
Intricated Marriage

Jeon Seojun ,son of one of the biggest business man in S.Korea is known for being a cold hearted person and is the CEO of his father's company.Stubborn and spoiled brat he is. Ava Manoban, daughter of one of the biggest chef in Thailand is a very virtuous lady and is a dancer. She can be a bitch though. The word "Opposite" is made for describing their personalities and their world. What will happen when one day, suddenly they are made to marry? Will they fall in love with each other? A journey filled with hatred, anger, heartbreaks, betrayals, tears, confusions and maybe love and affection?

crescent_d · 都市
9 Chs


It was the sound of the alarm that woke Ava. She groaned and lazily sat on her bed. Her head hung down, hair a mess, and so was her night pyjama.

She slowly opened her eyes. Inhaled deeply and stretched her fragile arms.

After that she took her phone and unlocked it. 8am

"Good" She thought.

That rascal was gonna pick her up at 10am . Not that she wanted to go with him for choosing their wedding rings.

Ugh that thought itself made her want to punch his face.

She just didn't want to make her parents sad.

Everything that she is doing is for them even if it meant in her becoming a "Wife just for namesake"

Groaning she walked towards the bathroom to brush and bath.

After taking a warm and refreshing shower Ava came out in her bathing robe and opened her suitcase.

Yesterday was a hectic day and so that's why she still hasn't kept her clothes in her wardrobe.

As she opened her suitcase. She simply picked whatever was on the top and didn't bother to further look into her suitcase and zipped it.

Why? Because she doesn't care. It's just choosing a fucking ring not that it was an important occasion. Well she could have tried to look better but... Yeah if only her fiance was....

"Ahhhhh" She internally screamed and cursed herself for thinking about him.

"Why am I constantly thinking of that rascal? Focus Ava Focus!! You are going to ruin him" She said to herself as she took her clothes and went inside the bathroom to change.

After 5 minutes she came out wearing a baby pink T-shirt and baggy jeans with white converse.

She kept her hair open which was reaching her waist, put on a light makeup , wore a small sunflower pendent which was gifted to her by her dad on her 24th b'day and checked herself in the mirror before nodding her head in satisfaction.

"Not bad "

Having said that she unlocked her phone 9:30am.

She had 30 more minutes for breakfast .


As she was walking down the stairs she heard her dad's laugh and her mother's chuckle.

Seems like they were having a good time.

Just as she reached down she saw HIM with her parents laughing and getting along with them while eating breakfast.

"Oh you're here princess.Look whose here .Come sit here and have your breakfast." Her dad said smiling while signalling her to sit beside HIM.

"Good morning Ava" Seojun greeted her with his so-fake-bunny-smile ,to which she replied by rolling her eyes.

Thankfully nobody noticed it.

What a great start of the day !!!!!

Nevertheless she went and sat beside him.

Breakfast was Korean food.

Well at least she was thankful that the food was good.

She munched on her food as her parents and Seojun were happily chatting .

What a fake guy he was.

She was planning 1000+ ways of how to kill him .She was too deep in her thoughts that she didn't noticed that she was staring at him for God knows how long!

"Ava ,I can't focus on eating if you stare at me like that" Jungkook's voice brought her out of her thoughts.

She became red and opened her mouth to protest but was soon shut down by her parents teasing comments.

Ugh he's so full of himself!!

Thankfully the torturous breakfast ended and they finally bid their goodbyes to her parents.

"I wasn't staring at you .Don't be so full of yourself" She said coldly as they both settled inside his car.

"OK whatever you say Miss Manoban" He replied with a teasing smile before starting the car.

Her eyes widened, and she became more furious.

Ugh I hate him!!!

She looked away from him and faced towards the window as she couldn't stand him anymore. It was best to avoid his existence.

He glanced towards her and smirked. It feels so good to tease her.

"Why do you keep touching your pendent? Gifted by your Ex?" He asked curiously.

"Nothing that you should know" she replied without looking at him.

"Guess it is"

"You- stop assuming bullshits .Its from my dad and can you stop talking" She glared at him

"Oh right you never had a boyfriend" He said so casually

She became red then pale .How did he know it!!

"You- who told you?" Now her whole body was facing him.

"Your dad.You know we got quite well with each other ."

How can dad !!!ahhh This was too embarrassing .The only way to escape from this situation was by yes changing the topic.

"Stay away from my parents. You wanted this marriage and I am willing to do it so don't play with my parents genuine feelings" she said and her tone became serious.

'I'm not playing with their feelings. They are actually good and welcoming.' He thought but didn't replied.

Soon silence fell over them and it lasted till they reached their destination.


"Welcome Ma'am and Sir .May I help you with anything?" The salesgirl approached them as soon as they entered the shop.

"Ah yes we're here to look for engagement rings " Seojun said as Ava was showing 0 interest .

"The engagement rings are at this corner " She said while leading the way

Then she showed them the couple rings varying from diamonds and precious gems to gold and silver.

Just then Seojun's phone rang and he smiled by looking at the name of the caller.Ava knew who it was .

His Girlfriend.

She frowned but didn't care much as she saw him walking out of the shop after excusing himself.

She couldn't help but notice the genuine bunny-smile on his face while talking on the phone with the love of his life which was so fake this morning .

She sighed before turning back to look at the rings.

"This .We'll take this" she said pointing at the simple gold wedding bands.

"Ma'am , in case of ring due its simplicity the customers can engrave their initials on the rings.Would you like to engrave it too?Or would you like to keep it as it is." The salesgirl said enthusiastically

"Ok " Ava replied without much thought she just wanted to go home as soon as possible and possibly cuddle with her cute bunny pillow.Her mood was so low at the time.

"OK Ma'am .Could you give me the initials .Then it would be ready in 3 days" The salesgirl said while taking a notepad and pen out from her pocket.

"Its SA" Lisa replied while feeling this weird feeling inside her while saying their initials.

"Excuse me Ma'am I'll be back in a minute"

The salesgirl nodded ,bowed and left her .

Just then Seojun came in and noticing the absence of the salesgirl he assumed that Ava might have picked the rings so didn't ask her and waited for the salesgirl to return.

He paid for the rings and gave them his number for he was going to pick the rings up after it was done.

They sat back in the car and for some reason the air inside the car was so tensed . She hadn't talked neither looked at him after he came back .But he just shrugged it off and drove her back to her home as he was gonna have a dinner date with Haeun this evening.

He was too happy to care about his surroundings right now.

The entire journey was silent and awkward.

"I'll inform you after I get the rings " He said finally breaking the silence when they reached her home .

"Don't bother .I don't care" she replied not even looking at him.

"Why are you so cold to me.You've been acting like this since we were in shop" he bursted out unable to hold it back as it was irritating him now.

Can't she be nice for a moment?

"Ask yourself the reason" she said and unbuckled her seatbelt.

Just as she tried to open the door a strong force closed it immediately . Both of his strong hands were now on her fragile arms which forced her to face him. It happened within seconds that she was stunned ,her eyes widened and her breathing quickened so was her heartbeat.

"You- wh.. What are you doing?" She felt her voice becoming almost inaudible because of the sudden closeness.

He didn't replied and just stared at her .

And she felt as if she was naked by the intense stares from him.

After some seconds he leaned in and she forgot how to breath as their faces were only some inches apart one single wrong movement and their lips would touch.

After coming back to her senses she pushed him well she tried though it didn't even made him bulge.

"Stay still your parents are watching us" his voice was deep that it send goosebumps till her spine.

But wait - it didn't matter at all coz she realized that her parents were watching them?WTF

This rascal !!!

It would look as if they were kissing from her parents view.

No no no

He let go of her looking satisfied with his act.

"You-" she couldn't form words.

She clenched her teeth as she saw him smirking.

This is so unfair!!!!!

"Thank you Ava I had a great time today .Bye" .He said while still having this teasing look.


She sighed and sat on her bed after a cold shower.

She was way too exhausted.

She was feeling down too.She needed someone to talk to ,someone to listen to all her tantrums.

She decided to face time Bella. She had called her the other day to tell her everything and yes she did receive some scoldings , some curses for Seojun and definitely some murderous threats .She was feeling much better that night after talking out things with her.

She hoped the same thing to happen tonight.

It was going to be a long night.

After some minutes the call connected.

Isabella was wearing an oversized black shirt and sweatpants and it looked as if she came out of shower.

"Hey Ava what made you face time at this hour?" Isabella asked as she sat in her bed.

"Just wanted to make my mood better. I'm feeling down" Ava said as she laid on her bed on her belly.

She never lied to Isabella even if she did the other person would find out within seconds so she never did.

"Ava I told you and am still telling don't marry that jerk.You're not even married yet and you're sad and the reason is him" Isabella said becoming serious.

"Look Bella its not that easy to just decline this marriage. I told you the reason is just my parents happiness. I...I'm fine. " She gave her a tired smile.

"Fine Ava but I'm telling you in advance don't fall for him.Promise me " Isabella's word caused her to feel hot then cold .A wave of weird feelings aroused in her .

"I...I won't I promise " She replied, her voice shaking a bit.

"Look Ava I don't want to see you getting hurt so I'm warning you before its too late . This marriage should not mean anything to you .You can't fall in love with him. You shouldn't. Marry him but no feelings should be involved."

Every word that came out of Isabella's mouth caused her heart to ache for unknown reasons.

She just nodded .

"Anyways forget about that jerk. How's your business going on in New Zealand?" Ava said trying to change the topic.

Isabella understood that she didn't want to talk further so she didn't insist and answered her question .

But deep down she was concerned for her friend.

She didn't want to see her bestie getting hurt and becoming broken.

She just hoped that Ava would not turn back from her promise.

The girls talked for hours . Both giggled , laughed and talked till Ava decided to end the call as it was past midnight.

She didn't feel like sleeping so she took out her earphones from her suitcase and scrolled through her playlist till she stopped in a slow sad song and kept it on repeat.

The lyrics of the song caused double pain to her so she stopped the song ,took her earphones and kept it on the table .

She hated herself for being so down because of that Jerk.

Why was she even feeling depressed?

It was probably from the time he answered his girlfriend's call.

Was she jealous? Oh hell no

"No no I'm not . Don't assume bullshit Ava.Just....go to sleep its because you are too exhausted yes...exhausted"

She closed her eyes in an attempt to sleep but groaned as she saw images of their faces apart from each other just few inches inside the car.

These days she was constantly thinking of him before going to bed for which she hated him moreover herself.

After having a battle with herself for an hour she finally felt asleep .

Today was like riding a roller coaster of mixed and weird feelings.