
Intoxicated Heart

"Intoxicated Heart l" tells the captivating story of Ellie, a young woman whose life takes an unexpected turn after a night of revelry leads to an encounter with a stranger while under the influence. Overwhelmed with regret and confusion, Ellie grapples with the aftermath of that fateful night and struggles to come to terms with the stranger's identity. Unbeknownst to Ellie, the enigmatic man is a driven CEO named Ethan, captivated by the memory of their brief connection. Eager to be near Ellie, he makes a life-altering decision, taking on the role of a professor to get close to her. As they navigate the complexities of fate and desire, the line between truth and deception blurs, and their worlds intertwine in unforeseen ways. "Intoxicated Heart" is an emotional journey of love, redemption, and self-discovery, where two souls seek solace and healing from the past. As secrets are unraveled and hearts laid bare, Ellie and Ethan must confront their vulnerabilities and find the courage to embrace a future defined by the unpredictable nature of fate and the transformative power of love.

CatherineJasmen · 都市
8 Chs

Chapter 8

It's graduation day, and everyone around is happy, especially my mother. I also received an award during the ceremony. '

Congratulations, Ellie' my mom said while tears welled up in her eyes. 'I'm so proud of you,' she added."

Mrs. Cruz approached me as well and extended her congratulations on my graduation. 'Hmm, Miss Marquez,' she began, 'one of the major construction firms in the country invited you to apply to their company. If you have the opportunity, consider visiting their office.' She handed me a calling card."

After exchanging greetings with each other, Prof Gray approached me and extended his congratulations.

"Congratulations Ellie," he said with a smile.

I smiled back at him, knowing that we still need to keep our feelings for each other a secret since we are still inside the campus.