
Invincible World

Traveling to become Zhu Houzhao in the world of comprehensive martial arts, awakening the system. In the first year, Li Chungang signed the Spring and Autumn Sword Armor, one person with one sword is enough to conquer a country. In the second year, sign in to the big gift package of the network forces, and the hidden stakes are all over the world. In the third year, sign in to Spring and Autumn, the big devil Renmao. In the fourth year, Chen Zhibao, the white-clothed soldier fairy, and five thousand snow dragon riders were signed, and they joined the party. fifth year...  … Although it has powerful forces. But the system told Zhu Houzhao that he could not expose his strength within five years. Therefore, in five years, Zhu Houzhao just laid out the world step by step. And five years later, he ascended the throne as king! Zhu Houzhao said: You are all idiots, I will stop pretending! I have a showdown, I am invincible!

Shioki · ファンタジー
26 Chs

Chapter 17: All the girls react, scrambling for Zhu Houzhao

"Interesting! Interesting! Are you saying that the emperor was framed as a tyrant?"

Wan Wan, who was getting dressed in front of the dressing table, had a smile on her lips.

Listening to the maid's message, the corners of her mouth couldn't help showing an expression of interest.

Wan Wan, the saint of the Demon Sect, was originally a stunning beauty.

After some combing, it is charming and charming, adding a moving color.

"Yes, Holy Maiden, everyone is spreading rumors that Emperor Ming is a tyrant!"

The maid on the side nodded.

"Hee hee! The tyrant! The tyrant is also very good."

Hearing this, instead of feeling terrified, Wanwan became more and more curious.

This Zhu Houzhao, who had just ascended the throne as the emperor, came to kill chickens to scare monkeys, which was really a good way.

But isn't it a little too rushed?

This move really made those Ming interest groups anxious.

Of course, it is not ruled out that countries will contribute to the flames.

All countries like to ruin Zhu Houzhao's reputation.

She thought about it, so that's fine.

Now that Zhu Houzhao has the title of a tyrant, he let him have another stupid king in his title.

The tyrant and the faint king, don't look at the fact that it is fake now.

As a demon saint, she has enough confidence to make this happen.

She still doesn't believe it, with his own appearance, which man can not be fascinated by it? !


At the same time, in the courtyard of Concubine Yan, another corner of the post house.

"Master Dongjun, there is a lot of rumors outside at this time, saying that Emperor Ming has practiced evil skills, so that he has a violent temper. I wonder if this will affect our actions?"

Shao Si Ming was wearing a veil, and while reporting the situation to Concubine Yan, Xiumei couldn't help frowning.

The purpose of Daqin sending them here is to cholera Daming's harem and corrupt the government.

But if Emperor Ming himself had a problem at this time, it would not be a good thing for them to hate them.

After all, they want control, not loss of control.

Once Minghuang's temperament is out of order, it will have a negative effect.

Although this news may be false, if there is even a trace of truth, it will be very difficult.

"This matter is false without accident, but even if there is a problem with temperament, what's the problem? With the power of this seat, it is enough to suppress."

Concubine Yan's beautiful eyes were cold and arrogant, she didn't care about it at all.

He's just a young emperor!

Even if he is crazy, she is confident that he can handle it and grind him to death.

Therefore, in her opinion, it is not difficult to corrupt Daming's temperament.

"But Mr. Dongjun, there is still a human cat in the palace who is a great master. I'm afraid this person will be difficult to deal with!"

Concubine Yan's self-confidence reassured Shao Si Ming a lot, but she immediately thought of Renmao.

This person killed Cao Zhengchun.

This kind of strength is by no means simple, and without accidents, it will be the biggest obstacle to their actions after entering the palace.

"It's just a eunuch grand master, don't take it to heart."

Concubine Yan shook her head.

She didn't treat the human cat as a human at all. No matter how strong a human cat is, it is no better than a grand master, and it can't turn the sky!

Who doesn't have a few great masters behind them? !

This kind of strength is not yet qualified.

Her real opponents are only those women who are also from the imperial power.

These people must have made perfect preparations this time.

In order to fight for the greatest strength when carve up Daming, they will definitely use any means.

A lot of the preparations she made were to deal with these forces, not the rotten fish and rotten shrimps in Daming.

At the same time, in the courtyard of the post house where Zhao Min was.

"Tyrant! Very good! If you continue like this, it's only a matter of time before you become a fool."

Zhao Min stood in front of the window with a faint confident smile on his face.

At this time, she was dressed as a daughter, wearing a pink embroidered blouse and a pearl white lake crepe skirt.

"Princess, our people have expanded all the news, and now the entire capital knows the emperor's tyranny, and the news is still spreading outside the capital!"

At this time, a maid in fan clothes came over and started reporting.

"You've done a good job! First ruin his reputation, and then seek his position in the harem. In this way, my Dayuan iron cavalry will go south, just around the corner!"

Zhao Ming nodded in satisfaction.

That's right!

The news that Zhu Houzhao is a tyrant, although she did not take the initiative to spread it, she did send people to spread the news on her own initiative.

As long as Zhu Houzhao's reputation was ruined first, after he entered the palace, the next thing to do would be logical.

These are all in preparation for the Great Yuan army going south.

As the top Yuan in the dynasty, it was not a day or two before he wanted to invade Daming.

Following Zhao Min's entry into the palace is to corrupt Chaogang so that the king will never go to court.

It won't be long before Ming Dynasty will fall apart, riots will rise up everywhere, and martial arts people will take the opportunity to carve up the territory.

At that time, it was the opportunity for Da Yuan to go south.

It can be said that as long as the women excluded by the Great Dynasty basically have the same purpose.

That is to make the court of Ming Dynasty fall and the emperor become a puppet.

Of course, there are some unintentional ones.

For example, Wang Yuyan and Huang Rong, these two were given as gifts by force.

You must know that whether it is Dali or Song Dynasty, the national power is very weak compared with these great dynasties.

For the safety of their own country, they can only choose to make friends with such a dynasty.

Even Daming, the weakest dynasty, is not something they can afford.

This is the reason why a skinny camel is bigger than a horse.

Among them, the only difference is Wu Zhao.

She received Datang's mission, but she was also forced to send it here.

The purpose of coming here is not only to confuse Zhu Houzhao, but also to cooperate with Changsun Wuji to help Datang gain more advantages.


Soon, one night passed.

The court meeting of the Ming Dynasty will also start.