
Invincible World

Traveling to become Zhu Houzhao in the world of comprehensive martial arts, awakening the system. In the first year, Li Chungang signed the Spring and Autumn Sword Armor, one person with one sword is enough to conquer a country. In the second year, sign in to the big gift package of the network forces, and the hidden stakes are all over the world. In the third year, sign in to Spring and Autumn, the big devil Renmao. In the fourth year, Chen Zhibao, the white-clothed soldier fairy, and five thousand snow dragon riders were signed, and they joined the party. fifth year...  … Although it has powerful forces. But the system told Zhu Houzhao that he could not expose his strength within five years. Therefore, in five years, Zhu Houzhao just laid out the world step by step. And five years later, he ascended the throne as king! Zhu Houzhao said: You are all idiots, I will stop pretending! I have a showdown, I am invincible!

Shioki · ファンタジー
26 Chs

Chapter 19: Re-establish the cabinet, I want to cover the sky with one hand

In the hall, the court will continue.

There are too many things recently, and many of them need to be decided by the emperor.

Next, Zhu Houzhao, most of the government affairs, remained silent.

He just listens, more like a watchdog and observer.

This is a matter of leaving things to professional people and reviewing them.

Among these people, Zhu Hou took care of them clearly.

Among them, Li Si is strict and capable, and a legal expert.

Changsun Wuji has the ability to govern the world.

Although Yan Song is a traitor, he is capable.

Pei Ju is even more capable of maneuvering.

It can be said that they are all able ministers.

Such people, as the real emperors, should give them room to play.

At the same time, a rope should be put around the necks of these people.

It makes you feel rebellious, but you can only help Daming do things well.

Even if you are a hypocrite, you have to be me for the rest of your life.

In the end, I will set up a grave for you.

This is Zhu Houzhao's idea, and he is doing it.

But even so, the results of these capable courtiers' discussions had to be handed over to the emperor.

Everyone still has to be cautious.

Zhu Houzhao is not stupid, this is the common cognition of all the courtiers.

If the emperor is displeased, it is very simple to kill one or two courtiers.

Of course, the court discussions were not harmonious, and the competition for the vacant position last time was inevitable.

This is not something that can be allocated all at once.

There will be a lot of verbal warfare.

Then Zhu Houzhao drank tea and watched a play.

Very comfortable! Very comfortable! Also very interesting!

Zhu Houzhao's purpose is to make Daming rise completely, so he must use these people.

Just how can it be used by him?

It is nothing more than bloody suppression and decentralization!

Suppression is power.

At the same time, it must be supervised.

In this way, he is a qualified emperor.

In this way, Zhu Houzhao's second court meeting after he ascended the throne announced the end amidst the noise of the courtiers.

However, this grand court is over.

The meeting is about to begin.

Zhu Houzhao moved directly to the imperial study.

At the same time, the eldest grandson Wuji, Li Si, Yan Song, Pei Ju, and Zhu Wushi were also announced to the imperial study for dinner.

When they heard that the emperor wanted to invite them to dinner, several people stared wide-eyed.

This operation is incomprehensible.

But it doesn't matter whether you understand it or not. The important thing is that Zhu Houzhao wants to discuss with them-reestablishing the cabinet.

Re-establish the cabinet?

Why is it re-established?

Before the Ming Dynasty, there was a cabinet, and its power had reached its peak.

It's just that the previous emperor resolutely abolished the cabinet system because he knew of the chaos in Kyushu and the invasion of external forces, which led to the fall of imperial power.

The reason is that Ming Xiaozong Zhu Youtang was very self-aware of his own abilities.

He knew that he couldn't identify the loyalty and traitor of each courtier, and he couldn't control the intrusion of external forces, and he might even introduce treacherous officials into the court.

In view of this, fearing that the descendants of future generations would be ruled by the cabinet, they directly came to a one-size-fits-all approach.

I'll give you a whole lot straight away.

The cabinet is gone, even if you invade again, the power will still be divided.

At most, a situation of confrontation between several major forces will be formed. Although this is also very bad, it will not make the emperor completely reduced to a puppet.

Now, Zhu Houzhao succeeds the emperor.

His thinking is different.


Intelligence capability!

A pair of piercing eyes!

If you have both of these, why not use a cabinet?

The cabinet can effectively reduce the pressure on the emperor. Even if something goes wrong, it is the cabinet's fault. Removing one or two auxiliary ministers can eliminate resentment.

Such a useful mechanism, why not use it?

However, although the cabinet Zhu Houzhao wanted was responsible for helping the emperor and the world, his every move was subject to imperial power.

The most obvious one is about the emperor's central purpose, which no longer exists.

First of all, it is determined that the emperor's will is the highest will, and if one word is spoken, it is the constitution of heaven.

If the emperor's will conflicts with the cabinet's, then the emperor's will will be implemented, and the cabinet's share will be abolished, that's how overbearing.

All deliberated decisions of the cabinet are illegal and cannot be enforced without the emperor's approval.

At this time, in the imperial study room.

Zhu Houzhao and his officials had already finished their meals.

At this time, no matter it was Changsun Wuji, Li Si, Yan Song, Pei Ju or Zhu Wushi, they were all standing on both sides, deep in thought and silent.

Each of these people present is extremely powerful in the Ming Dynasty, and their status is truly below one person and above tens of thousands.

At this moment, they are waiting, waiting for the emperor to say something!

You know, this is the first time the emperor has summoned them for a meal after he ascended the throne.

It can never be as simple as just eating.

It can even be said that this discussion is very likely to be a major event that will change the direction of Ming Dynasty.

"Well, I have invited you here this time because I have something to announce."

Zhu Houzhao glanced at the crowd, and said lightly.

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes darkened slightly.

Good guy!


You've announced it all, so why are you looking for us?

The next imperial decree will be over.

Several people were very puzzled, and at the same time curious, what exactly the emperor was going to say to make it so solemn.

"Okay, I won't go around the bush anymore, I decided to re-establish the cabinet."

Zhu Houzhao had a solemn expression, and his eyes were extremely sharp.

He looked down at these courtiers who were second only to him, and immediately talked about the cabinet he wanted.

But in the middle of the conversation, Zhu Houzhao looked at Zhangsun Wuji with a smile, and said directly: "I am determined, Changsun Wuji will be the first cabinet minister after the cabinet is established, come here! Give Shang Fang a sword!"

As soon as these words fell, a hidden guard who snares the net flashed out and presented a Shangfang sword.

After hearing these words, no matter whether it was Yan Song, Changsun Wuji, or the other courtiers who are now in control of the court, they all showed shock.

Especially Yan Song, crying long live on the spot, knelt down tremblingly to receive the order, held a sword in his hand, and said excitedly: "Old minister, thank you for your grace! Thank you for your grace!"

With snot and tears, looking at the few people next to him, he wanted to vomit, and felt disgusted in his heart.

But Yan Song didn't even look at it, his heart was full of surprises, so he didn't care about that.

Emperor, this is to delegate power!

At this moment, he is already thinking in his heart that he will be a father in the future.

Although the emperor hadn't finished talking about the cabinet, according to the previous autocracy of the cabinet, the power was extremely powerful.

As the chief assistant of the cabinet himself, he is the most powerful person.

Even if he does not approve of the emperor's will, he can veto it with a few assistant ministers.

Zhu Houzhao is too young to know the heights of heaven and earth.

If this trick is used, it is pure courting death!


Zhu Houzhao was all smiles, but how could he not know what Yan Song was thinking?


You old boy, you will stop laughing soon!

Sure enough, with Zhu Houzhao Zhu Houzhao established the supremacy of imperial power.

People like Li Si, Yan Song, Changsun Wuji and Pei Ju couldn't laugh anymore.

Especially Yan Song, whose cloudy eyes almost didn't pop out in shock.

What the hell?

You call this the cabinet?

At this moment, their current mood is like eating a hot pot meal.

Then a passerby suddenly spit out a mouthful of thick yellow and viscous phlegm into the soup base.

Everyone's faces froze, and they stood there stupidly, all in a daze.

Can this soup still be used?

Are you sure you're not joking?

The imperial power is supreme, just like the constitution of heaven.

According to Zhu Houzhao's thinking, although such a cabinet can also control the affairs of the court, every time it does something, the cabinet ministers can be said to be walking on eggshells.

Once there is a decision-making error, Zhu Houzhao has the highest decision-making power. Just say that you deceived the emperor, and then you can be pulled out.

Abbreviation: Backpacker!

What is this!

Especially Zhu Wushi, who is the uncle of the emperor, was shocked to the point where he couldn't be more shocked at this time.

If it's just the cabinet, in his opinion, at most, the emperor consolidated the imperial power while delegating power.

But he knew Zhu Houzhao's intelligence capabilities.

It seems that the real side of everything can't deceive the emperor's eyes.

When the two are combined together, it is very scary.

Absolute intelligence ability!

Absolute power!

In addition, the emperor he knows is even more scheming, and there is no such thing as not finding evidence to mess with you.

This move is tantamount to hanging a sharp sword over the heads of all the courtiers.

Once it falls, the sword will behead someone.


At this time, almost everyone understands the taste.

They thought of Zhu Houzhao's performance at the court meeting in the past two days. Although this emperor is domineering, he has real courage and a big heart.

Even if he is a treacherous minister, he dares to use it and is willing to use it.

He doesn't seem to care about loyalty, nor does he take all the power into his own hands.

Instead let it out.

Let them play.

But underneath it was a kind of boundless coldness.

Because if you can let it go, you can take it back, whoever dares to make trouble will die!

Under the pressure of the emperor, these people can only do things obediently!

This is Zhu Houzhao's idea.

Although he is the emperor, he is too lazy to manage too much.

If he had to take care of everything, would the emperor have time for himself?

Instead, he entrusted the matter to a professional, and he only needed to control a few people.

This kind of thinking.

It also made Li Si and others shudder.

But at the same time, each of them became fanatical in their hearts. The emperor's mind was different from other people's, and his generosity could be called grandiose.

Even though Daming is a bit of a sunset in the west, it is still a real big country.

If you can become the chief assistant of the cabinet, you can give full play to your ambitions.

What an honor it is for these courtiers!

At this moment, only Changsun Wuji didn't feel the slightest heat in his heart, but felt cold. Zhu Houzhao's emperor's mind was too terrifying.

It's so terrifying!

This is not like a king who has just ascended the throne!