
Into the Deep

In the future Humans have gained technology to where they can travel in a blink of an eye, they designed star gates and also found that they were not alone in the galaxies that they was billions of different life forms and planets to where humanoid Aliens are and also creatures that are more animalistic. In the year 4021 humans and other races could choose how their children would look like, sex or even the DNA with special functions to make soldiers that was deadlier than a normal person no matter their race. A genius was in charge of collecting DNA even from planets that was wiped out because of the galactic alliance that condemned different races and planets that doesn't bow down or align with what they want just like one planet out of thousands with a race that would remind you of stories of demons. Their strength was better than even the clones or births that the alliance allows their higher ups to create, one of the strongest ones throughout the galaxies that layed down their lives for their royal family that the alliance got a hold of the twins making their people give up to just protect them. The alliance did not keep their words killing the majority of the planets races even killing the twins to collect their D.N.A, their parents layed their lives down leaving a elder who collected the royal ones bodies and laying them to rest. One woman who was made to marry a top general of the alliance who has the highest I.Q. was able to use the D.N.A from the twins for her own child which she snuck the twins DNA to use a long with hers and only 3% of the man she was forced to marry so she gave her his special eyes that was his families secret that gave them a certain power, when she only found 3% of the genome of that special trait she chose to only allow that from his blood line which happened to be another race the alliance wiped out just to take that property from them.

Michele_Mays_7238 · LGBT+
29 Chs

Chapter 12

Amani let their comms buzz several times before answering the pissed off voice, the shadow was pacing back and forth.

" how much is the toll " Lillian said over the comm watching the shadow finally sit down crossing her legs, Tai could literally feel the woman's sex appeal swirling around the video for some reason and she felt her teeth itch just hearing the woman's voice.

Tai has tried to keep herself from sinking her teeth into the other three not knowing what was going on right now, she could feel the woman's eyes on her even though she could not see them.

" well one thousand Falos delivered by her " The woman pointed to Tai making the other girls clench their jaws, and fists.

" you are mad if you think I'll hand one of mine over to board your ship, we don't care about paying but we will not let her come aboard your ship" Amani said with disdain in her voice while massaging her temple.

"ok how about we do an extension on the hatches where I'll meet her in the middle that way we'll both be in a neutral area... My name is Phrae by the way " Phrae said letting her features come out on the screen where a woman who has coal black hair with points on her ears, she has a very light blue tint to her fair skin with her eye color being solid black.

Three more ships arrived with the same insignia making Taki groans in annoyance at the fire power each ship has, she looked over to Amani and Tai with an apologetic look.

" it's fine Amani we really have no choice in the matter " Tai said reading her screen at how strong the four ships are together and they wouldn't stand a chance with all four firing on them.

" No Tai I will go " Amani said standing from her seat making the woman on the screen laugh, then she stands as well.

" Amani you are their leader and it would be stupid for you to do just that, don't think I won't take it all from you" Phrae said with a smirk that made Amani almost lose her shit, Tai hit the mute button pulling Amani close to her.

" we won't survive a fight with her ships, plus I have a feeling we could use an ally since this Phrae doesn't answer to no one plus I feel like we can trust her" Tai said making Amani frown.

" do you feel a connection with her like how you do with me " Amani said taking Tai's hand, she'd like it if she said it doesn't bother her to share Tai or to even be in love point blank.

" I'm sorry Amani plus I've never meant to put any of you in danger but it seems that my cards was dealt the day I was conceived being from my family with this bloodline which both governments will try to eradicate since I carry the blood of a Helios plus other DNA that makes me even more of a risk than only being a Helio born" Tai said turning back to the screen, Len was about to walk over to make sure Tai wouldn't agree until Lillian stopped her.

" she's right, we need an ally that isn't connected to either government if we want Tai to survive all of this from what I've just heard. When we meet back up with Jessica she needs to explain everything to us " Lillian said making Tai give her a small smile with a nod of her head.

" I'll meet you but under one condition and you have my word...you come aboard our ship and if you feel you can't trust me you can bring your men and weapons " Tai said watching the woman sit back with her legs crossed looking at Tai intently.

" Deal " Phrae said as the largest ship lined up next to theirs and attached to the hatch, Tai made her way by herself with the elites her mother chose to be on this mission with them.

" mmm you are a beauty" Phrae said stepping through the hatch with four of her people who only have swords on them plus exo suits that seem to be better than alot of the Alliance and federation suits that they give their people.

" that's some excellent Exo suits you all have " Tai said looking over the one Phrae has on, she smiled at her then motioned her to lead the way.

" you four stay here and do not attack anyone, if they attack only knock them out do not take any lives " Phrae said receiving bows from her people.

" this room is mine " Tai said stepping inside the room which Phrae follows.

" Romm make sure our discussion is private from the rest of the ship " Tai said over her comms which Romm agreed right away cutting the feed from the others.

" It seemed that something was pulling me this way, until I saw you on the comms I knew right away it was you.." Phrae said sitting down on Tais bed getting herself comfortable patting the seat next to her which Tai takes.

" tell me Tai...can you feel it as well " Phrae said taking Tai's hand which felt like electrical currents pulsating through their touch.

" kiss me " Phrae said pulling Tai closer and kissing her passionately which made her feel like fireworks went off throughout both their bodies.

" You have Helios in your make up also that's not all I'm also sensing my kind runs in your blood and here I thought I was the last of my kind " Phrae said caressing Tais cheek.

" you are my mate since my kind has those like the Helios do " Phrae said straddling Tais lap and wrapping her arms around Tais neck.

" Dragnox runs in your DNA " Phrae said kissing Tai again in a more loving kiss but started kissing down Tais jawline to her neck where she lightly started to suck on her pulse point.

" I will mark you now " Phrae said quickly biting into Tais neck making her moan out, she kisses Phrases neck as well marking her also when an emergency call came through both of their comms.

" an unknown ship is approaching" They both had warnings come through, they both shyly smiled at each other.

" surround this ship and use our cloaking devices " Phrae said then kissed Tai again before she got up, they walked out seeing their people talking.

" it's an Alliance battle cruiser" Amani said walking up to them, they pull up a screen seeing a large battle ship heading in their direction.

" ok thanks for the update, have your pilot follow are ships to that nearby rock that's been void of any life will use it and also use our cloaking devices so they won't find us or accidentally bump into us " Phrae said giving her other ships the orders as well while Tai explained where their going and what their dealing with at this time.

Len and the others didn't fail to notice both women have marked each other, Amani excused herself then went to her own quarters where she destroys the whole room then composes herself before returning to them.

" well pretty soon you'll have both those governments trying to destroy you unless you can manage to take over one or make your own to which the federation will have no choice but to join you since alot of species will join once they find out you have several royal blood of different species in you " Phrae said making the others look at Tai with confusion, she looked at Phrae with a confused look as well.

" well I'm sure you knew about the Helios race but also you have the Dragonox royal blood in your veins as well as a few others. Who ever designed your make up had access to these and made hmmm I guess a perfect species, but the pain you will have when your blood will awake is going to be very painful I'll be surprised it doesn't kill you but I'm sure your mother I'm guessing is the one who put it together has thought of this." Phrae said when the four people Phrae brought with her all kneeled making her roll her eyes.

" get up she hasn't agreed to lead us yet and I wasn't planning to ask yet " Phrae said making Tai furrow her brows.

" you see Tai our band of pirates all belong to species that both governments tried to kill off or put into slavery, the alliance wants to eradicate while the federation puts us in shackles. They both are unfit to rule these galaxies I'm sure your mother agrees since I know Jessica she believes what I do and I never thought she had the guts to break the mold that the two put on all of us." Phrae said, Amani walks over holding Tais hand as Len does the same.

" we will follow you...I must ask the rest of you wish to follow us as well, we all need to still act as if we're loyal to the federation who has a treaty with the alliance right now but if you don't want to be apart of this I'll let you go but if you speak a word I will personally kill you " Amani said looking at each one of her crew members who glanced at each other.

" we have always followed Jessica you have the elites on your side " Namani said looking at Tai with a loving look, the next was Taki then one by one pledged themselves to her.