be like this.

But, the more sure of this!

Doesn't it mean that Zhu Houzhao possesses terrifying strength?

This is the worst kind of all possible!

But now it seems to be true...


Silence all over the house!

Zhao Gao and the quicksand organization, who were originally ambitious and wanted to unify the harem, were silent.

Seeing this, Renmao watched with cold eyes.

He didn't mean to explain much, let alone play it deliberately.

Just a few simple words made Zhao Gao and the others shattered.

In this brain, I'm afraid I don't know how many things have been filled in the brain.

This is exactly the effect that Renmao wants, and it is also Zhu Houzhao's goal.

If strength is not shown, it can make people tremble!

Sometimes, making up your own brain can also be scary enough to leave a shadow.

This is also the emperor's mind!

A companion is like a tiger, no one can guess the strength Zhu Houzhao controls, and it is also the most terrifying place.


Outside the palace.

Just when Renmao suppressed Zhao Gao, Zhu Wushi had already arrived outside the palace.

"This eldest nephew, why did you summon me at this time?"

Zhu ignored his brows and frowned slightly, walking on the avenue, he was a little absent-minded.

Regarding Zhu Houzhao calling himself this time, he was very puzzled and full of puzzles.

Originally Zhu Houzhao ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor, but he never cared about it.

After all, based on his understanding of this eldest nephew over the years, he can see clearly.

If it weren't for this guy's good birth, it can be said that he has no qualifications and demeanor as an emperor at all.

He still vaguely remembers that when he was the crown prince, the places he liked to go to most were those Goulan places.

Either play poker with this nobleman today, or find that nobleman to applaud for love!

Relying on his status as the crown prince, coupled with his extraordinary handsomeness.

Even those noble people who performed their arts but not their bodies were fascinated by his fascination, and all of them aspired to become princes and concubines.

Or, just look for the sons of the princes and generals, all of them are fighting crickets or wandering around.

It can be said that the face of the royal family was thrown into it!


This is the kind of person, he is the heir to the throne!

This also made Zhu Wushi very upset, he refused to accept it!

Even for this reason, he never took the initiative to meet this majesty.

Such a person, you also deserve to be an emperor?

Does it match?

Obviously, Zhu Wushi looked down on Zhu Houzhao very much, and even felt that only he was worthy of inheriting the throne.

Since ancient times, it is not uncommon for younger brothers to inherit the throne of older brothers!

However, this imperial brother of mine did not have such an awareness!

I would rather hand over the world of Daming to a dude than to give it to him.

Since you don't give it, I'll take it myself!

It's better than letting Zhu Houzhao ruin the country that the old Zhu family took so hard.

Thinking of this, Zhu Wushi's eyes were full of ambition.

This guy summoned himself suddenly, just before the first meeting.

Could it be that the eldest nephew is asking for something?


Zhu ignored the corner of his mouth with a faint smile.

It seems that this emperor is still not good!


In the end, don't you have to rely on yourself as the emperor's uncle? !

fair enough!

With his current power in the imperial court, in the frontiers, and in the rivers and lakes, he can completely do the affairs of the imperial court well.

Once Zhu Houzhao became dependent on himself, wouldn't the opportunity come?

The so-called good things take time, he is not in a hurry!

As long as Zhu Houzhao is obedient.

Even if he won the throne in the end, he would not kill this nephew.

Just let him be an idle prince!

Get him more beauties!

It's okay, just go play poker!

This can also burp sooner.

There is no need for him to be named as killing his own family and seizing the throne.

At this time, Zhu Houzhao was full of confidence.

Walking on the avenue is also walking like a dragon and a tiger, as if I can't wait.


At this moment, suddenly a eunuch hurried over from a distance, with an extremely panicked expression on his face.

"Master Hou, something serious happened!"

The eunuch's face was pale, and after looking left and right, he said hurriedly to Zhu Wushi: "Renmao, Renmao killed Cao Zhengchun, he killed Governor Cao..."

"What? Tell me clearly? Who killed whom?"

As soon as this remark came out, Zhu Wushi's eyes widened three points, as if he couldn't believe it, and couldn't help asking again.

This eunuch is a spy he arranged in the palace.

Generally, when information is obtained, it will be transmitted to Hulong Villa as soon as possible.

This time, he came to find himself in person.

"Director Cao, he, he is dead, his head was cut off by a cat! Lord Hou..."

The eunuch still had a face full of disbelief until now, trembling with fright.

Cao Zhengchun, who is that?

That is the general manager of the East Factory, with great power, no matter whether it is the inner court or the outer court, it has great influence.

Such a person actually died.

If he hadn't actually seen it, he couldn't believe his eyes.

"Cao Zhengchun is dead?!"

Hearing this, Zhu Wushi could no longer calm down, and his face instantly became gloomy.

I heard it right!

Cao Zhengchun is dead!

really dead!

Still died in the hands of the cat!

As the secret agent he arranged in the palace, he could absolutely trust him. Unless it was accurate news, this eunuch would never dare to cheat.

But just like this, Zhu Wushi couldn't calm down in his heart for a long time, and he calmed down for a long time before finally calming down.

Human cat!

This eunuch who has only been in the palace for less than three years!

He killed Cao Zhengchun, how did he do it?

Regarding Cao Zhengchun's strength, even if Zhu ignored it, he would not dare to underestimate it.

Even if he did it himself, he didn't have anything to kill Cao Zhengchun.

For a long time, Zhu ignored Cao Zhengchun as his enemy.

In the eyes of this person, he was hindered from gaining the extension of his influence in the palace, and he could be described as a thorn in the flesh.

But when he really heard the news that Cao Zhengchun had been killed, he really couldn't be happy at all, he was only shocked.

Incomparable consternation!

Inexplicably, there is a sense of sadness when the rabbit dies and the fox!

If a human cat can kill Cao Zhengchun, doesn't that mean that the other party can also kill him?


Thinking of this, Zhu Wushi couldn't help but gasp!

However, what is the basis of the human cat?

Not to mention that the strength of the human cat = toughness, who on earth gave the human cat the confidence to kill Cao Zhengchun?

Could it be that it's my eldest nephew?

Does he have this strength?

He knew about Daming's background.

As the emperor's uncle, he understands that the background of Daming is not completely in the hands of the emperor.

Mainly it comes from the master.

The emperor, with such a short succession time, there is no reason to take it so quickly.

You must know that when the clan entrusts the details, it will also test the emperor.

If the fatuousness is severe, the clan can completely not hand over power for the time being.

Even if you take care of Zhu Houzhao, it is absolutely impossible to be so fast!

On this point, Zhu Wushi was very sure in his heart.

It can be regarded as the old rules of the royal family.

So, if it is Zhu Houzhao, what is he relying on?

At this moment, Zhu Wushi felt for the first time that Zhu Houzhao was out of his control, and this feeling made him very annoyed.

"Go! Don't say anything about this, I have my own plan, and I will go to see His Majesty now."

Zhu ignored the tone and said indifferently.

He also forced himself to calm down at this time.

No matter what happened, let's go and see this elder nephew first.

Even now, he is still rebellious in his heart.

I don't think my eldest nephew has this ability.

If Renmao really has such a powerful strength, how could it be possible to succumb to his useless nephew?

Does he deserve it too?

"Yes, Lord Hou!"

The eunuch nodded, concealed his emotions, turned and left.

"Hmph, let me see if this eldest nephew really has this ability!"

Zhu Wushi took a deep breath, his eyes were as gloomy as water, and he also quickened his pace towards the palace.
