
Invading Your World

I left everything on my own. I attended school and tried to live a normal life. I put a safe distance at people but... The most generous and adored gentleman in the class continues approaching me... The friendliest guy in school who smiles a lot, but why does his smile looks scary? Then the most distant student starts paying attention to me... Around me, the cold and arrogant young master was reduced into a fool... And the girl who is the target of envy keeps following me... 'Why are you doing this? I'm not someone you can handle.' They are the people who is always in the spotlight, whereas I'm someone who should quietly watch in the sidelines. The filler. The observer but irrelevant. But once they break in on my small, bordered world and shed a light in the darkness where I was... They saw the wrong person. I am not someone who they thought I was.

Mj_Ferret · 若者
36 Chs

Chapter 21: I'm an Orphan

"Where's Belle?"

Their faces darkened before replying to Dani's question.

"She came with her father."

'Is he flaunting his daughter to gain some favor again?' Dani's eyes also darkened. Her gaze swept the crowd; she recognized some of her classmates and recognized other familiar faces, but she still couldn't see Belle. They relaxed when they heard Kenneth.

"It's fine. I saw Von earlier and I know that he followed them around."

Von is Belle's older cousin. He's kind, considerate and always takes care of Belle. They stopped talking when two people approached them. It turns out it's David's friends in the entertainment circle. They introduced each other and Jun is quite familiar to them.

'Right, his family business is in entertainment.' Dani realized and scanned the two. The one with black hair acts like a gentleman. He is neat and polite. While the blonde one has a bubbly temperament. He's cheerful and friendly, so she's not surprised when he and Jun hit it off like they're some old friends. The latter looked a little abashed when their eyes met but soon bent his eyes gently and displayed a faint smile. Dani also smiled back at him.

A while later, the event formally started. Their group sat together in front of the stage. Belle with her curly red hair, looked tired but when she saw them, her face lit up. Dani was uncomfortable because the star today was sitting beside her, drawing the eyes of the guests, but she managed to hold on.

The stares only receded when the brothers took David to the center of the party hall. David picked up the microphone and spoke a few words. The brothers didn't hold back at all. All of their gifts are magnificent, from brand new cars to private residences to watches, cufflinks, and sets of accessories. There was a round of applause. People complimented them on how much they adore their younger brother, and the brothers replied that it's because they missed his acting debut. So today is David's graduation party and debut celebration all rolled into one. Kenneth abruptly spoke up.

"At first glance, David didn't appear to be the youngest brother; instead, people might mistake him for the eldest child due to his blunt demeanor; if not, they might mistake him for a child who grew up under strict discipline because he didn't show much emotion; the truth, however, was completely different."

'In fact, they are half to blame for why David turned out to be uncommunicative and expressionless. They left him all alone but showered him with material things, so that may have burdened him somehow.' Kenneth added inwardly. They grew up together. So he knew him more than anyone.

Belle suddenly exclaimed, interrupting his thoughts. "Wait! What if David likes someone? Will she be in trouble?!"

Kenneth was dumbfounded. What she said was so unbelievable that he asked her again. "What?"

But he soon regretted it immediately. The temperature around their table seemed to drop so much. His gaze swiftly flickered at Dani, who was sitting still like a stone.

"I mean, I think David is being spoiled because he is very unexpressive. So, if his brothers sensed that their little brother was attracted to someone, would they threaten the girl?! Like, 'Hey, if you didn't go out with my younger brother, you're dead.' Would they say something like that? Hahaha, that would be epic." Kenneth gaped at her.

"Guys? What's wrong? Why are you serious? I'm just joking. Of course I saw something like that in dramas but in real life, only insane people would do that." Belle explained, seeing their serious expressions. Kenneth responded to her.

"Belle, for a long time, I think that you didn't really have a knack for joking."

"Geez, I said I was kidding. And it's not like David really likes someone."

Kenneth can't help but wonder how Belle can be so quick-witted with things but becomes so dumb when it comes to love. He lifted his hand, put his hand on his forehead while watching the brothers. He then murmured to himself. 'But they can be considered as crazy people... Is it really okay?!'

The brothers continued to share their fascinating stories and experiences from living overseas, announcing that they would be returning in the fall. The rest becomes boring as the topics headed to business. The adults build their own world and the young people who are not interested began to dance, chatter or introduce each other. Dani has forgotten their names. Naturally, many people came to them because the star of the day is her friend. She nodded, spoke a little, and gave a handshake. These actions are engraved in her bones. Some are persistent and keep talking to her, but with one or two sentences from her mouth, the conversation would suddenly die.

'It's been so long...' The guys invited her often to social occasions but she persistently refused. Except when Belle did a few modelling performances and she had to come. Because of that, she met most of Belle's family and relatives. In the past, she felt like she was always being dragged into a slaughterhouse. The feeling of being thrown into an unfamiliar world, and no sense of belonging... But now, she doesn't feel that way. She's comfortable and at ease, like there is no problem that is going to happen. Dani glanced at her friends.

Belle is dancing with someone, probably goaded by her father. David and Jun are socializing with peers while Eugene is conversing with adults. Seeing they're occupied, she excused herself for a drink. She didn't like the throwing glances at her once in a while, so she straightened herself and quickly moved her steps. She went to a corner, and to her surprise, she saw someone familiar. With his obsidian eyes and ascetic vibe, it was Von, Belle's older cousin.


"Hello, good evening."

A silence enveloped the two.

'What kind of person is he?' Dani thought and from her impression of him, he was courteous and very careful. She observed that when he talked, he would pause before opening his mouth. She also always noticed the look of apathy from his eyes. But he takes care of Belle like a brother and has good manners.


She lifted her head.

"I was present at the graduation, but I didn't have a chance to talk with you."

"Thank you," she replied.

He then tapped her head. He did that to her often when they meet. Sometimes, she had this absurd idea if he really intended to pat her or to hit her in the head.

"You did well."

Dani had no idea what to say. The two of them in an inconspicuous corner quietly observe the people. They took in all the scenes that came into their sight.


The guests were served by waiters in the red uniforms. Dani's group, along with David's two other friends and his brothers sat at a wide circular table with ten chairs. Dani exchanged looks with the brothers and the corner of her lips lift up.

"You are?" Knoxx greeted her politely.

"She's Dani Ferret, my classmate and my friend." David introduced her.

"Oh" with a look of surprise, Knoxx adds, "My name is Knoxx Lopez and I'm David's oldest brother. It's nice to meet you."

He is a remarkable man. Familiar dark-blue hair, and blue eyes with a serious expression on his face, he has a dignified air. He then swept a glance at his side.

"I'm Kyle Lopez, my lady."

Looking as if he recovered from shock, Kyle introduced himself. Dani looked at him and thought that he had the vibe of a player. He has long black hair, and the same blue eyes that are slightly slanted. The corners of his mouth draws an arc, making his expression look gentle but mischievous. She learned that the oldest is 24 while the younger one is 22 years old this year.

"The pleasure is mine." Dani gave them a gentle smile.

The feast began, and the room was filled with the sound of clattering silverware. Some people are talking and laughing, while others are just listening to music and having fun.

"Where do you come from?" Knoxx broke the silence at their table. He looked straight at her. Dani was surprised and amazed at the same time.

'He's straightforward. Unfortunately, I don't want to play his game.'

She didn't speak but instead has a puzzled expression on her face.

"You looked familiar to me but I can't remember." Knoxx explained.

Eugene was surprised this time. He knew that Knoxx's memory was exceptional.

"No. I think this is the first time." The rest looked at Dani and could see her slack expression. "As for where I came from, I came from the West of Virginia. My grandmother is already old and busy, while my relatives can't take care of me, so she sent me here to live by myself more than two years ago."

They listened to her story and her friends became alarmed. Kyle questioned her this time. What he is curious about is this.

"What about your parents?"

Eugene, Belle, David, Kenneth, and Jun frowned at him at the same time. But Dani answered calmly.

"Parents? They were dead."

Her friends are all startled. 'Dead?!'

"I'm an orphan."

"I'm sorry."

"It's fine. I heard that they're dead since I'm still a baby, so it's not like I have met them once."

Hearing it makes someone sad, but her tone is like she's just casually talking about the weather. The atmosphere becomes solemn and nobody asks anymore. However, her friends have mixed feelings.