
Invincible World

Traveling to become Zhu Houzhao in the world of comprehensive martial arts, awakening the system. In the first year, Li Chungang signed the Spring and Autumn Sword Armor, one person with one sword is enough to conquer a country. In the second year, sign in to the big gift package of the network forces, and the hidden stakes are all over the world. In the third year, sign in to Spring and Autumn, the big devil Renmao. In the fourth year, Chen Zhibao, the white-clothed soldier fairy, and five thousand snow dragon riders were signed, and they joined the party. fifth year...  … Although it has powerful forces. But the system told Zhu Houzhao that he could not expose his strength within five years. Therefore, in five years, Zhu Houzhao just laid out the world step by step. And five years later, he ascended the throne as king! Zhu Houzhao said: You are all idiots, I will stop pretending! I have a showdown, I am invincible!

Shioki · ファンタジー
26 Chs

Chapter 15: Marriage of the Emperor? joke!

After dealing with the corrupt officials, although the atmosphere in the entire court was still dignified, it eased a lot overall.

After all, in the eyes of most people, after the storm, it is the rain and the sky.

"Is there anything important about Zhuqing's family, you can talk about it one by one at this time!"

Zhu Houzhao looked down at the officials, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, and spoke lightly.

As soon as this remark came out, many courtiers looked at each other in blank dismay, looking at me and you, not knowing whether to say it or not for a while.

In the end, it was Pei Ju who saw that the emperor had appeased his anger. He stood up from the line of civil servants and said, "Your Majesty, in southern Hunan, there has been a group of bandits composed of martial artists recently, and a local county magistrate was killed by them." , and please His Majesty order to send troops to encircle and suppress!"

"Well, this matter is allowed!"

Zhu Houzhao nodded slightly.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Pei Ju nodded and backed away again.

Seeing this scene, many officials silently let out a sigh of relief.

It's finally all right.

At this time, the emperor had obviously dispelled his anger, and many officials with problems were secretly glad.

Even those who had no problems were relieved, and the secret sigh was finally over.

At this time, it was like opening the mouth.

Officials came out one after another to report the government affairs of various places, even including personnel changes and so on.

After all, Zhu Houzhao killed so many people this time, which seems to be a bad thing, but at the same time, it is a good thing for those who are still alive.

More positions have been vacated, which represents an opportunity, and it also represents the future structure of the imperial court.

People can't be resurrected after death, and life should be lived. This is the thinking of most courtiers.

Next, in the court hall, the courtiers continued to speak out various political affairs in an orderly manner, and let Zhu Houzhao make a decision.

There are many things to do when the new king ascends the throne, and they are also very complicated and redundant. Too many things have accumulated during this period.

However, at this time, Zhu Houzhao did exactly as the officials thought, he did not act out of prestige, but acquiesced in the choice of the important ministers.

That is, most of them agree, and some of them are handed over to the three prime ministers to decide!

The purpose of doing this is actually very simple.

As the emperor, from the standpoint of Ming Dynasty, the goal of killing has been achieved.

Now, as long as the courtiers who are still standing in the hall, no matter whether there is a problem or not, their nerves are very tense, and it is just for them to release the pressure.

Why do you do that?

One is to cook frogs in warm water, which is also a psychological game between the superior and the inferior.

As the emperor, in this regard, he naturally has an advantage.

His purpose is to make those problematic officials relax their vigilance and continue to serve Daming with all their heart.

I don't know exactly, but it feels like it to you!

Young man, work hard, those officials who were beheaded and killed have no eyes.

you are fine!

To put it bluntly, people's memory is very poor.

Well, the scar forgets the pain.

Even though these officials have a higher status than ordinary people, the essence of human nature remains unchanged.

As long as they feel that this matter is over, even if one or two people remember it, it is of no use. What can they do if they are alone?

Excluding some things that you can only and only dare to think about in your heart, how many more are there?

No matter how many people understand, you have to kneel down to me!

This is a typical fluke herd mentality.

You clearly know that there is a high probability of death if you take a step forward, and even after careful deduction, you also know that something will happen in the future.

Still will still take a gamble on the extremely small probability of survival.

Create reasons for yourself to do psychological support!

The emperor is benevolent!

It's over!

It's just bad luck for him!

They are dead.

They are all on the wrong team!

In the end, I pinned my hopes on Zhu Houzhao's generosity.

Zhu Houzhao believes that officials will make up their own brains and then justify themselves, and he has no doubts about this.

Even some officials Zhu Houzhao will be selectively promoted to strengthen this process and deepen this result.

Ultimately, to create the illusion that these people want to believe.

It's almost like raising pigs.

Kill it when necessary, and keep it now to restore the vitality of the court.

After all, if there are too many kills, the court will not be able to operate, and even cause more negative effects.

The so-called too much is too late, this is the truth!

Daming's strength is still too weak, and there are too many internal problems.


Rice, still have to eat one bite at a time!

You know, you can't become fat if you eat in one sitting!

Go ahead and choose to kill!

That is the most stupid performance.

If you draw your own red line, many things will be easier to do.

If it is said that he knocked mountains and shook tigers before, what he showed was domineering crushing and bloody suppression.

But what is revealed now is even more shocking.

This is playing tricks on people's hearts!

Maintain a balance.

Regarding court matters, unless it was a major event, the emperor would not express his attitude easily, but let his courtiers do it.

The emperor is more like a supervisor, with a pair of eyes overlooking the whole world.

This is the real imperial mind.

Next, due to the vacancy of the imperial court, the courtiers began to fight each other again.

Everyone is recommending people from their own party, and they are talking about each other in the Golden Luan Hall, which is very lively.

Zhu Houzhao sat on the dragon chair, took a cup of hot tea from the eunuch, blew on it gently, and drank it slowly.

Cozy! comfortable!

There are still good shows to watch!

The emperor's fun is also quite fun.

If it is said that when corrupt officials were killed, all the ministers felt their fate was worrisome.

Contradictions and resentment are also mainly concentrated on Zhu Houzhao, the emperor.

So now, the point of contradiction has shifted and has been successfully transferred to the courtiers.

Next, what he has to do is to properly arrange these positions and maintain the current status quo.

"This method! Is it really a boy?"

Watching this scene, Li Si, Changsun Wuji and other undercover agents from various countries were secretly shocked, and before they knew it, cold sweat oozed from their foreheads.

The method Zhu Houzhao is currently using can be seen clearly by anyone who understands it, but he finds that it is impossible to break the situation.

The only thing they can do is to follow and keep observing secretly. They even have to accompany the emperor to act, which is disgusting to think about.

It is precisely because of this that it is even more helpless.

One tightening and one loosening are extremely natural, in line with people's hearts, and close to the Tao. This method is simply outrageous.

The current situation is really terrible!

However, it is not without good news.

Next, along with the beauties from all over the world, the forces behind them will also come.


After Zhu Houzhao successively arranged the vacancies in the imperial court, Changsun Wuji stood up and said, "Your Majesty, the missionaries of beauties from various countries have arrived in the capital one after another, and they will all arrive in two days at most."

"Well, I know about this matter, you can arrange it yourself, I just want the result."

Zhu Houzhao nodded slightly, and responded casually.

These things are all discussed in advance.

All the countries presented beauties, and let him, the emperor, choose his concubine.

As a tribute to the nations, how could he confer a concubine? This is also considered to give each other face.

After all, reaching out doesn't hit the Laughing Man.

Even if this person has bad intentions.

The superficial friendliness still has to be maintained.

This is the case between people, and there is not much difference in essence between countries.

As the emperor of Ming Dynasty, he needs to show grandeur.

This is marriage.

It's also a kiss!

It's just that when the marriage is made, does the emperor need to go by himself?

There is no other reason, Daming is too weak, that's all!

Zhu Houzhao frowned slightly, then smiled dumbly, and a pair of deep eyes flashed.

These countries are calculating themselves, why can't I use this to calculate the countries?

A bad thing sometimes looks bad, but also hides opportunity.

For these women, he has his own ideas.