
The Eternal Crusade Begins

Decades passed in the blink of an eye. Frankly, it was hard to really tell how much time since this war had begun that threatened to engulf the entirety of the galaxy. Hell, it was hard to tell how long it had been since Erich first entered the academy all those years ago in his first life.

Had it been a hundred years if he considered the two lives he had lived, and how vastly differently they had turned out? And yet he did not look a day over thirty. His body aged slower than a normal person with the nineties in his bloodstream, working overtime to keep age, disease, and wounds at bay that would normally be the end of any other man.

The war had engulfed the galaxy, and everything had gone in accordance with the plans Erich had made. Even the mighty Alfheim Dominion and Svartalfheim Federation had not remained unaffected. By now, most of Erich's allies were a remnant of what they had been.