
Invincible World

Traveling to become Zhu Houzhao in the world of comprehensive martial arts, awakening the system. In the first year, Li Chungang signed the Spring and Autumn Sword Armor, one person with one sword is enough to conquer a country. In the second year, sign in to the big gift package of the network forces, and the hidden stakes are all over the world. In the third year, sign in to Spring and Autumn, the big devil Renmao. In the fourth year, Chen Zhibao, the white-clothed soldier fairy, and five thousand snow dragon riders were signed, and they joined the party. fifth year...  … Although it has powerful forces. But the system told Zhu Houzhao that he could not expose his strength within five years. Therefore, in five years, Zhu Houzhao just laid out the world step by step. And five years later, he ascended the throne as king! Zhu Houzhao said: You are all idiots, I will stop pretending! I have a showdown, I am invincible!

Shioki · ファンタジー
26 Chs

Chapter 4:Under the three thousand red threads, Zhao Gao was terrified!

Just when Zhu Houzhao ordered Zhu to ignore it.

Renmao has already started his first step, he went directly to Zhao Gao.

Zhao Gao's residence.

In the main hall, fist-sized luminous pearls are inlaid on the wall. Under the soft light, the dim space is illuminated as if it were daytime.

at this time!

Zhao Gao, one of the chief eunuchs, was sitting on a throne made of golden nanmu, playing with a dark green wrench in his hand, and his retainers were sitting on both sides.

Maybe it's a change in the world of comprehensive martial arts.

These people can be said to be old acquaintances in Zhu Houzhao's cognition.

Such as Wei Zhuang, Zhang Liang, Yan Lingji and others.

They all belong to an organization called Quicksand!

These people were all invited by Zhao Gaohua with a lot of money.

The quicksand organization only recognizes money in doing things!

Whoever gives more money will do things for him!

It just so happened that Zhao Gao was very rich.

After all, he has the support of Qin State, so he doesn't have to worry about money at all.

In this way, these people are also gathered around to do things.

Today, Zhao Gao gathered these people together, and it was just news from Daqin.

Concubine Yan of the Yin Yang family will soon arrive in the capital of Ming Dynasty and settle in the harem of Ming Dynasty.

Yingzheng's order was very simple, that is to ask Zhao Gao to fully assist Concubine Yan's actions in the palace and give him great support.

Even so, Zhao Gao had his own thoughts.

As an eunuch who mixed into the Ming court in the early days, he has now mixed into the position of chief eunuch.

As time passed, he cherished his status even more.

He understood that he had to climb up step by step in order to grasp his current power.

Therefore, with the help of a lot of support from Qin State, he kept recruiting followers and frantically expanded his power.

The quicksand organization was one of them, and it was also the tool he used to suppress Cao Zhengchun.

As long as he can suppress Cao Zhengchun, or even bring him down.

He can manage to occupy Dongchang and become an important eunuch in the Ming Dynasty.

Possess the status of being under one person and above ten thousand people.

He even intends to lead the harem and hold Daming's inner court in his hands.

Control Zhu Houzhao as the emperor.

At that time, even if he is just a eunuch.

He will also be the most powerful eunuch in the world.

Thinking of this, Zhao Gao looked at the people in Quicksand with a smile, and said, "Everyone, money has never been a problem. Concubine Yan will arrive soon, and the king's order is very simple, that is to assist Concubine Yan to win the inner court!"

"The first step we have to do is to overthrow Cao Zhengchun. As long as we overthrow him, our power in the palace will be further expanded."

After speaking, he looked at the crowd, wanting to hear their thoughts.

These people are nothing more than money!

This is easier to handle.

Qin Guo gave him great support, because Concubine Yan sent a large amount of silver in advance.

Because of this, his ambition began to swell rapidly.

"What the manager said is very true, I will fully assist myself"

Wei Zhuang looked indifferent, nodded and said.

He didn't mean to say much.

How Daming is, has nothing to do with their essence.

The quicksand organization is doing things with money!

Give money, then everything is easy to say.

As soon as he opened his mouth, the others responded one after another.

Only Yan Lingji frowned slightly, pondered for a moment, and said coldly: "Mr. Zhao, although we can help, but the current inner court forces are complicated. Apart from the governor of the East Factory, Cao Zhengchun, there is also a man and a cat. This person is sophisticated. Vicious and vicious, she has gained a firm foothold in the inner court in just three years, with full wings."

"After the little emperor ascended the throne, the human cat was promoted to the extreme, and the inner court became more and more powerful. This person is also very difficult to deal with."

"Human cat? Vicious methods? Just rely on him?"

Hearing this, Zhao Gao couldn't help sneering, his eyes were full of viciousness, and said: "This person is not small, and the manager made him bigger to check and balance Cao Zhengchun. If he dares to stop me today, he will die. !"

With Ying Zheng's support, it can be said that Zhao Gao doesn't pay attention to anyone.

Who cat?

He didn't pay attention to it at all!

One must know that none of these people who are in the Ming Dynasty now have any background or influence behind them.

What does a human cat have?

Come out to hang out, you have to be powerful!

Otherwise, it is duckweed without roots!

Renmao, he also investigated.

To put it bluntly, he is an undisciplined person who has just risen, what can he do?

If you make him anxious, you can even put Cao Zhengchun's side aside for a while and kill the human cat first.

There is Qin State behind him, and the strength of Qin State belongs to the top existence among many dynasties.

Now that she is supported by Ying Zheng, she is even more unscrupulous in her heart.

"It's good that the manager knows it well."

Yan Lingji was inexplicably displeased when she heard Zhao Gao's arrogant words, but she had said what she had to say, and it was Zhao Gao's own business whether she listened or not.

She instinctively felt that this matter was not simple, but there was no evidence.

"Hahahaha, you don't need to worry too much. If it is done at this time, I promise that you will have more money and no less money. You will not regret today's choice."

Zhao Gao was very satisfied in his heart and couldn't help laughing out loud.

A mere Daming, to be honest, he really didn't take it seriously.

Even the little emperor in the Hall of Mental Cultivation, he never cared about it.

Sooner or later, this person will become his own puppet.

Zhao Gao trembled with excitement at the thought that he could control a king of a dynasty.

As long as Zhu Houzhao is under control, isn't that the same as controlling Daming?

Take the emperor to order the princes!

This kind of thing, I will be the first person!

That was the real pinnacle of power!

This wish can be said to be the dream of every eunuch.

It cannot be realized in Daqin Zhaogao!

After all, Ying Zhengxiong's general talent is beyond the control of a little eunuch like him.


Daming is different!

This made him see an opportunity!

And, the chances are very high!

"Thank you sir, I will do my best!"

At this time, everyone cheered in unison.

This time, Zhao Gaoshuang couldn't help but feel like he was going to float up.

Is this the smell of power? !

But at this time, no one noticed.

Behind the screen of the main hall, red threads appeared in the room.

Immediately afterwards, the air in the hall became solidified.

Before he could react, a killing intent from Bing Ling suddenly rushed out.

All the eunuchs standing on both sides of the screen turned into a pile of minced meat in an instant without even screaming.

Three thousand red silk!

This is the most terrifying method used by humans and cats. It can make dead things full of spirituality, and it can also make living things die instantly.

It can brutally kill all masters under the realm of land gods!

Even if these people are extraordinary in strength, they are all masters in the realm of masters, and they can't react at all.

"Who? Who the hell?"

Zhao Gao's expression changed drastically, he subconsciously looked behind the screen, and said in a terrified voice, "Who?"

But haven't gotten a response yet.

Zhao Gao then saw a person walking towards him.

There was an air of incomparable dissent from him.

Bloody, tyrannical, cruel, merciless.

All kinds of negative emotions are reflected in the village

It made the figure of that person look like a devil walking from hell, and his eyes were full of murderous and deadly aura, looking at everyone in the hall.


Incomparably cold!

Everyone seemed to be in an ice cellar, and their faces changed drastically.

That terrifying momentum!

It's appalling!

Especially, on his left hand, there is a head!

That is a dead head!

That was Cao Zhengchun's head!