
Invincible World

Traveling to become Zhu Houzhao in the world of comprehensive martial arts, awakening the system. In the first year, Li Chungang signed the Spring and Autumn Sword Armor, one person with one sword is enough to conquer a country. In the second year, sign in to the big gift package of the network forces, and the hidden stakes are all over the world. In the third year, sign in to Spring and Autumn, the big devil Renmao. In the fourth year, Chen Zhibao, the white-clothed soldier fairy, and five thousand snow dragon riders were signed, and they joined the party. fifth year...  … Although it has powerful forces. But the system told Zhu Houzhao that he could not expose his strength within five years. Therefore, in five years, Zhu Houzhao just laid out the world step by step. And five years later, he ascended the throne as king! Zhu Houzhao said: You are all idiots, I will stop pretending! I have a showdown, I am invincible!

Shioki · ファンタジー
26 Chs

Chapter 21: Six Souls Scary Curse? Concubine Yin Yang Yan

Wang Yuyan is like this, so why not Huang Rong?

She was also sent as a gift, but compared to Wang Yuyan, she seemed more voluntary.

Huang Rong was captured by officials of the Song court under the name of a spy, and then sent to Zhao Ji.

When Zhao Ji saw Huang Rong, he was very satisfied and praised her, secretly lamented her beauty and beauty, and even wanted to compose a poem on the spot and bring her into the harem as a concubine.

However, at this time, Cai Jing reminded that the Emperor Zhu Houzhao of the Ming Dynasty was about to succeed to the throne, and the Song Dynasty should express it.

When Zhao Ji heard this, he could only sigh.

Although he was very reluctant, he finally decided to send it to Daming as a gift to congratulate Zhu Houzhao on his accession to the throne.

After all, others also give women away, if I don't give it away, wouldn't it be obvious that I stand out from the crowd?

If you didn't say anything, let's send it!

The difference is that Huang Rong is smarter and more understanding of people's hearts.

She was arrested, in fact, voluntarily.

At first, the purpose was to go around the palace of the Great Song Dynasty and gain knowledge. Anyway, no one in the Palace of the Great Song Dynasty could trap himself.

What she didn't expect was that Zhao Ji changed hands and sent herself to Daming.

Now that he is in the palace, there is no way to do it. After all, the palace of Daming is not the Song Dynasty, and the defense is only strict, which can be called terrifying.

She now only hopes that one day her father, Huang Yaoshi, can take her out of here.

After all, the court doesn't like whether it's internal fighting or standing in line.

It's not fun at all!

At this time, the women in the hall looked at each other very unpleasantly, wishing that these people would disappear before their eyes.

The emperor will come next, and whoever can seize the opportunity will be able to win more benefits for the forces behind him.

The atmosphere was unusually quiet at this time, and no one spoke, but the calculations in their hearts had already been deduced countless times.

But in the end, someone still broke the seemingly peaceful atmosphere in front of him.

"Sister Yan Concubine, I think our goal is the same. Maybe the Dayuan behind me can cooperate with Daqin you represent. Our goal is to take down Zhu Houzhao."

"And I know your ability, the Six Souls Fear Curse, can control people's hearts. Presumably, my sister is going to use this curse this time, so that the emperor can use it for you!"

Zhao Min looked at Concubine Yan with beautiful eyes and said with a smile, straight to the point without the slightest pretense.

Behind her is Yuan Ting, who is powerful and fearless at all.

Zhu Houzhao has never been taken seriously by her, just like a piece of meat on a sticky board, ready to be manipulated at any time.

If there were no other women fighting in court, she would have managed to win Zhu Houzhao.

The reason why she wants to cooperate with Concubine Yan now is because she learned through intelligence that Concubine Yan's yin and yang skills are quite good.

The Six Souls Curse in one hand can even control people's hearts.

With this method, Zhu Houzhao can be controlled quickly, so she has to cooperate with Concubine Yan.

On the other hand, Daqin's strength is also very strong, which cannot be compared with ordinary dynasties.

This is also a well-known thing, and it is recognized by all countries.

If she can cooperate with Daqin, it will be very beneficial to her personally.

As soon as this statement came out, all the women were shocked.

He even subconsciously wanted to stay away from Concubine Yan, for fear of being cursed by her.

They had been instilled with various information before they came, so naturally they had heard this spell.

It is said that the Six Souls Curse is one of the "Eight Curses of Yin Vessels" in the Yin-Yang Family Forbidden Art.

Because this curse is too sinister and sinister, even in the Yin Yang family, disciples of disciples are forbidden to practice it.

As for Concubine Yan, she was obviously not within the forbidden range.


It's hard to guard against!

This is the characteristic of the Six Souls Curse of Terror.

According to rumors in the world, once one is hit by the Six Souls Curse, there is no cure in the world.

At this moment, every woman looked at Concubine Yan with a hint of fear.

However, as long as you keep a distance and don't get touched by Concubine Yan, you shouldn't be cursed.

"Hmph, you little girl, you look smart, and you are so courageous! But cooperation is impossible."

Seeing this scene, Concubine Yan smiled coldly, and narrowed her eyes slightly at Zhao Min.

However, she never thought that this Zhao Min was so bold, and could even be said to be very rampant.

You must know that this is the imperial palace, or the harem, and it is the deepest part of Ming Dynasty, and it is also the center of power.

Saying such words, do you really think that the Ming court has no foundation at all?

Before being formally named concubine, she had already blatantly discussed how to divide up Daming, and knew more about the Six Souls Curse.

Obviously, the various abilities of the Yin Yang family had been investigated in advance, which made her very upset.

This move undoubtedly pointed the finger at himself, and it also meant coercion.

If you don't cooperate, you will be targeted by everyone, and even ruin your good deeds.

This strategy seems simple, but it can be said that it is not vicious.

It's just that whether it is Daqin or the Yinyang family, they have no intention of cooperating with anyone at all.

What Qin Shihuang wants is to wipe out the world, just like he wiped out the six countries, not you and other countries to discuss and advance together.

In the same way, the current leader of the Yinyang family, Donghuang Taiyi, is also the same, it can be said to be exactly the same.

The Eastern Emperor Taiyi wanted to use the great power of the Great Qin to converge on himself, to break through the supreme realm of yin and yang, and had long been bound to the Great Qin.


It's a joke!

Do you deserve it?

"Hee hee! What a pity!"

Hearing this, Zhao Min pouted and touched her small nose at the same time. After thinking about it for a while, she looked at Concubine Yan again and said with a smile: "If my sister regrets it, you can come to me at any time, I miss you will eventually agree."

For this, she has her own means.

If you don't cooperate, you want to eat alone!

Where in the world is there such a beautiful thing? !

"These two are indeed not fuel-efficient lamps!"

Wanwan's eyes flickered, and she sat on the side, seemingly enjoying leaning on the building to listen to the wind and rain, but she was also secretly frightened.

Sure enough, everyone has the same goal, and it seems that the means prepared by each one are much more powerful than her so-called witch.

However, these are temporary.

The so-called reading the libretto while riding a donkey, we have to wait and see!

Until the last moment, who knows who will win!

"These people are so blatant, they don't take Daming seriously at all, aren't they afraid..."

At this moment, both Wang Yuyan and Huang Rong looked worried.

They looked at each other the same way, and they all saw the sympathy for each other.

But they didn't care, so they and others didn't get noticed.

Especially Huang Rong deliberately pretended to be ugly, just to make a scene.

Let Zhu Houzhao hate himself, and even drive himself out of the court.

Originally, she came here just to play.

In this way, this trip to Daming has come to a successful conclusion.

"The forces of several great dynasties are not easy to provoke!"

Wu Zetian frowned, feeling that Daming's harem was very dangerous.

This made her feel a little sympathy for Zhu Houzhao, the lord of the Ming Dynasty.

But in any case, the current confrontation between the several major dynasties is exactly what she wants.

She will also do what Datang told her next.

But it was not for Datang, but for herself.

Not to mention anything else, if you can control the Ming Emperor, you can take revenge on Li Shimin and the Tang Dynasty!

Sending herself as a gift, do you really think that Wu Zhao is easy to mess with?

She wanted Li Shimin to feel regret and pain.

He regretted sending himself out and made Datang the biggest enemy.

It's not that she cares about Li Shimin, it's just that a woman's desire for revenge is really heavy.

This is especially true for a beautiful and ambitious woman like Wu Zhao.

Just when the girls were thinking deeply, Zhao Gao's high-pitched voice also sounded at this moment.

"The emperor is coming!"
