
Instant Death [DxD]

Xander Ranvil, the incarnation of death has arrived at the world of DxD. (Note) : First time writing so don't expect anything, if you don't like it then just leave. there would be strong beings arriving at DxD to level the grounds. (Not reincarnators or transmigrators) If you enjoy my stories then please give some support by tip or donation here~ https://ko-fi.com/asthoglho

Asthoglho · アニメ·コミックス
120 Chs

Chapter 65


A thousand years later*

A mansion could be seen in the middle of a large forest that held many savage creatures. Inside the mansion one man, one woman and a maid could be seen. "We've been here for a long time already right?" Xander asked as Sona just smiled gently. Their relationship didn't deteriorate with time meaning they truly loved each other. Utaha isn't here as already returned to the DxD world because she was bored, and she also missed her parents. It happened 500 years ago so its been a long time already.

When Utaha returned to the DxD world she was confused as only a day have passed. She already lived 500 years in Tensura's world but only a day have passed in this reality. The first thing she did when she arrived was to embrace her Mother and Father who were surprised by her actions. They also saw that Utaha matured enough that they could not reprimand her anymore. Utaha finally felt the warm embrace of her family that she never felt for 5 century.

Back to the mansion, "Don't worry, I have a feeling that something interesting would happen soon" as soon as Xander talked about that, they immediately felt two strong auras battling somewhere. "Master! Its a fight!" Jaune said as Xander stood up. They didn't teleport but just flew at a supersonic speed arriving immediately at the place where two beings could be seen fighting. One of them is a Red Haired demon who was smirking and the other was a golden haired young man.

The two were trading blows that shook the world while the Lucia and Velgrynd was watching from the back. "You demon! Hand over all of your valuables!" Rudra said as he pointed his sword to Guy. Guy was amused with this person, "Alright you can have it... If you beat me that is!" Guy said as he sprinted to Rudra who just readied his sword before plunging it to Guy who just deflected it. Guy threw magic at Rudra which he sliced with his sword.

"Napalm Burst!" Guy shouted as three headed dragon appeared on his arm before trying to swallow Rudra who raised his sword as it began shining. Rudra slashed the three headed dragon before he met Guy with a knee to the face. Guy flew before he stood back and delivered a punch to the gut that made Rudra kneel. They abandoned magic and sword as they just went to hand-to-hand combat. They were moving at the speed of light while their attacks destroyed many mountains.

Lucia helped her brother by erecting a Holy Field to weaken the demon lord. Lucia casted Holy Blade to Guy who just avoided it, Rudra's swordsmanship reached a level that is already absurd. They were doing their best to handle Guy but it seems like they couldn't even get an edge to him. The demon was just smirking while taking their hits as if finding it funny. Guy was just using Prideful Lord Lucifer to copy their abilities while devising some counter for it.

The place where the two was battling was already rigged with large craters that only nuclear weapons could do. Rudra kicked Guy who catched the feet before throwing him far away. Rudra got smashed to a nearby ice before standing up and charging at Guy, he stepped on the ground disrupting the balance of Guy before a heavy punched hit Guy on the face. Guy was planted on the ground as he just stood up. "Wait! I didn't know your name yet, tell me!" Rudra said while pointing at Guy.

"Huh? Why do we need to talk about something like that right now? We're having fun right?" Guy asked confused at this person's action. "No! Its only natural to know about the enemy's name before having a duel with him!" Rudra said as Guy was weirded out. "Just Guy" Guy said as he was about to ready for the second round when Rudra suddenly stopped. "I don't want to fight a guy with a funny name! Since you have a red hair, let's call you Guy Crimson!" Rudra said as Lucia widened her eyes. "Brother! You stupid!" The moment Lucia said that Rudra got dizzy before he fell to the ground.

Guy stared at Rudra baffled before he started laughing. "This guy is really amusing, naming a primordial? Does he have a death wish? Hahahaha" Velgrynd just sighed at the fool's action. "Oi, you need to learn to respect those with skills you know?" A voice suddenly appeared as Guy turned his head towards it. Velgrynd was alarmed when she heard that voice, she was deliberately avoiding that place to not meet this guy who put a trauma on her.

"Ho? You're back, Xander? You didn't even visit us in that millenium" Guy smirked at Xander who just chuckled. "A millenium is just short for us anyway, don't be too petty" Xander said as Guy's lips twitched, he shot a Holy Blade to Xander who just squatted it. Lucia just stared at the two playing while using dangerous things. "Velgrynd.. who is that person?" Lucia asked while looking at Xander. But she was surprised when Velgrynd was avoiding looking at Xander, "What's wrong? Are you okay?" Lucia asked.

Guy was amused by Velgrynd's reaction as he raised an eyebrow to Xander who just sighed. "That child went to my place thousand years ago and just tried to burn us. I have no choice but to teach her a lesson" Guy started laughing again making the short fused Velgrynd snapped. She threw a fire magic to Guy who just dodged it. "I did not lose! I was just exhausted!" Velgrynd shouted making Guy almost choke by laughing too much. "Kuhahahaha! You probably don't know but even your sister is afraid of this guy here" Guy said while patting Xander who just sighed.

Velgrynd widened her eyes at that. She was also relieved to hear that, it meant that she really just challenged a strong being that even made her sister scared. Seeing that Lucia is still lost Guy explained. "He's Xander, my only friend and a strong person on par with us" Guy explained as Lucia slowly understood what's happening. "This is Sona, she is my woman" Xander said as Guy raised an eyebrow. "Where's the other one?" Guy asked. "I returned her, she was bored of this world" Xander said as Guy just chuckled.

"Right it is indeed boring, this must be the only interesting that happened so far" Guy said while looking at the collapsed Rudra. He then turned his attention to Lucia who was taking care of Rudra. "You, what's his name?" Lucia was shook for a bit before answering. "Rudra Nam Ul Nasca" Guy nodded his head. Guy was interrupted when a punch appeared on his face, making him flew far away. "Red! I wan't some rematch!" Jaune before sprinting to Guy.

"Huh? When did you come from hell, Jaune?" Guy asked before defending himself from Jaune's attack. It looked like he was just playing with her so Xander smiled. "Jaune, you're gonna be called Carrera from now on" the moment those words left his mouth. Guy widened his eyes as Jaune's aura started growing, her magicules was erupting from her body. "Oi, you sick bastard! Do you know the consequenc-"

[The individual Carrera gained the Ultimate Skill 'Extinction King Abaddon'!]

Guy wasn't able to finish his words as the World Voice announced something. He teleported as the place he was before was destroyed by Carrera's energy ball. "Oi, oi, you really want to fight Jaune?" Guy asked while looking at Carrera who is releasing a tremendous amount of energy because of her evolution. Carrera's body became a demon duke, since Xander already made her a body centuries ago. "Now I am ready, don't call me that. I just gained a name right?" Carrera said while smiling at Guy who was tired of this.

Carrera fired a few Nuclear Cannon that erased the land itself, but it was clear that Guy wasn't affected as he just swatted the magic. Guy tried to copy her Ultimate Skill but twitched his lips when he couldn't he turned to Xander who just smiled innocently at him. Guy also retaliated by shooting 'Death Streak' to Carrera who just smirked as she used Multi-Dimensional Barrier that blocked the magic.

Guy suddenly appeared on Carrera'a view before doing a dropkick on her. Carrera's knees hit the earth. She widened her eyes as she punched herself in the face. She was basked in the feeling of being powerful that she forgot who she was facing right now. She now stopped doing that as she stood up, she raised her hand before saying "Gravity Collapse" Guy was hit by a point blank Nuclear Magic as he was blasted many kilometers away.

Carrera rose from the ground before her mana started rising again. Guy was surprised by the abundance of her mana, as he looked at her with excited expression. Until now, Carrera had been fighting solely with her seemingly absolute demonic power, but now she had grasp the true ability of her Ultimate Skill. She would use this power to defeat Guy.

They continued to clash while the others just watched. "Are names important in this world, Xander?" Sona asked while looking at Xander who was amused by their fight. "For monsters that is, after a monster is named, they gained a lot of power and even evolved. Usually the evolution would look cool but Carrera surpressed hers so it we never saw it" Xander explained while Sona nodded her head. Xander stared at Rudra who is still unconscious before 'healing' him. Every power that Rudra lost when naming Guy was returned.

Rudra woke up and saw that he is lying on the ground. He saw her sister looking at him with complicated look on her face, "What happened Lucia?" Rudra asked. "Sigh, did you forget that naming monsters take a toll on a person? Specially when the one you named is a primordial. You need to be more careful brother!" Lucia reprimanded Rudra who just shrunk at her words. "So where is that demon?" Rudra asked as Lucia just pointed at the battle.

Rudra widened his eyes when he saw another battle happening. And its more intense than the one they have before, "Who is that blond girl?" Rudra asked. "She is the maid of that guy" Lucia said while pointing at Xander who just yawned. Xander noticed their attention as he waved his hand at them. Rudra nodded his head as he considered Xander a good guy. Lucia's eyebrow twitched as if she can feel what her brother is thinking.

A large explosion appeared as Carrera was sent flying. Xander watched and nodded in satisfaction, even though Carrera couldn't beat Guy atleast she made the red man serious. Fighting an opponent holding a Ultimate Skill is hard even for Guy, as he is not the same person as he was in the cannon. They kept fighting for a few more minutes before Carrera finally lost consciousness. "Damn, she was hard to put down" Guy said while spitting on the ground.

Rudra stood up and pointed at Guy, "Guy Crimson! I'll return next time, Yours truly is Rudra Nam Ul-" Rudra was about to introduce himself. "Yeah, yeah, I know your name" Guy said lazily making the hero party pissed. They then left Guy's domain while Rudra grumbling that they should teach Guy a lesson for cutting him off.

Xander and Guy watched as the group of hero left. "That woman.. Veldanava is interested on her?" Xander said while tilting his head, Guy's eyes widened as he turned to Xander. "Are you serious?" Xander just nodded his head as he pointed at the sky. Guy immediately understood what he is pointing at as he sighed. "So a being like that is still shackled by the concept of love huh?" Guy shook his head in disappointment.

"Hey, don't be like that. Who knows you might one day gain interest in Velzard, the dragon is rather pitiful" Xander said as Guy stared at him with eyes saying 'You've gotta be kidding' "I don't thought of her like that. She can be my comrade for all eternity, but something like love is just bullshit" Guy said. "Heh, talk about being inexperienced. Oh? How about that guy then Guy?" Xander said as Guy tilted his head.

"Who are you talking abou-, fuck no way" Guy immediately shook his head as he remembered Noir's face. "I would rather be cursed than to stay with that freak" Guy said as Xander chuckled, Guy calling someone a freak is special. Noir must have annoyed Guy too much that the man didn't even want to imagine his face anymore. "You're lucky Guy, you will experience joy everyday" Xander said as Guy was confused by his words.

Xander didn't clear his vague words as he just waved before they vanished. Guy didn't dwell on it as he returned to his palace, where he saw Velzard waiting there with a smile on her face. Guy began thinking about Xander's words, 'No way.. things like those are useless. I would accept just a physical relationship but I'll never enter a shit like that' Guy thought as he sat on his throne waiting for another interesting thing to happen again.





Xander returned to their abode while carrying the unconscious Carrera on his shoulder. He slapped her buttocks as she woke up while her body turned stiff. "What? Oh its just master" Carrera said before getting away from Xander's hold. She thought of something before lowering her head as she went to her room. Sona was about to console Carrera when Xander stopped her.

"Its fine. She will need to get used to something like this, breaking her ego might be too much but it was for the best. She will probably return to her former self tomorrow" Xander said as Sona just nodded her head. "The people in this world is really terrifying.. If I didn't posses my Unique skill then I might have lost confidence in myself" Sona said before staring at the sky.

"Isn't it interesting? The thought of you trying to surpass those beings while still being close to them" Xander said as Sona just smiled, indeed this is why she was still not bored in this world. Surpassing them is still a dream right now since she didn't obtain a proper skill to battle those beings yet. Utaha could also become the strongest person in this world if she just raised her Unique Skill to Ultimate one.

Utaha's skill is the most interesting one as it was not in the list of Akashic Records. Meaning it was unknown even for Veldanava who made the system of this world. Xander don't know if her skill was influenced by him or she was just lucky but it was a good news for him.

"Just do your best, I won't interfere anymore as that would waste all of the efforts you used to strengthen your Unique skill" Xander said as Sona just nodded her head. That is also what she wants, relying on Xander in everything is dangerous, specially when Xander doesn't even reject anything she wants. She will get used to his pampering if he won't stop his spoiling, and of course Xander would still leave Sona if she tried looking for others.

"Hm, that's right this forest really became something what Utaha wanted right?" Sona said while looking at the never ending forest filled with magicules. Normal human would die just by stepping on this place, as they would suffocate from the thickness of the mana. This became a place where only strong ones could enter, various dangerous monsters roam destroying everything that would dare to enter.

Xander and Sona was the one nourishing this place after Utaha left, so this place is even more dangerous to what Veldora made in the cannon. "Yeah, I wonder what she is doing right now" Xander said as somewhere in other dimension, a certain girl sneezed infront of her parents making them worried if she caught a cold. 'Xander is probably thinking of me right now' Utaha said as she smiled.
