
Instant Death [DxD]

Xander Ranvil, the incarnation of death has arrived at the world of DxD. (Note) : First time writing so don't expect anything, if you don't like it then just leave. there would be strong beings arriving at DxD to level the grounds. (Not reincarnators or transmigrators) If you enjoy my stories then please give some support by tip or donation here~ https://ko-fi.com/asthoglho

Asthoglho · アニメ·コミックス
120 Chs

Chapter 26

After eating, Xander excused himself from the Sitri Clan, where Lord Sitri ordered Sona to lead him until he reached his house. They started walking in the road "That was quite fun, you have a interesting family, Sona" Xander said while smiling at Sona sweetly. "Thank you Xander, for all the things you did to me" Sona thought about it and thanked Xander, if not for him, she would be just stucked in the Student Council without anything. Xander was surprised by Sona's sincerity as he got closed to Sona. "No, I should thank you for appearing in my life" Xander said while he bumped his forehead with hers. If its the past Sona, she wouldn't let anyone do this to her. They stared at each other's eyes for a few seconds before their face started to get closer, Sona closed her eyes as she felt a soft thing touching her lips. She loved the feeling of it so she started fighting back, they were devouring each other's lips as if they didn't want to let go of it.

Sona opened her eyes as they stared at each other while still kissing, they parted ways with a silver string appearing from both of their mouths. "I love you, Xander" Sona said while facing him with her eyes full of love. Xander was stunned by what he heard, although they were always flirting with each other, Xander know that Sona hold the word I love you important so he never heard of her saying it. He was overjoyed that he couldn't help but gave her a quick kiss on the lips, if the first one was their desire for each other, then this kiss was Xander's love to Sona.

Sona can feel Xander's feelings being poured in that kiss, she was happy that out of all girls that are more beautiful than her and has bigger assets than hers, he still chose her to give his love. She then heared him replied to her words "I love you too, Sona" as soon as she heard that, tears started to unconsciously fall on her eyes, as she started chasing his lips again, they kept kissing in the middle of the road under the bright shine of the moon.

After parting their lips, they started laughing, they loved each seconds just by being at each other's sides. "So, when are you gonna move your hand?" Sona asked while raising an eyebrow as she can feel a hand groping her ass. "Ah, sorry, flex, I can't help but grope it" Xander apologized while his hand is still on one of her ass. "Sigh, you really.." Sona just sighed as she let him grope it until he was satisfied, this is also a new experience for her since she was never touched by a man before.

After Xander was satisfied, he returned home while waving at Sona, he can see that Sona's face is red making him smile at her teasingly. Seeing his smile, Sona immediately teleported to her house. Xander was quite happy about what happened in this day so went home while humming, he then remembered that he didn't know the reward he obtain from doing the last quest. He opened his system to check his reward.


[Congratulations! You obtained 'Gotoubun no Hanayome' manga]

Xander raised his eyebrow seeing this reward, Xander loved this manga because the author chose the hard way, instead of picking all the girls that would make the readers happy, he chose to pick just one girl. The fans went mad when they saw that only one of the heroines were picked and also the most unexpected one. He immediately entered his room that is full of Sona's picture, and started writing the last volume of Your Name, after finishing it,he started drawing the chapter 1 of the manga. He finished the chapter 1 in just an hour, his drawing skill really played a part of it, after drawing, he went to bed to sleep.

The next morning, Xander woke up with a wide smile on his face. He took his phone out and started dialing to a number, after a few seconds the call connected. "Hello? Machida-san?" Xander called her name as she replied "..Xander? It's still early, what did you call for?" Xander can hear the ruslting of the bed, meaning that she just woke up. "Ah, did you just woke up? I'm sorry if I disturbed your sleep" Xander apologized while looking at the clock, he saw that it was still 5am. "..No, its okay, anyway, what do you want?" She asked thinking that Xander might have something important.

Xander then explained the reason he called. "You see, I already finished the last volume of the novel so I want to pass it on you" Machida got daze for a moment before she quickly shook her head, "Did I hear that right? You already finished the last volume..?" She asked hoping that Xander would deny it, to save her common sense from being destroyed. "Ah, I just finished it last night, I was also hoping to know how was my work received by the readers, did it sell well?" Xander asked ignoring the editor's feelings.

Machida was stunned when she heard that Xander already finished the volume, does he even need her? Machida shook those thoughts off and answered Xander "Didn't you watch the news? I thought you would already know. You're work is already famous you know? Even though its only been a few days that it was published, though the fans was quite angry that the illustration isn't good" Xander was surprised that his work was already in the news, he check the internet and saw that it really is trending, many good reviews were being made and the only bad review about it is about the illustrations.

"This.. I didn't expect this, I thought it would only really bloom after 2 weeks" Xander said making Machida nod her head "Right, I didn't expect it too, oh right, what about the illustrator that you mentioned? Did she accept your offer?" Machida recalled that he would give the illustrator job to someone else so she asked about it. "Yes, you might know her, she is Shiina Mashiro, I think she is almost finish for the illustrations for volume 2, she was quite enthusiastic about it and started drawing when I handed her the work" Xander said happily while Machida's brain froze. "Shiina..Mashiro? It is not that painter right?" Machida started denying reality, using a world class painter as a mere illustrator? How insane is Xander?

"Yep, definitely that painter" Xander said sounding amuse at Machida's predicament. "Don't smug! I can't see you, but I can definitely feel it!" Machida said while shouting at the cellphone. "Sigh, you're book is rising from the list, it wouldn't be long before it can take the top, and now with her illustrations, volume 2 would really break the records" Machida said while making coffee. "So when can we meet? Machida-san?" Xander asked while tidying his bed. "Hm, how about tomorrow?" Machida said as she need to meet the other author she currently handles.

"You busy?" Xander asked thinking that Machida might have a problem since she wouldn't immediately take his manuscript. "Ah, no, it's just I need to give inspiration to the other author I handle, she is currently facing a wall, she couldn't write anything" Machida explained the reason she couldn't meet today as Xander was satisfied with her reason. "Okay, let's meet tomorrow, you can just text me the time and location" Xander said as he hung up the call.

After Xander took a bath, he walked towards the location of Sakurasou. He thought to visit Shiina today, to see her progress and just to see if she already adapted not being handled by servants. He arrived at the front door where he was greeted by a waving Misaki. "Xander-kun! Why haven't you visited for so long! My body can't handle it~!" Misaki said some words that can be misunderstood as the neighbours stared at him with bewildered eyes.

Xander sighed feeling dejavu by this scene, "I came here to visit Shiina, is she here?" Xander asked Misaki while making his way inside. "I'll call her, wait a second~!" Misaki said as she started dashing towards the second floor. She opened the door in Shiina's room where a ravaged room can be seen. She entered while pushing the clothes off and the saw Shiina curling while sleeping. "Mashiron! Wake up!" She shook her, Shiina started woking up as she stared at Misaki "..What?" She asked thinking that it was rare that Misaki woke her up when she doesn't have any class today.

Misaki saw that Shiina is starting to fall asleep again so she brought his ultimate card. "Xander is here!" Shiina's sleepy eyes immediately woke up as she quickly stood up and ran downstairs. Misaki could only smile seeing her so excited to meet Xander. When Shiina arrived at the living room, she saw Xander sitting on a chair while reading a manuscript. "..Xander" she called him as Xander turned his head and smiled at her direction. "Goodmorning Shiina" Xander said while smiling at her. "Hm" Shiina nodded her head with a same smile on her face.
