
Invincible Irregular

Invincible X Tower of God It was a normal day for Mark Grayson... Not! He finally got his powers today. Tomorow was supposed to be the start of him getting one step closer to achieve dream. But now he finds himself in this bloody damn Tower. "Oh well, I got my Viltrumite powers. At least, it got to count for something, right?" This is the story of a Monster in the Tower.

vtorx_0867 · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs

Welcome, to the Tower of Dreams… Irregular

"Yo Mark. Up for some game time at the arcade?"

A fetching boy with auburn hair asked, while putting away his work wears into his closet exchanging it for his clothes.

The sky had once again turned golden brown, indicating it was now time for the hedonistic norm that young people like them partake in after their grueling part time jobs.

The boy who was spoke grinned conspiratorially, placing his palm to block his mouth as he mock whispered. "Who knows maybe with luck, we might be able to catch Atom Eve flying up-ahead. Word's that she patrols this area mostly around this time. So what do you say?"

The boy who the auburn was speaking too, straightened his cap giving space to the raven tresses that spilled from the brown headwear. While replying back dryly. "Nice try with the Atom Eve enticement, Buz. But you know I told you that I won't be coming today. Got to finish my Science project." His face took on the look of long suffering. "I'm already cutting it close as it is."

Buz gave out a low whistle. As someone in the same high-school as Mark, as well as taking the same core subjects, he knew how tedious projects from the science classes are. "Well, that's why I told you to do it at the beginning of summer break, Mark. But here you are now fretting over something you should have been done with a long time ago."

Mark brushed him off defensively, "Mind your own business, Buz. After all don't you only want me because you need another member for the double tournament?"

With a dragged sigh, Buz closed his closet slotting in his key to lock it, while looking miserable.

"Well duh~ of course. I promised that piece of shit that I'll beat him up at his own game, cause I just can't stand all that yapping that he calls bragging."

Lethargically Buz turned to Mark as he wore his long sleeves over his white T-shirt without buttoning it. Pointing a finger at Mark, he said.

"Didn't you promise me that you'll make time for today, huh?"

Mark shrugged apologetically while he sort his things. "You never know the future. Besides can't you just call Mathew as subs? He might not have my slick fingers, but he's certainly no slouch either."

"Mathew? Hmm…" Buz cupped his chin looking contemplative, and then snapped his fingers with eyes gaining light. "Yeah Mathew! He'll work. And the best thing is that we're supposed to meet back at the arcade center just some minutes from now." He looked left, lifting his eyes up the wall to see the clock that hanged.

"Yikes, 4:45!" The five-ten ft. almost jumped while shrieking. "This is no time to tarry around. Sorry Mark, but I gotta' go."

The cerulean eyes grunted with amusement as he saw Buz floundering out, only hissing in frustration at the way his best friend flipped the door open without care.

"I swear if the hinges of the door detach again. I'll take the money for repairs straight out of his pay." Mark growled, while remembering the last time such a thing happened.

Till this day, it will always be of grief to him that because of Buz, he lost the opportunity to purchase that time-limited sneakers edition. All because of the collective deduction made to all the part-time staffs for Buz's slip-up.

Sighing, Mark went to his locker about to change as well, but then a voice called to him from behind.

"Grayson? Ah thank God that you're here."

Mark turned to see his middle age bald boss, poking his head from the side of the door.


"Grayson." His Boss nodded back, before he sheepishly began.

"I know that the time for your shift has passed, but can you please help me here, and throw out the trash bag that has been placed by door near the kitchen. Someone carelessly left it there and the night shift haven't arrived yet, I'm entertaining someone in my office, so I can't exactly smell like you know..." The Boss gestured. "So can I count on you?"

Mark lips twitched, but he smiled nodding nonetheless. "Sure thing, Boss."

Letting out a sigh of relief, the Manager of the burger joint flashed a smile. "Knew I could depend on you, Grayson." His head slipped away, probably rushing back to his office.

Meanwhile as Mark was now alone the smile of his face lessened, "Dammit Buz."

He harshly whispered cursing the most likely culprit, already making up his mind that the next time it was paying season. He'll be docking out of Buz's pay for all this suffering that has been heaped on him.


"In case you have been wondering. The boy about to go pick up the trash is the true protagonist of the story, and the name's Mark Grayson.

Sixteen years old, a sophomore high-school student and a part-time worker. Not like my parents aren't well off or anything. But let's just say a man got his materialistic needs.

From an outside point of view, I'm an ordinary teenager. The only child to a lovely mum and wonderful dad.

But the truth is much more fantastic that you think.

You see my dad's a Superhero. Oh, before you twitch your lips in amusement, know that I'm telling the truth. Really I am!

In our world today, no one knows how it all started. But at some point in our history, a percentage of humanity's population came into the light with extraordinary abilities straight out of comic books.

Flight, speed, strength, ability to shoot out beams of various buffs and de-buffs, you name it. All from different origins. Ranging from magic to science, or even deliberated, or coincidental.

To continue on, some of the individuals who gained such powers decided use it for a life of crime, becoming the bad guys.

A global state of anarchy, ensued not long after. Power belonged to whoever was the stronger one, and the weak were placed beneath their mercy, treated like they had no right to even exist.

The world still remembered those times as, 'The Age of Darkness.'

But soon a ray of hope shone through the dark globe. Just as some people decided to become the bad guys with their powers, they chose to become the good guys.


Characters like the Immortal, War-Woman, Martian-Man, Red-Rush, Aquarus, Cast-Cold, among others. They all from their various diverse origins banded together to take back the world from the bad guys, and like the always say good always wins.

Now, remember what I said about my dad being a Superhero. Well he is Omni-Man, the strongest Hero in the world.

Yeah-Yeah, I know you're going to say. 'No way that's true Mark, it's only in your dreams.' But that's the fact.

My father is Omni-Man. An alien, a Viltrumite to be specific, crazy right?

Dad used to tell me that Viltrumites are a race of peace keeping supermen. Assigned to planets around the universe for the propagation of peace. I know, it's actually cool. But you want to know what's even better? My dad says that as the son of a Viltrumite, that very soon, I'll soon have the ability to reciprocate all of his powers!

That right baby! The powers of the strongest Hero in the world. I'm talking about. His strength, speed, invulnerability, and flight.

Being a half-Viltrumite means also means having its racial powers. It comes with the package…

Well that's what I thought… But over sixteen years and still counting, but there is still no sign of any extraordinary gifts surfacing!

Was there something wrong with my birth? Am I an anomaly?

My dad says that it'll come in time, but I just can't help but wonder if it's all just me. That maybe I'm not good enough to stand by his side.

No don't think that way Mark, I'm sure that it'll come anytime soon.

Very, very soon.


Mark sniffed the air, gagging at the fetid smell that emanated from the garbage leather bags on his hands.

When one sees a well garnished hamburger. The aroma draws one in, its appearance tantalizing as it beguiles such a person to take a bite in the fatty delicacy. But for the chefs behind the scenes they see the pseudo lunch as something much more. A combination of ingredients that depending on which types are prepared, stems out scents that itches the nose, to another that almost blows it out!

For Mark, no matter what he will always love the appetizing meaty snack. But still… As he raise his nose upwards desperate to keep away from the nasty combination of onions, meat, and tomatoes that was coming out from the leathers. He prayed fruitlessly that this will be the last time that he'll be doing this.

'Just you wait Buz, I'm going to sock you one in the stomach tomorrow.' He grumbled.

Mark let out a smile of relief as he spotted the garbage bin just ahead, and exhaled a happy sound as he saw that it was left open. Picking up the pace, he walked until he was some distance away from the bin and threw one in, just as he about to chuck the other, he froze like a deer in headlights.

All around his body, he felt like an electric current just ran though him. Coursing with such force it almost brought him to his knees.

"I really must be tired." He mumbled, clenching his leg muscles and then threw the other.

Only that this one never landed in the garbage bin.

Up it sailed, bound towards cloudy atmosphere never going down, just shooting ever upwards.

Mark eyes widened, his mouth refused to close at what he just did.

'Was that my doing?' The half-breed thought to himself, as he mutedly spectated his unnatural show of strength.

Slowly a full blown grin surfaced on his face. "It's about time."

Later on. The thrown garbage bag would spill its contents on an unlucky family compound in a country located in another continent, England.


As expected when he rushed back home. His mum was worried at the sudden stringent creaking sound that pierced the tranquility of the house, until she spotted her son, awkwardly holding on to the knob of an aluminum door ripped out of its hinges.

"It's here, it's finally here mum!" Mark excitedly waved the ferrous door like it was a toy. "My powers, I've finally awakened to them!"

Deborah Grayson whirled, unminding of the foamy splash she made as she hastily removed her hand from the kitchen sink. With a gasp she covered her mouth with her hands, mixed tide of emotions bubbling within her.

She knew what having such powers meant for her son, Mark. To him it was a way of affirming that he truly was the son of his father. Time and time again, she would always catch him looking longingly at his father when he appears on TV doing his heroic onuses.

Now it was finally here, that was why she would always be happy for him. But in a way she wished it never came to be.

While Omni-Man would always be the greatest in the world, he was still her husband. And as a dutiful wife. She will always worry about his safety no matter what.

'Now Mark will be adding in the headache as well. Hope you're happy Nolan?' She fondly thought, while looking on dotingly to her enthusiastic son.

The housewife clapped her hands smiling, "Congratulations Mark! Really I'm happy for you. But you know that you're in trouble right?"

"Mum?" Mark looked at her bemused, until she pointed on the door frame on his hands.

"Shit!" He unintentionally squeezed the knob with such pressure that it folded like foam. 'No one told me that using super strength was this hard!' Seriously, it felt like he was holding a piece of soap soaked too long in water.

The awakened half-breed flashed his mum an awkward winning smile, but she only looked unmoved.

"Your father always does that when he breaks something as well, I've become inured to it ever since we were almost in the black concerning our expenses, it gets old when you're used to it. So don't think something like that would work on me young man. The money is coming out from your part time pay, understood?"

Setting the door frame aside, Mark glumly replied back. "Got it mum."

But even the loss he had could not keep the smile of his face, "I finally got powers." He sang in good cheer.

From behind, his sharpened ears picked up the motion of someone softly landing on lawns of the compound.

"It's dad!" Mark told his mom who was oblivious to her husband's arrival, rushing outside to the lawn. It was there he saw a six ft. man with a mustache dressed in white spandex with a red cape, looking around with a raised eyebrow before his scrutinizing eyes settled on Mark.

"Mark, what's going on?" Nolan Grayson asked. Just as he landed he noticed that there was something amiss in his home.

For one, the house looked like it was broken into. He would have surmised it so, if it wasn't for his wife smiling at him from where the door was supposed to be, and also Mark had not looked this excited for a long time, -from a human's conceptual point of view.-

The Viltrumite turned to his wife seeking an explanation, but she smiled apologetically, inclining her head to their son.

"Let Mark be the one to say it. After all, it is his moment." Deborah explained.

The half-breed smirked, placing both hands on his hips. "So dad, guess who's now the latest Viltrumite in town?"

Nolan's eyes widened, "Mark, you mean…?" He trailed off, now looking at his son in new light. His mouth opened and closed dumbfounded at that at last it has finally happened, immediately his lips stretched into a proud smile.

"Son!" The Viltrumite embraced his son, while noting that he could actually feel the pressure of his son's arms around his chest. "I really am proud of you."

For Mark, that was zenith point for him. Beads of tears appeared from his squeezed eyes as in his heart, his dream has finally been answered.

"I really am my father's son."

As Nolan released Mark from his hold, barking a laugh as he looked at where the missing door was with new meaning.

"Looks like we would have to work on regulating your strength, eh Mark?" Nolan said in amusement, pointing at the entrance without a door.

Mark laughed sheepishly, "Yeah I know. Just lost a substantial portion of my allowance."

Nolan still with a smile on his face, lifted his right hand. "Son, I want you to throw a punch at my fist. Let me gauge your Vitrumite strength."

"Really?!" Mark almost squeaked in joy. This was what he had always been dreaming of for a long time.

Training with his father, shadowing him in his fights, only to one day take up his mantle as the greatest defender of earth, had always been his closest dream.

He raised his right hand clenching his fist and pulled it back, his form poised to shoot for a powerful shot. But then a cough froze him.

"Honey." Both superhuman paused, cranking their head to the matriarch wore a smile that could only be described as chilling.

"Surely you are not insinuating that Mark should throw a punch out here in the lawn. Have you not considered what happened the last time?"

For both father and son, their memory spiraled down the memory lane. It had just occurred not long ago, just some months prior. Nolan in a rare slip-up clapped with his superhuman strength while in the house. The shockwave that followed threw Mark off his feet, and destroyed the entire windows. They were really cutting close to red that month, and as expected, the strongest Superhero received heavy tongue lashing from his wife that day.


Both father and son looked at each other awkwardly, slowly lowering their hands. They did not know what would happened if Mark had thrown the punch. But, well, yeah… both extra-terrestrials decided not to find out.

Simultaneously they both turned to Deborah, bringing out their winning smiles.

Sighing in exasperation, Deborah massaged the bridge of her nose while eyeing the two most important nincompoops in her life. She raised her hands in resignation.

"Today you get a pass." Seeing their brightened face, she quickly added. "But not here, Nolan you take it over to any area that is not here. Or else…"

Nolan quickly nodded his head acquiescing, while Mark laughed with both parents joining him soon after.

It was finally the turning point in the life of the Graysons.


Mark now dressed in his pajamas of myriad colors, laid on his person bed in his commodious room. Gazing up at the cream ceiling with a smile that refused to go down, the half-breed desperately wished that tomorrow should just come already.

"This really is the best day of my life." He mumbled with a grin. Turning sideways, the half- breed rested his eyes on the poster of his dad. On whose face held that a dignified look, while his cape froze in such a way it made him look majestic.

He is always his dad's biggest fan. The confidence on his father face as he assures people of their safety, the mental image of an unmovable bastion, he projected. Mark had always looked at the poster always wanting to be him. And now… As he raises up his right hand, stretching it towards the photographed image of his father.

Mark felt that the gulf between father and son reduce ever so smaller.

"It's finally time, Mark. My time."

Still feeling restless, he tried distracting himself by thinking of a Hero alias for his cape persona. He didn't want something stupid -as he always was of the opinion, that names like Rex Splode sounded silly- Mark wanted something that projected strength like his dad's cape name 'Omni-man'.

He would have taken Omni-kid. But he wasn't really, well, a kid.

While mulling and shuffling through names that popped up in his head. His attention was interrupted by the sudden increase of brightness in his room.

"Huh?" Mark turned his head to the source, only to cry in shock. "What the hell is that?!"

Just in front of him, where the door in his room was supposed to be was replaced by what seems to be a spinning white spiral.

"Dad!" Mark jumped off his bed, backing away in fear till his back pressed the wall. While as a result of his dad's stories, and from news, he knew that the world was not as simple, and even though he was now superhuman. It still freaked him out that something like this was happening to him.

He swallowed deeply, as he looked out his windows only to see perpetual darkness.

"Dad!" Mark called out more louder that the last. "A little help here, there's something in my room!"

Mouth suddenly feeling dry, the extra-terrestrial moved to the window to escape from there, but he faintly perceived the sudden movement of a shadow of bizarre shape, swimming through the darkness, a cold chill entered his bones. Yelping, he almost wetted his pants at that moment.

"Wha-What the hell was that?!" It was big, like very big. As Mark had spotted it from afar, he couldn't determine its true nature. But nevertheless he really did not want to find out.

With a grimace he turned back to where his door was. "So that only leaves the spiral…" He clenched his fists now scowling. 'Dammit.'

Slowly he made to the door, while firing all sorts of prayer to any divinity he knew. There really was no other action to take, but still it didn't sit well with him.

Not to mention all this tension was giving him the cramps.

"Come on get it together, Mark Grayson. You're Omni-man's son and a Viltrumite like your dad. You are an upcoming Hero, and Heroes always face something like this for breakfast… I think." He psyched himself, while taking deep breaths.

Slowly Mark approached the glowing spiral, ready to bolt into the darkness outside at any sign of resistance. Reaching into its proximity, he flinched as what appeared to be white tendrils slowly extending out from the helix.

Letting out a ragged breath, Mark muttered jadedly as he observed the creeping tendrils of light. "I already know I'm going to regret this…"

Tentatively he extended a hand towards the approaching tendrils, who took that as an invitation to shine brighter… literally.

"Dammit, how are you still getting even brighter?!" Mark raised a hand to block his face from the piercing light. If what Mark had was a suspicion, now it was certainty.

'This damn thing is sentient.' Mark growled as his face darkened, anger overrode his fear. But before he could regain his bearing, the tendrils enveloped him before he could even react, faster than his Viltrumite perception.

"Wait? Stop!" Mark pleaded, as the fear tided back in full force. Who knew what it was going to do to him. "Oh God! Oh God!"

The last image he saw before it all went dark. Was of himself, dressed in a spandex suit of grey with red accents, and a red cape attached to it.

The only thing strange was that he looked… older.

Mark could only stare flummoxed as darkness laid claim over him.


And so it cranked open. Whether by providence, or coincidence. A lucky fluke, or even premeditated. The Gate of God opened for a new challenger.

An Invincible challenger...


The first thing Mark noted was that his surroundings was too dim. Opening an eye he noted the gloominess of his new location.

He made an effort to stand up, only to notice his feet was never touching the ground. Making a sound of confusion, before realization as Mark understood what was happening.

"Flying? I'm flying! Actually flying!" He beamed, letting out a small whoop. The half-breed would have gallivanted more, but then he also noticed his drastic change of attire.

Unlike his rather colorful pajamas. What he wore was similar to the image he saw before losing consciousness. Eerily detailed, even to the lack of footwear, which was an annoying inconvenience. Well it gave him an excuse to practice flying.

Even though flight strangely felt too simple…

The son of Omni-Man pushed back the bubbling curiosity concerning why he thought that, as he decided to pay more attention to where he is. It was a dim hallway with an array of fire torches which succeeded in giving it a somewhat gloomy atmosphere.

'What is this place?' Mark wondered. Clenching his fist, he noticed on the walls were aged murals depicting what looked like strange creatures with people battling them.

'They kinda' look like Superheroes.' He remarked.

From the way he saw it. The murals portrayed men and women combating with swords, thin like sticks, fist or even firing beams. Those were classic Hero signs right there.

"Well whoever these people are. They are obviously connected to War-Woman." Mark reckoned drolly.

The sound of faint discussion entered his ears, followed by the sudden bright upfront down the hall, it brought to Mark's notice that he wasn't alone in here.

In trepidation, he wondered about the locals around here. He hoped they weren't antagonistic to strangers. Dad had told him of out-world life forms that always display hostile tendencies to new faces.

"Don't get scared, Mark. You're obviously superhuman now. Besides, what's the worst that could happen?" He grimaced soon after. 'Ah crap. I just jinxed it.'

Before he decides to tarry any longer, Mark shot away in blustery speed.


Ha Yuri Zahard could melt an ice-cream with the anger she was emanating. The omnipresent Shinsu turbulently twisted the air just some centimeters around her body. A tic mark on her fore-head and teeth grinding, the Princess of Zahard once again cursed that twice damned sword.

"Fuck that Black March! What the heck does she mean by that?!" Her face twisted miming what the Calendar spirit said. " Preferring young handsome boys. Is that picky sword actually a cougar?!"

It was only by happenstance that she got the news of an Irregular entering the tower. So naturally, the princess dropped everything she was doing and rushed to the first floor with Evan in tow.

Her trail of thought settled on Irregular's name, 'Twenty-fifth Baam.'

Truly that young boy really was not what she expected. As a High-Ranker, she could say that she has met plethora of persons, both Regulars and of course. The Irregulars.

The latter group could be summed into one word… Monsters.

She expected to see a freak like the beast Urek Mazino, the feared Enryu, or the enigmatic Phantaminum. But what Ha Yuri got was one wimpy kid, whose goal was just to follow someone, who she probably suspects didn't want him to.

Crimson eyes glided pass a particular spot in the room that showed uneven shadows while clicking her tongue in annoyance.

It wasn't her role to talk, so she wouldn't point it out.

But coming back to that boy, she found him to be rather striking and also a little refreshing. At least when compared to that womanizer, Urek Mazino. So she decided to give him a grade A Pocket, and even lend him her Calendar Series 'Black March,' much to Evan's initial objection.

Thinking of the said Ignition weapon, Ha Yuri covered her face with her hands muffling a scream. Ever since that very day she had been bequeathed with the sword from the King of the Tower, she had tried in vain to ignite it.

And. Not. Once! Had that shitty sword ever burned in her hands, it got to the point that secretly she thought she wasn't talented enough.

But to think that all this while, the main reason why it was hard to even do so, was because the sword was a damn sexist!

"Ah!" Abruptly screaming. Ha Yuri decided that when she gets that sword back, she will spray paint over it. "I'll even inscribe Black March is an ass." She cackled evilly.

"Princess, I warned you, didn't I? Now look the boy's gone with Black March. If anyone ever suspects your involvement with the Irregular. We'll be doomed!" The Silver haired dwarf, Evan howled in despair, clutching his head erratically.

Both the crimson eye princess brows shot up. 'Ah crap, he's right!'

In her raging, she had forgotten about the other matter. While she still needed revenge against Black March, she also had to retrieve that sword from Baam. Who knows what those fanatics might do, if they suspect her involvement with the boy.

'I could actually deal with them. But having the Military breathing on my neck would just cause a numbing migraine.' She groaned massaging her brows.

Dryly, Ha Yuri brushed him off. "Yeah I know. Let's go meet the others, we're heading for the Second Floor."

Turning to the silent Administrator, Ha Yuri asked eyes narrowed. "I believe that we were never here?"

From where the slit was a fanged grin showed. Headon replied back, his voice in sardonic eloquence. "I didn't see a thing."

'That's the best I can hope for.' Ha Yuri frowned.

She did not trust the Administrator, not one bit, his vibes made her feel uncomfortable. But she could at least say that he keeps his word no matter what. With that done just as she was about to go, she froze as she noticed a new presence in the floor.

It seems like Evans did as well. Actually he sensed it first, but still shuffled his bag hankering to bid good bye to the floor. He did not want the princess to place any modicum of attention on the new arriver.

"Princess, I'm ready let's go." Lips now twisted, the Silver dwarf wanted to howl in despair at the face his charge was making.

It was one of interest.

"Lady Yuri, I'm ready. Let us depart from here!" Evan repeated louder, using the Princess other name to address her. He wanted to dissuade her from what she was about to do.

"In case you have forgotten. We still have to go retrieve the Black March immediately, there is no time."

But if Evan expected that to work, then he was in for a dose of disappointment.

The rash Princess drawled lethargically. "Eh~ but I'm here already. Not to forget, Evan, but do you even know what this means." She turned excitedly to her Scout, raising three fingers.

"Three Irregulars, Evan! Three…! The only time such a monumental onset had occurred was during the arrival of the Ten Great Family Heads, with the King included in their numbers. There's no way I'm going to miss something as interesting as this."

'Ah! This rash girl! She really is going to get us killed.' Evan hollered in his mind. He could already picture it, on his tombstone what would be written.

Herein lies the Idiot who followed the Princess of Zahard to her grave.

The imagery wasn't even nice to think about!

"Well said, Princess of Zahard, well said!" Headon curtsied, "It is as you illuminated. A great change is about to come into this Tower, what is it? I have no idea, but it will certainly be great."

While the interest on Ha Yuri countenance increased, Evan's scowl darkened even more.

'Damn you malformed Rabbit!'

When the Irregular had arrived, Evan took one look at him, and tried to keep his jaws from falling. 'Ah~ I just know it. This one is going to be a monster.'

After all how do you explain the incredible spectacle before him? The sight of a being flying without any aid of Shinsu.


'A rather unique crowd, I got here.' Mark thought as he finally arrived end of the hallway. Thankfully there were people there only that, they were an odd group.

The smirking lady in the group was a beautiful human-looking woman with an impossibly long raven hair tied to a red ribbon, while dressed in a white jacket with back shirt underneath and a red tie, she also wore a short skirt and protected her long legs with black tights.

The way her crimson eyes glistened when her smile widened, made Mark to think he was before a vampire, it was quite disconcerting.

The other man was of a short stature, with silver hair dressed in dark green long sleeve shirt and pants, carrying a big camping bag.

Finally, the non-human in the group looked much like a gray rabbit golem without facial features. It appeared to be humming while spinning a staff with spheres at both end.

But still, this was quite the problem. Ever since he had been observing the unassuming group, Mark realized that his body hadn't stop shivering from warning signals that took the form of cold sweat in his back. Gulping loudly, the half-breed stopped himself from wondering why.

Clenching his fist to stop himself from visibly sweating, Mark repeated to himself. 'Keep it together Mark. Just be amiable, and it'll be all alright.' How did dad say he started interactions with Earthlings again?

He awkwardly raised a palm, "Hello, I come in peace?" Blood flowed into Mark's face, when he registered what he had just said.

' I come in peace?! Am I in some 1990 movies? And why does it have to sound like a damn question?!'

The woman let out peals of laughter when she saw his flushing face, and then began to speak in an unfamiliar language to the short man who appeared exasperated. To Mark it sounded like broken French.

Not like he actually knew the language, mind you.

'There's the other problem one might have when dealing with Alien races. Their language barrier.' Sometimes it makes Mark wonder how his dad ever dealt with it.

"He that has opened the door of his own will, I sincerely bid you welcome to the Tower." The Faceless rabbit curtsied outlandishly. Revealing to the half-Viltrumite, his non-human eyes at the upper base of the demarcated line around his cranium, which Mark couldn't see earlier from his vantage point.

Letting out breath of relief, Mark realized that thankfully, the rabbit golem –he hoped that wasn't offending- could actually speak English.

"You can speak my language?" The half-Viltrumite asked pleasantly surprised. While he floated down till his feet almost caressed the floor, bringing himself to a more suitable level.

"As a matter of fact." The humanoid replied, straightening himself. "I am Headon… appointed Administrator of this Tower, and caretaker of the First Floor. Pleased to be in your acquaintance."

"Mark Grayson. Pleased to meet you as well." The half-breed politely responded. Only wincing a moment later at the fact that he introduced himself with his real name. But then he shrugged it off as beginner's mistake, in addition he wasn't even wearing a mask.

Still. Dad would be so disappointed.

"Can you please tell me where I am, I seem to be lost." Mark continued.

The Administrator tilted his head amused, "Well that's easy, you are at the first step of your journey. The testing ground of all Irregulars, the First layer of the Tower of God."

'Creepy and cryptic. Just how I like it.' Mark grated. '… Like hell! That wasn't helpful at all!'

But still he picked some words up. 'Tower of God, Irregulars, Testing… Just where the hell am I?'

Seeing that he was going nowhere with his internal musing, Mark asked. "Look all I'm asking for is a way out and I'll be on my way. This test for the Tower of God. I want nothing of it."

Headon placed his staff on the ground, mirth apparent in his voice. "So you are saying that you have no wish to be here?"

Mark looked incredulous, "Wish to be here, you say? Sir, I was just in my room when that damn white spiral creature came and swallowed me up! I do not want to even be here!"

"But here you are." Headon shot in unperturbed. "One thing I have noticed when dealing with you Irregulars, is that your line of thinking is truly your own. You do not want to be here? That is a lie. You have something you want to achieve. Something strong enough that you opened the Gates with nothing more than pure will."

For a moment, the image of his father in his suit flashed Mark's mind's eye, but he shook his head. "That's… that's not possible. I already have all that I need back home." His voice grew weak, "So please, send me back."

The caretaker cupped his chin contemplatively. "Hmm… I understand now. You brought yourself to this tower, only that you forgotten why that is... What an interesting scenario, this is."

Mark eyes twitched in a fitful spasm. "Look here…" But the humanoid pointed his staff at the half-breed cutting him off.

"I understand the reason for your refusal. But I am afraid there is no way to leave the Tower, except." He then pointed his staff up. "Going up that is."

"Going up?"

"Yes. Climb the Tower, face the tests, ascend the floors, and when you reach the top. There, Mark Grayson, you will find the answers in which your heart seeks."

Well at least he was getting somewhere. "So if I climb your Tower and reach the top, I can go home."

Headon shrugged sardonically. "If that is what you wish."

'Well that's the plan.' Mark dryly thought. But still he wanted to ask if there was another way to leave the Tower. After all Headon had introduced himself as an Administrator, so he should at least have some authority over the Tower.

But when he was about to ask that, the silent siren blared out. There was something about this Headon that scared him too much to even consider questioning. Mark was sure that Force Sensing was not among a standard Viltrumite repertoire of powers, but when he wants to inquire Headon about his query, his stomach begins to feel sick.

No he won't ask. Mark decided to just play his game, and get out of this Tower as quick as he can.

"Then I'm game." He smack his fist into his palm, and what followed was sound of a shotgun. "Let's get started."

The Administrator eyes vanished and in its place was a grin. "Excellent."

The persistent argument drew Mark to the other two humans who was still there, that is if they even are humans. -Look at his dad as a prime example- Idly he wished there was a way he could understand what they were saying, maybe they could explain to him more clearly. It was a short while the short man sighed wearily moving over to Mark.

"Uhm… Hello." The half-breed waved.

'What does he think he's doing?' Evan sweatdropped in puzzlement, before shrugging. The princess had decided to give the new Irregular, another Grade A Pocket. While he was not ok with it, he accepted it as her decision.

He just hoped that it would not later bite them in the ass.

Mark watched bemused as the white hair man before him drop his bag and pull out a ball wrapped in white bindings from it. Before the half-extraterrestrial could ask what he was doing, golden light streaked from the ball that floated off the short man's hands zooming towards him.

"What the?!" Mark quickly propelled himself higher towards the ceiling, but the light still followed him. Gritting his teeth, as the light accompanied with wind danced around his form the demi-Viltrumite looked down at the amused short man, narrowing his eyes Mark set to attack at the initiated assault.

It was then the voice of the chuckling woman cut him off. "Hmm… Quite the reaction you got there, Irregular."

Mark looked at the woman in surprise. "Your language… I can understand it. But how?"

"Here's a simple answer, Irregular. Usage of an expensive Grade A Pocket." The short man cut in begrudgingly.

"Wait, so that wasn't an attack?" Mark suddenly felt abashed at his rash insinuation. He should have noticed that apart from the way the light washed over him, it actually did nothing. Sighing he wondered what was wrong with him?

The crimson eye woman folded her arms raising a brow, "Was that what you thought it was?" Her face set in near laughter. "Ok now I don't blame you from almost flying away. In this Tower, you have to be smart to survive."

'But I wasn't going to…' Mark internally corrected but didn't vocalize. After all, something told him, that strangely the man in green might actually come out top if they fought. Embarrassed, the son of Omni-man could only float back down.

"You and that Baam. You both are really shuffling my perceptions of Irregulars." Ha Yuri moved over to him, systematically scanning him up and down. "Well at least, you seem to be the stronger one."

'She's getting to close for comfort.' While Mark was uncomfortable with the way her eyes roamed over him. He pushed it back and decided to introduce himself. "Well I'm… Mark Grayson. Nice to you both."

"Evan Edork…" The man introduced himself.

"Yeah I figured. I'm Ha Yuri Zahard… Princess of Zahard. Nice to meet you" She prissily greeted, while looking at Mark like he ought to understand the significance of her royal title.

'Was that supposed to mean something?' Mark blinked owlishly, before hesitatingly replying back. "Nice to meet you both."

"What kind of reaction is that?! Or is that you also don't know what a Princess of Zahard is?!" Ha Yuri asked incredulously. "What are the odds?"

"Well of course he wouldn't. He is an Irregular, such titles mean nothing to him." Evan pointed out to the sulking Ha Yuri.

"Uhm… I feel like I should apologize, even though I don't know why." Mark slowly said.

Evan nonchalantly waved his hand. "Don't bother. You will only make the Princess feel worse."

"Yeah, Evan's right." Ha Yuri cut in, while straightening herself. Her demeanor returned back to normal.

"To be honest it was actually refreshing by the way. It's been quite the long while since I've been addressed like that without the King's name."

Her eyes grew lightly melancholic, while she quietly whispered. "A long time indeed."

The air around her grew heavy, until Ha Yuri realized she got the entire room staring at her with various forms of expression. Coughing lightly to clear her throat, Ha Yuri pointed a finger at Mark.

"Before I forget, there is something I want you to do in exchange for Pocket I gave you." She said to the half-breed. "By the way. Look at your Pocket and say 'Invisible Mode.'"

"Huh?" Mark looked on bemused, and rotated to the Pocket. "Invisible Mode."

With the sound of a water drop, the black orb promptly vanished spooking Mark who furtively looked around. "Where did it go?"

"Invisible just like you commanded it to. Leaving your Pocket out in the open will just show your lack of common sense, so don't forget to leave it as Invisible, unless the situation deems it that you should bring it out." Evan explained.

"Now as I was saying, Mark. I need you to do something for me." Ha Yuri now continued with a smile.

"Wh-What is it?" Mark defensively asked. He initially suspected that they wanted something in return for giving him this orb they call a Pocket, Evan even said it was expensive… well as long as it doesn't go against his principles, or is impossible. Then he will do his best to fulfill her request.

"You see when you reach the Second Floor, I want you to look for a certain young boy. His name is Twenty-Fifth Baam. Tell him that he should hold onto my sword, I'm coming for it. And also… if you can, please help him however you can."

"Finally a prodigious idea, Lady Yuri." Evan cheerfully commented.

A tic mark appeared on the side of her fore-head. "What's that suppose to mean Evan? I am an intelligent lady."

Evan dubiously replied. "Really? In case you have forgotten. You actually got us in this mess in the first place, Princess."

"You...!" Ha Yuri face heated, before letting out a sigh. "Have I ever told you that sometimes your mouth really doesn't fit your size?"

"Every time."

"Well allow me to remind you again!"

"Oh, is that it?" Mark expected something quite outlandish –the smirk on the woman's face screamed so- but for something like this. "I'll do it."

As Ha Yuri clapped her hands. Headon stamped his staff against ground. "Now that all trivialities are done. Come let us begin your test, Mark Grayson."

Ha Yuri pouted. "I've seen enough anyway. So Headon, what will be his test, Ball and White Steel Eel?"

Headon let out a laugh, "Surely you jest Princess Yuri. To someone of his stature a single Shinheuh like the White Steel Eel is nothing more than a mere nuisance."

"Excuse me, but what's this White Steel Eel? What does it have to do with my test?" Mark cut in.

"My apologies, Mark Grayson for leaving you unilluminated on the matter at hand. Allow me to quickly remedy it by beginning your test."

Headon lifted his staff ahead, with the said object giving a dim glow. The environment subsequently changed, the darkness before him eaten away to reveal a giant cell door. The inside had a literal different look to the one he was in, it was filled with a luminous green viscous ambience of which gently made sounds of water churning.

But the contents behind the cell door alarmed its observers.

"Headon, this is…!" Ha Yuri opened her mouth in shock turning to the caretaker with indignation in her eyes. "What is the meaning of this Headon?! Baam didn't face something like this!"

Even Evan agreed with the Princess outrage and did not argue with her raging. 'Not even your average Ranker could face this and come out unscathed!'

Mark could only look numbly at what was before him. Monsters… Lots, and lots of monsters. They all similarly looked like enormous armored snake creatures with horns and wings. And while they were twirled amongst themselves, he could feel the palpable aggression seeped within their blue filmed eyes.

"This is your test, Mark Grayson." Headon explained to Mark without pause. "There are over five hundred White Steel Eels shinheuh over there. Your test to begin your ascension to the Tower is to annihilate every single one of them."

But the Princess of Zahard wasn't having any of it. "Now I know you are mad! How is that remotely fair! Headon, a strong D Ranker wouldn't fair easily against even against two hundred, and you want him to face what? Five hundred! Do you want to kill him?!"

The Administrator quietly regarded Ha Yuri as he then let out a sigh. "Oh woman of little faith. Have you forgotten the recent incidents pertaining the Irregular Baam?" Seeing that Princess Yuri gritted her teeth but gave no reply, the caretaker continued.

"Mark Grayson there is an Irregular, but unlike Baam, there is a certain power beneath him. It is that power I want to test. Like how he is flying without the use of the ubiquitous Shinsu"

'When he puts it that way…' Ha Yuri simmered her ire at the caretaker's explanation. He was right, she knew more than anyone that the world was not fair, funnily even among Irregulars. King Zahard may be the ruler of the Tower, but he certainly was not the strongest, she knew of people that could kill him.

Not like she would ever voice that out.

But the Princess digressed. Eyeing the floating young man, she decided to ask of his opinion. "Well what do you think, Mark? Those shinheuh over there are no joke, they're tough monsters belonging to the Twentieth Floor and that's five hundred over there. Can you do it?"

Mark hadn't taken his sight on those monsters ever since the beginning. Ever since Headon told him to eliminate those monsters his brain had been messing with him, showing him images he had never seen before.

Images of blood, war, pain… it felt so real like he was there, soaked in the blood of his enemies. 'That vision of me in this suit and then this images… what is really going on?'

Mark wanted to just sleep away this madness, cry at the unfairness of the situation. But then, he knew he couldn't stay like this. His father Omni-Man wouldn't anyway.

Without replying Mark slowly flew to the test room.

"Why do you still go to your death?" Ha Yuri voiced from behind him frustrated at his choice. "Are you just too proud to give up?"

Mark's pace did not slow even a bit.

Evan sighed at the familiar scene. 'He really is like that kid.' His mind went to Twenty-Fifth Baam.

As for Headon, he grinned.

"You are ignorant about this Tower, both you and Baam. So why do you struggle, even though you know that you are not Invincible!"

That word struck Mark with the force of a lightning bolt as he halted just before the cell door. "Invincible… Invincible. Now where have I heard that?" He sighed to himself before he turned to Ha Yuri sporting a smile.

"Everything you say is absolutely right, Yuri." The half-breed face the cell observing the beasts once again. "I just want to give up right here and now, it's been less than a day since I awakened to my powers after all." Clenching his fist, he continued with throat strangely clogged.

"The truth is that… I'm afraid. But still… that does not mean I will let this bring me down. I want to go home, and if that means defeating these monsters, then I'll do it." Strangely saying that flushed the anxiety in his system. He clenched his hands again, this time feeling that stark difference compared to before.

"As for my invincibility… I am the son of the greatest Hero." His smile at that moment was dazzling. "And Heroes never fall back."

With that he flew into the murky green room.

There was silence in the hallway, to all those present there was something about this Mark Grayson when he spoke at that last moment. For Evan, the atmosphere around the Irregular was too familiar.

'Ah I remember. It was back when I had a personal audience with the King.' The majesty and pressure the Ruler of the Tower emanated was too awe-inspiring, that Evan could only bow never looking at even his clothes.

Say what you want about the King, but if there was one thing the Imperial Scout agreed with all the fanatics out there was this.

'The King is on another dimension when compared to us.' Then there is Mark Grayson… Suddenly feeling tired, Evan Edork finally understood what was about to happen.

'This Tower will soon be turned over its head.'

"Oyah~ what a surprise Princess Yuri. Are you not going to provide him with any weapon?" Headon asked the Zahard Princess.

Ha Yuri expressionlessly stared at the back of the half-breed who faced an amount of shinheuh that meant death to the lower caste of Rankers. If he had asked for her help, she could have taken care of all of them with nothing more than simple exhale. But still he wants to play the Hero, fine. The Princess of Zahard would see if he was all just talk or something more.

"He said as a Hero he is Invincible, right? That just meant he believes he could do it. Besides something tells me he doesn't need it" She tonelessly replied. To her Scout, she asked. "Evan, is there any trick you think he should pull to deal with the shinheuhs?"

The Imperial Scout stared intensely, before shaking his head. "I can't be too sure Princess." But he kept to himself that there was a way… Only that it required the strength of nothing less than a Ranker.

Hearing Evan's answer she crossed her arms, while deep down. A part the Princess thought had died a long time ago cheered for him.

What happened next… was too spectacular to believe.

The entire hallway shook in tremor as the shinsu from the test room dispersed out.

"Oh my, this is quite the display." Headon said with a tinge of astonishment.

Evan rubbed his eyes hard unable to process what he was seeing. "Pri-Princess is my eyes playing with me, or did you hit my head too hard the last time?"

Ha Yuri did not trouble herself to answer, as numbly her hands flopped, and her face obscured. With the force of an eruption, ringing peals of laughter escaped her mouth. She laughed till tears beaded her eyes, laughed till her cheeks flushed red, laughed like she never had before while shaking her head in disbelief.

"He really is a monster… My little Invincible."

For what was before them was total madness. The shinsu in the room stirred up tempestuously and behind the Irregular Mark Grayson was… The distinct formation of a blinding black Baang.


When Mark flew into the room he expected to meet resistance at the framed obstruction. But was surprisingly greeted with zero resistance. Upon entering the room, he sensed the atmosphere is different from the one outside. To Mark it felt enjoyable.

'It taste like carbonated sprite.' He remarked to himself.

What was more surprising was that despite the liquescent environment, Mark still found the air comfortable to breathe in. Meanwhile the monsters… no shinheuh, Mark corrected himself. Grew restless as they all sensed the presence of an unknown inside their cage.

Normally unlike most shinhuehs, the White Steel Eels would not bother other life forms as they were herbivorous in nature. But at this time starvation had clouded their reason, they swayed around themselves in a bid to ignore their raving stomachs. But now something has entered their enclosure.

It was of no wonder they saw it as the one thing they needed the most… Food.

When the shinheuhs rushed at Mark with ravenous gazes, he expected to feel something. Fear, anticipation, anxiety, anger… However he felt nothing. Candidly speaking ever since he had arrived at this place the half-breed felt like his emotions was being manipulated.

How else could anyone explained his calmness in front of all these hostile creatures.

Just as Mark was about to rush at them, another vision revealed itself to him.

He found himself in space. The stars everywhere in his sight presented a beautiful field. But he wasn't focused on that as he knew in a few moments, it was all going to be bathed in blood.

The - were going to attack and from what Mark and the others knew it would be brutal and merciless. What was worse the Hero knew he couldn't stop it.

Ever since he had beat - to death in anger, he knew that he had transformed into a different being.

Gone was the Hero who would try to save everyone, that as long as there was life one could become the better man. Now he has to kill in order to do so. For there are some too vile that death was their only redemption.

Ever since his - killed the - Mark knew life was never going to be the same.

So as the terminal in his ear informed him of the enemies' arrival. Mark rushed at his - with heavy bloodlust along with the others. Deep in his heart the Hero gave a prayer.

'God forgive my soul.'

Unconsciously the half-Viltrumite perception of the world crawled to a stop. His body itself was made aware of the unfamiliar elements in the air, and the nature of his tampered physiology took hold of it.

The shinsu itself happily swirled responding to the new authority, gathering behind Mark Grayson as it took the form of a black Baang. Its nature unknown. But the thrum it gave, and the devouring light it pulsated, spoke of its dangerous nature.

Seeing the desperate expression of the shinheuhs swelled up a feeling of pity in Mark for them. But even so, his body and soul knew what had to be done.

"I'm sorry." He apologized. "I will try to make this as painless as possible."

Suddenly Mark vanished leaving behind a vacuum of shinsu that quickly filled up with a sonic boom. Fist forward, the half-breed pierced through fifty of the White Steel Eels before the start of a second.

The Baang that kept up with the speed of its conjurer began firing dark lasers that vaporized the shinhuehs with one strike, transfiguring them into green mist. Loud booms followed the son of Omni-Man who passed through the infamous armored coverings of the White Steel Eel without an iota of resistance.

By the time he was at the end of the room, the Baang had expired, its job already done. And his body bathed in blood at the diabolical rain he had caused.

All five hundred White Steel Eels deceased in seconds before the shinhues themselves could comprehend it…

"Wonderful! Excellent! Magnificent!" Headon clapped.

"In all my time as an Administrator of the Tower only you and him, have been capable of producing such an incredible result!"

Evan asked him with disbelief. "Not even the Heads of the Ten Great Families."

Headon showed a grin. "Not even one."

Evan gulped cranking his head to look at the blood soaked Irregular. He too could do what the boy just did in lesser seconds and his eyes closed. But for a newcomer to display even that. Not to mention his soul shocking materialization of an actual Baang. It took him ten years to form just one and the Scout was hailed as a genius!

Damn it all!

"He's a monster." The Imperial Scout dumbly whispered. One who he dare say surpasses even the King.

Meanwhile Mark looked over his bloodied form wondering what the hell he just did. He consciously knew he was doing something, but not how he was doing it. Slowly flying back, a bit of the blood streaked down from his hair entering his mouth which left him gagging and spitting at the nasty taste.

"Yuck! It's awful!" He said with his face scrunched, but at least he knew he passed the test. Just as he reached near the others, the spot around him lighted up in a yellow glow.

"What the hell?!" Mark look around in surprise.

"Don't panic! That's your way to the Second Floor!" Ha Yuri explained to the ascending Irregular. As the boy disappeared, she smiled. "First Twenty-Fifth Baam, now Mark Grayson. Two very, very fascinating boys. It seems like I won't be bored for a very long while."

"Evan, we're going." She called to the still jaw dropped Scout, who refused to accept reality after the test was done. "Oi Evan!"

Seeing that he still wasn't answering. Ha Yuri with a tic mark calmly clenched her fist and smacked it against the Silver Dwarf's head.

"Ouch! What?! Huh?! Lady Yuri?!" Evan cried holding his head.

"Giddy up, Evan. We're heading to the Second Floor." While leaving she couldn't keep out the bounce in her steps. Things are really heating up.

Seeing that his charge was leaving. Evan hefted his bag, stole one last look at the room with a sigh before following after the Princess.

"A turn of events that even I couldn't predict." Headon said seeing that he was presumably alone. "Providence, Talent and Power… I am interested to see what will happen next."