
Interactive Fairytale Retelling

Have you ever wanted to be a character in a fairytale? Maybe a sorceress? An adventurer? Or perhaps a fairy? If given the chance, can you choose the right choices that lead to a happily ever after? Fairytale in progress: ~Beauty and the Beast

Glass_Rain · ファンタジー
10 Chs

(1-4) You enter the palace first

Thinking that the inside of the palace is more dangerous, you decide to enter the palace while Belle ties the horse outside.

"Alright, then I will enter the palace first. Be careful, Belle."

Belle nods her head.

As Belle leads Sugar away, you turn to the palace entrance before you. After a self-encouraging deep breath, you hesitantly enter the palace.

There are no lights in the vast room, but the room is illuminated nonetheless. It could be the light from outside the palace, you think to yourself as you look up at the floor-length windows on the corridor of the second floor. Polished, wooden stairs on either side of the palace walls lead to the second floor.

Suddenly, a figure stirs the shadows at the top of the stairs to the left. From within the darkness rises a silhouette of massive built. A glint of red flickers.

You take a subconscious step backwards.

"Who's there?" You call out, trying to sound loud and firm, but the words come out slightly weak.

"Are you the merchant's daughter?" A low voice replies. The figure emerges from the shadows.

You widen your eyes as the beast stands in the light of the windows. Rays of sunshine shift and gild half of the beast's profile, tinting his fur golden brown.

You swallow, "Yes, I am the merchant's daughter, and you are the beast."

"Yes," the beast answers. As if having received confirmation, the beast continues, "In the following days, you will be staying at this palace. I have prepared you a room. It would be best that you familiarize yourself with this place first. Follow me." The beast makes movement to walk away, but you quickly call out to him.


What is this? You are staying at this palace, and there is a room prepared? Room as in a bedroom or cell room? The beast does not seem viscous or violent, which is another point of contemplation.

What is this?

The beast looks at you, waiting for your next words. You manage to reorganize your thoughts and state, "I came here with my sister. We have come to delegate with you to let us go without harming either us or our father. I sincerely apologize on my father's behalf for him taking your possession without permission. However, we cannot stay."

As if on cue, Belle pushes open the doors and steps in, slightly startled at the sight of the beast. But her eyes quickly finds you and hurries to your side.


Continue to (1-6) Initial Negotiations with the Beast