
Invincible Colorless Butler

After defeating the fallen god-king in divine war, Ziel Grisel (Ken Nijisaki) is cursed by his opponent and loses all his emotions. Ken feels the emptiness in his life and decides to create reincarnation magic by using his innate ability to dispel the curse. Nine hundred years have passed, and Ken has been successfully reincarnated. Unfortunately, the curse cannot be removed, and Ken is forced to live in that era without his emotions. After learning that fact, Ken is determined to live a quiet and peaceful life as... a butler?

Nzr150cc · ファンタジー
351 Chs

Chapter 16

"I am the man she loves." Ziel smiled and held Queen Helena's hand gently. Queen Helena blushed when she felt his hand and acted like a maiden in love.

King Leonida had forgotten Ziel in the room because of his argument with Queen Helena. When he heard his words and saw Ziel's hand on his wife, King Leonida's face darkened. But then he laughed after thinking of something.


"Why are you laughing?" Ziel was confused by King Leonida's reaction.

On the other hand, Queen Helena was Worried when she saw King Leonida. She thought that her husband was devastated because the wife he loved was holding hands with another man. But Queen Helena realized her guess was wrong after hearing King Leonida's following words.