
Intertwined Hearts

A murderer and a Prince intertwined hearts in times of war & grief, together along with their companions will fight for their home throughout the hardships of war. Using the magic of the Equinox Dragons known as soul magic born out of the desires of the soul of the wielder, to bring back peace to their homeland. However, there is a price to pay for those who fall into their most dark, twisted, and vile desires those who fall victim to their darkest desires become lost souls, Mark Ones, criminals that have abused or misused soul magic for nefarious purposes as a result of failing to balance their darkness with light. Some Mark Ones are destined to perish while others seek comfort in their soulmate serving as their guiding light for a better future.

Red_Stain · ファンタジー
6 Chs

Chapter 5: Fall of a Kingdom

* Four Years Later *

For the following years, Radaj's & Kendrix's life as soulmates have been filled with nothing but Joy as they both carry out their responsibilities with no worries as there was no sign of Florex or any of Odium's followers. Right now they were both getting ready for another busy day waking up from their peace both naked as they had started the same bed since the day they became soulmates. Last night they had a night of passionate sex filled with nothing but love & admiration for one another. The days they made love were wonderful for both of them.

"Is it morning already?" Kendrix asked as he rubbed the sleep of his eyes.

"It is," Radaj said, yawning revealing his sharp fangs and licking them.

"Ugh I wish we could just lay in bed and have more sex," Kendrix whined cutely as he pulled the covers off of him and sat cross-legged in the bed.

"Yeah well me too but we both have responsibilities as members of the royalty, so I don't want to hear any complaints especially from you, being the prince and all." Radaj scolded his soulmate, got up from the bed and sat on the edge of it, and stretched some more, with some of his bones popping.

"Alright I get it, man you sound just like my dad," Kendrix said with an eye roll much to Radaj's amusement as he let out a cute chuckle at his soulmate's childish response.

"Good, now let's go take a shower we reek of sex, and wouldn't want the others to smell it~," Radaj said teasingly causing Kimberly to blush much to his amusement at seeing the prince react towards his words

"Shut Up!! Kendrix said meekly as he threw a pillow at Radaj only for him to do it and laugh at his soulmate's reaction.

The two of them took their respective showers and dressed in their usual royal clothing when they had to attend to some responsibilities when they were not busy or dealing with any sort of royal affairs they would dress casually and go around town with the rest of their friends laughing & hanging out like normal animals of their age. Making them feel like they were teenagers all over again rather than the young adults they were. But little did they all know that fate had other plans set in motion for them, unaware of the danger that had been hiding in the shadows planning their next course of action towards the Kingdom of Hia including Gia & Mia, as this was just the beginning.


Later in the evening of the same day, everything was peaceful in Dragonia, the capital city of Hia the same city that was attacked four years ago during the Equinox Festival was about to have its peaceful day disrupted as well as the quiet lives of its citizens disrupted as an explosion in one of the buildings took everyone by surprise and that's when the chaos & carnage started. As Odium forces teleported into the city including soldiers & knights of House Lumina much to the shock of everyone. Then the gunshots echoed as they immediately started to gun down civilians this sparked panic as many ran to safety, and the screams of civilians alerted officers & guards to action immediately evacuating civilians to safety as more troops teleported. This was a full-scale invasion as even armed vehicles appeared in small gateways.

"Move it, everyone!! Get to safety!!" Sal said as he yelled to the civilians running to safety and firing his rifle at the enemy he then spotted one of his friends, Victor, a cheetah who was taking cover behind a car next to a leopard by the name of Jax.

"Victor! Jax! What the hell is going on!?" Sal suddenly asked joining his comrades behind the car as the sound of gunshots & swords and even spells were ringing out in the air with the screams of civilians panicking and including the dying screams of soldiers from both sides.

"It's a fucking invasion that's what's going on!!" Victor replied while throwing a fireball at some of the soldiers that were closing on them, once the fireball hit the ground it exploded setting them ablaze.

"Yeah, and the fuckers are using Vale weaponry, somethings definitely wrong as only members of the imperial army are allowed to use that amount of power," Jax said as he saw a vehicle firing a missile at a building where some of the soldiers were taking cover taking out two knights.

"Contact the palace, tell them we have code black!! Because right now we're outpowered." Victor told Sal seriously as the three of them realized that this invasion was out of their control and most likely the kingdom would fall due to the weaponry they were using.

"On it. For all units, we have a code black!! This is not a drill!! All members of the crown guard & the royal family. We have a code black!! I repeat we have code black!!..."


At the royal palace, everyone immediately reached for their headpieces or cellphones as they heard the emergency broadcast, and what they heard & saw made them grow tense with their blood running cold. As they saw that they have code black a full-scale invasion with no chance of winning at all. To add more to the conclusion the voice of Sal reach those who were wearing earpieces such as Radaj & Thomas, including that of King Dominque & Tenebrous the father of the two savannah cats who was general of the crown guard, rarely at the King's side due to his busy schedule.

"….We are being invaded by Odium & Lumina forces!! I repeat we have code black Again- Look out!!" Sal's voice rang out but was interrupted as they heard a loud explosion coming from the other side then all of a sudden they heard faint gunshots & spells followed by some shouting from inside the palace!! Everyone springs into action and barks orders at the situation they have found themselves in right now.

"Chroma activate the evacuation gates!!!" King Dominic ordered a mountain goat, who could only give a quick nod.

"All officers & royal guards evacuate all civilians out of the city!!" Chroma reached into his peace ordering officers & guards that were in the city to evacuate civilians out of harm's way. "All Knights prepare for combat, provide cover for the rest!! Everyone else in the palace prepares for the worst, for we are being invaded!!" With those words being said they all prepare to leave the room when all of a sudden the glass including the ceiling exploded shaking the room and causing everyone to scream in alarm as the enemy enters the room with rifles & swords. Radaj prepared to defend his King & soulmate from any harm. Everyone is prepared to defend those who they hold dearly to their hearts.


"Come on everyone move it, we got to get to the Radaj!!" Sable said as he and the rest of Radaj's friends were running through the palace having just fought off a small squad of Lumina knights that had to cough them off guard outside the training grounds.

"Dammit, why are they attacking us, aren't they allies!? Claire cursed as she had a bandage wrapped around her left arm from a nasty bite wound from an alligator she had fought.

"No House Lumina acts independently from the Empire of Vale, Emperor Gauis is a friend of King Dominic and never will attack us, this is something else," Rocky said to Claire as he was running next to Amanda. They were cut off as some knights broke through the windows while others teleported in front of them blocking one the corridors and room to the next room of the palace that connected a corridor next to the meeting room of the palace Radaj along with the rest of the royal staff & family were.

"Shit, what do we do?" Miguel said as he pulled out his greatsword readying his combat stance along with the others as the enemy glared at them with hatred.

"We fight our way through," Sable said with a serious tone as he ignited his blade in a green fire glaring back at the enemy.

"Couldn't agree more," Amanda said as she then sent a powerful gust of wind toward the enemy with feathers made of light that acted as burning blades. All thanks to her mastery of wind & light magic.


Radaj ripped the heart out of an Odium Knight having punched a fiery fist into the water buffalo's chest the buffalo could gasp and fall dead stumbling while gasping in disbelief, the sound of blades assaulted Radijas ears. Kendrix who was fighting by Radaj's side tripped a husky before impaling him with his polearm straight in the throat causing a choking dying noise with blood pouring out and blocking his airway. Another knight had his neck cut right where the carotid artery vein was by King Dominic's sword. Rex & Tex both took massive chunks of an elephant's shoulders with their powerful jaws. Before impaling him by the eye socket with their swords, the elephant had some bullet hounds in hirs torso due to Rex unloading some bullets covered in their saliva mixed with fire to have caused the massive elephant to stumble down.

"That's everyone, let's go!" King Dominique said as he and the others moved from their spots.

"Any idea who's behind this attack, your highness?" Radaj asked as he moved, holding Kendrix's hand, all of them moving at a rapid paste.

"No, but I have a sneaking suspicion of who it might be." King Dominic said with a seriously stern tone catching Tenebrous attention at what the king might be implying.

"You are not implying that he might have something to do with this," Tenebrous said as he walked next to Emily & Thomas. "For all we know it could be someone else.

"I'm afraid so old friend, who else do you think it is?" King Dominic said as it was a matter of fact lately his tone never changing filled with authority. "Otherwise Lumina forces won't be attacking us with Udron forces it's too much of a -" The king was interrupted as he and the others shouted in surprise as soon as they were halfway towards the door it was blasted apart forcing them to shield themselves from the shrapnel of dark fire & wood was sent flying and out of the smoke step they heard footsteps and their eyes widen in shocked all except King Dominic that had put the pieces together the moment he saw the Lumina knights break into the room with Odium Knights.

"Greetings your highness." Lord Ivan Lumina V said as he stepped out of the shadows a sinister smile on his face his sword was covered in blood as it dripped to the floor. King Dominic growled at him pointing his sword at him.

"Ivan what is the meaning of all of this!?" King Dominic demanded while the others were ready to attack just in case the black wolf tried anything, much to their surprise Ivan cackled madly at the king's demands.

"Oh, whatever does mean your Highness!? I'm just fulfilling my desires of expanding my territory & influence that my foolish parent's never had the gull for it. I'm also filing the desire of Udron's promises." Ivan said as he glared at them with his sinister smile "You would know a thing about that won't you, Radaj?" Ivan turned to Radaj, making him flinch as he remembered the day he killed that noble due to his desire for retribution for defending his parent's honor.

"You speak of vile desires of bloodshed when Emperor Gauis & his wife hear about this he will have your head!!" Dominque yelled at the black wolf who could only scoff at the king's words as if not bothered at all by the threat.

"That won't be a problem Dominque. They are no longer among the living." As soon as Ivan said those words two snakes of fire arouse next to him as Florex appear at his side having teleported and thrown two severed fingers with two rings that belong to Gauis & Rhea the gems were dull and no longer bright signifying that the soul no longer illuminated the gems of their presence. This anger & horrified the others as they had lost someone whom they consider friends not just allies, but now they were gone.

"What did you do!?" Kendrix snarled at the black wolf as Radaj hold him back glaring at the young lion & black wolf in front of them.

"Oh, it was quite easy. Let me tell you." Ivan said with a chuckle at seeing the prince's reaction.


Emperor Gauis and his wife Rhea as well as some of the Vale Knights stood pointing swords at Ivan and at the Lumina Knights that had suddenly walked into the throne room demanding the emperor to be given advanced weaponry to expand more of his territory in Vale including Harmonia but the emperor saw the glimmer of lust for power written all over his expression and even saw something that set the black wolf as a threat. A flickering soul twisted by darkness. It didn't help the black wolf case when he walked in with Florex and propose a ruse of a new order, an order of tyranny.

"Your insane Ivan, I should have stopped you long before!!" Gauis look at the black wolf with pity as he couldn't believe how far the black wolf has fallen from grace. He was nothing but a disgrace to his parent's legacy.

"Your desire for power & validation has turned you into a vile disgusting individual Ivan, what would your parents think if they saw you like this!?" Rhea yelled at the top of her lungs a hint of rage directed at the black wolf.

"My parents were foolish in serving you!! Why should we that are in power not engulf ourselves in reaches and do as we please what do we owe those below us!!? I will conquer the world just like I did to Galleria!!" Ivan retorted back as he used soul magic to empower himself with soul magic but much to Gauis & Rhea's horror they noticed that he glowed a black green, an effect of consuming the souls of individuals and that's when they knew Ivan had been busy slaughtering innocents. The consumption of souls was only done when one soul was on the edge of being destroyed by soul magic. By either observing the person's soul when they are slain or draining it by imprisoning someone in a soul crystal making the process slower.

"And I, Ivan Lumina The V are Emperor of the world, heir of Odium!!." Both Ivan & Florex immediately attack after that declaration.


The sound of blades clashing rang out through the throne room mixed with the sound of spells being thrown to overwhelm either side. Both Gaius & Rhea were fighting side by side as they engaged in fierce combat against the black wolf & young lion but they were finding themselves overwhelmed by the wolf's strength as well as the young lion's scorching flames. But they will not go down easily. They had to protect their kingdom and stop them at all costs but Ivan's strength of immense soul magic was overwhelming, normally one will perish due to the high amount of soul magic being poured into someone's soul but Ivan sustains himself by consuming & observing countless souls. A true monster.

"Behold the power of Odium's will, behold my ambitions to carry his will, behold my flames!!" Florex declared as he started to overwhelm Rhea's defenses parrying each attack with brutal strikes getting more violent and aggressive due to Rhea glaring at him with defiance that is until the final swing send her flying backward with a cry of pain as not only the swing of Florex sword parry her own it sends a wave of fire, her cries altered his husband as she saw her struggle to get up from such a blow.

"Rhea!! Gaius cries out as he struggles to keep Ivan at bay with his sword who was trying to bite his neck barking aggressively. "Hang on! I'm coming!!" With those words being said he pushed with all his strength Ivan off of him before stomping his right foot sending a shockwave of wind & fire toward Ivan who cried out in pain before being launched into the air and crashing violently. Gauis took this as an opportunity to race towards his struggling wife as Florex walked towards her slowly with murderous intent.

"Get away from - agh!" Two loud gunshots interrupted Gaius as the bullet pierced his right shoulder causing him to stumble down while the other hit him in his left leg, followed by the sound of chains as a circle appeared below him, then Gauius was entangled in chains with blades & spikes. Turns out Ivan had recorded quickly and fired two shots of fire bullets from his desert eagle while summoning chains from a spell called "Odiums grasp." with a circle with runes glowing in his right hand. The blade & spikes piercing through Gaius caused him to scream in pain as he struggled to reach his wife but the chains pulled him down every time he tried. His desperate screams caught Rhea's attention.

"Gaius!!" Rhea cried towards her husband this made some of the remaining Vale Knights rush to their emperor's aid but were quickly cut down by Ivan Rhea stood and ran towards her husband but found herself blasted back by a heat wave from Florex he then ran at her at full speed. She gritted her teeth and she started to throw fireballs at him each time he swatted them aside or blocked them with his sword. Eventually, he coughs up to her and chokes slamming her into a wall menacing smile on his face as he relishes her futile attempt as she was being lifted in the air.

"Leave her alone!!" Gauis cried as he once again hopefully tried to break free but Ivan wouldn't let him as his hand glowed more and the chains slam him into the floor once again with Ivan putting a foot in his back and taunting him cruelly.

"Now watch, watch as she dies!! Hahaha!!" Ivan laughs maniacally as he sees Florex tighten his grip on his sword and take in relish as Gauis trash & roar helplessly.

"Today is the day, you will remember my face." Florex snarled with pure hatred as he slowly lined his sword to her heart."

Rhea could only stop her struggling as she knew her demise was near and with a final tear she looked towards her husband who could only watch helplessly with a desperate look as he trashed, time slowed down for her as they made eye contact.

"Gauis, I lov-" She didn't get to finish as she gasped in pain feeling the sword thrust into her heart and Gaius screamed of anguish. The next thing she knew was being flung towards him crashing violently to the ground.

Gauis felt the chains disappear and made his way towards his dying wife holding her in his arms with tears in his eyes as she slowly caressed his face wiping his tears and gave him a weak gentle smile as she closed her eyes and gave her last dying breath.

"Rhea." Voice cracking and tears streaming down his eyes as he closed them and hold his wife close to him, Gaius could only mourn her as he heard the footsteps of both Florex & Ivan approaching him but found himself unable to move as the wounds from the chains had to weaken him and strip him of his strength thanks to the accursed dark magic of the runes.

"How truly pathetic that the once mighty Emperor Gaius has fallen to such a state. That spell truly does wonders for large breed carnivores." Florex said in a sadistic mocking tone sneering down at the bear.

"Any last words your holiness," Ivan said mockingly taking joy at seeing Gaius in such a state all thanks to his chains that had bound him towards the glowing circle runes draining his strength it didn't help that he would pour more of his magic into the spell to prevent the grizzly bear to break free.

Gauis could only look up at the black wolf with hatred as the tears were replaced with a look of rage & pure spite and venomously spat his final words. "Your desires would be your downfall as you should drown in darkness & be purged by the light. Betrayed by your desires as the soul magic will consume you from inside out."

"How touching but unfortunately for you I am eternal, as long as I have souls to sustain my existence," Ivan said raising his sword ready to decapitate the grizzly bear, Gauis closed his eyes and accepted his fate with only a thought echoing in his head as the blade severed his head from his shoulders.

"Rhea I'm sorry I couldn't protect you" With those final words being said Emperor Gauis and his wife Empress Rhea meet their end with their souls being consumed by Ivan.


Radaj had never felt so much hatred for someone in his entire life as he looked at the black wolf & young lion in front of him smiling wickedly at taking someone's life. Everyone else felt the same as they look the two bastards in front of them that had slain Gaius & Rhea not only that he had the gull to brag about but he had consumed their souls, observing them into him an act of heresy in the eyes of the Celestial Dragons. As consuming souls was nothing but a cowardly way to unface justice & death. Robbing a soul's chance at a happy afterlife in the night sky of the stars. Preventing them from turning into one.

"Oh don't give that look, I'm pretty sure I stated that there is nothing wrong in fulfilling one's desires," Ivan said as he empowered himself with a green glow, a hint of souls being used, while Florex glowed a bright orange with flames.

"Enough talk!! You will face justice!!" King Dominic declared to them. "Tenebrous you're with me!! The rest of you stay behind, don't get involved unless I order you to." Upon hearing this Florex & Ivan spring into action and so the four engage in a deadly duel, while the others watch ready to jump in case they were ordered too much to their surprise they realized that they wouldn't have to as despite the elderly age of King Dominque & General Tenebrous their combat skills were keeping Ivan at bay including Florex who prove to be himself a tough opponent during the attack on the festival.


Radaj found himself watching in amazement as the king and the general were holding off their opponents. One thing was very clear to him; they were both fighting to protect their homes and family. Clashing their blades with the intent to kill. It was an incredible display of power, something that Radaj will never grow tired of. The reason was simple enough: he admired his king and the desire he pursued to protect his family, people, and kingdom with the firm strictness of a ruler & gentle kindness of a parental figure both literally & physically. He could see the frustration growing on Ivan's face, on the other hand, Florex was one of panicking anger.

With the strike of his sword Dominic sent Ivan backward as the strike nearly shattered the sword, Ivan growled in rage. "Suffer the same fate as the emperor did!!" His right hand glows as Dominic recognizes the spell he acted immediately. "What the!!? Ivan said as the king immediately blitzed in front of him almost as if he had teleported then with a swift swing by Dominic's sword Ivan felt immense pain. Ivan screamed in agony as his right hand was cut off from him then felt an explosion in his chest due to Dominic clawing him in the chest with ice claws that created explosions of dark flames. This sent Ivan flying backward and crashing to the floor painfully but before he could move to finish him off a gunshot was heard.

"Your Highness!!"


"Hold on, I'm coming!!" Tenebrous shouted as he punched Florex in the mouth with the guard of his short sword before slashing him across the chest causing him to spin and clutch violently at his chest causing him to let out a cry of pain breaking the bidding of their swords.

Dominic himself was holding the left side of his abdomen where he was shot, he tried to heal himself but find that it only cause more pain much to his confusion that is until he heard Ivan laugh while holding the stump where his right hand used as it dripped blood and mock him while groaning and hissing in pain.

"Surprise you can't use your magic!? I laced my bullets with "Death Touch's" venom, the same venom that causes that death that prevents you from probably using your magic." Ivan bragged towards Dominque who could only glare daggers at him, his ears perking up at the sound of Tenebrous approaching him.

"Your highness, are you alright!?" Tenebrous exclaimed in concert as he stood next to his king sword & dagger in hand he dared the black wolf and young lion to act them as they both stare at them with murderous intent, their eyes filled with nothing but hatred & rage.

"I'm fine. Get ready for I have a plan." King Dominic said towards his old friend as Tenebrous could only nod in silent agreement ready to go with whatever plan his king had set in motion. Both Ivan & Florex charge, making Dominic strike them with ice lighting from his right hand "Now!!" With that word being shouted, they both throw a ball of ice & dar fire at their feet causing an explosion that summons ice shards with black flames mixed with lighting acting as a barrier. While impaling Ivan & Florex in the shoulder, arms including legs making them roar in pain due to the shards piercing their flesh & bones.

Dominique stopped himself with one hand from falling to the floor due to the disease caused by the venom of the "Death Touch" spreading throughout his body, he had to fight it to deliver that charge lightning fighting through the pain. Tenebrous help him to his feet as they heard the thrashing of the two trap animals breaking the giant thick shards of ice

"Let's go, that won't hold them for much longer." King Dominic said as they made their way towards the others and so they made their way towards the backdoor of the room "Come on we have to find the others, they are probably still in the palace."


Radaj and the others move towards the corridor closing a door behind them as they move at a slow pace due to the king's condition worsening thanks to the disease of the venom-laced bullet. Kendrix was helping his father by holding his hand while Radaj walked next to them while the others were walking in front; they could have also sworn that they heard the mad angry shouts of Ivan & Florex getting closer. But no one was staying behind; they had to find the others as the muffled noises of swords clashing rang in the place. Whether it was a good sign or a bad sign they had to keep moving and think of their next course of options just when they reached a door toward a chamber towards the ballroom that led to a corridor that connected it to the meeting room. Kendrix felt his father's hand sleep, they all stopped as the King stopped walking, turning around only for him to extend his hand and started to form a thick transparent wall of ice as his hand was covered with black flames and ice.

"No, Dad. Stop, Please don't leave us!" Kendrix said as he placed his hands on the wall feeling the coldness of the ice his voice desperate with tears forming in his eyes.

"I will only slow you down, I promise your mother that I will protect you no matter what." King Dominque said solemnly as he hated seeing his son in that state.

"Dammit Dominque don't fucking do this!!" Tenebrous said in frustration banging his fist in the ice as a small flame did nothing to the thick transparent ice.

"Your family needs you, Tenebrous. Watch over them." King Dominic said turning towards his friend. An explosion was heard signifying that Ivan & Florex were getting closer Dominic turned towards the noise came and he hear the muffled shouting becoming clearer and he turned towards Radaj & Emily.

"Radaj thank you for saving my life, now it's my turn to save yours. Stand by Thomas's side as his sword as he stands by my son's side as his shield & Emily thank you for being Kendrix's friend."

"Your Highness…" Radaj said with a few of his tears streaming down.

"Go all of you, that's an order." As soon as Dominic said that they all turned with Radaj having to practically drag Kendrix away towards the door as he tried his hardest not to burst into hysterical sobs at knowing what his father's fate was going to be. Truth be told the doors flew off their hinges and Ivan & Florex entered the room.

"Go!!" King Dominic said as he engaged them.

For Radaj time seem to slow down as he dragged a screaming thrashing Kendrix from seeing his father technically being overwhelmed as Ivan & Florex delivered slashes & strikes that overwhelm King Dominic's defenses and as much as he hated it, he knew they had to get away no matter how much it hurt that his desire & instincts to protect his king fail him this time.

"No Dad! Let me go Radaj!"

Radaj ignores his soulmate's cries and continued to drag him away but not in time as they all witnessed the King's demise a slash towards his right arm left him vulnerable to a heat blast from Florex leading him to turn around from the flames with a few flames singing his fur and blinding him from the fires bright flames only to get impaled in the stomach by Ivan's blade. Causing them to flinch away with Kendrix looking away with tears of rage.

"And so with the dead of the mighty King Dominic, so is the fall of the Kingdom of Hia, with the Mia & Gia next to fall," Ivan whispered into King Dominic's ear as he spun him off his blade to face the others and stood behind him holding his sword high aiming at the fox's back straight towards his heart.

With the last of his strength and holding his wound King Dominic lifted his head and simply yet with a weak tone said one final order. "Go" Then he felt the blade end his life.

Upon seeing this Radaj and the others headed toward the door while Ivan & Florex took their sweet time relishing in their victory of having slain three monarchs, leaving two rulers of Harmonia left, Fortis William the Duke of Gia & Azure de la Grace, Baron of Mia.

Tenebrous grit his teeth and was ready to charge but was stopped by Radaj, "No, let's go, it's what your king would have wanted. Thomas & Emily need you.'' The oldest Savannah cat was stopped by Raj's words as he turned towards his two children & the young prince who had pleading looks in his eyes. Rex & Tex could only look at him with a look of understanding as they both had enraged expressions of frustration on their faces with venom dripping from their jaws. So he sheathed his blades and they made their escape.

"Should we go after them, Lord Ivan?" Florex asked towards his ally who could only chuckle menacingly at the question.

"No need, we already wanted enough time. I rather not get any more filth in my hands, have Micha take care of them," Ivan replied with a dark deadly tone much to the sick amusement of Florex.

"An excellent suggestion my friend." Florex lips twisted into a menacing smile at hearing Ivan's solution of sending one of his top lieutenants after them, one that was ruthless & sadistic on the battlefield.


Soon all of them made it toward the others as they saw Sable and the others finishing off a few Lumina & Udoms Knights with Sable knocking one into the wall with a knee to the stomach before delivering a lethal strike with his sword "Green Inferno" a sword laced with poisonous fire stealing the user's strength and distorting them.

"Sable!" The gina monster turned his head at seeing his friend, Radaj approached along with the others but strangely the king was not with them much to his concern as he answered his friend.

"Radaj, thank the Equinox Dragons you're alright! But where is his highness!?" Salbe asked in concern only to notice the solemn looks in the others and the devastated dried puffy red eyes of the young prince and that' when it hit like a brick.

"I see, dammit it, dammit it all!!" Sable said punching the wall hard enough to leave a crack as green fire helped eliminate the damage to his hand.

"What now?" Amanda asked as she couldn't believe that the king was dead.

"We find Sal & the others outside the city and head outside the outskirts of the city," Radaj said letting out a deep sigh, while Kendrix remain silent no doubt processing and battling with his emotions at the moment right now he and the others could only rely on Radaj, Tenebrous & Thomas.

"And abandoned the city & Kingdom!?" Rocky said in disbelief at hearing his friend's words. "Not a fucking chance!!"

"Rocky, It was a direct order from his highness that we evacuate, this a code black. I understand your frustration." Tenebrous said towards the mountain goat. "We have to ensure the people's safety first."

"My dad is right Rocky, we had to follow his Majesty's orders to finding shelter for our people," Emily said towards the mountain goat who could only sigh in defeat.

"Then when it's settled we find Sal & the others and get out of the city towards the outskirts of the kingdom, we should also try to establish communication with Gia & Mia, no doubt that they have jammed our communications towards them."

"He's right I tried to alert the other kingdoms but got nothing but static, not even our cellphones lines are working properly," Claire said

"Alright let's go" Everyone heard Kendrix speak with a hint of sorrow adopting a hard glare but Radaj could see that behind that hardened glare there was pain & sorrow and it hurt him to see his soulmate like this, Radaj squeeze his hand with Kendrix doing the same their tails intertwine out of instinct, with Radaj muzzling him to calm his grieving soulmate that seems to do the trick as Kendix calm down a bit a soft whine escape him as he once again tried not to cry, he took a few moments to breath his breath shutter and he fight back tears wiping his eyes. With the young prince having regained his composure they made their way outside of the palace towards the city to find an armored vehicle.