
Into the flames (Willows tale 2)

(Sequel to From the ashes) It's never dull when you're married to a fireman, but when Willows sudden fame as an up and coming best selling author brings some unwanted attention from a stalker, dark secrets will be revealed. Will Liam and Willows love be strong enough to survive. "From the ashes, into the flames, we rise together like a great Phoenix"

Shelly_Gray_4323 · ファンタジー
27 Chs

Chapter 14: Taxi

Liam's perspective:

Kevin: The flight was delayed so I asked if she was jogging. She said she'd been up all night writing so she was just going to go back to sleep and told me to do the same. So I did till Tom called to tell me Mark had contacted Willow again, and then Mick was calling me to tell me Willow had taken off. She's been on me to jog and god damn it I wish I would have listened. I saw her for a split second near one of the bridges, and then again getting into a taxi. I tried. I fucking ran as hard as I fucking could.

He slams his fist on the table before rubbing his face and looking back towards the window.

Kevin: I couldn't catch up. Tom called to tell me she was still in the park. I argued with him that I just watched her fucking disappear. So he sends me the coordinates and that's where I found her phone under the railing of the bridge. As soon as I opened it the picture of my sister in law and niece popped up. Willow had saved it and left it on so I would know. This is all my fucking fault. I shouldn't have taken her there.

My heart was pounding out of my chest. My eyes blurred with tears as I slammed my fist against the window frame. I take a few minutes to compose my self.

Liam: It's not your fault. She would have never allowed you to leave New York with out visiting family. You mean something to her which means they mean something to her. So what then.

Kevin: While Karl rushed back to his place to make sure they were all safe. I traced the taxi to the garage and found out he had dropped her off at Grand central train station. The driver said some tall white guy with blue eyes gave him a shit load of cash to pick his girlfriend up from the park and drop her at the station. Said it was a surprise for her. Not one person remembers seeing her. Finally we got a break when Benny had located street footage of her leaving the station to get into another Taxi. But the numbers didn't match any taxi in service. The garage that use to have that Taxi said it had been sold in an auction. It hasn't been registered so all we have now is a few street views of the Taxi heading towards the Hudson area. Benny will find him and then we'll find her.

He stands to leave but pauses just before he gets to the door.

Kevin: She reminds so much of my Ellie. I may have failed her as a father. But I will not fail Willow again.

The door slams shut and I allow the tears to fall. After some time had passed I finally gave into the exhaustion and laid on the bed with her phone still in my hand. Seeing the picture of Loki and I that I had sent this morning made me realize I had left with out thinking about poor Loki. I pull my phone out and shoot a quick text to Mary my cleaning lady that still comes once a week.

Liam: Mary, had to go out of town. Can you stop by and feed Loki once a day please.

Mary: Si Mr. O'Bryan. Is everything ok.

Liam: It will be. Thanks Mary.

I toss my phone aside and open Willows messages. The photos of Karl's family are all Thats under his messages to her. I look closely at the photo of the wife and baby. Of course Willow would risk her own life to save an innocent child. She still struggles with accepting that she couldn't have saved hers. She fights like hell to keep her demons away and knowing her she sees this as a chance to repent.

Liam: You stubborn beautiful fool.

Curiosity gets the better of me as I open up her notes to read what she was working on last night. "From the ashes". The title read. Half way through the first chapter and I realized it was our story. From the moment we first met to having coffee just outside the church. She was writing our story. I swiped further up to the story just before this one I didn't know about. "A Bounty's love". There was something eerie about how similar the character Kylie and Max was to Willow and Brett. I've often felt there was more than verbal abuse but I never pushed her to tell me. Wanting to be connected to her right now I decide to keep reading till my eyes refused to stay open.

A pounding on the door has me shooting out of bed like there's a fire.

Tom: Liam we gotta move.

I open the door to find Tom and Kevin fully dressed and ready to go.

Tom: We found the second Taxi.

I looked down realizing I was still dressed. I ran back grabbing my phone off the bed and met them in the hall. The guy Moa was waiting in the SUV out front.

Liam: Where's everyone else.

I asked as I jump in the back with Tom.

Tom: Bennys back at head quarters using the surveillance room to search through street cameras in hopes to pick something up. He'll be our eyes once we do get our lead. Karl is staying with his family just in case. The twins are on stand by.

He hands me an I.D with my picture on it.

Liam: Eagle eye security # 19900408

I look at Tom with question.

Tom: Congratulations you just became an honorary employee of Eagle Eye. Makes what may or may not happen during our time here in New York some what less illegal. Plus now if you decide to come aboard for real you already have your ID.

I chuckle at the thought. I love being a fireman. But this would be an opportunity to be there for Willow more. To schedule my jobs around her book signings and awards and what not.

Liam: Thanks.

We stop outside an apartment complex north of Harlem.

Kevin: There's the cab.

Right out front. Taxi number 3. Tom looks at me with concern.

Liam: What.

Tom: Can I trust you in there.

I nod. Tom and I head in alone while Kevin goes around back and Moa stays in the car. We get up to the third floor and find #308. With every thump of Toms knuckles on the door my heart palpates. The thought of being closer to finding her has my palms sweating. My nerves are in overdrive. Feeling like a racehorse cooped up in the gates eager to bust through that starting line. There's a loud crash of pots and pans from inside. Tom and I look at each other and both kick at the door at the same time. An image flashes past the open window above the kitchen sink. Tom walks to the window casually and peaks down below shaking his head in laughter. I lean out to see what is so amusing and join in the laughter.

The scrawny Indian cabbie is caught on the bottom rail of the emergency steps by his belt with Kevin standing a couple feet away with his arms crossed and a wide smirk. The cabbie looks up at us in fear.

Cabbie: Please sirs, I swear to you I'll pay the money back to Mr. Santino tonight.

Tom: Well since were already here why don't we save you the trouble. Hey Kev want to help our friend out.

Kevin gives the guy a boost. Once his belt comes free he turns and slowly climbs back up the escape. I can't help but laugh silently at the smirk on Toms face.

Liam: Any one know who this Santinos guy is?

Tom: The guys have talked about him, guess he's some modern day god father.

As soon as the cabbie climbs back through the window Tom and I grab him and shove him down in a chair.

Cabbie: Please I swear. I just came into most of the money yesterday. All I needed was one more good fair and I would have all of it. Please.

Tom: Look Mowgli...

Cabbie: My name is not Mowgli.

Liam: You sure as hell can't jump like Mowgli.

I snickered.

Tom: Look Punjab, we aren't here for Santino's money. We need to know where you took the woman you picked up at the station yesterday morning.

He looked between us confused.

Cabbie: You're not Santino's men.

Tom: No we ain't.

Cabbie: What is this information worth to you.

The nerve of this guy. Even though he said it with a cracked voice he had a lot of balls asking. Before Tom could say another word I had the guy by his throat lifted inches off the ground.

Tom: The information we seek Mr. Shah is worth more than your life. And if you value yours I suggest you comply.

He blinks his eyes taping on my wrist. His life literally in my hands. It's not till he begins to struggle and Tom speaks my name that I release him. He falls to the chair gasping and coughing.

Tom: The woman you picked up from Grand central yesterday morning.

Mr. shah: I had a couple fares yesterday from Central. I'm afraid you need to be more specific.

Liam: 5'5". Long black silky hair, eyes as blue as the sky.

Tom: A man paid you to pick her up.

Mr.Shah: Yeah. I know the one. Some tall white guy looked like he walked off the set of that old show E.R. Paid me cash to pick up a woman matching your description. Said it was a....

Tom: Surprise for his girlfriend. Yeah we know. Where did you take her.

Tom yelled in frustration.

Mr.Shah: West 184th street and Broadway parking garage.

He spat out in fear.

Tom: How much more you need to pay off Mr. Santino?

Mr. Shah: $200.

Tom tosses four bills on the cabbies lap and walks out of the apartment, immediately calling Benny with the address as we meet Kevin back in the car. Half way to our destination Benny calls Tom confirming the Taxi arrived at West 184th street and Broadway parking garage, with a passenger fitting Willows description at 8:37am yesterday morning. As we arrive at the garage Tom gets another call.

Tom: You're sure.

He lets out out a huff of frustration as he hangs up and turns to me.

Tom: Any camera footage from inside the garage between 8:30am to 10:am yesterday was blacked out. Benny can't recover any of it but he's working on street footage hoping to catch a lead.

The thought of coming so close to finding her and hitting a dead end strikes fear in my already terrified heart. Three of us scour the garage in search of clues. Tom goes to the main level to talk with security in hopes of finding someone who may have seen something. Hopelessness weighs heavier with every minute that passes. Everyone meets back at the SUV in defeat. Accept for Kevin who joins us a few minutes later waving a piece of paper.

Kevin: It's not much but it's proof she was here and that it's him.

I yank the paper out of his hand.