
Chapter Three

Jess looked cute walking with Ty. I had to admire my half-sister's demeaned. I never noticed it before. She carries herself well. She's 5'9" with shoulder-length brown hair. Ty is 5'11" and though her shoes make them nearly the same height, they look like a perfect match.

Ty doesn't like me that much. He's an okay guy, he just has an image to uphold, and I don't fit that so he'd rather not be seen with me. I get it. I'm not known for much. Many people don't know that Jess and Josie are my half sisters. Their mother has told her friends that I am her cousin's drug-addicted, troubled child.

Ty was the most popular guy in school. His dad owned quite a few local businesses, and their wealth was definitely well-known. Our father was also wealthy, but rarely home. He traveled a lot for business, as he and my stepmother are foreign art dealers, only dealing with precious and nearly priceless artifacts. My stepmother decided having three daughters at home required him to work more and her to stay and raise us. I scoffed at the thought of her raising me. If only my father knew what she does to me. Maybe he does. I always found it impossible to confide in him.

"Eee I see the fire!" Jess announced we were nearing the gathering. I got nervous and decided to make my way to the bank of the river, away from the crowd of classmates. 'Spare Jess the explanation of my presence.' I thought to myself. I slipped my shoes off and stuck them in the chilly water. It was refreshing. I turned my gaze to the sounds coming from the gathering. Everyone was happy, chatting and laughing. I wish I had friends like that. Feeling sorry for myself I decided to get up and walk the bank. I walked a while and soon realized I no longer heard laughter in the distance. 'Shit where am I?' I wondered as I spun, looking for the light of the fire, and listening for the sounds of the party. I began to panic as I realized I was completely alone. 'Deep breaths' I told myself.

I began walking back in the direction I came from when I felt as if I was being followed. I frantically felt for my knife in my pockets, but I remembered it's hidden in my pillow case. 'So stupid' I rolled my eyes. I turned to stare at the water and my gaze was met with glowing eyes. I squinted and realized it was a wolf.