
Chapter 2

Next morning, Xander woke up while having a headache. "Did I pass out from eating?" Xander sighed as he started to realize that he's not really fit it in the kitchen. He stared at the horrific food he made and then made it shrunk until its finally out of existence. "How the hell did I even make that abomination" Xander started to question his mind for making that food.

"Sigh, wait, I think I saw a notification yesterday while cooking" Xander suddenly recalled a memory and then immediately opened his Menu.


[Skills] Points : 100

*Cooking - 1/10

*Poison resistance - 1/10


"...I really got Poison Resistance from eating that? Is it really that bad?" Xander can only stare at his skill with a weird face. Xander started thinking whether to raise his Poison Resistance since Points are rather important. That didn't last long and he raised his two skills to level 5.

*Cooking - 5/10

*Poison Resistance - 5/10

When Xander raised his Cooking skill he was suddenly bombarded with knowledge about cooking in his mind. He finally understood what he did in the kitchen yesterday and got embarrassed, yesterday he was like a kid trying new toy. 'Who the hell wash rice with soap?'

Its monday and 6 in the morning, meaning that its school time. Now that Xander gained his confidence back, he started to cook again but this time everything was so easy that it looked like he has decades of experience in cooking. After a few minutes the food is finish and he was baffled by how delicious the egg looked, it was even shining, something you can only see in anime. And most importantly, the rice was perfectly cooked! it was not like yesterday where instead of rice he made a porridge.

Xander washed his hands and prepared the eating utensils. He placed the food in his plate with style, he took the food and placed it in his mouth. "..!?" The food was so delicious that he's like in trance, he can't stop his hands from scooping more of the food. Xander finished eating at 6:30 am, and started preparing for school.

Xander took a bath and brushed his teeth, after doing that he wore his uniform and started preparing for his bento. He just cooked some easy to make food and finally finished at 7:30. Classes starts at 8:30 so he's still safe, Xander went out and started walking towards the Kuoh Academy. What he didn't know that his existence cause some turmoil in the supernatural world.


Meanwhile in the Supernatural side, many pantheon were in chaos because the world suddenly started to emit Aura of Death, its like the world has no choice but to accept death. Any person connected with the concept of 'Death', human, devil, or even gods trembled in shock, they felt their connection with 'Death' slowly slipping out of their control, its like their powers were bowing to someone they could never hope to understand.

Most of them started their meeting to discuss about what's happening in their world.


Xander arrived at school at exactly 8:00 am. In the entrance gate of the school, he saw a bespectacled young woman with a slim figure, black hair styled in a short bob cut and violet eyes. Xander's eyes widened when he saw her "...Beautiful" he unconsciouly muttered. Xander snapped out of his state and greeted the the girl, "Goodmorning Kaichou, thank you for your hard work" after saying his piece he immediately entered the school and started looking for his room.

As for how Xander know about his room, he saw it on his phone. The previous owner of this body has a habit of writting new things on his note app. He opened the door to his classroom and went on his seat, as far as Xander knows, the previous owner only has 1 friend and its his seat mate named Hiro.

Xander is in the same year as Rias and Sona, and based on the time, he concluded that canon hasn't started yet, its only the second week since the school started and he's already hearing rumors about the Perverted Trio causing trouble by peeking on girls changing room or bringing porn magazine in school. Xander just used his cellphone while waiting for the class to start, when Hiro arrived he just greeted him and continued playing with his phone, he can't really get close to Hiro as he has no memory of the old Xander.

Class finally started, when the first subject Math teacher arrived, after a few minutes of listening, a Notification suddenly appeared infront of his face. ['Mathematics' skill acquired!] after seeing this skill, he immediately raise it to level 3. The Skill didn't disappoint Xander as he can now feel that this type of lesson is just too easy that he can just sleep through the whole session.

"Okay class, now that you understood our topic, prepare yourself since were going to have a long quiz" Math teacher suddenly said surprising most of them, the class immediately went through their notes hoping to at least understand their topic a bit. The teacher started writing the questions on the board while the class groan of frustration, only a few understood the boring topic their teacher gave them so most of the people can only write the wrong answers. Xander also started answering the questions, he started following the teachers rhythm, everytime the teacher finished writing a question, the answer would always emerged on his head, so after the teacher wrote all of the questions Xander also finished along with him.

After Xander finished his paper, he started dozing off until he finally fall asleep on his desk. The teacher noticed this as he made way towards Xander's desk. 'Kids these days, they don't even respect elderly anymore' The teacher thought while sighing, he noticed the paper in Xanders desk and took it. He was just about to reprimand Xander for sleeping in a quiz when he saw the paper is already full of answers. He read it and '..!? Everything is correct!? it hasn't even been 2 minutes since I finished writing'

Xander woke up by being shaked, "..Hmm, Haah, what is it?" Xander asked while yawning. "Ranvil, did you really answered this?" The teacher asked while pointing on Xander's paper. "Oh that? Yes, is there a problem teach?" Xander asked still not wide awake as the teacher suddenly brought him to the board and made him answer some harder questions. Xander answered all of the questions with ease as his teacher and classmates could only stare at him dumbfoundedly, 'He answered all that while we don't even understand a thing in this simple topic!?' his classmates thought. 'I guess he's natural huh?' The teacher could only give up upon seeing that Xander's expression didn't change a bit, understanding that this is not a challenge to him.

"Oh, can I go back to my seat now teach?" Xander asked while yawning tired of this little show. "Sigh, you can go back now" the teacher sighed seeing Xanders attitude. Xander returned to his desk and sleep again, this time no one reprimanded him since genius always has its advantages.

The same thing happened to every subject who entered his classroom that day, the class is now willing to admit that he's a natural genius. After what happened many people started to respect him silently, they were amazed by his head that can immediately come up with an answer, though they were equally amazed by his laziness, he literally sleep all class session.

Lunch time came and many people went to cafeteria. Xander was invited by Hiro but he refused as he explained that he made his own lunch, Hiro has no choice but to eat in the cafeteria with his other friends. Because the cafeteria was quite close in their classroom, many people can be seen walking in their hallway while chatting. Those people stopped in their track when they smelled an insanely good aroma coming from a near classroom, they went to the classroom and got surprised because all of that aroma was coming from a small lunchbox.

The moment Xander took his lunchbox from his bag, people's interest were drawn to him, his classmates want to see a new side of Xander aside from being lazy. Xander opened his lunchbox as a heavenly aroma started oozing out of it, his classmates froze on their spot upon sniffing that particular smell. They stopped what they are doing and stared at Xander's shining lunchbox, they thought they were hallucinating so they rub their eyes and looked at it again.

Xander being Xander he is, ignored the stares from his classmates and people from the hallway. He took a perfectly cooked rolled omelette from his lunchbox and placed it in his mouth. The flavor started exploding on his mouth and he can't help but reveal a blissful smile. The people on the surroundings gulped when they him eating so happily, they also want to know if the taste is as good as the smell.

The people could only watched as Xander eat his lunch with happiness. They only snapped out of it when Xander already finished eating his lunch and already hid it in his bag. One of his classmates tried to ask, "N-Nee Ranvil-san did you're mother make your bento?" Xander turned his head towards the person and stared at her deeply making the girl shiver in fear. "Ah, sorry I'm an orphan, Sakura-san" The reason why Xander stared at her because he wanted to remember this girl's name.

"I-I'm sorry for asking that question.. and my name is not Sakura" the girl replied and returned to her desk. This event made his name soar even more in the Academy, many people tried to talk to him, but he just ignored them. This is how Xander started his highschool in this second life.

['Intimidation' skill acquired!]
