
Into the Infinite of animes and fictions!! Starting with the system!!

A multiversal entity reincarnates himself with no memory except the basics of anime he also creates a system for himself that has all his power. starting from Danmachi and going to as many anime and worlds as possible!!! First world: Danmachi Second world:? Third world:?? Fourth world:??? -------------- Discord: https://discord.gg/AvcXmPpXup

Sky_novel_lover · アニメ·コミックス
73 Chs

A little training from Scathach. The War Game ended before it even began.

In the living room, two people sat there staring at each other, it was Finn and Loki. 

"How did this happen again...?" Loki asked with a bitter smile, 

"Because someone decided that breaking into the home of a familia that has legendary beings and thought it was a good idea..." Finn responded with his usual trademark smile but the corner of his lip was twitching. 

Today is the day of the war game, yesterday The Loki familia barged into the realm of Regal, and after some shenanigans, things calmed down. After the complete suppression from Regal Scathach and Luna things became a little awkward, Regal offered them to stay with her and return on the day of the war game while Ais would stay behind and train.

The Loki familia didn't dare to reject that while Loki just rambled on, considering her standing in Orario it was understandable. The guild wouldn't allow the fall of the second strongest familia they got in hand and the god of the guild Ouranos, being able to use divinity was a powerful backer in a situation like this but unfortunately Buddha was also able to use Divinity and unlike Ouranos who couldn't divert his focus much while Buddha had free range. 

Loki found that in an unpleasant way, Buddha who was mocked by the system was doing his best to surpass the world record which was 9,699. Yesterday night Loki was watching Buddha play the game and when he was finally about to surpass the record Loki coughed intentionally which startled Buddha who was unaware of Loki's presence behind him. 

His final score was 9624, subconsciously he released his divinity that permeated the living room and pressured Loki, fortunately, there were only two in the living room. Buddha was pissed but he ignored Loki like she doesn't even exist, which made Loki furious but kept her mouth shut. 

"sigh let's not talk about this," Finn said hand headed to the backyard where Scathach was raining Ais, while others of the Loki familia watched, Bete was sent back yesterday to watch over the twilight Manor but it was more because they were worried that he would get killed if he opened his mouth which would never happen now as the poor wolf has been traumatized.

Currently, Scathach is making Ais and Luna work together, Luna has glowing red and golden runes all over her body suppresses her to Ais's level and power. Ais was beside Luna both panting from exhaustion, Ais couldn't have the will to attack Luna in any way every time the thought of attacking or even hostility towards Luna appeared in her mind the images of Scathach staring her down in the endless battlefield of corpses plastered itself in the forefront of her mind making her shiver in horror. 

Even before sunrise Scathach had dragged both Ais and Luna out to train, Luna was used to it but Ais wasn't, and having to cooperate with a creature she hated the most was not helping her. 

"Both up, Ais get your mind out of your useless hatred and Luna control your strength, you will end up tiring yourself out if you don't," Scathach commented while walking over them the two who jumped back, Ais got up and her stance while Luna groaned calling it unfair while her claws turned a darker shade of gray. 

Scathach disappeared and appeared in front of Ais and punched, Ais reflectively brought her sword down barely blocking the punch. Luna had higher sense than Ais so she noticed Scathach moving faster and responded by spinning her body, using her tail as a weapon to attack while a breath attack was being prepared. 

Scathach doughed the tail easily while deflecting Ais's counter and pushing her back, Luna unleashed her breath attack which was a gray flame that decayed anything it touched, Scathach nonchalantly took two steps forward completely avoiding the breath attack and striking Ais with a simple chop. Ais blocked it but the impact made her fall, Luna who had prepared her claws slashed out creating a condensed shockwave that took the form of a claw and rushed towards Scathach. 

Scathach made a slapping gesture and the claw was destroyed, Ais thrust her sword toward Scathach's legs while Luna created another claw and struck with her tail making room for Ais's attack to land but Sacthach shifted her form a bit making the sword miss and kicked it while taking a step back making the claws and Ais's sword collided Luna's tail was slapped toward the colliding attacks. 

Ais was knocked back with her wrist broken while Luna backed off, her tail was injured. 

"Let stop her, both of you go rest up," Scathach ordered and looked at the corner where Regal sitting while reading a book, "Hmm? you have been awfully quiet and serious today, why is that?" She questioned while looking at the book he was reading. "The Grimoire for beginner Magic Kings..." 

"You speak like I am causing trouble," Regal replied while giving her an eye roll, "Also this book is related to my skill, as the title says a beginner grimoire for a Magic king, it possesses all the spells I could use, and not just imagination," he continued. 

"Ho? That's an interesting one, let me have a look later on," She remarked and walked off, 

"You should have gone over it right now..." Regal muttered while looking at Scathach's leaving back. Returning his attention to the Grimoire. 



From realms beyond, where shadows dwell,

I call upon the ancient spell.

With words of power, I do implore,

Grant life anew, forevermore.

Awaken now, again 

From the embrace of death

bath the world in your glow

Follow my will, destiny intertwines.

I summon thee, return to me.

Through time and space, your essence tells,

In this sacred rite, return and be well.


A chant of resurrection, it can only resurrect someone who had died a day ago. 


Regal smiled reading this and committed it to memory, "I guess I can go all out," he muttered to himself.


The war game. It was midday and the city was bustling with excitement while looking at screens, many people were shouting and betting their money, it was very lively. 

About a couple of dozen miles from Orario, there were 3 groups of people. they were the Buddha familia, the Ishtar familia, and the Ganesha familia. 

This is a battle between the Buddha familia and the Ishtar familia. The Ganesha familia is just here to set the game up and oversee the battle. 

"I am Ganesha!" Shouted Ganesha while bending back and almost touching the ground with his hair. 

Shakti had explained the rules and game but Regal and Scathach who were the only ones on the side of the Buddha familia completely ignored it, they had their own planes so it didn't matter. 

From the Ishtar familia, there were 19 Amazoness and a giant humanoid frog, they all looked at Regal with hungry eyes, especially the frog, and they were also ignored. 

"Now then, the battle will start the first participants please step up," Shakti announced, ten members of the Ishtar family stepped up, while Scathach and Regal looked at each other. 

"Play alone or end this?" Regal questioned while Scathach shrugged. 

"End this then, let's play your game right after," Regal stated and moved forward, Scathach raised her brows in amusement, 

 Regal walked to the group of Amazoness and the frog that was looking at him with those hungry eyes, he didn't care but did feel a little annoyed by it. 

"You look so delicious, Kukuku!" The frog commented and stepped forward, "He is mine you girls step back!" the frog commanded. 

"Disgusting," Regal stated. 

"Wa-what did you say you little!" the frog exclaimed. 

Regal's ring transformed into his sword and swung it. 

"Wait, it hasn't started yet!" Shakti shouted but it was too late. 

A shockwave formed from the swing of Regal's sword and a ginormous sword slash was formed and raged forward like an unending storm. it did not even look like a shockwave or a sword strike, it looked like something with extreme power but small and was charging. 

the members of the Ishtar familia who were present all disappeared leaving a massive gash on the ground that spanned almost a mile. a heavy silence fell on the city,

30th floor of Babel Tower, The Denatus. The gods were sitting staring at the unimaginable seen, for them this was something that had never happened a mortal causing such destruction on his own was unheard of or seen. 

Ishtar was standing straight dumfounded, she had a smirk a moment ago while glaring at Freya.

Buddha didn't bother to come and watched from Regal's realm, Loki was there as well seeing this with her eyes half opened, the members of both the Buddha familia and the Loki Familia were present and were silently staring and waiting to know what would happen. 

"It seems Regal doesn't want to lay games anymore and wants to go straight to the finals," Ruphas commented and started to head out, "I am off to watch this in person," Leaving the world she disappeared, 

"I will come as well," Yue said and left as well, 

"Sigh, they are really doing this huh?" Buddha let out a sigh, "It would still bring attention even if they did it else so he decided to just make it grand." Buddha commented and leaned back while changing the flavor of the lollipop from time to time. 

"Hmm? What are they going to do?" Killua asked his attention completely focused on the screen but also on Buddha. 

"Keep watching," Buddha said in a deep tone that silenced all, Loki wanted to question but decided to not be spoiled on what was coming. 

Outside of Orario where was the War game that was supposed to happen? 

"You have one minute to get as far as you can from here." Regal released a bit of his aura making the Ganesha familia member flinch, they immediately ran Shakti picked up Ganesha like a bag of potatoes over her shoulder and sprinted out followed by their members. 

Regal and Scathach were the only ones remaining, both looked at each other and disappeared making distance. Both were about a mile away from each other.

---On the Denatus, 

Hermes stood up and took his place on the podium. "The battle hasn't over yet!" He stated his voice was heard from the scene by all who were watching. He tilled his hat sideways and gave a smile, "It is about to begin," 

---An hour before the gods gathered--- 

"Hey! Hermes," Buddha called out, Hermes was hiding at a corner of an alleyway watching the moves of the Buddha familia. Hermes was stunned but came out with a smile. 

"If it isn't Buddha!" Hermes started to play his game, but Buddha wasn't in the mood, he walked off while gesturing for Hermes to walk with him. "Oh, am I getting treated to a cup of tea?" Hermes walked beside him and side cheerfully. 

Buddha rolled his eyes and handed Hermes a small book, "This is a book that consists of a legend of a warrior and about an entity, that should be enough payment and use this in the Denatus as well something big will happen," Buddha walked to a stall, and bought some bags of street food ad passed some to Hermes. " I will be off now, you will know what to do when the time comes." Buddha left leaving those words behind. 

Hermes was smiling through it all while his eyes were slightly open, "You could have only given me the book but why the food..." He looked at his full hands, he was about to open the small book and read it right there by Buddha stuffed his hands with food, and making it impossible to open it. Buddha had put things in a way that Hermes would have to ask for help to get the food off his hands. 

Asfi was out for investigation while others of his familia were busy, which left him with the option to find someone who would help him or return to his familia. 

-----On the Denatus------

"Let me give you a brief description of these two." Herems smirks,

"On the right side the woman with the purple hair! Her name is Scathach. She is a legendary warrior and martial arts teacher, throughout history, many heroes have been trained or raised by her. She roamed and lived in the times when the gods were at war with each other and didn't even glance at the mortal world." Hermes said solemnly,

"She was known far and wide as the Queen of the land of Shadows, The Sovereign of the Battlefield, Queen of Warriors, Shadow Sentinel, and many more names, her current her allies is the Scarlet Empress!" 

He declared while looking at the screens where the battle was about to begin. 

"And on the other side is Regal Titanboorn, a reincarnation of a being so great that he was called god, someone that had lived even before Scathach, someone so unfathomable that even us gods might question it! He is the reincarnation of an Entity that reigns supreme anywhere he goes," He announces Regal in a deep and mysterious tone, 

"It seems things are about to start! Let's lace a bet I already know where my money is going!" Hermes declared with a mischievous smile and got off the podium with a smile that extended to his ears. 

-----Regal's realm---- 

"It going to begin now, should have gotten some snacks, oh well," Buddha commented, 

"So, you are the one to set Hermes up?" Shinoa asked from the side while playing with a black key which was her Cursed Gear. 

"Ya, those two already created a mess so I decided to add to it reveling there backgrounds and legends, I only gave Hermes a little of each and twisted some things," Buddha confessed while smirking. 

"The Celtic legend huh? That something even I have heard of back at home, even though it all recked the legends are still around..." Shinoa frowned and remembered some things. 

---------Regal and Scathach--------

Both of them were ready, Scathach summoned her spear and runes floated around, unlike before the runes were blood red and with golden lines. Regal was looking at his sword and called out.

"Ophis," he muttered in a very light voice that could barely even be noticed, a black fog appeared in front of Regal, and Ophis appeared in her black gothic dress that exposed her breasts but her nipples were covered in tap forming an X. 

 "I will go all out today," He said in a gentle tone, and a small smile "Are you ready?" he asked and extended his hand forward. 

Ophis looked him in the eye and reached her hands out placing them on Regal's. Ophis disappeared and his sword appeared again but it was different, it had dragon patterns that covered it while the blade glowed in black light. 

Scathach took her stance, while the runes around her continued to form and infuse onto her clothes, body, and spear. 

The two eyes met and massive auras burst out and clashed. 


I am going to take my time to write the chapters from here onwards. 

I have tests coming up soon while my exams are two weeks away so I won't be posting regularly, Sorry!

Also plz comment i like reading them!