
Invincible Godly Conqueror: Empowered By Mother's Great Blessings

[Notice: Before you delve in, this is a book with a super-strong, Overpowered MC. But his domineering powers and tendencies will surface at later chapters with understandably good reasons for them. So, if you like all-conquering, dominating MCs, you can jump right in] _ In a world where Blessed Candidates—prodigious individuals or outstanding characters who are highly favored by Priests and Priestesses to possess certain powers, was a young boy called Aeden, better known as Glade Gelthorr Gaelvenmore. He possessed countless Blessings—myriad, absolutely rare powers and abilities that he could be seen or perceived as an otherworldly anomaly in their expansive universe. But, Aeden's possession of these numerous Blessings was essentially due to his mother who committed a certain action out of deep love and ardent maternal affection for him. ... "Only a maximum of six Blessings can be allowed to be given to a favored individual or candidate? My son will have more than that. In fact, he will have much more than a hundred!" "For this great and unforgivable crime they committed against my family, I will defy the rules set by the Ancients and make my child the ultimately blessed champion and strongest contender in the entire universe!" "He will single-handedly confront all of them for the grievances they committed against us, as well as wreak absolute ruination in their impregnable lairs and fortress-like dens. I will make my son immensely capable of slapping and breaking the heads of Ancients with spiteful ease!" These, were the thoughts of Aeden's mother before carrying on with the incredibly selfless action borne out of deep motherly love, guidance and protection for her youngling. So, with the Blessings imbued upon him by his mother, watch how Glade will disdainfully suppress all nigh-insurmountable odds, overcome daunting and near-unconquerable adversities, defeat or viciously annihilate astronomically powerful, super-strong beings—primordial powerhouses that will appear in his path of relentless vengeful retribution for the blatant evil done to his family, or would go against his unbound, annihilative fury and unwavering determination to abolish or upturn every government ruled from the shadows by Ancients—really powerful and god-like, supreme world-quaking existences that have been existing for countless epochs. To know more, Join Aeden in his persistent and unrelenting, really arduous journey to the peak of power and glory. In his absolutely difficult climb to this realm where he will exist without an equal, he will contend with fierce Blessed foes and immensely Favored adversaries who will try to stop him from achieving his objectives, which include ruining those that exterminated his family, obliterating corrupt, avaricious, and evil, tremendously powerful entities that ruled the governments of many nations and kingdoms from sinister shadowy realms, and become a grand, supernal powerhouse—a great and fearsome sovereign that will exude immense captivating glory that will awe all beings and bathe all creations in the light of his blinding, superior brilliance. Glade will face and endure a lot, including betrayals, blackmails, backstabbing, and many brutal near-death experiences by assemblies or groups of furious, vengeful, and relentless foes, which include legions and hordes of highly-skilled warriors, covens of powerful and overbearing anomalies, Priests and Priestesses of war that are driven by ardent retributive wrath, and sky-quaking phenomenal existences that will emerge from the shadows in all their fury, splendidness and majesty to contend with him. He will however take charge of these unending, annihilatory events and turn them into something that will awaken more profound and extraordinary Blessings within him, giving him the power to grasp more control over his own destiny and fate! — To know where the story ends, add to your library and find out. Thanks for reading!

koladeizdavid · ファンタジー
22 Chs

Chapter 1 - Calling down the powers in the Universe!

Chapter 1 - Calling down the powers in the Universe!

A beautiful and voluptuous woman that looked to be in thirties, shot like a furious cannonball from one towering building to the other.

From the way she ran and leapt from one building to the next—which were dozens of meters apart, one would think she was full of vigor and vitality. However, this woman just emerged triumphant in a battle with over twenty thousand mystically-favored strongmen who were armed with flame, ice, and green-lightning-blessed swords, scimitars, rapiers, falchions, and so on.

Though she defeated and slayed them all, she was however riddled with deep fatal wounds. If not for a vast, tyrannical blast of extreme devastating potency that she unleashed which drained about ninety percent of her seemingly boundless vigor, she could have lost her life to the raging, berserk, and wild slashing and stabbing actions of the furious, towering strongmen.

Once she was done eliminating the men, she quickly walked to the back—about fifteen meters away from her current position to pick a sturdily-weaved wooden basket that had a baby resting comfortably inside of it.

As soon as she carried the basket up by its handles, she immediately used one of her blessed abilities called Thunderbolt Spirit Dash. This summoned a black-lightning-covered, sixty-meter-tall, phantom-like being that fully enclosed her beautiful but seriously injured form.

As soon as this shocking and bewildering creation surfaced—fully encompassing her, her long blue hair instantly turned dark and grew astonishingly longer. As for her eyes, they had thread-thin arcs of ink-black lightning suddenly emerge and begin to branch about on their mirror-like surfaces. Then a crescent-shaped crystal appeared at the center of her forehead, pealing thunderously and emitting a blinding black radiance that would deeply invoke both awe and dread in the minds of anyone that would gaze at it.


She immediately took off at a great speed—at a speed of over five hundred and sixty thousand meters per second, blasting with immense ruining power and greatly destructive, calamitous lightning force through a large and well-organized army that consisted of mystically-favored and massively-armored strongmen, as well as powerful warring Priests and Priestesses who wanted nothing but her complete destruction.


After about six minutes of running, covering a really large distance that wouldn't be covered by the priests and priestesses in probably weeks to come, she fell to the ground before an immense lake, crying heavily and sorrowfully.

She couldn't believe the unexpected tragedy that suddenly befell her and her entire family.

She, the highest-ranking Priestess—an eighteenth-order, violet-tier Priestess of war and military strategy of the vast Aarthsia nation, had been reduced to nothing. Also, her entire family were brutally killed, all in one night!

As for her husband, Arylghroneth, who was personally blessed by her with the abilities of super-strength to lift over ten thousand tons, and vast-degree indestructibility to withstand point-blank, multiple-large-town-ruining explosions, had been slain by large numbers of high-ranking war priests and priestesses that surrounded him and concertedly caused his death through age-accelerated emaciation and withering, bringing about his inevitable, unfortunate demise.

She looked at the smiling and giggling, unaware baby in the basket lying on the ground before her with a certain indecipherable glow emitting from her eyes. Then suddenly, the glow coming from her eyes increased in intensity once she made up her mind on something so insane and outrageous that it caused her heart to tremble and beat wildly.

Now, she was going to break the institutionally established rules of their universe. Only a maximum of six Blessings could be allowed to be given to a favored individual or candidate? She will give her baby more than ten.

In fact, she will give him much more than a hundred! For the great and unforgivable crime they had committed to her and her family, she will go against the rules set by the Ancients and make her child an unconquerable warrior, a grand fighter, supreme combatant, peerless dominator, domineering subjugator, and the strongest and unsurpassable, ultimately blessed champion in the entire universe!

She would bless him so greatly that he will single-handedly confront all foes and adversaries for the unconscionable grievances they committed against his family, as well as unendingly wreak absolute and unending ruination and desolation in their impregnable dens or fortress-like lairs.

These sites were scattered across unprecedented realms and uncharted dimensions? He would discover all and collapse everything with unparalleled strength. Lastly, she was going to make her son tremendously capable of slapping, beating, and stepping on Blessed Sovereigns and Ancients—seemingly preternatural entities countless times stronger than her with spiteful, effortless ease.

Then quickly, before life would leave her body, she touched her forehead with the thumb of her left hand and indistinctly uttered some words. Once she finished her utterances, which caused the air around her to begin to tremble—seeming as if something mysterious and disastrous had been invoked, her thumb began to glow exceedingly bright.

It was night already, however, it became noon due to the awe-filling and greatly astonishing luminance that emanated from the thumb. Then she placed this glowing thumb on the baby's forehead and began to utter certain statements—utterances of Blessings with incomparable faith in her superior evocation ability, as well as unyielding conviction and determination in her heart, which radiated outward in the form of shimmering, iridescent light from her wounded, sorrowful figure.

"Aeden, my little one, my offspring, as you gradually grow into a fine young man, you will be accompanied everywhere you go by exceeding fortune and serendipitous luck. All that you seek will be found. And all that you do not seek, but are just as important or more valuable, will endlessly reveal themselves to you!"

"Absolutely everything that you try to do will succeed. All gatherings of the enemy—one to possibly a hundred-trillion-man-army that will assemble for your sake, wanting your destruction or doom, will be cut down by you with utter disdainful ease. You will possess immeasurable, superior divine strength—one that cannot be replicated by any other existence alive, capacitating you to behead or rip apart really large and overwhelmingly powerful armies of sky-inhabiting or heavenly-realm-residing deities with your bare hands."

"All insurmountable odds will be scornfully surmounted by you with effortless ease. Even a grim reaper or the supernatural bearer of death from hell or the abyssal underworld, won't be able to near ten thousand feet around you to seize, cease, or reap your precious, glorious life."

"You will shine, dazzle, and unceasingly awe all beings. All who plan to slaughter you will end up disdainfully butchered by you. They will try to cut you open to make you bleed, but your skin won't give way to even their sharpest cutting tool, including transcendent, sovereign, or otherworldly enigmatic weapons that they might possess."

"They might ram or barrage you with unfathomably heavy and incredibly potent siege arsenals and armaments to reduce you to flesh dust or bone shower, but your body will fully resist this. No instrument of warfare in this world, as well as out of this world, including world-shaking or universe-quaking ones, will hurt or harm you in the slightest. You will be immune to the charged or infused, Blessing-based attacks and offenses of others."


With unbound determination in her fiercely gleaming eyes—one that sought to break the norms, she continued to utter enchanting words of Blessings for Aeden, not minding the fact that her enemies were still in hot pursuit of her, "Son, as you develop into a handsome young man through the years, you will ceaselessly acquire tremendously large numbers of absolutely rare and unprecedented powers and abilities that will shock all Velcaesteria Sovereigns, and even the fabled Vanta Hyperia Gods themselves."

"You will soar to the ultimate transcendent realms for all your abilities and become totally unstoppable and invincible, my dear child. All covens of those that assembled to suppress and subdue you will be scattered and destroyed by you."

"All entities that will ever arise to slay you, whether mythical creatures, godly monstrosities, or astronomically-powerful, alternate-world or parallel-dimension beings, as well as the fearsome and dreadful, imposing majestic beings called Crowns, Glories, Seats, and Dominions, will be disdainfully annihilated by you."

"You will be like an immovable and invincible divine mountain that exists outside every universe or realm and therefore cannot be subdued, and like an indomitable slaughtering force or pressure that will sever, sunder, ruin, and desolate all things in its path. Shine ever brightly with honor, glory, majesty, splendidness, and grandness, my dear Aeden. In due time, absolutely all creations and existences MUST bow before you!"

Once she said those, with her glowing, left-hand thumb still pressed against the smiling baby's head, she unexpectedly produced a bright crimson-violet knife that began to emit rippling pulses of power that caused the ground—two thousand feet around her to instantly press by dozens of inches into the earth.







Hello, readers. Author here.

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