
Instant Death [DxD]

Xander Ranvil, the incarnation of death has arrived at the world of DxD. (Note) : First time writing so don't expect anything, if you don't like it then just leave. there would be strong beings arriving at DxD to level the grounds. (Not reincarnators or transmigrators) If you enjoy my stories then please give some support by tip or donation here~ https://ko-fi.com/asthoglho

Asthoglho · アニメ·コミックス
120 Chs

Chapter 72: Tenma War II

Here you go. That protest was effective.


The world voice continue announcing as the whole world just listened to it.

«Continuing the evolution.. The Unique Skill 『Lust』 is being upgraded..

Attempting to upgrade.. Successful!

Unique Skill lust has turned into Ultimate Skill 『Lord of Lust, Asmodeus』

The user of the skill can now control Life and Death of beings.

script over, Harvest Festival is now ending»

Luminous stopped the information after the attempting upgrade making the listener curious to what her skill is. Luminous finished evolving as she smiled greatly at the new powers that is residing on her soul. She then turned her gaze to the Seraph who got offended by her condescending gaze. "Just because you evolved doesn't mean you will win!" The Seraph said before firing a volley of Light Magic to Luminous who just smiled.

"A mere fly is talking, how cute" Luminous said as the light magic just vanished in the air. She then used her Ultimate skill taking control of the Seraph's death and killed her. Luminous could only do this to beings weaker than her so this skill won't affect those who have Ultimate Skill stronger than her. Though she doesn't know this yet as her arrogance was still rising to the top. She then turned her attention to the man who provoked her and stopped.

"Huh..? Where is he!? Did that fool run?!" Luminous raged as hundred thousands of angels dropped from the sky. "Does he think he can run from me in this world? I'll find him!" Luminous's powers was going out of control as her anger was hindering her focus. Her two confidants appeared and tried their best to calm the enraged Luminous down. "My lady! Please stop!" Louis said but Luminous just ignored him.

Seeing that Roy had to come up with a reason, "Your land is getting destroyed, My lady!" Luminous heard that as she gradually calm down, "Roy, report the losses. Louis, evacuate the survivors, I am going to make a Religion. I need to raise my information network, I need to find that man at all cost, he will pay for what he done!" Luminous said as the two nodded their heads. They were also wondering who the gutsy guy who made their princess pissed.

Luminous walked away, she needed to calm herself to control her powers. She only acquired it right now so her control of it was a mess, she couldn't even properly use it without making a huge damage in the surroundings. She thought of making a Religion so that her influence would become even bigger outranking that of Dagruel.





Xander smiled as he achieved his goal and teleported to the Barren Lands without waiting for Luminous to complete her transformation. He knew that he pissed the girl so much that she would probably hold a grudge against him for hundred of years. Not like he cares for any of it, the only thing that matters now is that he made her stronger before the cannon even began. Luminous being stronger means Veldora won't succeed in destroying her land, in other words destroying the canon.

Xander arrived at a devastated land where he saw one being playing with two, one of the two was in a state of rage as he was rampaging all around. Xander also saw a large broken gate behind the two, he raised his hand before killing the gate itself rendering it useless. The other man who was battling the woman noticed the state of the gate as his lazy look was change into that of a surprise.

He looked around and saw Xander, he raised his God Class weapon before bringing it down releasing a huge destruction on the land. That one swing could bring a whole country down but Xander just raised an arm to catch it as the man widened her eyes at what happened. "Don't mind me, and don't forget about the rule of not looking away when you have an opponent" Xander said while smiling as Dino's hand froze before it was destroyed. "Guh!" He grunted.

Dino backed away as he healed his arm, it healed making Xander raised an eyebrow but noticed that Sona wasn't fighting them seriously, rather she was playing with them as strong opponents are hard to find when you are already strong. Dagruel screamed before slamming both of his hands to the ground shaking the whole continent in the process.

Sona floated to dodged the attack that brought strong shockwave. She raised her arm before a large icicle made from magic appeared in the air and flew towards Dagruel who didn't even dodge. The magic dissapated when it hits his body. If Xander was to be asked then Dagruel would be a dangerous being. He was immune to magic and his body was the most broken this universe could have, his body ignored the Laws of Physics!

His body is so broken because everytime he attack, the laws of physics is being warped resulting a storm of destruction on the land which is what is happening right now. His attack even made Sona think for a moment whether to receive it but ended up dodging it instead showing just how broken his body is.

Though what is more scary is Dino, even Dagruel who could go toe to toe with a full powered Veldora is scared by this guy. Dino who saw his attack turned nothing didn't dwell on it as he continued fighting Sona, his slashes are heavy but it was nothing as Sona already saw a much better technique, she could easily avoid Dino's swordsmanship. Dino backed out as Dagruel hardened his body to become stronger than diamond as he punched towards Sona.

Sona saw that as she deccelerated his fist before freezing his body using a more stronger ice. She then slapped her hand in the air making a huge earthquake that disrupted the balance of the two. Dagruel controlled the electrical tension between the ground and the atmosphere to make a huge lightning that striked at Sona. Sona smiled before the lightning stopped infront of her, after a second the lightning vanished as Dino moved.

He was analyzing Sona's skill as he wanted to copy it for himself, that is his unique skill, copying another technique and getting stronger the angrier he get. Basically both of Guy and Milim's technique but the effects are so inferior to them that it would be a insult if someone dared to compare them. Dino was alarmed as he can't get through the enemy, he can't see what his skill is and even though he already see her use her Ultimate skill many times, his own Ultimate skill is not working.

"Why?!" Dino asked before stomping cracking the whole land as Dagruel gave a follow up punch in the air that also gave an vibration, shaking the land and air. Dagruel growled as his power grow stronger, though it didn't intimidate Sona a bit as she just smiled at the power up. Dino yawned before raising both of his swords, they were finally getting serious, Sona thought happily. She was starting to get bored of this normal attacks.

She snapped her finger as she brought them to another dimension, this dimension is empty and only had a land that is much sturdier than the world of Tensura. Tensura world is already built different compared to others as it could still stand even after receiving multiple reality warping attacks on it. Dino was surprised by the change of scenery but didn't complain with it as he was too lazy to do it. He just raised both of his sword before slashing them to Sona, those slashes cut the space as it hit on Sona.

Sona didn't underestimate her enemy as she put a small amount of magicules on her hand before slapping the slashes. Dagruel released a punch that destroyed the laws of physics making it a bunch of chaos in one place. Sona just froze the storm before it vanished. Sona was currently enjoying the fight as she played with the two, even though their attacks could bring fall to a continent, she was still treating it as an simple attack indicating how strong Sona has become.

Though in Xander's mind, Sona is still not the strongest even with her Ultimate Skill. Great Red and Ophis evolved into something scary so even this Sona is not a problem to them. Sona raised an eyebrow as Dino's purity started to get corrupted, does this guy want to defy god? Sona thought but didn't interrupted his transformation, she just focused her attention to the wild Dagruel who was getting angry every second.

Dagruel also has the innate ability to get stronger the more angry he get, meaning his power is still rising while they are fighting. His rage is also not subsiding as he can't do anything to Sona making him piss, he was already angry when the demon lords started eradicating the Fairies and Giants as they consider them allies of Heaven. A lot of his kin died during that massacre and he could do nothing with it, only during this war that his demon lord seed sprouted making him a bonafied True Demon Lord.

Xander and Sona didn't know about the massacre as Xander forgot about it and Sona was inside their barrier that isolate them from the world. The other demon lords also didn't object to Guy's order of massacre, instead they were more focus on preserving the world instead of letting the ally of heaven roam on it. They annihilate all of the fairies and giants until only those in the kingdom of Dagruel was left, that is why Dagruel is angry.

The space broke as Dagruel punch on it, after it broke Sona was stopped for a moment as Dagruel used that opportunity to land a hit. What he didn't expect was that Sona would also retaliate in his best part, wrestling. Sona covered her body with protection using her Ultimate skill as she started having a hand to hand combat with Dagruel. Dino was amazed at what is happening, Dagruel's power could destroy a continent and here was someone overpowering him in terms of strength.

Dino accelerated his fall from grace, as he felt his body free, he took a breathe before going back to his lazy form. Dino finally used his combat form, his appearance becomes splendorous with 6 pairs of white and black shining wings. Outfittes himself with spirit clothing similar to a jet-black colored priest robe, and summons two swords to his hands - Holy Sword "Excalibur" and Demonic Sword "Caliburn".

Sona noticed the change as she froze Dagruel for a moment and went to Dino's front. "Since you're done transforming, let's continue our game" Sona said while arranging her glasses, she was wearing her Kuoh Gakuen uniform which she considered her combat suit. Even though the others was weirded out by it, Xander didn't raise any refusal as he said that Sona is beautiful on it. "Yea.. let's do it.. ah, I want to.. rest" Dino said while yawning, he was already tired from this thing.

At first he just wanted to check the broken gate in the Barren Lands, he met Dagruel and fought, he convinced Dagruel to stop fighting before this woman arrived infront of them, she introduced herself as a demon lord making the two wary as she was their enemy. He just wanted to end this battle so he could return to heaven and sleep peacefully. Dino turned serious as he released many sword rays that could destroy a continent with it.

Sona made an ice sword before slashing it receiving the sword rays, "Heavy.." Sona muttered as she felt the impact to her hands, though it was just for a second before the control went back to her as she destroyed the sword rays. "Sigh.. monster" Dino said while sighing, he raised Excalibur before slashing the air opening a gate towards other dimension, he tried to escape before the gate was frozen before breaking into pieces.

Seeing as his route of escape destroyed, Dino just raised his hand as he surrendered. "Fine, fine, its my.. defeat" Dino said as he sighed, he just wanted to sleep, why does he need to encounter things like this? He also hated pain so continuing to battle the girl would only bring more. He was expecting her to at least torture him before going but was stunned when he saw she was already gone. Dino sighed again before returning to the central world.





In Eurazania, King of lycanthrope was having a hard time protecting his place, his farm was already in ruins as he fought against shitty pigeons with anger on his eyes. "Kill those bitches!" Carleo said as the beast people raised their weapons. Their military might is strong as they are a war country, the normal soldiers was immediately brought to their knees because of how strong the angels are. They continued fighting for a long time until their land was finally pest free.

The people celebrated their victory while Carleo's mood was bad, they already lost their farm and now a portion of his army was destroyed too? How could he accept something like that. His subjects didn't know that they would be put to a more pressurized system that their country would ever have.

In the Forgotten Capital, Milim's territory. A pink haired girl was flying in the air while a cheeky smile was planted on her face."Umu! Umu! This is the best! I can fight all I want" Milim said while folding her arms, many Seraphims descended on her land as they consider her threat as high. Her followers were also arranged behind her as they were waiting for the fight. "You guys! Get ready, we are having a nice time this day!" Milim said while pointing at them, who just nodded their head accepting Milim's order.

One of the Seraphs sneered at what is happening, all of their egos are bigger than the moon so they just treated her actions as stupid, they were going to die anyway why bother to put a resistance? "Were going to let you have your last moments so savor it" A female Seraphim said while a smug look can be seen on her face. "Watching insects do some stupid things are really interesting, the amusement they gave us is enough for us to be satisfied waiting in the heaven" another one said.

Milim ignored them as she was used to listening fools talking to themselves like that. "Is she ignoring us? The nerve.." One Seraph was angry at Milim's action as he started to gather energy on his hand before shooting a energy ball to Milim who just flicked it. "Hoh? You have some measel skills insect, but just because you're the daughter of our Lord doesn't mean that we are going to hold back on killing you" The Seraphim said as Milim finally finished ordering her troops.

"Were done! Now let the fun start!" Milim said before a pink ball suddenly appeared on her mouth, she released the unique magic only available to her at the enemy. "Dragon Nova!" Milim shouted as every enemy was immediately erased out of existence. Milim's Dragon Nova was miniature black hole, it could devour anything on its way so every angel was killed including the Seraphs who was just mocking her.

"Eh, what's that, its already done?" Milim said with dissatisfied look on her eyes, she never expected that they would die so easily. She expected more resistance on their part so she gave a huge blow from the start. "Are we really needed here.." one of Milim's followers muttered but he was slapped in the head by another one who heard it.

Another batch of angels dropped in the sky as Milim's eyes turned into that of a star, she raised her arms in the air as if celebrating as she limited her power to match just those Seraphs. She started having fun while playing with the Seraphims as she left those normal angels to her followers, she trusted their strength and would not accept a defeat from them making them serious about this battle. Milim just did what Guys was doing as she was having a fun day.
