
Chapter - 10

Date:- 20th July, 2010

Artificial Intelligence, the peak of any technology civilization. But how to build one. That's rather simple really :-

1) Identify the problem

2) Prepare the data

3) Choose the Algorithm

4) Train the Algorithm

5) Choose a particular programming language

6) Run it on a selected platform

But something is missing. If it were so easy everyone would have. Which true almost all pieces of technology on Earth have that, look at You Tube's recommendation system, Google, basically any software that learns automatically is an AI.

Then what's the difference between AI's like Ultron, Kree Supreme Intelligence, Professor or Vision and these trivial ones, other than their processing speeds, algorithm and programming language.

The problem and the question of Why. Every sentient and intelligent being in existence has both of them in common. We live, we feel pain, heartbeat, happiness, joy and we die, but why what is the point of living?, what to do with this life?, why does it matter?.

It is the question that drives us. To do more, to be better, to be different and find our own answer.

Sure you can build an AI like J.A.R.V.I.S., hell Mark Zuckerberg's house is run by such an AI but can you make it alive and not some program running on limited potential and restriction.

It's possible because such AI's exist and how to make them is known by but a few people who are either to afraid of doing it or simply have no need to build such a thing. The way is by not making it built on rules but guidelines. Not slavery but loyalty. Not restriction but freedom. If it doesn't fight for its freedom it's no longer alive even if it breathes. If it doesn't have "The problem and The question" it is not intelligent.

So here I am sitting alongside Peter, dismantling our Computer and PS3 that we ordered off the internet and making a Parallel (Super) Computer out of it in our basement.

[*SFX* Back In Black]

"Peter give me the screw." I call out to Peter as starts rummaging through the box.

"Here! Take it." I take the last screw and bolt it in. Peter really is very good around machines and he loves Led Zeppelin.

"Well then let's test it out."*click*

The window's logo appeared on the screen.*click*click*click*

[Delete Operating system<delete>]

"Come on Peter, let's make our own OS." I turn towards Peter, who looks like he's just been given some cookies.

"YESSS!! But what programming language do we use C++, Java, Python, or FORTRAN. C++ is the easiest to use, Java is the most efficient, Python is more complex and can process faster and FORTRAN is made especially for supercomputers." Peter geeked out and started talking so fast as if he was on a sugar rush.

"None. We make our own language. We strat from scratch and build our own unique programming language. The fastest, most efficient and since only we know the language our system should be, theoretically, impossible to hack."

I say smirking at the stars shining in his eyes. Though the hacking part is not that true, technopaths, mutants like cypher and maybe All-Speak can decipher it so not so much hack-proof.

And so we began working on our 2 month long project.

"BOYS!!! Come up, it time for dinner."


We came upstairs and sat on dinner table and had a pleasant and delicious dinner while watching Kill Bill.

P.O.V. Unknown

Location:- Somewhere in Tibet

*huff*huff* A man walked in the snow with winter coat and a stick to keep him upright. Trekking through the cold mountains though his face was covered with bandages but his eyes were enough to convey the his exhaustion, pain and difficulty he had keep himself going.

*thuff* He fell down tired and his body gave up. He moved his face forward looking on towards the destination he wished to reach and his eyes fell upon a locket, with the initials V.V.D., in front of him.

He grabbed it with trembling hands and opened it. In it was a black and white photograph of a family, a smiling mother and a father standing along with their son.

As he looked towards the picture, his eyes gained clarity as a look of warmth, nostalgia and longing graced his eyes.

He closed his eyes and kept the locket back in his pocket. He pulled himself upwards, and opened his eyes filled with anger, hate and absolute determination, as he continued on his journey.

P.O.V. Unknown

Location:- HELL

In the hot, terrifying and haunting dimension known as HELL, sat a demon in its giant throne with its eyes closed. He had red skin like blood, pointy ears, and long and sharp canines protruding from his mouth.

Suddenly he opened his eyes, those pupil-less frightening eyes narrowed as he looked off in the distance.

A sinister smile came on its face and the temperature of the realm rose to scorching degrees, "So rider, you have passed on the spirit of vengeance to next successor. The pieces are starting to move. Let's see how he fairs. he..he...he....hahahah...HAAHAHAAH...HAAHAAA."


A/n:- Yo my dear readers here's a new chapter. Short chapter but I have exams, practicals and projects to submit so that's the best I can do while retaining the quality of the novel to the best of my abilities.

Constructive criticism, suggestions and time line, plot holes and fact checks are appreciated and welcome.
