
Invading Your World

I left everything on my own. I attended school and tried to live a normal life. I put a safe distance at people but... The most generous and adored gentleman in the class continues approaching me... The friendliest guy in school who smiles a lot, but why does his smile looks scary? Then the most distant student starts paying attention to me... Around me, the cold and arrogant young master was reduced into a fool... And the girl who is the target of envy keeps following me... 'Why are you doing this? I'm not someone you can handle.' They are the people who is always in the spotlight, whereas I'm someone who should quietly watch in the sidelines. The filler. The observer but irrelevant. But once they break in on my small, bordered world and shed a light in the darkness where I was... They saw the wrong person. I am not someone who they thought I was.

Mj_Ferret · 若者
36 Chs

Chapter 18

When Kenneth stepped out and said goodbye, Eugene and Dani were the only ones left in the car.

"What did you say to him?"

"To whom?"

"To Mr. Stein. He's acting weird."

Dani snapped herself from her thoughts and stared straight at Eugene. She remembered Mr. Stein's behavior towards her before parting. He suddenly became overly polite.

'Praising and complimenting me.'

"He's buttering me up out of nowhere."

"Really? I merely mentioned that he lacks basic manners."

Dani can't believe her ears. "You really have guts."

Meanwhile, Eugene is displease. He noticed that Mr. Stein is always rude to Dani but he can't bring it up. This is the first time he talked to him privately. I told him to respect her, not to bother her.

He looked at the driver, and the driver immediately avoided his eyes. 'Tsk, he's really cunning. By making his personal driver send us home, it means we now owe him a favor.' He is cynical, because this is how it works in his world. He controlled his facial expression when he saw that Dani's eyes were on him.

Because he remembered something, he laughed out loud. He ignored Dani's look she is giving to him and continued, "By the way, you said that we could recommend something to you and you would think about it, right?"

"Yeah?" He could see that Dani was confused at the sudden shift of topic.

"I have an offer." He boldly proposed.

"What is it?"

"About that... I would not tell you."

Silence. He was met with silence. When she recovered, she asks him seriously.

"Are you kidding me? How can I consider that offer if I didn't know what it's about?"

'If I tell you, you will think I'm crazy.

Maybe I'm really crazy.'

Eugene thought to himself. Looking at her, he explained. "If there's a time when you still don't know what to do, take my offer. But if you end up finding what you really want, then just forget about it."

"By the way, with my offer you will earn a very large amount of money without going out. That's what you want, right?"

"Are you trying to recruit me?" Dani thinks that maybe he will hire her to his family's company. But without a need to go outside? She continued to ponder.

"I would only tell you about it if you decided to accept my proposal." Eugene expressed firmly while Dani thinks he is crazy.

'How can I accept a proposal if I don't know what it's about?

And I would only know about it if I accepted it already?

It's like signing a contract when you don't even know how to read... Who would do that?'

"You know that it doesn't make sense, right?"

"That's why I told you, if you find yourself still at a loss, at least you have the last option now."

'The last option? So that's what he meant when he said to forget about it if I ended up finding what I wanted. It means I have to put mine first.'

Dani found Eugene's offer ridiculous but considerate at the same time. "Are you worried about my future? Well, I'm a bit useless, so I can understand." Dani joked with him.

"Of course not. You're very capable. That's why I'm not expecting too much." Eugene said seriously. He is sure that Dani can do everything that she wants, and there's just something holding her back.

"What about explaining it to me in detail? Who knows, I might accept it right away."

"Certainly no." With a shake of his head, Eugene expressed his resolve.

"You said I would earn a lot. That's very tempting."

"Yes, very very much" Eugene emphasized his words. That made her mull over what all he said.

"Hey, it's not something illegal, right?"

"Dude, hold your imagination! Of course not. Anyway, don't bother yourself too much about it." Eugene gave her a wry smile. He signaled to the driver and the latter pulled the car at the side of the street.

"Take care."


When Dani got out of the car, she smiled at him. "I will consider your offer. It's because you're my friend."

She didn't even give him time to speak, as she already turned away. Eugene shook his head helplessly. And he tried to discern if there was a meaning behind her last sentence. He found her words funny because it's conflicting.

"Head to the Gray's residence."


Mr. Stein's driver, Jason Mazz, is nervous. It's because the young master remained motionless since they're the only ones left in the car. His playful and lively side earlier is gone. And he feels that the temperature dropped significantly.

'Am I hallucinating? Or did I do something wrong?! What's worse is he's only staring straight at the back of my head!'

He continued to think anxiously. Mr. Jason, the driver, is on edge not knowing that Eugene is just staring blankly in the air while pondering deeply.

'It's Mr. Stein's fault. I always got in trouble because of him. Shall I just resign myself?!'