
Ch 910 - Mr. Navel and Mr. Bingus

Back at Alex's house, things looked grave. Riley's image was still imposed on the giant screen in the laboratory. He repeatedly ordered Louis and Christopher to call Alex.

However, Alex never answered. All of the calls went to voicemail.

Riley chuckled. His image slightly glitched on the screen. "Keep calling, and if you can't get a hold of him. I'll have a special surprise to send you –"

The screen went black. All of the power in the house shut off. Eventually, the system rebooted. Riley was gone. The screen from which his face had leered at Christopher and Louis was now a blank nothingness.

SCOT returned. "My apologies, gentlemen. It seemed Riley had hacked the system through Alex's radio. However, I was able to reboot the system and restructure our security codes. He should have no chance of hacking the system again."

The two men were still shaking from the sudden cyber attack.

"Where's the radio?" Louis asked.

"In Mr. Ambrose's bedroom, sir," SCOT replied.

Without hesitation, Louis raced to Alex's bedroom and smashed the radio into a thousand pieces.

When Louis walked down the stairs, he found Christopher pacing back and forth in the charred, poor excuse of a living room, unsure of what to do next.

Super soldiers were on the loose, Riley had taken Debbie as ransom, and Alex wasn't picking up his phone.

Louis spoke up. "If he has Debbie, he definitely has Yvonne, too."

"I know," Christopher said as he scratched his head. He was inching closer to losing his mind with each passing minute. "Do we have any clue as to where Alex could be? I wish he would have told us who this so-called friend was before he left. But no! He always has to be so secretive."

Louis, who had maintained his composure, shrugged with indifference. "He probably didn't tell us because he wanted to protect us or whatever. I just wish he answered his phone."

Christopher threw his hands into the air. "Exactly! Why take a phone if you aren't going to answer any calls? Speaking of which, we should call him again!"

An annoyed look crossed Louis's face. "Riley had you call him twenty-four times. What's the twenty-fifth call going to do? He's obviously not looking at his phone."

Christopher felt helpless. The expression on his face shifted from a wince to a frown. "Then what do we do?"

Louis thought for a second. "We do what Alex would do. We make a plan."

The idea eased Christopher's mind a little bit. "What kind of plan?"

Louis flashed him an impatient stare. "How the hell would I know? I guess a plan to save the women."

Anxiously Christopher rubbed his hands together. "Okay, we create an elaborate plan to save Yvonne and Debbie. Got it." He paused as if he were waiting for an idea to strike him. Nothing did. "Got any ideas, Louis?"

He shook his head.

Christopher let out a languid sigh. "Gee, thanks. That was a big help."

"Hey, I came up with the plan to make the plan," Louis said. "That's enough idea generating for the day."

Christopher continued to pace around the room. "Okay, well, we know Yvonne and Debbie went to the pharmacy on Learner Avenue. Maybe, we take one of Alex's Maseratis and drive it straight to Learner. Then, we crash it through the storefront. Boom! The day is saved!"

"If we crash into the building, everyone will know we're there, and then Riley's men will flock to us. That's a horrible idea," Louis said.

Christopher nodded in defeat. He tapped the side of his temple, as if the tapping was going to help him think better. "I got it! We dress up as Debbie and Yvonne, and we walk in. Then everyone will be like, 'What the heck? We captured them already!' We utilize the element of surprise. What do you think?"

Louis didn't even bother to look up. "That's a horrible idea, Christopher."

"Ugh, you're right," he said, but then, he had a stroke of genius. "Wait a second. When I first started working at Baltimore General, I would have to visit Naysmith Pharmaceutical facilities all of the time. They had a very high-tech system, with facial recognition and everything, but there was a way to get into the restricted areas without knowing the codes."

Christopher reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet. After searching through it, he pulled out an old, tarnished key card. "You were able to use one of these. What if we used this to get in?"

Louis took the key card out of Christopher's hand. He closely examined it. "Chris, there's no way this will work."

"Why not?" He asked earnestly.

Louis held the key card up next to Christopher's face. An image of Christopher was stamped on the key card. He was much younger in the picture. He even had a mullet. Louis chuckled. "There's no way this thing still works. It's older than dirt. Even if it did, no one is going to believe this is you."

Christopher snatched the card out of Louis's hand. He peered down at the picture. "Maybe you're right, but what if we made new cards? Like replicas?"

Louis still wasn't buying it. "How would we replicate a high-tech security system when we couldn't even crack open a hard drive? This is useless without Alex."

All of a sudden, SCOT, Alex's rather communicative artificial intelligence system, interrupted the conversation. "Excuse me, gentlemen. I think I may be of some service."

Christopher jumped. "I'm never going to get used to that," he whispered. Then, he raised his voice. "What have you got for us, SCOT?"

"Mr. Ambrose has equipped me with an intricate, sophisticated scanner. You can scan the key card in the laboratory, and I could run it through some algorithms and programs to better understand the Naysmith security system. I could create a function that would produce two new cards. One for each of you to use to enter the facility," SCOT said.

Louis narrowed his eyes with skepticism. "We would never be able to make the physical cards in time. It's never going to work."

"Mr. Ambrose recently obtained a state-of-the-art, brand new 3D printer. Through my virtual network, I can access the printer. The cards could be forged in less than ten minutes," SCOT explained.

Christopher gawked up at the ceiling, as if he were looking at the artificial intelligence system. "Wow, that's incredible. SCOT, you're a genius!"

"I am merely a combination of codes and programming created by Mr. Ambrose. He is the real genius. Please proceed to the laboratory once you are ready," SCOT said.

Christopher hit Louis on the arm with his old key card. "Man, we could use a SCOT at the hospital. But this is great! Problem solved."

Louis ripped the key card out of Christopher's hand and started toward the laboratory. "Yeah, even when Alex isn't here, he still finds a way to save the day."

In the laboratory, SCOT had already booted up the scanner system. It was a huge, flat metallic surface with what looked like a thick, blue laser beam that extended all the way to the ceiling.

When they entered, Christopher and Louis marveled at it.

Christopher stuck his hand inside the blue laser beam, and a mechanical noise emanated from the scanner. "Hey, SCOT, how does it work?"

"Please place the card inside of the blue scanning shaft," SCOT replied.

Louis raised the card up. "Scanning shaft? This is so weird."

He held out the card and stuck it inside of the blue beam. When he let go, the key card didn't fall. Instead, it hung, suspended in midair. The beam started to shimmer around the card.

"Scanning in process," SCOT said.

Christopher watched the machine in awe. "This is incredible. Where does Alex get this stuff?"

Louis wouldn't admit it, but he was just as impressed by the scanner. "I think he makes it all himself, but I don't understand any of it. I can't get behind all this new technology mumbo-jumbo."

"Scanning complete." As Scot said the words, the blue beam retracted, and the card fell down on the metal surface.

Christopher picked up the card and shoved it back into his pocket. "Alright, SCOT. How long is it going to take you to analyze it? A couple of hours?"

"I have already analyzed the data," SCOT replied. "I am commencing with the printing process."

The 3D printer, which sat in the back of the lab, revved up. Christopher and Louis watched as the machine skillfully replicated and modernized the key card.

"Printing complete. You may now pick up your new cards," SCOT said.

The two men reached for the cards simultaneously.

Christopher flipped his card around. "This is so cool. Where did you get these pictures of us, SCOT?"

"I utilized an AI software to complete the portraits, sir," SCOT responded.

Christopher gazed at the picture. It looked just like him. "That's scary good. Hey, the card says my name is Jimmy Navel, and I'm a Naysmith Scientist. What about you, Louis?"

Louis's expression dropped. "I'm Frederick Bingus. What kind of name is Bingus? Anyway, I'm also a scientist."

Christopher clutched the card in his hand. "Well, looks like we're heading to the pharmacy. What do you say, Louis, er, Frederick?"

He nodded. "I think we're ready."

Before they left, Christopher had one more question. "Hey, SCOT. Do you know where Alex keeps the keys to his Maserati?"

"Mr. Ambrose stores all of his car keys in a cabinet located in the kitchen," SCOT replied.

Christopher looked over at Louis. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

In no time, a Maserati pulled up in front of Naysmith Pharmacy building on Learner Avenue.

Christopher, who was in the driver's seat, rolled down the tinted window. He and Louis, looking like a couple of badasses, glared at the store. "What do you say I park this baby, and we go kick some Naysmith butt?"

Louis smirked. "I would say butt kicking is the only thing I do well."

Christopher pulled forward and parked the car directly outside of the quaint, old-fashioned storefront. The two got out and entered the pharmacy.

The clerk was still sitting behind the cash register. He was the same clerk who had manned the store when Debbie and Yvonne showed up. He didn't pay any mind to the two men.

Christopher immediately clocked the door with the "Employees Only" sign. He leaned toward Louis. "Okay, let's just walk through there like we're meant to be here. That's what Alex would do. He'd act like he owned the place."

Christopher went first, and Louis followed. They stepped through the door without any trouble. Louis closed the door behind them.

Christopher peered down the staircase, much like Yvonne and Debbie had done when they first arrived. "Well, that was easier than I thought. Maybe Alex was wrong about the cyborgs. It doesn't seem like Riley has much security at all." He tapped Louis's arm. "But, look at this. It's like the staircase goes on forever."

Louis raised his eyebrow. "How far down does this place go? I have a feeling it's going to take us a while before we find Debbie and Yvonne. God, what does Riley have going on here?"

Christopher briefly shook his head. "I don't know, but I'm ready to find out."

"Me too," Louis said. And, with that, the two shuffled down the stairs.

They turned down the first hallway they came across, which just so happened to be the same hallway where Debbie and Yvonne found Dr. Ozzy McManace.

The two men stopped at the first door in the hallway. Christopher pulled out his key card. "Okay, let's see if this works."

He held up the card to the entry scanner, and when he did, a green light above the door flashed. A detached voice broke through the silence. "Enter, Mr. Jimmy Navel."

Christopher opened the door in shock. "Wow, SCOT is good. Do you think we can steal him from Alex?"

"Doubt it," Louis said as the two entered the room.

It was a huge lab filled with bulky, old school computers, as well as shelves full of beakers, funnels, and bottles.

Christopher scanned the room. He called out, trying to whisper and yell at the same time. "Debbie? Yvonne? Are you here?" No answer. "Well, want to try the next room?"

Louis nodded. "But I want to use my key card this time."

Christopher opened the door of the lab and held it open for Louis. "Why? You want to hear the robot voice say, 'Welcome Mr. Navel?'"

Louis punched Christopher in the arm. "No! I just want to see if it works."


While Christopher and Louis worked their way through the facility, Riley stood in front of Debbie and Yvonne, who lay on the ground, motionless. Riley was ready to continue his cruel interrogation.

"So, ladies, SCOT may have booted me out of the system, but I know one thing for sure. Your lover boy is nowhere to be found. You're as good as gone." As he spoke, Riley noticed Budge the cat stalking alongside the wall. He quickly rushed and picked up the feline, stroking his fur. "You're not running away from me this time, Budge. What do you think, Budgy? Hm? Do you think Alex abandoned these poor women? Think he left them for dead?"

Although she was in immense pain, Debbie was able to muster up the strength to defend Alex. "He would never leave us. He isn't like you."

Riley put on a patronizing pout. "He isn't like me? Oh, honey, you're right. Alex isn't anything like me. And that's why he's going to lose."

Todrick Dangles, Riley's attentive assistant, burst through the door, disturbing the monologue. "Excuse me, sir–"

Riley hated to be interrupted. Furiously, he whipped around. "What, Dangles? Can't you see I'm busy?"

The assistant held up a hand. He was out of breath. "I apologize, but we have a breach in security. Our facial recognition scanners have picked up Christopher Mayfield and Louis Dunn. They are in the building, right now, as we speak."

Riley's eyes widened with rage. He threw down the cat, which landed on its feet. "What? That's impossible. How did they get here? How did they know?" But then, a moment of clarity washed over him. He stopped, realizing that he not only had the love of Alex's life in captivity, but he also had every single one of his closest friends. A sinister smile crossed his face. "Actually, this falls perfectly in line with my plan. Bring them to me, Dangles. Let's stick it to Ambrose where it hurts."


Christopher and Louis were frantically searching through another room. Louis grunted. "This is pointless. This place is huge. It'll take all day before we find them."

"I know," Christopher said. "But, we have to keep going. We have no choice."

All of a sudden, a bright red light flashed throughout the room, and an alarm went off.

Christopher and Louis shot up. They instantaneously looked at each other.

Christopher's hands began to tremble. "I don't think that's a good sign"