

When an asteroid crashes the Surface of Okyot Mysteriously Killing All of the people in the Country, there are only 5 survivors who are divided among the alliance of 5 nations. Was there something behind the fall of asteroid? it's still a mystery as kids are divided because they have got some kind of supernatural strength after the happening of events which is though to be made an asset by each of the nation in their own way. . Okyot is allowed to be left alone to be rebuild as an independent nation after this but for how long will the peace last? . What's the real mystery behind these new powers? was Asteroid crash the reason? or something else? . The Truth Will be Uncovered

KrishMittal · 現実
8 Chs

A Morton's Fork

In Okyot, everybody was still visiting the Nation as they got to understand that people are still having some problems as expected and which can't be eliminated. They arrive in Jean's House and Deyja notices a soldier from his intelligence squad and gets to know that they were looking for them for the past few hours and were on The Survivor's Houses knowing they will arrive. He(Soldier) tells Deyja that an escort had arrived from Uruzih to deliver a message of a potential war. Deyja tells the same to Eris and they decide to head back to the Palace Immediately.

Eris arrives in court where she gets the same message as sent to King Harald and she is in trouble thinking as she can't decide on what to do. She can't risk Okyot to go in a War after all that they have done in reconstruction. She tells the escort to rest for a bit while he is in Okyot because he will be treated as a guest in the meantime following the Ethics. He is sent to his place. Eris gets stressed on the matter thereafter but Commander Kaiden assures her that The Alliance will surely do something as there is still 30 days left as mentioned and they will find an appropriate solution for sure. They all think of alternative solutions after on.

Next day, Escort sent by King Harald arrives in Okyot and Eris gets assured after reading what King Harald wrote about the conditions. He sends The Escort of Uruzih back with the answer provided and waits for other Kings arrival in Okyot As soon as possible. She appoints both Kaiden and Deyja for preparing the Meals and Resting Places for all the soldiers who will arrive. It will be difficult for Okyot but it will be managed was said by Deyja then.

Escort from Byzantine and Uruzih have Arrived in Alamba, Shinguki and Yelram as well one after another as Kings cuss On King Harald for his immediate response of Killing and escort and not following the Ethics for which he cared so much. They all order their commanders to prepare for an army to March the moment.

In the Royal Court of Okyot the same day, King Harald arrives with his Army of 10 thousand and assures Queen Eris that she didn't have to worry about the outcome as they will be standing with her as the pact Demands. He asks whether the Escort was killed or not as requested to which Eris declined.

He is taken to his room after a meal by Deyja himself. After getting out of his room, Deyja calls Harald a psychopath.

2 Days Later, all the Kings had Arrived in Okyot and there were 27 days left for the war now. In king Betelguese's Memorial, in the meeting room, Eris hosts the meeting in presence of all the Kings, their Commanders, The Survivors and their Accomplices. Eris formally thanks All the Kings for responding to King Harald's short notice and taking her side on this matter. King Bradford says that it had to be done as the Pact Resolution and the Pact itself matters to them and is absolute. King Harald says that it were 11 years since he has saw a battlefield as nobody could even dare to challenge The Alliance and he was Excited to Kill Azazel with his bare large hands now. A friendly banter is avoided after on and King Alfred asks Straightly that why King Harald killed an Escort forgetting the sacred nature of escorts in War.

King Harald defends himself by saying that he dared to challenge The Alliance and deserved to be punished. King Helios makes him remind of the fact that the Bearer of Bad News shouldn't be Admonitioned according to the Sacrecy Escorts hold. Bradford says to talk of the topic as it was a thing in the past now.

Harald says that there was nothing to be thought of the options Azazel has given. They are going to war against him as he can't do anything for the Alliance. He can't even inflict a scratch to pact according to him. King Bradford asks who Azazel is. A teenager who got the throne almost a year ago by his brute force is challenging the most powerful army in his foolishness. King Harald says that the main matter of thought is why he wants Eris. What business does he have with her? Ivar suggests if he wanted Eris as her Queen? Eris scolds him that it wasn't a time for mockery and all and not to say stupid things. Bashira knocks her shoulder with Ivar's with a smile teasing and stopping him at the same time. They all suspect if Azazel is having the Same powers as those of Survivors but it can't be confirmed as they haven't seen it from their own eyes.

They order all the commanders to have their final practice out sessions as they don't know if Azazel may come to attack before the term he agreed on as he is still a kid and will grow angry after he knows an escort is killed too.

All the commanders get off the room following the orders. Survivors are handed over the responsibility of proving themselves over which Okyot was left behind. They have to maintain their credibility in front of the Kings. Bashira and Sakura are rejected to participate at first but after a huge revolt by them And Support by Eris, Bradford agrees to Bashira, Ivar taking her responsibility as she will be his charioteer. Same goes in Sakura and Hina's Case.

At last, Bradford hopes their decision to turn out a Sophie's Choice for them which they were opting for and not turns into a Morton's Fork.

He also concluded that Azazel may not be desperate and would be waiting for the period he said to prove himself. Helios Says that Bradford was taking Unwanted and excessive stress and suggests him to rest as everything will go fine for the Alliance as Expected. Harald assures him of the capability of the army because of the Joint Army sessions they have taken after the resolutions passed in the Committee. They all leave for the day to discuss strategies and Tactics for the upcoming days.

After the passage of 27 peaceful but hectic days preparing for the war, the day comes. At the border of Okyot and Uruzih armies of both the parties are standing. While The Army of alliance is all large and only a single colour could be seen on all the ground showing their collectiveness and co-ordination, Uruzih's army is Hugely lower in quantity than them. By Uruzih's to side, King Azazel and his dear friend Craven are standing while from the Alliance's side, all the Kings with survivors are standing. Eris can't be seen on the foreground.

King Bradford starts the first and final talk saying Azazel still has a chance to leave the field and handle his nation with peace if he wanted as he will be crashed if he still wanted a war. He declares Uruzih of no competence.

Azazel says that it will be seen on battlefield that whosoever was competent or not. Talking of the War, it was already started as per him when his escort was killed. He waited this time to give them the time he agreed on to prepare for war. Talking of the last Chance, Azazel provides Bradford a final one to hand over Eris to him.

He asks where was she and he couldn't see her.

King Alfred says she is the prize of this war and prizes aren't seen from the start. He will never be able to see her face from this.

Azazel replies that she will come and will be begging him to spare all of her friends and Kings life in place of her life and he will enjoy that very moment.

Bradford asks what was Azazel having to be so confident of winning over an army of 30k with just about 2-2.5k troops. Azazel says that it will be seen on the battlefield when the shadow(Azazel & Craven) show their wrath upon them. He says that he could have taken Eris over if he wanted the instant but he has decide to win her in a real war.

Ivar tries to say something but before he could, he is approached by Azazel immediately, in a lightning fast speed, which leaves everybody in an awe and wonder. He gives him a death stare and puts a knife on his neck. While everybody else were drawing their swords, he came back immediately in an instant again by the time they were drawed.

Azazel boasts that these small kids are here to stop him. If he wants, like this, he can kill everybody in a hurry and go, but he has decided no to and kill everybody after a torture which will complete his Revenge.

Immediately after, his eyes fall upon Deyja and he says that he recognises him from his past and approaches him with his lightning speed again, says the war starts now and pulls his knife over his neck. Eris Comes from backward ranks instantly in the same speed Azazel carried which again levaed everybody in an awe. Nobody else knows what was going on the battlefield except Eris and Azazel themselves. Eris punches Azazel as he moves backward laughing about something looking up in the sky. Eris says that it was enough of him playing games and he will be fighting this war to save his life now, not to take hers.

Craven is shocked and asks Azazel if she was having the same powers he carried. Azazel says that real thrill to fulfill his revenge starts now and asks to give the battle cry tomorrow.

King Harald confirms that the War Starts tomorrow and he be prepared to die.