
Chapter 1


It's been 10 years since I've left this town. It's been too long since I left my childhood friends, it's been too long since...

I have left what I have considered my own family.

I was walking through town remembering what I've been doing as a kid and seeing people that I've talked to, who are still here. This was a pretty small town but it seems at this present many have lived here,

'So many things have changed in 10 years.' I've said to myself.

I saw my old home. It was now owned by another family. I visioned myself playing with my old friends. I have always wondered how they were doing as we didn't really have any updated each other ever since.

"Hello, young man." I slowly looked behind me to see an old man who was smiling at me, "You seem to be lost. Are you a visitor?" he asked me as he walks towards me.

"Ah.. yes. I was looking for this apartment complex. Do you know where this is located?" I asked and showed him the paper with the location details. He just glances at it and nods with assurance.

"I'll take you there. It's not far. It's just up ahead." I nod at the old man and followed him as he leads the way to the apartment.

- Timeskip 10 minutes -

As I looked at the location, it was a familiar building that I have seen from the computer.

"This is the place and please if ever you need some guide around town. You can find me on the riverside nearby." the old man smiled at me and I nod and replied, "Thank you, Mister..?" I asked for his name and he just said, "You can call me, Bard." and from there he walks away.

I looked at the place one last time before I walked upstairs. My apartment unit was located on the 2nd floor, room 202, "I opened the door and it was an empty apartment with a couch and a single bed." I put my bag on the table and just brought out my jogging pants and blue T-shirt.

I warmed up outside the apartment and then jogged as it was my exercise after all.

- Timeskip 2 hours and 30 Minutes -

I was just about to jog home. I looked at my watch to see it was 6:42AM. I had to return home as I have my first day of class. I can't be late.

I returned home by 5 minutes later and went straight to bath. I was rushing to get my uniform straightened and then wore it. I ran to school but there was one problem...

I don't know where the school is.


- Time Skip - 30 minutes later -

I found the school and there were so many students entering the campus. Some familiar faces but some really new faces. Honestly, I don't wanna be recognized by anyone at the moment just because I hate attention.

Someone bumped onto me as I was walking, "Aww aw aw sorry, I wasn't looking." a female voice said as I looked behind me to see a blonde woman, "I'm sorry. I was just running late..." I  reached out with my hand, helping her stand.

"Next time be careful, you might bump into the wrong people." I said with an annoyed voice and I continued walking inside the campus. Seeing people who are testing their powers and using them on dummies.

I just sat down in a nearby bench and looked at my phone, scrolling through X and seeing posts about training and stuff but then I sensed something, something fast was moving from behind me.


I leaned my head to the right as I saw a fire ball pass me. It was a close call.

"I'm sorry, bro. I didn't see you there." A red haired guy said with a smirk and the other two behind him began to snicker evilly.

I just stared at him and raised my hand signaling him, 'it's alright' and continued to ignore them, "You know we can't help but wonder, you're a new student here, huh?" he continued to pester me.

I just closed my eyes and continued to ignore him, "You know it's rude to ignore someone who's speaking to you." he was about to punch me with his flaming hands until he stopped his punch almost touching my face.

"Impressive. You didn't flinch." he smirked and laughed with amusement while the other two laughed with him.

I just looked at him and just stared with no amusement at all. As I was staring they left me alone. I just looked around seeing people look at my direction and all seems shocked.

"Well, aren't you a bit interesting?" a man's voice said from behind and I heard that voice, "What's interesting about almost getting punched in the face?" I replied back to the voice.

'Hmmm.. how do you hear me?' I closed my eyes and remember that I shouldn't be able to hear someone with SPECIFIC chi/ki.

I didn't reply back and just continued to look around as all of a sudden people begin to stand up and shout in excitement,



What's all the fuss about? I was curious and I mean I don't really have anything to do so I might as well look there. I stood up and just looked towards the entrance to see four familiar.. faces..

It's them.

"Ahri! You look so beautiful!"

"Evelynn step on me!"

"Akali, let me lick those abs!"

"Kai Sa, please be my wife!!!"

Are people really that desperate for love?

I looked at them for the first time and they looked different...

All four of them were beautiful and sexy. I'm happy for them but that doesn't mean that I'll immediately talk to them.

"Please everyone. Stay back. Let the queens of the campus pass!" a masculine male said with force and apparently there were 4 guys with them. I assume it's their boyfriends.

"Please everyone, we can do autographs later. Just let us pass so we can get to class." Evelynn spoke as her eyes glowed pink(?) people actually listened and let them pass.

As I was hiding behind the crowd, something felt off like a feeling that I forgotten, I sense dange-

"HEY! GIRLFRIEND STEALER!" I looked at the person in front, it was that red haired guy.

"Brand, I see some people never change." The guy with an axe. He ran towards the fire guy and the redhead began to throw fire balls onto that man.

"NO! No! No! No!" the redhead exclaimed in fear as he kept missing the axe guy. The axe guy then tapped his head with the axe handle almost knocking him out.

"No! How are you still powerfu-" he was interrupted as he gets kicked in the head, "Darius STOP!" Ahri exclaimed in worry as I know where this was going.

"We don't need this worm in the academy. It would be better if we just kill him right here and then!"

As I looked at them, I was not suppossed to interfere but.. I couldn't help but remember what my master said.

"We don't fight to be more powerful than others but we fight to protect others. We must do better, Y/N."

The words of my master ringing in my head... goddamnit

"Please do-" Darius was ready to swing his axe, he will really kill him.

I have to do it.

I felt time stop, I was seeing everything at slowmotion, I walked past the people in front of me and as I reached these two people, blocked the axe with my finger.

"WHAT?!" Darius gasped in shock.

"You do not need to kill him. He already learned his lesson." I said with a calm tone and I can see it. His pride was hurt, "Who do you think you are?!" he said as he swings the axe back and forth, "You think you're better than me?!" he was becoming emotional but I kept blocking his attacks with just one finger.

"No but I know you were gonna do something that you will regret." as I said this I kicked him on the gut and held back a little bit.

He then gets knocked back to the girls.

I just looked at them but really I saw Evelynn's eyes... it shined purplish pink again. I felt something again.

"You have no right to hurt others. Powerful or not." I said in confidence and everyone just looked at me like I was a dead meat.

"Darius, please calm down." Ahri said in worry.

"I will see you soon, worm!" he stood up and walked away with the girls.

I can't help but stare at Evelynn as she stares back at me. This feeling feels...


To be continued...

Hey guys! Thank you for still reading my written stories. This is a new one and if you have seen the first story I have ever wrote about K/DA that was more focused on Ahri but this one well... I think you know who I'm focusing on haha!

Please let me know your thoughts about this chapter. I plan on finishing this one, not like the other story. Thank you again for reading my story!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter 😁