
Inuyasha the next generation

RainHearts87 · アニメ·コミックス
1 Chs

Inuyasha The Next Generation

This is a story passed the final act, a story of sorrow and new beginnings. A new generation has been born and now it is time for it to be revealed.

(Once their was a half demon called Inuyasha who fell in love with a school girl from the future, as the story is told they defeated a rather hard to beat foe by the name of Naraku. After his defeat, Kagome was sucked into a portal where she was faced with the decision to make a wish on the shikon jewel. But to no avail, she merely wanted Inuyasha to come for her as she hovered there in the darkness. Finally Inuyasha heard her cries and came for her, rescuing her and Kagome told the jewel to disappear and it did. Soon after Inuyasha returned Kagome home to her mother, grandfather and brother Sota. She was happy to see them as she burst into tears. Soon after noticing that Inuyasha was being pulled back into the well and it closed for good. She could not see him. For many years passed and in his world Miroku & Sango had three children. Still Inuyasha visited the well three times a week he missed Kagome horribly in hopes that she would soon return to him. One day Kagome graduated and went home to revisit the well, she thought to herself how she wanted to see Inuyasha more than anything in the world she wanted to be with him. As she did the well had re-opened. Her mother entered the shrine and hugged her daughter. As Kagome told her she wanted to go, and her mother agreed to let her knowing what it meant. As she hugged her and they said their goodbyes. She returned to the feudal era where Inuyasha caught her scent and ran like the wind to the well as he did reaching in and pulling her out as he held her. Soon after she saw the others, her old friends, Miroku, Sango, & Shippo. She was back. And she was home. Her and Inuyasha were married and went on living their lives together happily. And now our story continues. . .)

(Chapter One)

It was a warm summers day as Kagome and Inuyasha arrived on a hill near the ocean. Kaede was keeping watch over their two children they had together. Their son and their daughter. Hoshimaru & Inani.

For the past year Kagome had grown ill. Very sick, Inuyasha knew she was going to be passing soon and as much as he hated it he grit his teeth and thanked the heavens for the time they had spent together. And for what she gave them both. Happiness. He finally knew with Kagome and their children. Inani was five years old, and Hoshimaru age ten. They were both a quarter demon. But they were loved and protected unlike the life Inuyasha had growing up. No one dared to snap comments about their children without getting pumbled, not with Inuyasha around. And as he stood there in his usual red robe of the fire rat, his shoulders now graced with armor and his hair up in a pony tail. The same markings on his face like his father had. They had been at war for some time, he and Sesshomaru had been battling Naraku's spawn that he had been hiding for years. Who suddenly had risen a year ago. Inuyasha was sad, more so than he let on. But he did not want to worry Kagome. Looking off in the distance his golden eyes lit up by the setting suns rays. And his silver hair gleaming in its light, waving in the wind.

Inuyasha's thoughts- (Two years, that me and Kagome were finally together. It has been twice as long since we have been married and now she is sick. I.. don't think I can handle putting her to rest. I just.. hope she was happy with the life she lived here with me.)

with a heavy heart he lowered his head.

Kagome: "Inuyasha...?"

She was standing not to far away from him, her arms crossed and she appeared cold. Her hair flowing in the wind and her face lit up from the sun. Beautiful and gentle. Inuyasha turned around to face her, lowering his head once seeing her sick looking expression. And slowly walking toward her.

Inuyasha: "Kagome.. I'll be fine.. lets get you home to rest.."

As he continued toward her she spoke once again as her eyes seemed teary.

Kagome: "Your thinking about it again aren't you?" -sigh- "Oh my Inuyasha .. please do not be sad."

She lowered her head as tears began to fall drizzling down her cheeks, as the warm breeze began to dry them somewhat to her skin. She had fallen sick with pneumonia and it was difficult for her to even breath. but she did what she could to stand by inuyasha, to be brave for him for her children & for herself. The doctors of the feudal era weren't as they were in the present world she had came from. There she would have had hope of surviving but here it was only timed.

Inuyasha: "I just can't believe it's come to this, but.. you are human after all you don't live such a long life as we do. but still I don't wanna lose you Kagome. We've been through so much, you were always there for me even when I was mad.. the kids will be sad when your gone.. I'm not sure I can bare it either."

As he made it to her he held her in a strong yet comforting embrace into his arms. Warm and inviting, her eyes teary still as she buried her face into his chest. Hugging him tightly around the waist. crying softly into his chest with what little breaths she could muster.

Inuyasha: "But.. there isn't anything I can do, death isn't a monster I can slay to save you. no matter what I will always love you Kagome. . and I promise I will watch after our kids when you've left us. I will never forget you.. never.."

As he gripped her tighter placing his hand on the back of her head as tears fell down his cheeks and he grit his teeth more. Sobbing as he never was one to show his emotions. He just couldn't hide it with Kagome any longer.

Kagome: "Inu-yasha, I loved my time here. Living it with you, being loved by you and having the two most important things in my life with you. I don't regret a thing."

She muttered into his chest as he held her tightly still sobbing.

Inuyasha: "Ka..gome..."

He cried harder as she coughed roughly in his chest. He knew it would be soon and he didn't want it to come. As he released her placing his fingertips on her chin lifting it, her head raised to meet his eyes with hers as their lips touch baring a soft deep passionate kiss, as he held her close. Soon after Kagome caressed his face with her delicate hand. Inuyasha placed his hand on hers closing his eyes and holding her hand ever so tightly. As she then lowered it and they began to walk back to Kaede's village. Inuyasha looked over at her as he gripped her hand firmly. Then carried her back in his arms.

Inuyasha: "I promise Kagome, I will be by your side. Until the time comes. you won't be alone I'm right here with you.."

He spoke with shaken words though they were heart filled. Kagome looked up at him and smiled as she gripped his hand as well walking beside him slowly nodding gently.

Kagome: "I know Inuyasha.. and please do not be sad when I am gone, I love you."

Inuyasha glanced at her with his golden eyes and smiled as she smiled at him as well.

Inuyasha: "I love you too, Kagome.."

(End Of Chapter One)

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