
Instant Death [DxD]

Xander Ranvil, the incarnation of death has arrived at the world of DxD. (Note) : First time writing so don't expect anything, if you don't like it then just leave. there would be strong beings arriving at DxD to level the grounds. (Not reincarnators or transmigrators) If you enjoy my stories then please give some support by tip or donation here~ https://ko-fi.com/asthoglho

Asthoglho · アニメ·コミックス
120 Chs

Chapter 76

Our boy will appear on this chapter. Enjoy it~ (It's not Rimuru, he would arrive in 4 more chapters or so.)


Time have passed as various events happened, many beings from various races claimed themselves as Demon Lords but they didn't even last a day before their heads exploded. How could the old demon lords specially those with huge pride take some ants claiming themselves as demon lords? Guy and the other ancient demon lords just watch in amusement as the second generation trimmed the self-proclaimed ones with their life.

Xander was going somewhere today. His destination in mind was Eurazania, its been a long time since he came there and the fourth generation demon lords would be born in this millenium. So he wanted to know if he was already born, Xander was rather disappointed with the advancement of Eurazania as instead of growing strong, it became weaker instead. The kings became incompetent as they put some rules that made some beastman races that was under their rules escape from their tyrant rule.

Xander asked Sona if she wanted to go but she passed as it was boring there, there is nothing special in that place except for tis beautiful scenery that they already copied in their forest. They changed some of structures of the Great Forest of Jura and styled it according to their taste. So Xander could only go there with Guinness by his side, Luminous was still looking for him as he never attended in any of the banquets, he also learned that Luminous started using Louis as her proxy and instead was using a maid character when attending Walpurgis.

The Church of Ruberios became a rather big influence in the world. It became the number one religion that's everyone is praying for, their dedication was strengthened when they heard the news of their God punishing the True Dragon Veldora for trying to tresspass on their land. Most of the fanatics changed the real situation that happened as in their mind, Luminous is the strongest in the world.

Luminous became rather obsess with him as she even posted his face on the church as the husband of their god. The people started treating her the same class as Luminous while calling him the Unnamed One. It says that only those worthy would be able to hear the voice of the Unnamed One as their ears would be ruptured from how beautiful the voice of the being.

Xander's face turned weird when he saw that, as Guy just laughed at him. He was saying that he should just become a evil god to balance the system which Xander just ignored as Guy was just having fun at that time. Guy is now not annoying Xander about the Dragon Liquor as he gained the ability to make anything that came from his memories.

Xander walked with Guinness to the place as it was just in the side of the forest. They arrived there after walking for a few miles, it was nothing to them as they could even go to the other side of the continent with just one step. Xander saw that Eurazania was prospering again, probably because their new kings was a competent one. He made the system easy to comply by the citizens that's why he gained their full approval unlike those his predecessor who did nothing but tried to strengthen their military killing many of their people in the process.

They were now focus on farming while their military is still being observed. The military might they possessed might have lowered but it was better since the citizens are more important. What is a country if there are no people on it, that is what's in the mind of the current king. He focused on prospering his land only then making his future son handle the military thing.

The king of Eurazania was talking with his ministers in a meeting room when they sensed someone entering their domain. "My liege, your orders?" One minister asked as the king closed his eyes, "We're going to meet the visitors" He ordered while some ministers were dissatisfied with it. They were from the faction of the former king so they valued might more than land, the actions of the king are cowardly for them that's why they hated him. The current king is also looking for an opportunity to pluck this roaches on his numbers.

They went outside the meeting room and widened their eyes at what they saw. In their eyes laid the most majestic thing they ever saw, their instincts are telling them to kneel but they pushed it off as they are in the presence of their king. Kneeling to others are act of treason, the king wouldn't hesitate to take their heads if that really happened. Though what they didn't know is that their king is also feeling the same, his eyes turned serious regarding this meeting.

"State your reason for coming to my country!" The king said while releasing his aura showing authority. Xander just smiled gently before saying. "We came to have a tour, the last time Leo tried to fight us. I hope you won't make the same decision" Xander said as they were alerted by his words. "Leo..?" The only person that was named Leo in their land was the first king, no one was given the permission to use the great name afraid of tainting it.

The king became even more serious as he asked. "Excuse me.. but are you sir Xander?" The king's polite words was not accepted by some vassals as they were thinking that he would look weak by using honorifics. "Hm? Did Leo write something about us?" Xander asked while thinking about that jolly guy. Xander's confirmation widened the eyes of the king. He closed his eyes before giving a welcoming smile "I welcome you to my country, Sir Xander" He said while smiling.

The ministers started discussing by their selves. "Who is this guy? How could our king changed his attitude just by hearing his words?", "Is he a friend of his?" , "Unlikely. The king tried to confirm something". The king was getting annoyed by their murmurs so he just informed them of Xander's name. "Fools! Be mindful of yourselves! Sir Xander is the subordinate of the Ice Queen. They came here when this place was just founded and made our ancestor kneel to the ground" his words gained a strong reaction to everyone. "What!?"

"My king, even though I was in charge of the library, I never read something like that!" Someone said as the King just explained. "That's because it was the diary of the first king. Only those who hold the crown could read the thing that he wrote" He said making everyone understand. "Is he really that strong? I can understand the divine being there but that gu-?" Someone pointed out as his head was separated from his body. "Don't insult our guest! Even our great ancestor who can change the land by himself couldn't handle the aura of the two and was forced to kneel, how would you fare against someone like that!" He roared angrily.

Xander chuckled at their antics as he patted the king's back. "It's fine, I was just looking if this place didn't become ruins after his rule. But it seems like they have a competent leader right now" Xander said complimenting the King for not becoming a muscle head that would charge at everything at one glance. The king's smile widened at his compliment before he began to give Xander a tour to his whole kingdom.

"Woah, this place really became much better than before" Xander said while nodding his head. The ministers were now quiet as they were afraid to become that one headless guy. "Si- no, Lord Xander. I heard you have a divine liquor that only you can make.." The king said while grinding his hands with each other as his voice contained hope on it. "Heh, you're just like that guy. I remember him doing something like this too" Xander said while smiling at him.

The king was embarassed by that but he just shrugged it off as he saw Xander taking something from thin air. The action of Xander opening the bottle was quite intense for him before an insane aroma invaded his nose. "Hm!? This is!" Everyone also has the same reaction, their love for liquor still didn't change even with time. Xander smirked before doing the same in the past, he took a small cup before filling it with the liquor. He gave it to the king who seemed to know it as Xander sighed. It seems like this guy really read the whole diary of the first king that he even expected something like this.

The surrounding beastman gulped in anticipation as they saw their king savoring the scent of the liquor. They were also salivating for the drink but held themself back to avoid the situation where their heads would explode because of their king's anger. The king placed the drink on his mouth before his eyes literally shined, "Delicious!" He exclaimed as the chair he was sitting broke.

Xander loved the experience he have in this land as he returned to his house in satisfaction. He was somehow disappointed as Carrion is still not born but didn't dwell on it, he's not a fanboy anyway. Xander thought of something as he went to Ramiri's Labryinth, he already build a workshop there since its convenient having one. He entered the workshop and took the informations about Reversal and King piece.

Xander called Sona for a minute before asking for her permission to take her spirit who just accepted it. A second later a portal was opened before a lump of darkness was thrown at Xander who just catched it. He stared at the spirit before nodding his head, this spirit was cultivated by Sona's aura it possess some of Sona's abilities. It was growing, becoming something like Great Spirit of Darkness which is the creator of the Primordial Demons.

He studied the Reversal as he would need to add it to the thing he would do. He started making the thing using some special materials like Heart of the Star, the same material used in making Guy's God Class sword. He added the properties of King Piece on the thing so it would make Sona's strength multiply from 10x to 100x. He intended to make this item with surpassing all weapons in this world. Even Genesis Class weapons, like Veldora sword or something. He is also sure that this thing would become a genesis class.

As for why? Its because of the spirit. This spirit is still not named so it still didn't evolve to become the Great Spirit of Darkness. If it really became that thing then it would be comparable to True Dragons.

Xander isolated himself from the world for 3 days before he finally finished the thing that he made. And it was a ring, it has the properties of Reversal, the ability to reverse the effect of 'everything'. The real Reversal couldn't do that so Xander has to upgrade it. It also has the effect of King Piece, in other words multiplying Sona's strength upto x100. Xander also made the spirit inhabit the ring so that it would become even stronger.

Xander wiped his forehead before smiling, he finally made it. He didn't think too much about it in the millenium that they lived together but a married relationship wouldn't be complete without the ring. He started to think how to give this to Sona, he doesn't want it to be boring and normal so he just tucked it inside his storage, he will need to wait for a opportunity to arrived by itself so that he can give it to her.

Xander returned to the surface and saw Sona surprised when she saw him, and based on where she was standing, she probably waited for his return for many days already. "Sigh, I told you not to do something like this right?" Xander said as Sona just feigned ignorance. "What are you talking about?" Xander sighed before flicking Sona's forehead.

"We lived with each other for how many centuries now Sona, I know your habits and you know mine. I bet you waited for me here for 2 days right?" Xander asked as Sona just looked away. She was embarassed and also relieved that Xander know her that much. It would be disaster if he still not know about her things when they were already living in this world for milleniums. "So? What did you make?" Sona asked while raising an eyebrow.

"Hmm.. that would be a secret for now" Xander said while smiling mischievously, "I'm already immune to that you know?" Sona said while pinching his side. Xander chuckled before entering the house where he saw Carrera making food to eat. Xander made Carrera wear her usual outfit since the maid one didn't look good on her, "Oh, Welcome back boss" Xander also let her call him as she want.

"I'm back, Carrera. How long?" Xander asked while yawning, he was famished after spending three days underground. Normally beings like them won't be affected by things like starvation anymore but since Xander was used to eating, it was strange not to eat something. "A few minutes" Carrera answered. Xander nodded his head in satisfaction, she became a good maid now. She can cook, clean, knit, etc. Xander made sure to engraved everything a maid needed to become a maid.

"Right, boss. Rouge informed me that he is going somewhere out of this dimension so he said. 'Make Xander handle the world without me, he's always free anyway.' that's what he said" Carrera said while laying down the food to the table, Xander started thinking what Guy is gonna do, since its other dimension then its gotta be something about the Cryptids or Insectoids right? Xander shook his head not going deeper anymore as they started to eat.


Guy who was sitting on the throne finally sensed Xander's presence rising from the Labryinth so he raised a finger before slashing it down, a tear in space appeared as it became a gate to another dimension. Guy wanted to check the gate in hell if it still exist since he didn't see any of the Primordial Angels during the last war, they were probably invading other dimensions right now. Guy looked at Velzard before asking, "Want to follow me?" He asked.

Velzard smiled before nodding her head, it seems fun so she wanted to go. Its been a long time since she had her fun anyway. They entered portal before they arrived at Hell, Guy started flying towards somewhere as Velzard just followed him. There were some bugs that tried to disturb him but they died just from Velzard flapping her wings.

They arrived at the place and saw a still sturdy gate standing there. "Good, It seems it still stood strongly" Guy said while nodding his head. "Is this what you came here, Guy?" Velzard asked while tilting her head, "I suppose, though it would be boring if we just come without doing anything" Guy said before a smirk appeared on his face, he was about to enter the gate when a hand suddenly appeared and gripped his arm. "Kufufu, this place is off limits" Guy twitched at that voice.

Velzard also turned serious since she didn't sense the being entering their surroundings. "When did you come here?" Guy asked while his lips twitched, he really didn't want to meet this guy as he would be annoyed to no end. "My, my, I was here all along, is my presence too low for you to sense?" The voice appeared again as Guy turned his face to the side where he saw a demon with black hair and golden eyes with a line of red on it.

"Noir.. since when did you become a guardian of this gate?" Guy asked while Velzard just listened to their conversation, she lowered her guard when Guy seemed familiar with this demon. "Kufufufu, what a foolish question. Of course I would take it upon myself to handle this thing, Lord Veldanava somehow forgot about this place so I just did it" Noir said while smiling, Guy sighed at his words. This guy is a unique one since he don't pursue strength like most of the Primordials, instead he is looking for someone has the potential of infinite.

"Did someone tried to break in here?" Guy asked as Noir thought about it for a moment. "Indeed, there are some bugs but they were nothing to handle" Noir said as Guy sighed again, this guy is treating Insectoids as ants when demons are generally weaker than Insectoids. They are their mutual enemy, even the king of Insectoid is stronger than Guy, but this guy here is just dismissing them as fools who tried to cross. (A/N: Diablo is a big deal. He guarded this place until he was summoned by Rimuru. Meaning that Phantoms, Cryptids, Insectoids never entered this place during his time.)

"Guy, who is this person?" Velzard asked while looking at Noir who was surprised. "Oya, you didn't introduce me to your companion yet? How rude of you. I am the Primordial Black, you can just call me Noir" Noir introduced himself while bowing slightly. Guy showed a disgusting look on his face while looking at Noir, he really can't handle this guy. Guy felt like he would get a migraine if he stay with him any longer. "Nice to meet you, Noir. I am Velzard" Velzard also introduced herself.

To be honest Noir didn't really guarded the gate to honor Veldanava's wishes, he just found it both amusing to ruin their attempts of invading Material World via Deamon Realm (he mocks the angels for invading the world their master created) and handy for having opponents come to him themselves since the angels/ Phantoms and other foreign beings are always looking for ways to invade.

"Kufufu what a wonderful day this is, I met the younger sister of Lord Veldanava" Noir said while smiling widely. Guy took Velzard's arm before flying again. "Hm? Are you going now? Its regrettable that we won't spend some time together but I welcome your leave" Noir said as Guy just ignored him. "Why are we going already, Guy? Isn't he a nice person?" Velzard asked as Guy shivered while looking at her with as if watching something impossible.

"Nah, I can't handle that guy, he's too troublesome for me" Guy said, Noir for him is something incomprehensible since he would do what would appear on his mind. He would sometimes rule the whole hell or just become a slave of someone, he never understood his intention so he always bring surprises to Guy just like what happened. Though Guy is also relieved that Noir is the one handling it, if the other primordial did it then the thing would've been already broken by now.

Among all primordials, only Noir became Guy's equal and that already talked a lot. The only reason Noir was left behind in terms of strength is because he abandoned the way of brute force. Instead he chose pure skill to best his enemies. Guy actually wanted to throw some black holes and supernovas inside the gate the massacre some beings on the other side, he just didn't expected that he would meet Noir there so he stopped and just retreated.

Guy and Velzard returned to the Central World with Guy being in bad mood. He felt Noir has the ability to use those gates, he wondered if Veldanava also assigned Noir to some role just like how he assigned him as 'Mediator' and Ramiris as 'Administrator'. Guy just shook his head as he returned to his throne, he started thinking about some things as he closed his eyes.
