
Chapter 4: What is this Avese??

Hey System can you elaborate on what this race of Avase is? I have never heard of this race at all.

{Yes, Host, I can. This race was never heard of before you because you are the first of its kind. It is similar to Vampires but a little different.}

Wait hold up Vampires? Like the ones from myths them ones?

{Yep, the one and only race. Anyways like I was saying your race is special because while you can drink human blood if you do it will make you weaker. So the only food that I would recommend is animal blood or magical creatures' blood as you would gain different benefits from the different creatures. The other benefit of your race is that you have all the same special powers as vampires while having a greater affinity for stealth. another great Pro to this race is that you are stronger at night. But so that you know there are some drawbacks like you will more naturally weak in the sun due to your species being more nocturnal and stealthy.}

So I'm basically an OP vampire assassin?

{Yes, Host, you guessed in one. Now, do you have any more questions about the Avese?}

Nope, you have pretty much covered everything I need to know for any questions.

Now then time to go and explore this village.