
Invasion Time

Calm, being able to live in peaceful conditions is the life that Tsukasa Kadoya is currently experiencing. Thanks to his efforts, the world of the riders managed to recover, accompanied by the return of all of Tsukasa's friends after death claimed all of their lives. However... The disaster arose. A group of evil riders called the Dark Riders came. Due to things that are not clearly known, the original Rider's world suddenly experiences distortion, causing other worlds to become attracted and collide with each other. In the midst of this dire situation, riders from different worlds and histories carry out an invasion, killing many people on both sides of the world, destroying the peace that was created by Decade. Will this be the end of the lives of the riders? Eliminate your curiosity by reading this novel. Free, no charge.

Quintessa_72 · ファンタジー
15 Chs

Riots in City Park

Chapter 2

"Baaaaaaaaaaggggghhhh-!!" Because the impact of the explosion was too big, like it or not, I was thrown away from the explosion area.


Awwwww--- it really hurts, it's real, where my body doesn't land smoothly anymore. This is not my favorite day, dammit!!

"Cough- cough- cough."

When I woke up, my vision was black, I saw nothing but that color. This is exactly the same as the future of a child who has no aspirations.

Wait? Am I blind? Hiiih... I hastily rubbed my eyes, to avoid anything bad happening to me.

"Hopefully nothing happens," I muttered, slowly opening my eyelids.



The first thing you saw was a bright white light. Am I in heaven?

"Kyaaaaaaaaaa- run!!"

"Umh-" Hearing the sound of screams around me, the eyelids that I was about to open slowly in an instant I opened wide.

"Hmmm? Can you see clearly?"

Being able to see green grass across my eyes means... I'm not blind.

"Thank God."

For a moment, I patted my cheeks, to find out whether I was living in another world.


My cheeks responded, a sign of the pain from being hit. It means?

"Congratulations huh? Goodl-"

Well, this is the moment that makes my emotions overflow.

As my eyes looked up at the clouds, the black dragon that was previously flying towards the two of us suddenly flew low around where I made landfall.


"That's bad..." Not wanting to repeat the same mistake, I got up again, not caring if there were wounds on my limbs, then did a somersault to the left.

Buaaaarrrrrrrrrrr- A bastard dragon, how dare it spout lava at me?! Grrrrrhhhh-!!

Yep, as I explained, right when the body was half upside down, the dragon around my location turned upside down and suddenly released a burst of hot fire from its mouth.


It's not that easy to hurt me, stupid. I'm just like a film artist, hahaha....


Yosh, managed to land without sustaining any injuries? Yo dong....

Ah yes, right now, I'm in a half-sitting position, where my body, especially my head, is tilted forward, while my right hand is on the ground.

"Phew, congratulations," I muttered as I got up from my landing position.

"Okay, now what y-"

Horrifying, is a description of the sight I am currently seeing.

As far as my eyes could see, the scene looked chaotic. Dragons, scorpions, a collection of strange green and silver monsters, Worms & Orphenochs, and similar monsters, were currently seen destroying several buildings across the street.


Worm: a space monster that usually appears in the Kamen Rider Kabuto series

Orphenoch: strange monster, created by dead humans. Appears in the Kamen Rider Faiz series

Not only that, several monsters I didn't know suddenly appeared to attack the residents. Not just one or two monsters, but a group. Is this a disaster?

Aahh- most importantly, one of the places that the monsters are targeting is the ground where my feet are standing.

It means....

"Waaaaaa-" Tskkk- who dares to mess with my beautiful murmurs? Oh, but wait a minute.

"Hmmm? Sounds like I know that voice-" Surprised, shocked, and surprised.

When his head turned to the source of the sound, a woman with black and brown hair was now running from the pursuit of one of the ugly, dark green monsters.

"Shit, he's in danger." Realizing that a species of monster, called Worm, was after his life, without further ado, I stepped forward and ran quickly towards him.

"Haah- haah- haah- haah-"

Panting? It's true, very tired... but I can't let the Worm get into trouble.

"Haah- haah- haah- haah-"

"Kyaaaaa- go, go!"

"Haah- haah-"

"Get away, get away from me!" Wrapped in intense fear, while running, the woman screamed, throwing some rubbish around the road to throw at the monster.

"Bruaaaahhhhhh!!!" Instead of stopping, the dark green monster was eager to chase the woman. Even among some monsters, some undergo changes in form that become very scary, really.

"Haah- haah- haah-"

"What? Where's the road in s-" About to turn around because the road ahead was a dead end, a large collection of worms now appeared, blocking the running route.

"A A...."

"Help-!! Someone help me!!"

"Toll-" About to scream a second time, one of the worms that had previously undergone changes suddenly appeared before my eyes.


Viciously, the worm strangled him while lifting the woman using his right hand.


This nameless woman tried to fight back by hitting the monster's shoulders, however, instead of releasing its grip, the monster lifted the woman as high as possible, not giving her a chance to breathe.

"Oy, let him go you ugly monster!!"

OK, it's my turn to be a superhero!



The monster then bounced, released its grip, causing the woman to fall 200 cm high. I call that a superhero kick.


Yuhu, capturing a beautiful woman using both of my hands? It's the best thing, really.


"Phew, thank goodness you survived, Natsumi."

Yep, that's right, the teenage girl I managed to save was none other than Natsumi. I wonder, will he be angry or even...


Well, just disturb the moment, you're a monster. Ask for a real slap.

Just as my feet were back on the surface, I heard a strange sound from behind. I don't need to tell you, you'll understand, right?



"Haah- got it, I'll put you down right now." After lowering Natsumi's body which wasn't too heavy, she then stepped back, choosing to hide behind me.

"Okay monsters, your opponent now is me." As usual, after putting my favorite driver at my waist, I took a card in my left pocket.

"Anu- Tsukasa-san...." Could it be that you're worried? Don't worry Natsumi, I will beat them all.

"Yes-yes, I know what my job is."

"Come on, let's get started." After taking the card using my right hand, I then show the object to the front, while posing for a moment before changing.




A few moments after I said the sacred word, I held the card in my hand for a moment and attached it to the driver at the front of my waist.

"Kamen Ride, Decade!"

Great, my driver talks like a sophisticated machine. Maybe if I had something like this, I would definitely buy it, I have to.



Shards of glass suddenly appeared, forming a magenta colored armor all over my body. Remember, it's magenta, not pink. Don't make me angry, okay?!

Apart from the glass, the magic cards that were the hallmark of my armor were displayed, uniting themselves with the magenta armor with five cards clearly depicted on my head.

"My name is Kamen Rider Decade, or better known as the rider who happened to pass by!"

"Okay, that's enough introduction session."

A little small talk, that's fine. Not bad for warming up for a while.

Yokai, come on, come on!
