

When an asteroid crashes the Surface of Okyot Mysteriously Killing All of the people in the Country, there are only 5 survivors who are divided among the alliance of 5 nations. Was there something behind the fall of asteroid? it's still a mystery as kids are divided because they have got some kind of supernatural strength after the happening of events which is though to be made an asset by each of the nation in their own way. . Okyot is allowed to be left alone to be rebuild as an independent nation after this but for how long will the peace last? . What's the real mystery behind these new powers? was Asteroid crash the reason? or something else? . The Truth Will be Uncovered

KrishMittal · 現実
8 Chs

Optional Peace

Another day starts and it's the 5th day since the asteroid appeared above the Okyot and the Leaders of Nations Gathered on short notice.

Meeting for the Day Starts which is supposed to be the last for the happening after which they are expected to move in their respective kingdoms. In the room, beside the Four Kings, there is Deyja and Eris representing Okyot. Deyja starts the meeting formally and Eris ends it by announcing that Deyja will be the temporary King of Okyot till the time King Betelguese appears so that Okyot has a leader in the meantime and isn't left alone in the meeting without an opinion.

King Bradford questions her decision by saying that Deyja could take over her hierarchy and dynasty and was she having that much trust in Deyja?

Eris confirms that the decision is absolute and consequences will be met by her on her own responsibility taken by her as the Princess of Okyot and she is ready for it. All kings praise her courage but criticise her judgement at the same time.

Eris moves out of the room and Deyja now takes the place of Okyot's King's Chair which was vacant for all this time during this scenario.

Meeting starts and Bradford Asks forgiveness for his behaviour the previous day and requests to announce his proposal in front of everybody. Each of the King Agrees and he puts forward his idea as follows.

"The Kingdom of Okyot has 2 Options, Either surrender themselves to the Alliance or Surrender the Kids to us. It's up to the Newly Formed King, Deyja, to decide who he wants to take. It's a simple and fruitful proposal of continuing the nation's progress as he would like to."

King Harald is surprised and wants to know why he isn't looking forward to capturing the land as yesterday and what's special about those kids. Bradford replies that he has utmost trust in his Commander and believing his experience and words of Okyot's Experience, he thinks that the Catastrophe happened over Okyot wasn't normal and supernatural. They can use the Positives of The Crash in their own Unique way by Dividing the Kids among themselves. "Basically, King Bradford was seeing this as a sign of something superior all along", Narrates Flamen.

King Alfred stands up in support of King Bradford saying they may take up the land as well but it will invoke huge costs and they will have to do the supplies for people at the same time which will be difficult and as King Harald said, Inflatic Situation is inevitable(unstoppable) here in any case. It is to come for sure.

King Deyja stands up to disagreement of both and says the Custody of Kids is not his to give. They should be personally asked about it and the decision should be taken as final as they would like. He suggests not to seperate them as they have just faced a dying situation and are not mentally well.

King Alfred forces to do it because he thinks that this will be making them mentally strong and capable to deal with worldly situations and orders, they were to be separated by nature after all either today or maybe after 10 years when they set up their lives, it's going to happen and can't be stopped by anybody. But doing it today will be good for their own benefit. King Deyja is still in disagreement with them.

King Helios welcomes King Bradford in business and receives a regard from him at the same time but says that he needs some time to take his decision on the proposal and tells King Deyja that any of King's disagreement or agreement means nothing as there will be a final vote for the majority.

King Harald still suggests to take over the prosperous land Of Okyot and grow together as these 5 kids are nothing to him in front of the land. He is not getting the ulterior motive which King Bradford and Alfred have already thought of.

King Bradford confirms to Deyja that The Kids will be asked on their own about which land they wanna visit and will be taken there for a trip and then will be made understood about it. King Deyja proposes to improvise the Proposal which King Bradford announced on which He is keen to listen about.

Deyja suggests making a planning committee after they think that the Kids have settled there well and are thinking of their respective land's benefit to come and meet once in a while to discuss and pass some new resolutions regarding the pact which will be absolute and final and will have to be followed by each Nation. King Alfred questions it and says that it will make Okyot more powerful which is counter questioned by Deyja that they are taking over the custody of kids to make them their Land's asset. What will be the worth of those assets who are thinking of benefit in interest of any other party. They will have to trust their upbringing regarding the kids and trust them in this matter which will ultimately prove King Alfred and Bradford's point of view to Deyja and everybody.

King Harald is still confused and wants to know why King Bradford was doing it.

King Bradford calls it a Hunch (thought or an idea that is based on a feeling rather than on facts or information) and says that he wants to take that very hunch and even if it fails it will have no side effects on their Land as they are only talking about a kid per nation which is not that much big deal. As per taking Land, it will be a more big risk in consideration. To what Deyja proposed, he calls it a good plan as otherwise in a situation where they don't trust the kids, A coup d'etat could also be faced by them which shouldn't happen even in the worst case scenario.

King Alfred makes Harald clear that The Children have gotten powers through an extraterrestrial object which is abnormal and they shouldn't take out the probability that something is happening in the outer world from this very space which shouldn't be ignored and they must be prepared for any scenario for it. It's just an unordered or unwanted preparation for an unknown event.

King Helios asks how will the Kids be divided now on which it is decided to summon all the kids and ask them on their own which land they wanna visit. As per understanding of the Resolution regarding them, it's up to each of the Kings how they will make them understand. King Harald calls for a vote first which happens to be 4-1 only Harald refusing and the decision is made final to divide the kids with making a pact Committee as Deyja proposed after passage of 18 Months. It is decided that Eris will automatically be allowed to stay in Okyot because of being a natural Heir which Deyja Accepts Unconditionally.

All the Kids are called one by one consecutively to avoid conflict of interest and asked which Nation they wanna visit to freshen up their mind one by one. Rehan comes first and says he doesn't wanna go anywhere and wants to stay where he is. And so King Helios gets the Custody of Rehan, The Mysterious Child.

Hina Comes Secondly and says that she wanted to know why Byzantine was famous for its soldiers that much and wanted to see the fountains and beautiful sceneries in real life which she only saw on drawings and sketches till now and therefore King Harald gets the Responsibility of Hina.

Ivar comes and confesses his interest in visiting Shinguki and King Bradford takes over the Responsibility Of Ivar, the Worthy.

And so, Jean's custody is taken over By King Alfred automatically to which Jean also agrees on visiting.

All kings agree and confirm with what they get and wishing good health for King Betelguese's arrival, call off the meeting and summit till the next prospectus.

In the night of two moons at King Bradford's Room Balcony, he and Kaiden are chatting with each other with drinks and stuff. Bradford confirms to him that the plan discussed was successfully implied upon and executed. Kaiden Congratulates him and receives back a regard. Kaiden then asks for a request from King Bradford to which he agrees unconditionally. Kaiden requests him to be allowed to visit with King Alfred for the time Jean was Staying There. Bradford wants to know the reason and gets to know that Kaiden has some upper interest in the lad and wanna look up on his upbringing. Bradford can't refuse him and accepts his requests confirming that he will talk about it with King Alfred before they go Back but Kaiden suggests that he will talk for himself so he doesn't have to worry about it. Bradford regrets that Kaiden will be going without seeing His(Bradford's) Daughter Bashira but he too can't do anything. They start chit-chat but suddenly a soldier arrives to report that Commander Finehair from Byzantine who was assigned to look in the middle of Okyot and Especially King Betelguese have arrived Back.

And they have arrived Empty-Handed.

King Bradford asks where he is currently and gets to know he was in Eris's room while the soldier came to report. Kaiden and Bradford rush to Eris's room where everybody had arrived already mourning her loss. Eris was all quiet saying nothing, not even crying, just deep silence was scattered all over around her room. She was in deep thought.

Kings come outside her room as only kids are staying with her for the moment. The King asks Deyja what will be done by him regarding the Hierarchy to which Deyja confirms that The Throne will be sent to the Natural Successor, Eris, Daughter of Betelguese and descendant of Hebrew as he will work as her advisor. They had thought about it from the start the previous night.

Kings praise his decision of not capturing the title to himself and in the Memory of King Betelguese, King Bradford announces to provide a fourth(25%) of remaining transportation with Nation Of Shinguki with Okyot to help in reconstruction and progress for the time.

Taking Over Bradford, Alfred announces to provide meal supports as much as possible to Okyot till their Stability comes and Helios announces that the People of Okyot could stay in Alamba for as long as they want without any taxes and will be provided extra reliefs till they get economically capable in his Nation.

King Harald Asks if Eris would act as a pact Committee member too now to which Deyja confirms his thought and says he will look up to her mental health about it with the best he can.

Next day, The 6th day since this Epic started, all the Kings get in their Caravans (boogeys or A Premium Carriage) to go back to their respective nations with their allotted Children. Kaiden is with King Alfred and Jean as all of them head back to their nation while Rehan And King Helios bid them farewell.

"Everything stayed pretty calm and quiet for the next few years and not boring you, let's move past 4 years and talk where the real Shit started to happen as you know, it's when she appeared" (smirking), Narrates Flamen.