
Instant Death [DxD]

Xander Ranvil, the incarnation of death has arrived at the world of DxD. (Note) : First time writing so don't expect anything, if you don't like it then just leave. there would be strong beings arriving at DxD to level the grounds. (Not reincarnators or transmigrators)

Asthoglho · アニメ·コミックス
120 Chs

Chapter 114


The two ended their conversation as Shibushi entered the freezer. Naze shook her head before doing the same, the moment she stepped on the freezer, some scars in her body suddenly opened making her drop on the floor. "Gah.!" She grunted in pain. "Don't be carefree like that, Naze-senpai. The moment you entered this room is the moment the battle starts!" Shibushi sneered.

Naze stopped for a moment before standing up. "Too bad you already lost your panties. For a woman of your attitude, I didn't expect that you would be wearing such cute underwear" Naze smirked at Shibushi who was stunned, she checked her underwear before an knee hit her on the face. Shibushi stepped back in pain, "Oops, my mistake. This is my underwear" Naze said while raising the underwear. "Bring that kind of surprise attack to the honest one like Hitoyoshi or Medaka. I'm Naze Youka, the most frivolous student in Hakoniwa Academy" Naze continued while smiling. ".. I can't forgive you for daring to fool me. This is the first time I've hated a person this much. I'll rip and rip until your skin is off!" Shibushi was mad.

Shibushi used her favored weapon, that is razors to try and cut Naze only to be surprised when a instead of getting cut, her razor didn't even do anything to Naze. 'My razors can't pierce her clothes...? She did nothing but blocked it..!' Shibushi thought only to get the answer when Naze began explaining. "You should stop using your razors, this bodysuit of mine is made to be able to handle blades" Naze said while showing the bodysuit towards Shibushi who raised an eyebrow. "By the way lady, do you hate getting shots?" Naze asked as Shibushi's body was riddled with injections that could make any abilities null.

Medaka looked at Kumagawa as she narrowed her eyes. "...Hey Kumagawa, don't forget about your promise. If 1st year Shibushi lose to Kuji-nee, you will immediately withdraw from this school" Medaka said as Xander just watched in amusement. 『....Now is not the time to think about that matter right?! You guys don't think of anything when you watch this kind of bloody battle?!』Kumagawa suddenly exclaimed gaining some gaze of annoyance from the viewers, "Right! This is not performing an Election but killing each other! Don't just stand there and watch it like that!!" Xander also supported him making their lips twitch. 『You tell them Xander! Fine!! It's okay even if we lose! So hurry up and stop them!』Kumagawa continued.

"Well, nobody would believe this kind of talk even if we cry now" Xander finished it like that as vein threatened to pop on Medaka's forehead. "Xander.. Kumagawa.. you bastards.." Medaka raised her fist before Maguro stopped her. "Medaka-chan, please don't be lead by their actions. Xander is probably just having fun but Kumagawa might be riling you up for a reason" Maguro advice Medaka who gradually calmed down. "Eh, that was it? How boring" Xander commented as Medaka transformed into Mars Mode and threw a fist at Xander's face. Xander didn't dodge as he just smiled, when Medaka's fist was centimeters away from his face, it was suddenly caught surprising her. She looked to the side and saw Mashiro pouting.

"Medaka.. please don't do harm to him. And Xander, stop playing around" Mashiro warned Medaka while reprimanding Xander who just looked away while whistling. 『Heh, you are quite weak Xander, even weaker than this loser me』Kumagawa sneered loudly at Xander who raised an eyebrow. "Oho, is that perhaps an challenge, Kumagawa-san? Then it can't be helped right, Mashiro? I need to teach Kumagawa-san an lesson so thorough that it would enter his minus brain" Xander said while cracking his fist. Kumagawa didn't back down as he narrowed his eyes at Xander. The atmosphere between the two rob the attention of everyone as they watched in interest. "Those two.. having an internal conflict?" Kagamaru shook his head in disapproval.

Kumagawa released his screws as it flew towards Xander who just catched them. Xander grinned before stomping on the floor cracking things around, "Stop! You two! Any more of this would violate your side and we will force you to lose!" Choujabaru immediately stopped the two who tilted their heads. "But we are just playing though? Are we not allowed to play by ourselves?" Xander asked while Kumagawa nodded his head. "Y-You're playing..?" Even Choujabaru's righteous mind couldn't comprehend where is the playing in that part. "Even so, please don't do something that would damage the area of the battle" Choujabaru warned them making them sigh. "Okay.." Xander said while shaking his head.

Back to the fight, Shibushi sneered at Naze for still not being able to discover her minus while Naze just contemplated about it. "You're scared right? That's why you are keeping your distance away from me. You are scared of the unknown that is my minus that even you couldn't comprehend" Shibushi said smiling at Naze who had a grim look on her face. "No.. I am not scared of your ability as for I already sealed it using those injections that I gave you" Naze smiled confidently thinking that she already won. "Let's see, how should I take your clothes.. I'll do it the funny wa-" Naze smiled before she began walking towards Shibushi only to stop when many wounds appeared on her body again.

"You don't understand at all Naze-senpai. Don't talk about minus like you would do to abnormal... My minus won't be sealed even if you kill me" Shibushi said while showing her tongue to Naze who just widened her eyes. Shibushi loved the expression on Naze's face as she smiled, that smile turned weird when she saw Naze smirking at her. "Do you think you are the only one who has an minus?" Naze said before all of her body was clad in ice. Naze raised her hand before making an ice bat which she used to bust the hell out of Shibushi. "Guh..!" Shibushi grunted as she looked at Naze in disbelief. Shibushi tried to use her ability again only to be surprise when it doesn't work.

Seeing that, Naze shook her head. "I already know about your ability, opening past wounds right? Quite terrifying indeed, but it would deemed useless when my body is frozen, wounds won't appear in a frozen things after all" Naze explained to Shibushi who just shook her head. "It seems like you really did studied my ability, but did you know that studying thing would not make you stronger than me" Shibushi said before grinning maniacally. Naze was alerted by that as she raised her guards to the upper limit. Not even a second past as Naze kneeled to the ground while clenching her head, "Ahhhhh!!!!" She screamed loudly making everyone on her team worry about her. "Naze-chan!" Koga shouted, worry about her best friend.

"W-What happened!?" Medaka asked in surprise, her sister was just gaining the upper hand and now it became like this. "Do you know that Kujira is the most unfortunate ones among you? She can be consider an minus for the things she experienced in the past. That is why she chose to erase those memories away" Xander suddenly began talking as they listened carefully. "What is the connection of that thing to what happening to Kuji-nee Xander?" Medaka asked with serious look on her eyes. "What do you think would happen if all of those memories suddenly returned in one instance? All those pain, grief, exhaustion, despair.. don't you think that a person would simply broke?" Xander finished his explaination as everyone besides the minuses gasped.

"Do you mean Naze-chan is currently being bombarded by her past experiences?! Isn't this bad?!" Koga was very worried about her best friend in this time. There is nothing she can do but pray that she would eventually surpass this wall without any problems. Shibushi smirked ar Naze before kicking her face. "How is it? Do you love the things you experienced in the past? Savor it carefully... Oh do know that this is not the full strength of my ability yet" Shibushi smiled at Naze who just ignored her as the memories of the past began entering her head. "Ahhh!!!" She shouted again as the misfortunate moments began surfing up. The things that she purposely erased so that she can live a better life was returned again.

It took her a few seconds before she could gain her composure as he began panting. "Haah, haah, I gotta admit.. you really got me there" Naze said while trying to catch her breath as Shibushi just raised an eyebrow. "Quite an commendable fortress of mind you have but its useless, what I revealed is just half of my real capability, I will now bring the game above" Shibushi grinned as she got closer to Naze only for her feet to freeze. "..minus are really arrogant, you already know that I have a minus of my own right?" Naze said sneering at Shibushi who tried to release herself from being stuck.

Shibushi used her ability to open the past mental scars to Naze who just stumbled for a bit before regaining her balance. "What!? That's impossible!" Shibushi commented upon seeing what just happened. Naze just smirked at her, "I already adapted to it. And among my past memories, there are some that I don't really want to forget but was also erased. I need to thank you for making me remember it" Naze said before thinking about something. "Right, I haven't mentioned what my ability is.. its basically controlling temperature.. you know what that means right?" Naze smirked as fire emerged from her hands, she used the law of thermodynamics to ignite flame on her hands. Shibushi widened her eyes before she heard some words from the spectators.

"Shibushi-chan, you should try to level the grounds you know? At this rate you will only lose pathetically" Xander informed Shibushi who raised an eyebrow, "Can I do it, Kumagawa-san?" She asked Kumagawa 『Hm? Ah yeah, you can do it whatever』Kumagawa shrugged her question as he answered absentmindedly. Shibushi grinned at that words before the whole canteen freezer began cracking alarming Naze who raised her guard. "Since you want to play destruction with me then be my guest and taste some of my abilities!" She shouted as Naze witnessed the freezer slowly breaking as she tried to held it using her ice. "No use! I know that as a minus I couldn't win! So I'll just bring you with me!" Shibushi said.

Slowly the freezer began breaking down, as even Naze's ice couldn't hold it anymore. "You bitc-" before Naze could continue the whole canteen turned into ruin. To explain what just happened, buildings are usually damage so people tend to just patch the damage, Shibushi just thought of those damages as scars that's why she can break the whole freezer. Of course Shibushi was also affected by the destruction as she was pinned by a rubble. She was about to stand up when her body suddenly exploded, the last thing she saw was a blood Naze standing up with fire on her hands. Hence the second battle ended with Naze's win as her fire burned all of Shibushi's clothes.





Xander POV*

Well, there is finally a change in canon.. well I couldn't really say that as I already changed a lot of things. "Well, another lose. What should we do now?" Kagamaru asked while looking at the other minuses. "The answer is simple right? We will honor our promise and leave this school" I said smiling at them. 『Yeah! This might be a first time experience for us, honoring our promises, but its fun anyway』Kumagawa also said shaking his head. "Wait! Xander can stay in this school" Medaka said while pointing at me. "Hey, hey, Medaka-chan.. aren't you being an hypocrite right now? You said that your goal is to make everyone around you happy right. Are the minuses excluded at that? Is your compassion limited only to those you like?" I said a lot of words that alarmed Medaka.

"Wait! Medaka-chan! Don't listen to Xander. He is trying to rile you right now!" Maguro said warning Medaka. "That's right, Medaka-chan. Xander is messing with your brain right now!" Zenkichi also shouted to Medaka who just closed her eyes. "No, nii-sama, Zenkichi. I understand his point, that's why.. Kumagawa! We will continue the Election Battle! Don't you dare to run away from me! I will conform you into a better existence by myself!" Medaka shouted at Kumagawa who just tilted his head while smiling. "Mashiro! Please convice your boyfriend to stop using Medaka-chan! This is turning bad!" Zenkichi tried to ask Mashiro who just shook her head. ".. You don't understand Xander, Zenkichi. He won't do something that would be a loss for him" Mashiro said shaking her head.

『Are you sure, Medaka-chan? Making this decision without considering other's is really selfish. You're not fit to be the president Medaka-chan』Kumagawa said smiling at her. "No, I'm determined by my decision. This time, I won't let you get away like you did last time Kumagawa!" Medaka glared at Kumagawa who just smirked. "And Xander! Stop playing already. Why are even doing this? For entertainment is not enough for a reason to get into me" Medaka asked while looking at me, "Why is it not? I just said it already right? I just entered this game for fun, the world has become boring since the others are not there, I can just clenched my thirst of entertainment towards you guys so.. looking forward for your performance!" I said at them who narrowed their eyes at me.

"Then don't blame me for pummeling you in the next match. You're going to enter right?" Medaka asked as I just gave her an innocent smile. "Stop that smile of yours, anyway, if you think that I just stayed quiet in those years that you are away then you're wrong! I trained hard until I reached the strength that I deemed enough to beat you to pulp Xander!" Medaka raised her fist in the air while saying that. I gave her a sarcastic clap, "You are too young to dream of beating me Kurokami. I already destroyed many people of your class, I can even kill the woman that Kumagawa hold close to his heart" I mentioned that woman gaining an geniune reaction from Kumagawa. "Xander! Is that true!?" He asked erasing his box like monologue.

"What? Are you hoping for me to kill her, senpai? Then I'm sorry, her personality is quite entertaining for me so killing her is a big no" I said shaking my head. "Hey, Xander. Stop playing already, you're getting too far" I stiffened when I heard Mashiro's voice as I turned to her. "Aiya.. Mashiro.. I am quite hungry, let's eat?" Shit, that was too random to mention, I pretend to not see the weird gazes from the audience as got closer to Mashiro. "Hm. After eating, let's paint together" Mashiro said smiling lightly as I grinned at that. "Let's have a duel again, who will have the most beautiful work" I said making Mashiro raise an eyebrow at my words. "No.. let's change the theme. You will just paint me anyway" Ugh, that dealt a lot of damage to me.

"Xander! Get ready for our battle!" I heard Medaka shouting but I just ignored it as my attention was still drawn towards Mashiro's gentle smile. "What do you want to eat, Mashiro? And please don't answer baumkuch-", "Baumkuchen" Ah.. that's stupid, of course that would be her answer. I still didn't know the reason why Mashiro is obsessed with baumkuchen that she even asked me to add it to other dishes. Well, it was weird but I somehow made some dish still edible after adding it, I felt like I came back from the time where I washed the rice with dishwashing powder. It was too stupid that my head aches just by thinking about it. We left the place as we drove towards our home in this world.

The design of the house was the same as the one in Tensura world, in other words, a japanese mansion. Many people were quite weirded out because only 2 people live inside a huge mansion, they even wondered how we cleaned the mansion when we started living here as a child. "Mashiro, why don't you share what you experienced during the 2 weeks that we haven't seen each other" I said trying to start a conversation which she understood. She began her story that I listened while doing my work at the kitchen. Mashiro already kind of understood what emotions are during our stay in this world.

She can now comprehend them and act like a normal girl. Though there are times that she still doesn't understand a thing and just revert to her past persona. "By the way, Mashiro. What can you say about those minuses?" I asked her as her ears perked. "They're.. fun" Mashiro with a small smile on her face, "Fun? That's kind of weird coming from a normal girl. Though I can't really call you normal now can I?" I said shaking my head while smiling gently. "Xander.. stop treating me like a child, I am already an grown up woman. We already did that after all" Mashiro pouted as she can sense how I was treating her. I couldn't help but smile at her action as I patted her head, "Yes, yes. Your words are absolute madame" I shrugged it off with a nonchalant acceptance. "Muu.. I'll ignore you" Mashiro said turning her head away. Now this is really cute.
