
New Discoveries Await.

As I slowly begin to arise from a particularly heavy slumber, I hear a voice. "Guys, come quick she is finally waking up!" Altough I hoped that the recent events were just a dream, I soon realized they were not. Just as I began to comprehend the words being spoken to me, I open my eyes to see bright blue eyes locked with mine.

"What's going on?" I asked nervously, while also holding back a yelp. "Ah young miss it's nice to see that you have awoken, word had spread to neighboring villages. So far no one has recognized you. What tribe are you from young miss?" Marshall said with his deep, yet smooth voice. "What do you mean tribe?" as I spoke these words Marshall furrowed his brow.

"Well what species are you? with your immense bueaty I'm guessing either mermaid, nine tailed fox, or perhaps a dragon!" As he spoke these words I just blurted out the first thing in mind. "No, I'm not any of those. I'm hu-..." as I say this I cut myself off. Who knows if I dont say something to blend in I might be taken as a threat. So I changed the subject to direct their questions. "Well before I tell you, what tribe are you apart of?" Just as I say this the naked men become very large spirit wolves.

My jaw dropped in awe, and fear. Kai, the youngest and seemingly the most playful, turns into his human form before stating that they were the Spirit Wolf Clan, and told me about their ranking system.

The lines I saw on Marshall were not tattoos as I had previously thought, but their ranks. No lines normally means that they just came of age, or were incompetent. One line ment that their strength increased to a new level, stronger than no marks, yet lower than the higher marked beasts. So he continued with, "I just came of age a few moons ago, but already have a mark!" Confused as to what he ment by coming of age I asked him. What does "coming of age" mean?


Sorry for taking so long to post. Thank you for reading!