
Invincible's: SUPERMAN

what if Kal-el was born in the invincible universe? will follow the comics and will deviate at certain points. there maybe a harem depending on feed back, however for now main ship is Kal and Anissa.

Thomas_Hodge · アニメ·コミックス
46 Chs

Invincible war!

(clark) "It's been a few months since I arrived on talescria and I haven't heard from Allen since we left to save racer Hopefully nothings happened to him. He's one of the few people on this planet I trust." Him along with racer, tech jacket, and thaddeus seem to be the only people on this planet that trust me. "Wait what the hell is that noise?" I hear a strange noise calling me from across the galaxy. " I know this frequency. It's Marks watch!" I take off towards earth as fast as I can. " What the hell is going on!?" I arrive on earth in time to see new York In flames.

(clark)" What the hell is going on!?" I said when all of a sudden someone crashes into me. He looks like mark, but with a shaved head and a Blue and black suit. " Who the hell are you!? I yell as I grab this fake mark by the neck and slam him face first in the ground. He doesn't say anything he breaks free of my grip and rushes me again This time punching me in my face. This mark is strong, but not as strong as the mark I know.

(fake mark)" Why do you care? A dead man doesn't need to know."

(clark)" we'll see who the dead man Is." I say as my eyes begin to glow red.

(fake mark)" Is that supposed to scare me."

(clark)" No this is!" I shout as I use my heat vision to evaporate the man in front of me. I immediately take back off towards the signal from marks watch arriving at eves house. I burst in and see another mark attacking eve.

(clark)" Get your fucking hands off her!" I yell as I slam into the second fake mark grabbing him by his neck and snapping it. " Eve are you ok?"

(eve)" CLark is that you?"

(clark)" Yes eve it's me What the hell is going on? This is the second Mark I've killed today and why do you have marks watch?"

(Eve)" I'll tell you later for now we have to get to cecil"

(clark)" Ok eve hold on let me check you for injuries. Ok we're all set let's go hold on tight." We take off towards the global defense agency's hq. When we arrive Cecil comes out.

(clark)" Cecil what the hell is going on?"

(cecil)" Long story short there marks from alternate universes trashing the world we could really use your help superman."

(clark)"You've got it take care of eve. It's time for me to go to work." And with that said I head off into battle. "There were sixteen of them before I arrived I already killed two, but that's still fourteen more viltrumites as strong as mark I've got to fight. This isn't gonna be easy."

(cecil)" kid it's me cecil I'm sending you the locations of all the evil marks."

(clark)" Got it." I race off towards the closest one. New York. When I arrive I see one of the marks fighting spawn. "Spawn!" I call out to him.

(Spawn)" Superman is that you?"

(clark)"Yeah step back I got this punk." I said as I slam into the evil mark This one's different than the other two He's wearing a viltrumite uniform and has a mustache. "Hey you're stronger than the other two I killed. Don't disappoint me too quick."

(mustache mark)" You'll find I'm not weak like the others." He said as he punched me in the face and he is right, however.

(clark)" I've fought ladies that hit harder than you boy remember this in your next life, there's always gonna be someone stronger than you." I said as I drove my fist into his chest as Hard as I could killing him on impact. " Hey spawn look for survivors I've gotta check on the others."

(spawn)" Alright leave it to me."

(clark) After leaving spawn I head to my family's home to check on my parents. " Ma. Pa. Are you guys alright? I say as I burst in seeing no one around.

(cecil)" Don't worry kid I got your parents out there they are alright."

(clark)" Alright thanks cecil I appreciate it." I said as I take back off to join the battle. I head towards the guardians location, but I'm too late as I arrive a new darkwing pulls the evil mark clone onto shadows, and rex explodes to kill another. "Damn it i was too later." I check on the injured and find that robot is still alive. "Robot are you alright?"

(robot)" Superman is that you?

(clark)" Yeah it's me hold on I'll get everyone out of here."

(robot)" Grab the immortals head we can revive him."

(clark)" Ok hold to kate while I grab the others." Once I've rounded everyone up I take off towards cecil's Hq.

(clark)"cecil the guardians are down I've got them. I'm heading towards you get ready to treat their injuries!"

(cecil)" got it kid."

(clark)" Alright hold on guys we're almost there hang on." As we arrive at hq I see the base has been attacked. Donald's missing skin, cecil's' arm is broken, and Eve is hurt bad. I see mark sitting in their with eve and i go talk to him.

(clark)" Mark what happened!? are you alright man, how's eve?

(Mark)" Clark Is that you!?"

(clark)" Yes mark it's me! Now catch me up to speed man what the hell is going on." Mark then begins to explain what's been happening while I was gone. Everything up until he killed angstrom levy. "Damn mark that's a lot I'm sorry."

(cecil)" Listen I don't mean to interrupt, but we need you two now."

(clark)" Alright let's go."

(mark)" No."

(clark)" What! Mark the world needs us! What do you mean no?"

(mark)" He's got every hero on earth already helping and you're here no so there's no reason for me to help."

(clark)" I can't believe what I'm hearing right now. Since when have you been such a COWARD MARK!?

(mark)" I'm not a coward clark I don't want to fight if I don't have to"

(clark)" Oh you're a pacifist now is that. Look around you fucking idiot heroes are dropping by the minute a city falls every hour while you sit here feeling sorry for yourself. Oh but by all means go ahead an explain to me how you're not a coward.

(donald)" cecil sir we just got word every major city in the world has fallen. Moscow, london, New york. All have been laid to waste."

(clark)" Mark does that still sound like we don't need you!? Donald do we have a count on how many evil marks are left out there?"

(donald)" There were sixteen when they first arrived and we know that atleast 5 were killed."

(clark)" I killed three when I arrived. So my three plus your five makes eight. Keep everyone away I'll handle them myself."

(cecil)" Can you handle them all kid?"

(clark)" If I don't hold back yeah I should be able to handle them. They aren't as strong as full grown viltrumites so It shouldn't be too hard. Not like I really have much of a choice the only other person here who could help is hiding like a coward."

(oliver)" I can help."

(clark)" Who are you kid?"

(oliver)" I'm marks brother oliver."

(clark)" Is that right!? You see that mark your little brother is willing to fight while you hide like a coward. Fine you can stay here if it'll make you feel better. Punk!" As I said that mark slammed into the wall. "ugh!"

(mark)" You want me to fight fine I'll fight!"

(clark)" Yes that's it that's the mark I know."

(donald)"We got word that the surviving eight Marks have all gathered together."

(clark)" Where?"

(donald)" New york."

(clark)" Alright you two let's go." And with that we take off to confront the last eight marks attacking the world when we arrive we see that the eight marks are gone

(mark)" Where did they go?"

(angstrom)" Oh them I sent them to the same dimension I was trapped in." Angstroms presence catches us off guard as he sends two orbs crashing into me and oliver. Mark rushes forward and catches angstrom by his throat

(clark)" Damn it that hurt Nice going mark. See i knew you could do it."

(oliver)" Now kill him quickly brother."

Mark hesitates for a second before going for the kill, unfortunately angstrom uses a portal to escape, but not unscathed as mark tore his forearm off before he could escape.

(clark)" Damn he got away."

(mark)" I'm sorry I hesitated."

(oliver)" Why didn't you kill him when you had the chance?"

(clark)" Oliver calm down we've all had a rough day. For now let's get back to base and inform them on what's happened." With that we return to base ending the three day nightmare on earth.