
Invasion Time

Calm, being able to live in peaceful conditions is the life that Tsukasa Kadoya is currently experiencing. Thanks to his efforts, the world of the riders managed to recover, accompanied by the return of all of Tsukasa's friends after death claimed all of their lives. However... The disaster arose. A group of evil riders called the Dark Riders came. Due to things that are not clearly known, the original Rider's world suddenly experiences distortion, causing other worlds to become attracted and collide with each other. In the midst of this dire situation, riders from different worlds and histories carry out an invasion, killing many people on both sides of the world, destroying the peace that was created by Decade. Will this be the end of the lives of the riders? Eliminate your curiosity by reading this novel. Free, no charge.

Quintessa_72 · ファンタジー
15 Chs

Me and Marx (Part II)

Chapter 10

"Attack Ride, Clock Up!"


Both legs are now emitting electric sparks. Yosh, start....



Simultaneously, Marx and I stepped quickly towards each other.








2 : 5, of course I win.

When we arrived, we both launched attacks in the form of punches. Marx tried to hit me first, but I was able to dodge and take a raw bogeman to the chest. It worked, he was hit.

Enraged, Marx then performed variations of punching and kicking. Indeed, this move was very difficult for me, to the point where I had to get kicked in the head. Damn, 1 : 1 bro!

And yeah... I managed to win the last round even though I had to use cheating methods.

What? There's no harm in it, right? Before this match started, he didn't mention any rules, okay? So don't corner me in an unclear way, okay?!

Remembering that Marx used the kick-and-punch trick, what I needed to do was get closer.

As expected, seeing my body walking forward, Marx then took steps towards me.

Hohoho... can't wait, huh? If that's the case...

"Attack Ride, Invisible!"


Starting from now, you will not be able to detect my movements. My secret has mysteriously disappeared.


And so, I attacked Marx while my body was out of his sight.

During the third attack, Marx was thrown quite far, "Clock Down" disappeared instantly. Likewise with my "Clock Up", where both of our abilities turned out to have a big impact on the surrounding area.

(For a moment the flow of time around me was now running again. This can be seen from my two friends, Natsumi and Yusuke who were able to move as before after being stopped unnaturally)

"Cough- cough- cough-"

Eat it Marx, is it really nice to get a combo from me? Ha ha ha....

After a few minutes of floating, Marx landed quite far from where the three of us were. Taste it, is it really delicious?

"Tsukasa... what happened just now?" Seeing my body walking closer towards them, Yusuke spontaneously asked me a question.

Fumu, you really want to know what's going on?

"I... explain it in detail, it will make you confused."

Yep, that's right, you will be confused when you hear it. Are you serious!

"Areh-? Which strange rider is your opponent?" After Yusuke, this time Natsumi asked me a question, right?

Feels like a reporter's subject, genuine.

"Oh, that's it," I said while pointing at the cracked ground caused by Marx's emergency landing.

In a moment I heard a compliment, really.


The person who first called me was Yusuke Godai. Yosh, the friend who will praise me is you, very good. I am very proud to have a friend like you

"H-h-h- how do I convey it, huh?"

Why you need to be confused, just say it. I want to hear praise from your mouth. Let's say it now.


I faintly heard a voice behind my back. Wait, I feel like I'm not ready-

"Watch out Tsukasa."


Adaw... sick. Hey Natsumi, what's wrong with you?! For no reason playing just pushing me to the side? What do you think I am?!!



Yusuke, why are you screaming? I don't understand, nor do I understand what is going on. Currently my body is still facing away from Marx, so I can't see what's behind me.

But if you look at their behavior, hmmm... seeing them act like this, that's what it means...

Like it or not, I have to look back again.


A large explosion suddenly occurred near where I was lying. Yep lying down, I've been pushed to the side.

As an anticipatory measure, I spontaneously forced my body to bend down, I placed my right arm directly blocking my eyes, so that molecules such as dust and smoke would not enter my eyes.

Graaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh There was no pause after the explosion, at first glance I heard someone scream. How do you know his voice, huh?

"Emmhh-?" Curious, I then placed my right arm back at my waist while turning my body towards the source of the sound, towards the back.

"S-s-s- sh*t."

Out loud, I said those words. How come? The rider who was previously hit by my fatal kick, Marx, is now standing as before. The most astonishing thing was that he was standing together with one of the strange black riders too.

Strange? Maybe yes. I've never seen that rider. Dark black clothes cover the rider, where at the end of his head, there are two tank cannons typical of the country's military.

He's not an assassin, right? If so, I'm back...

Hm... I don't know who he is. Could he be a rider after me? But how is that possible? Ahh- confused!

"Yusuke- Yusuke...." While my mind was wandering freely, for a moment I heard Natsumi's voice calling out Kamen Rider Kuuga's real name.

Should I turn around, or later?

"How about Decade? This is one of my strengths!"

Yes-yes, I saw you standing together with him. But try to explain the meaning of one of my powers just now.

"Honestly, I don't understand the name of the rider near you. It's just that I just realized one thing, you must be the person who made him here, right?"

Guess a human is hitching a ride through here, boss.

"Excellent. The rider beside me is called Metal Build. Ahhh... he can be here thanks to one of the Driver abilities on my waist."

Owh- the rider near Marx is called Metal Build, huh? It's a bit strange, but never mind. It's not that important about the rider's name.

Anyway, when I looked in more detail, Metal Build uses a unique black driver, has a pedal lever.

Hmm... in the middle of the Driver, there are two black bottles. I wonder if he is a scientist? Possible?

Apart from being equipped with two bottles, on the Metal Build driver, at first glance I misfocused when I saw a strange bright red object now stuck in the left corner.

(Left here seen from my perspective)

Honestly, what is that? I've never seen a rider and driver like that. Oath.

"Waist driver? So you are a Kamen rider?" I asked in a loud voice.

"Make ask again. Yes!!"

"Ohh." To make sure he didn't get emotional, I answered his words with simple sentences.

"Never mind, there's no point in you talking to me."

"Metal, finish it now!" Marx said while pointing at me.

Wait, what-? What's this? Metal and I don't even know each other well, and just now you ordered Metal to fight me? You're stressed, aren't you?


Stupid, why are you even following Marx's orders? Funny I swear!

After receiving orders from Marx, the rider named Metal Build was now running fast towards me. Oy-oy-oy, that's fast. Are you a track athlete? If so, how fast can it be, right?

I'm dead....
