
Inuyasha: Lineage of the Ōinashu

In the bustling halls of Harmony University, Imani finds herself drawn to a mysterious book titled "Threads of History: An Anthology of World Literature." Little does she know, this tattered tome holds secrets beyond her wildest imagination. As she delves into its pages, Imani is taken on a journey through time and space, embarking on an adventure that will challenge her perception of reality and unravel the threads of fate that bind us all. From ancient epics to modern masterpieces, Imani encounters a tapestry of stories that illuminate the essence of the human experience. But as she navigates the intricacies of different cultures and civilizations, she soon discovers that the boundaries between past and present are more blurred than she ever imagined.

Givean_HooH · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs

Chapter 3

The twisting path, worn by many seasons, meanders across this alpine world, a thread of dust and hopes unraveling into unknown territory. My head is filled with gibberish. "This is the road to Gaimu Village. It'll take a while." said Kagome. "And we have to look out for demons."

"What's Chicago like?" asked Shippo curiously. "I've never heard of America either."

"Really?" I looked at the bright sky. I hated it, It was so odd to me. This wasn't a similar sky to the one I saw at home. I'm black and as far as I'm concerned; I got kidnapped.

As I glanced across the great expanse, I couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia for the area I called home. I'm in Japan, so Kagome is Japanese. "Chicago is my home." I said, I have no idea how to make it sound fantastic. "I know..." I look at Shippo riding on the big cat's back. "Say nigga."

"What?" his eyes flutter. "What's that?"

"Me." I point to myself. "Nigga is slang, but white people aren't allowed to say it because a long time ago. They started this thing called slavery, and many Africans died."

"That's terrible," he pouted. "They enslaved an entire nation?" said Miroku astonished. "But how?"

"They put negros on a boat to America. They worked on these big fields called plantations and they still exist." I bore. "That's awful. Is that how you got here?: asked Shippo. I wave my hand dismissively, "I'm black but I'm free. In history they used to tell us that Martin Luther King led a huge march. Also, It was Abraham Lincoln that freed the slaves back in like the 1800 or something." I explained. "So, there's a village of black people in japan?"

"Kaede said it is called Sōsakku village." said Sango. "I wonder what she meant by they're shy."

"Probably because they aren't from around here." I guessed. 

"It's way in the mountains to the north. I wouldn't go up there." Kagome announced worriedly. My brow crinkled, "Why not?"

"Demons," said Inuyasha. "So?" I replied.

"What is wrong with you? You just saw a demon and now you don't care." said Shippo.

I cross my arms, "What's the big deal? I mean, I got away from the first one. But I really want to see this village of black people. I might find a second home."

"Or death..." murmured Shippo. 

"Let's get to Gaimu first." said Sango.

[Some RPG Lit elements]


EXP: 200

Abilities: Red Barrier, Butterfly Breeze

Red Barrier:

Description: Red Barrier is a defensive sorcerer ability that creates a protective shield around the user and their allies. When activated, a shimmering crimson energy field forms, surrounding the protected individuals and repelling incoming attacks.

Visual Representation: The Red Barrier manifests as a semi-transparent crimson dome, pulsating with energy. It crackles with power, deflecting blows and absorbing impacts to keep those within safe from harm.

Effect: The barrier is resilient, capable of withstanding a variety of attacks, including physical strikes, magical projectiles, and elemental assaults. It provides a sense of security to those sheltering behind its protective embrace.

Butterfly Breeze:

Description: Butterfly Breeze is a mobility-enhancing sorcerer ability that allows the user to move swiftly and gracefully, akin to a gentle breeze fluttering through the air. It grants enhanced agility and speed, enabling the user to navigate through obstacles with ease.

Visual Representation: When invoked, the Butterfly Breeze envelops the user in a swirling vortex of colorful, luminescent butterflies. These ethereal creatures dance around the user, their delicate wings leaving trails of shimmering light.

Effect: The Butterfly Breeze empowers the user with unparalleled agility, allowing them to dart and weave through their surroundings with fluid grace. They move effortlessly, evading attacks and closing distances with remarkable swiftness. The butterflies serve as both a visual spectacle and a symbol of the user's newfound freedom of movement.

I walked with them down the road. All is calm. "Do you know anything about Gaimu village?" I asked. "There's a psychic there." said Miroku.

"I still don't get how a psychic is going to help." I said.

"Me either... but Kaede doesn't know so Miko is the second best thing." said Shippo.

"What about this Miko girl?"

"Miko is psychic and talked about in the newspapers. She's even on posters." Miroku crossed his arms. "She literally saved a boy from drowning." said Sango. "She said that he was supposed to and that he drowned again because of who he was."

My eyes widen, "What is he?"

"A kappa, his name was Oraderu."

"He has to die again?" I raised a brow in curiosity. "I've never heard of a kappa."

It sounds thuggish, to be honest. Kappa sounds like a nickname for one of the boys in the street. We moved on and as we made it half way, something flicked out the trees. "What is that!" I jumped and hid behind Miroku.

"I don't know," he admitted, his voice barely more than a whisper. "But whatever it was, it wasn't natural."

Miroku's hand went to the hilt of his sword, his eyes scanning the darkness with a wary gaze. 

Inuyasha drew his sword. "Do you see what we mean now?" this weird thing stood up and my eyes grew hot. I wipe away the annoyance but then they water. The being is glowing an odd color. "What is that?" voiced Kagome. She readied her arrows and sent one flying into the unknown demon's shoulder, It yelped and waved it's limp, paper arms. Its arms grew and paper started to float around it. 

"What is happening?" I blurted. The arrow in its shoulder fell out. The light around it is a mix of orange and green. "Do you guys see that light?"

"What light?" told Sango. "Be with us!" its tiny voice said. It's arms stretched out, and it's both arms wrapped around my lower leg. "Let me go!"

"One of us..." The glow became more intense. Its small paper mouth open, and a spew of fire is released. "Hiraikotsu!" I saw Sango throw that giant boomerang. The fire enveloped this boomerang, but it hit the enemy's head. Its legs wobbly but then it's paper like eyes spread and I see yellow swirling orbs. 

"Family member!" it echoed. "What is it saying?"

It lifts its arms up and the ground under us shrinks slightly. "Rei o chika ni todomeru". Arms lift out the ground and lift Shippo up. "AH!"

Kirara bits the arms coming out the ground. I catch Miroku taking this cloth off his hand. "Wind tunnel!" raises his hand and the thing is overpowered by the wind drawing in. I catch its eyes spreading again. "Kazana o fuujiru!" its arms frail against the drawing winds. 

I look at Miroku; blue lines stretch across his palm. "What?" he's astonished and closes his hand. He holds his hand to his chest. "What power is this?" he furrows. 

"Family!" its arms wiggle about. "Atarashī kazoku, atarashī sākuru, atarashī aidea." It lets out this maniacal laughter. "Oh, shut the hell up!" I shout. My body grows hot, and this crystallized barrier forms in front of me. The thing shrinks again, it smirks bearing this crumbled up facial expression. It's arms raising again. "Kazana o fuujiru!" it shouts. 

The arms rise out of the ground again. I start skipping in one place to not get my feet caught. That barrier forms under my feet and the arms are starching to get at me.

"Mata yatta ne!"

"Enough of this!" shouts Inuyasha. "Wind Scar!"

The ground breaks apart as slices of the earth are sliced. This thing can't stop the power and Inuyasha cuts it in half. "Orufunke!" he says, disappearing into red flames. "What was that?" I blurted. "It was made out of paper." said Miroku. 

"Was it a Shikigami?" questioned Sango.

[EXP earned: 1000 > LVL 2 > New ability > Bloodbath Surge]

Imani channels her energy into her hands, causing them to glow with a crimson aura. When she strikes her foes with her hands, she can unleash a surge of destructive energy, causing grievous harm and leaving behind trails of crimson light.

[EXP earned: 1000 > LVL 3]