
Into the Deep End

Alora has physical scars and unfiltered fears. When a good-looking Aussie starts to show interest in her, she has a choice. Jump into the deep end and sink or swim.

Angela_Gaines1224 · 都市
12 Chs

Trash Can Punch

Alora POV

"Are you making the trash can punch?" Brian asked, putting a new trash can in the middle of the kitchen.

Chesney was finishing up the Jello shots. "No, Darling is going to make it. Aren't you darling?"

"Who the fuck is Darling?" Brian asked.

"Alora, of course. Hemsworth gave her a nickname she actually likes."

"Who the fuck is Hemsworth?"

Chesney put a dollop of whipped cream on each Jell-o shot. "Hudson, duh. Try to keep up Sausage."

He smiled. "I do like that nickname." He took Chesney by the hips, spun her around, and crushed his lips into hers. He grabbed her ass and pressed her into him.

"Why, Brian Margrave, is that a sausage in your pants, or are you just happy to see me?"

"Oh, good Christ, is this what I have to look forward to now that you two are actually official?" I rolled my eyes and started putting three pots full of sliced fruit in the can.

"You're just jealous. It's about time you bit the bullet and get laid, Alora." Brian said with a laugh.

Chesney hit him in the chest. "Not cool." She was dead serious, with not an ounce of humor in her voice.

"Screw you, Margrave, and mind your own fucking business!"

I angrily tossed the rest of the fruit in and left them alone in the kitchen.

"You fucking Jackass."

"What? What did I say? I was just joking around. Is she really saving herself or something?"

"No, she's not. It's more of a personal choice with reasons. You know, it's not my story to tell, and she has burned the book."

"Should I apologize? I wouldn't have said it if I knew it was going to bother her that badly."

"No, don't worry. A few pineapple upside-down cakes, and she'll forget all about it. Plus, what you said won't even come close to what I've done."

"What did you do, Chess?"

I walked back in with a box full of assorted alcohol bottles. "What did you do, Chess?" I asked, uncapping them.

"Nothing. OK, maybe I did a little something. Why don't you take some shots, and then we can have a conversation?"

"That bad, huh?" I asked, dumping bottles of alcohol into the can. "I just wanted to have a fun night. I wanted to dance, drink, maybe smoke a little weed, and forget about Jayson."

"Hey bitches, the party is here," Jonell yelled from the side door.

I was too busy to acknowledge my friend and was staring at Chess. Tossing the last bottle back in the box, I shot Chesney a 'this better not be an unforgivable curse look'. "What did you do?"

She held her hands up like a hostage. "I think you'll be irritated, but like a tattoo, it starts to feel good after a while," she said.

"I bet." I turned my attention back to my punch.

"Sausage, go help Randall get the rest of the food from the car," Jonell said, putting the bags she was carrying on the counter.

Bryan rolled his eyes. "A please goes a long way, Nell."

He looked at Chesney. "You heard Nell go. Shoo." She swept her hands like a broom.

"So, what are we talking about? Did you tell her you invited the 4th Hemsworth brother?"Nell asked.

I was elbow-deep in the trash can, giving it a good stir. I raised my head. "She better not be talking about who I think she's talking about." I rinsed my arm off and opened the copious amounts of juice Nell had brought in.

"You know, I am proud of the fact that I have never knocked a person out, but--"

"Y'all ready for this?" Randy bounded in with Brian, following her close behind, arms filled with around eight plastic Walmart bags.

"Oh my God, how much did you buy?" I helped Brian put the food down on the counter.

"There are still a dozen pizzas on the way." She said with a smile.

"Go get the juice out of the trunk, please," she begged sweetly.

"Randall's daddy sent his monthly guilt trip money," Nell said, pouring in the juice two bottles at a time.

"Please don't call me Randall."

"Gnomer it is," Chesney said with a smile.

"OK, Randall is fine," she said, rolling her eyes.

"So, is this new love interest coming?" Randy asked.

Chesney's made a face like she smelled something rotten.

"Holy shit, babe, you didn't," Brian said with wide eyes. "You know you're going to die tonight, right? Because she's going to kill you." "Alora, I just want it to be noted that I had nothing to do with this."

"Duly noted," Alora said. She looked at Nell and Randy."So, you're all in this together?" I pointed at my three former best friends.

They put their arms around each other's shoulders and started singing the song from High School Musical.

"I hate all of you except for Brian. Then again, he did say something stupid earlier."

The girls stopped singing. "What did you say, Sausage?" Nell asked, hands on her hips.

"Hmm. What are we talking about? I think I hear my mom calling."

I rolled my eyes. "Look, you guys. I know you want me to be happy and to get over Jay, but forcing Hudson on me isn't going to solve my problems."

"Brian, go grab the ice from the freezer in the garage and finish up the punch. I need to find an outfit that will make my lower half look as good as my upper half." Thank God I have gigantic boobs. "Come on, girls, this is going to take all of us."

"Really? Is this because you want to look bangin' for a certain Aussie?" Chesney teased.

I flipped her off and headed upstairs to my room.

"You guys are gluten for punishment," Brian said, heading out to the garage.

I rifled through my closet and my drawers. I decided to do my hair and makeup first.

I had Chess put my hair in two French braids. By the time she was done, I looked like an 18-year-old who had a facelift. She tended to do them extremely tightly. Randy helped me with my makeup. She was in the school's cosmetology program. Nell went back to trying to pick out an outfit.

"You really don't own a skirt or a dress, do you?"

"Nell, you've known me for five years. When have you ever seen me in a skirt or a dress?"

"When Edmund Harris overdosed, we went to his funeral," Randy said, putting the finishing touches on my face.

"You did when Matt Delgado died, and we went to his funeral," Nell shouted from the closet.

"Yeah, then, too," Alora said, smacking her lips together.

"So, someone has to die before you wear one?" Chesney asked.

"No," I sounded playfully insulted. "I also wear them when somebody gets married. The same goes for heels." She shook her head at Nell, who had walked out with a pair of black heels.

"Ugh! You're hopeless. How are you ever going to get the 4th Hemsworth to notice you?"

"Guys, the boy has a name, and the last thing I ever want is to be noticed. The last guy who noticed me broke my soul, and I am not even sure if I believe in souls."

Nell, who had walked back into the closet and returned with a pair of black jeans, a fire red camisole that couldn't contain my breasts and a light open-over shirt. "How about this?"

"I guess so. I look good in black, and my boobs do look banging in that top."

By 8:30, the party was in full swing, and I was pretty buzzed. Well, let's be honest, I was drunk. I normally don't get drunk when I am hosting a party. Chesney and I had a deal; when she hosted, I got hammered, and when I hosted, she did; otherwise, the host stayed sober. Which I was most certainly not.

"Why do you keep looking at your phone, Chess?"

She was chewing on the inside of her cheek. "No reason."

"Chesney Johnson."

"Just counting down the hours," she said cheerfully.

Yeah, me too. I'm so over this party. There were more people than we had planned, and some of them knew, well, they shouldn't be here. "I'm going to go check on the punch. Come get me if anything happens." I looked at my watch. It was 8:30. If Hudson hadn't gotten here by now, he's not coming. Thank you, sweet baby Jesus.

Their little group watched me walk into the house.

"What's going on with her?" Randy asked.

"Think about what tomorrow is," Chesney said.

"Oh, shit. Why is she having this party."

"A distraction, I guess."

"I'm lost. What's tomorrow?" their friend Nick asked, having just joined the conversation.

"Dude, where have you been?" Brian asked.

"Hal has a vape pen with Fruity Pebble THC oil. Fucking amazing. So, again. What's tomorrow?"

"It's the anniversary of her mom's death," Chesney told him.

"Really?" Nell asked. "I thought that was next month."

"No, next month is her mom's birthday."

"Oh, fuck. Why is she having this--" Nick tried to ask.

"A distraction," Nell, Randy, Brian, and Chesney all chimed in.

"Did I miss a memo or something? I didn't know there was a meeting of the minds," Hal joined the crew.

"If it's a meeting of the minds, why would you have been told about it," Brian said.

"Yeah, you need a brain to have a mind," Nick ribbed him.

"You know, one more smart-mouth comment, and I'll punch you right in the dick."

"Fucking shit. Speaking of punch, isn't that her ex?" Brian asked.

"Oh fuck," Chesney sighed. "And look who he's with, Mother fucking Willow Simmons."

"Oh, snap, this boy wants to die," Nell said. Someone keep Alora inside before she sees them."

"And how do you expect us to do that?" Randy asked.

"You have a full scholarship to Case next fall. Figure it out, Randall." Nell pushed her towards the house.

"Why am I always the sacrificial lamb?" Randy whined.

"You're the smartest," Hal said.

"What the hell does that have to do with anything!"

"And the smallest. And the cutest." Nell continued to shove her towards the house. "Just take the compliment and go."

"Come on, united front," Chesney ordered.

Chesney, Nell, Bryan, and Hal approached Jay and Willow.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Nick said.

Jay ignored Nick. "Hey Chesney, what's going on?"

"Are you out of your fucking mind! What are you fucking doing here? How dare you come to this house with this ho bag?"

"Hey, don't--" Willow started, but she was immediately cut off.

"Don't you say a fucking word. No one gives a shit about what you have to say. Your mouth and your legs have the same fucking problem. You can't keep either of them shut!" Nell shouted.

"Want me to drive you to CVS to get some ointment for that BURN!" Hal said, sounding like Kelso from That 70's Show.

"Dude." Brian gave Nick a fist bump.

"You know if she sees you here, she's going to go ballistic," Brian said.

"She's all bark and no bite," Willow said, rolling her eyes.

"That's because she's never had to bite," Nell said.

After checking the punch, I was trying to stay ahead of the mess. I was picking up cans and cups when someone I didn't know came up to me.

"Are you Alora?"

"Considering you're in my house, at my party, you should really know who I am."

The girl stumbled over her words. "I-I'm sorry. Yes, you are absolutely right. T-Thanks for having me here." She was yelling above the loud music and all the chatter.

I threw some more cups and plates into the bag. "Did you need something, whoever you are?"

"I'm Jamelia. I was told I should find you and tell you someone named Joe or Jay is outside, and Chesney and Nell are going to catch a charge."

I rolled my eyes and put my hands down at my side, dropping the garbage bag. "Thanks, Jamilia." I charged through the house and pushed my way out the back door.

Randy came running after me. "Hey Alora, I need--"

"I love you, but back off, Randall!"

She went running after her. "Alora, don't do anything stupid." I turned around and threw her a glance. "OK, you do you. Just don't kill anyone."

"Chess. Chess. Chesney!" Brian was aggressively tapping her on her shoulder.

She turned around. "What!" she yelled.

She then saw me hoofing it across the lawn. "Fuck well, rest in peace, Jay, Willow, I hope you have good health insurance," Chesney said, backing up. "This is a new shirt. I don't want to get blood on it."

"You've got some fucking nerve, Jay Nicolosi. How dare you step foot on my parent's property? And you?" I got nose-to-nose with Willow. "You better get the fuck out of here now."

"Really." she said, "Are you challenging me? You know, Alora, you walk around like you fucking own every room you walk into. You are nothing."

She shoved me. I was leaning forward into her, so when she shoved me, I didn't move much.

Everyone who was now standing around us gasped.

"You don't know me. Now don't touch me again, and get the fuck out."

Now, there were a dozen cell phones up in the air. "Back the fuck off me, CUNT!" Willow shoved me again.

"Fuck. How can one person have that big of a death wish?" Chesney rubbed her forehead.

"I ain't going to her funeral. I don't care what the principal says," Randy said.

My face was starting to go red, and my hands were now balled up in fists. My knuckles were white. Jay looked at me and my body language.

"You know, on second thought, Willow, we should just go. I think coming here was not the best idea."

"No, I'm not going anywhere, Jay Jay. You're just jealous that he's mine now!"

"Well, every garbage can has its lid."

Willow poked me in the chest. "You know what, Alora--"

I had just about enough. She was not going to finish that sentence. "Look, bitch, you've shoved me twice. You basically assaulted me. You do not get to a third strike, or I will knock your ass out. Up until this point in my life, I have prided myself on never rendering someone unconscious. Jay, you need to leave and take your ho with you before I swallow my pride."

Well, I guess she didn't like me calling her a ho because her hand landed on my cheek. Now, it may have been the eight shots and four beers, but I didn't flinch. Yes, it hurt like fuck, but it really just pissed me off.

Gasps and shock and swear words echoed throughout the crowd. I looked at Chesney, and she shrugged her shoulders. She gave me the you gotta do what you gotta do look.

"Look. Willow, I will give you one more chance. You have three seconds to get out of my face, and then you have ten seconds to get off my property."

Willow laughed in my face. "See, you are all talk. Why would you give me another 'warning' if you are the badass that you make yourself out to be?"

"Because I am a nice person until I'm not."

"You can kiss my ass, you fucking twat. No wonder Jay dumped you and your defective body. I mean, who would want to see that," She waved her hand up and down my body. "Without clothes on. Carrie was right; if I looked like you, I would have killed myself a long time ago."

The anger that had entered my body was explosive. "I would rather have a defective body than one that has more men inside it than a rental car."

The ooo's filled the silence.

"Fuck you bitch!" Willow raised her hand and went to slap me again.

I caught her arm by the wrist and twisted it around her back. I threw my other arm around her neck. Releasing her wrist, I put my left hand on the back of her head and tilted her head forward. I applied pressure to the sides of her neck to cut off the blood to her brain. Not that she needed it anyway. Slowly, her body went limp, and she became unconscious. Well, there goes my pride.

"Alora, let her go! You've proved your point!" Jay yelled.

I released her, and she dropped to the ground in a heap. The entire place was silent except for the music coming from the house. It took a few moments for anyone to react.

Jay dropped to his knees and picked up her head. What the fuck, Alora? Was that really necessary? You could have just slapped her back."

I rolled my eyes. "Relax, she'll be fine. I did her a favor. Fairly sure I could have broken her nose. Now, unless you want to join her, Jayson, I suggest that you grab the ho and go." I turned and walked off, not even bothering to look back.

"Did you know she could do that?" Brian asked out of the corner of his mouth Chesney.

She was temporarily speechless and slowly shook her head. "I had absolutely no idea she was right, though. She could have really fucked her up."

"Well, that turned into an orphanage fire," Hal said.

"We are aware you are an idiot, but keep it to yourself." Nell pinched him on the arm.

"Ouch. You know I like it when you give me a little pain, baby."

"I give up. I totally have lost control of reality."

"I'll smack you around, buddy," Nick said.

I walked through the house in a trance, straight up to my room. I locked the door behind me and sat down on my bed. I felt scared and ashamed of what I had just done. The adrenaline started to wear off; I started to shake and hyperventilate. My face began to burn so I got up and went to get a cold washcloth to soothe my face.