
Introducing Minecraft in The World in Ruin!

* Just a reminder, I'm just a translator, I'm just making this readable and not something that's an abomination of words. * * I'm also a newbie, so appreciated if you point out some words that I might've missed! * ______________________________________ Being isekai'd in another world with the ability of Minecraft , Senju was wandering helplessly in this ruined world full of steel. He thought he was the only one here. It wasn't until he met his companions that he found the goal of survival. He traveled with them and was with them. Going forward together, even if in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges, he will find a way to break through the desperate situation and lead to survival. After breaking through the desperate situation, Senju discovered that the world really had many pitfalls. In order to live a leisurely life, Senju began to look for an ideal home. Volume 1: Girls Last Tour: The Human World - 70 Chapters Volume 2: Girls Last Tour: The Uninhabitable Deep Zone - Chapters idk Anime: Girls Last Tour Note: I do not own this fanfiction, I just wanted to translate this/make it readable to people who don't know the Dao of MTL. Before I write the link, I should warn you that in later chapters in the raw, their names would be...messy, that's why I'm translating this. ______________________________________ How many stones per extra chapter? Wel idk, unlike before, update schedule is (right now)random. Disregard any of the previous chapters "goals" as it is expired Here's the link for the raw: https://trxs.cc/tongren/8398/1.html

Bruh20 · アニメ·コミックス
76 Chs

Chapter 61: Afraid of Heights?

Following the robot's voice, a circle of light appeared on the screen and spread, and then a simple map was displayed on the blank map, with a few marked place names on it, and the rest of the place was blank.

"What are these?" Senju didn't understand the words on it at all, so he asked Ishii.

After looking at it for a while, she explained to Senju.

"The one in the middle should be where we are now. The one on the left is the food production facility. This is the power station. This is..." She listed the locations marked above one by one. "This is the topographic map of the nearby area. Ah, but isn't the range a bit small?"

[Sorry, because it cannot connect to the satellite, it can only detect the surrounding area of 20 kilometers. There are nine locations where the signal still exists. Please confirm the destination.]The robot began to explain again.

Chito and Yuuri from behind ran over and looked at the map.

When they heard the robot's inquiry, Yuuri shouted, "Target, food production facility!"

The robot turned its head towards Ishii, who nodded, and one on the map lit up, with a straight line connecting there.

[Affirmative, the target has been decided, whether to take off?]

"Take off! Take off!" Yuuri yelled again, and Chito next to her pulled her nervously, "Idiot, don't talk nonsense."

Ishii was not affected by what was happening behind her, nodded, and said calmly, "Take off."

[Please pay attention to the crew in the cabin. We will take off in ten seconds. Nine-eight...]

Following the sound prompts, the people inside all grabbed the seats on one side tightly.

After a few seconds, with a slight shaking, the helicopter slowly flew up, and the light curtain in front also shrank to the bottom, all of them can see the outside through the side windows.

"Oh, this is incredible! We're truly flying in the sky. Chii-chan! Come and see this!" Yuuri exclaimed, leaning against the window, while Chito clung to her seat, unwilling to let go. "Not yet. Are we there yet? Have we arrived?"

Senju is sitting in his seat. Anyway, as long as he can't see, he is not afraid of heights.

Ishii appeared elated yet somewhat solitary. After all, her dream of flying had finally come to fruition. It was somewhat peculiar. She had always been... What was the reason behind her persistence?

With Yuuri yelling, a few minutes later, the helicopter slowly stopped on a flat land.

[The destination has been reached, the flight took nine minutes.]

"It's so close. Is this the right place?" Yuuri questioned as the hatch swung open. She peered outside, only to discover a level expanse with buildings and pipelines dotting the distance. "Is this underground? Chii-chan, we're already... here."

"Really?" Chito gazed at Yuuri through tear-filled eyes before noticing the even terrain outside and descending with a quivering step.

Senju also followed down, while Ishii sat there. After laughing for a while, she sighed, got down from the top, and looked at everyone with a faint smile, ""There's a food production facility ahead, and there's still some left inside. Let me show you the food." Ishii offered.

"Great, taro taro," Yuuri shouted happily, while Chito next to her, with trembling hands and swore, "It's so scary. I will never sit on this thing again."

"Let's go." Ishii led everyone away.

After a while, everyone discovered that a large winding iron pipe appeared in front of them, extending deep underground.

"This is the food production facility. Follow me." She opened a mechanism, and the four slowly entered from the elevator at the entrance.

There was a road against the wall, and the pipes on the other side.

After they walked for a while, Ishii stopped near a pipe with an arrow marked on the wall next to it.

"This is the entrance." Ishii pointed to a huge pipe connected to the side of the road.

Chito looked at it and became a little scared. "Isn't it too dangerous to walk this way?"

"Ah, it's not dangerous. On the contrary, it's very safe." Ishii was a little confused. Is there anything wrong with walking in these pipes?

(T/L: Trauma...)

Chito panicked for a while, "But there is nothing when walking on it. What if we fall?"

Ishii, who was about to go down the ladder next to her, looked at the direction Chito was pointing and said, "This is the entrance, not a walking path."

"Oh, then I'm relieved," Chito breathed a sigh of relief, and then the three followed Ishii into the pipe.

It was very wide inside, and there were two rows of bright lights on it, and arrows on one side for guidance. direction.

"It seems we'll find out once we move ahead," Chito remarked with a sense of relief. "Thank goodness, we won't have to tread over it."

"Chii-chan, you really are afraid of heights... why?" Yuuri expressed her perplexity at Chito's persistent fear of heights.

"Why?" Chito was also a little confused, but she was still afraid of high places. "I'm not sure, I just feel scared."

"But we live in a very high place." Although Yuuri was right, the three people next to her felt there was something wrong.

"This is probably different." Chito thought for a while and didn't know how to answer, but it was definitely not the same.

After thinking for a while, Senju joined in, "It's probably the difference between seeing and not seeing. You can't see how high it is outside here."

"Yes, that's it," Chito nodded repeatedly, while Yuuri was a little confused, "What's the difference? I already knew it was at high altitude."

"Everyone, go down the ladder in front. We're almost there." Ishii climbed down from the ladder at the head of the pipe, and Senju also followed.

This is a pipe many times thicker than the previous one. It's more than ten meters high inside.

There is also a pile of huge parts piled at the bottom, some much larger than a person.

"Chii-chan, don't look down at the steps. You're moving slowly," Yuuri urged Chito from below, expressing her concern.

"W-well..." Chito trembled with fear once more. Heeding Yuuri's advice, she descended slowly.

After a while, the pair also made their way down at a gentle pace. Chito finally sank onto the ground, exhaling a long breath.

"Let's rest for a while." Yuuri looked at Chito and suggested that everyone take a rest, and the four of them sat there and rested for a while.

"There is such a big pipeline." Chito sighed looking at the wide pipeline, and Yuuri was also a little curious, "It can't be seen from the outside at all."

"Because this was originally a city drainage pipe, connecting many places. It is already very deep from the ground and cannot be found outside." Ishii also explained.

"No wonder there are so many strange garbage. These must have been washed away by the water." Chito also nodded to express her understanding.


*Phew* I finally finished all of my exams! Unfortunately, 3 subjects have a high chance of failing... Which are: Gen.Math,Pre-Cal and Gen.Bio

All the others were generally easy, unlike these three...


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